Because they are garage guns. Nobody says they are expensive. But nobody says they arent crude pieces of shit that was reliable either.
I read the other part and the text still concluded that the Mp40 was generally reliable at the start?
Did you even go to school?
Sure. So Russians actually abandon ALL the cheap Soviet toolings to adopt the 9mm.
So you see, 9mm is something.
Because late war Germany was basically Brandenburg sized and bombed to shit, you subhuman retard.
What the fuck is this? This wasnt the question or the debate.
Are you trying to worm your way out of this?
I warn you, you already look like a retard.
You slimey subhuman piece of shit. You literally just said your own opinion why SMG isnt popular anymore.
Am I talking to a kike? This is going nowhere.
Ok, listen here again, you pathetic subhuman piece of shit:
During the war, Germany was bombed to shit.
This seriously affected the production of guns that were meant to be mass produced with many factories making many different parts.
The mp40 was like plastic tools and furniture. Both required huge, expensive and numerous facilities to produce. Their payoff is the low cost of the end products.
When just one cog in the machine fails to perform, like when you are poor or bombed to the ground, the mass producing gets to a hold. So no more cheap mass produced gun/plastic for you.
Get it now, you low IQ toilet cleaner?
Actually I have been to Vietnam and talked with many old people. Up until the change in the economy in the 80s, Vietnam was old school to the bone and the vast majority of items were made from wood, hay and metal.
Try harder.
And Vietnam after the 90s isnt poor either. How about you go to some villages on the mountains in South East Asia to see if they use plastic or wood, metal and hay? Same for China.
Some nogun basement dwelling polish subhuman is lecturing me about the world. Fucking hilarious.
The 10mm is my favorite, but it isnt actually using a SMALLER bullets, is it? Same for the 500 S&W.
GOD, like talking to some illiterate retard.
Folks, this is what a common slav is like. A retard.
Here I go again:
The 4 most common handgun cartridges that categorize themselves into respective levels:
-.45 acp
-.357 magnum (10mm can be here because it is slightly heavier and bigger but just as fast)
The 10mm isnt a smaller bullet is it? And the .500 is so out of place here it isnt funny. It just shows me that you are a retard.
Im not saying shit, you retard.
Im saying not one of the gimmicks have ever beaten the .22, 9mm, .45 and .357 out of their places for a reason.
It is because they are shit, gimmicks and not worth it.
Already try to red herring already, eh?
Im not talking about some "real wars" that you know so much about, armchair /k/ommando.
Im just saying even the Russians realize that 7.62 tok is a piece of shit and went out of their way to copy a German caliber.
Stay fucking triggered.
So? Chinese shit is popular too.
For whom? Who used it? What is the main handgun cartridge of Russia?
Thats right, not your piece of shit.
Because you are a lying, disingenuous slavic subhuman piece of shit that knows nothing about guns, never shot one.
Worse, you are dishonest for some reason or are just fucking illiterate.
Anyway, to end this autism and let me enjoy my Sunday.
The 7.62 tokarev is such a piece of shit, the Russians went out of the way to produce a weaker copy of an 100 years old German caliber that is adopted by the rest of the world. And then adopt that as their main handgun cartridge for decades. And now, like you said, they are going for the 9mm proper.
Eat shit.