I am 18 and still haven't lost my virginity… It's making me depressed as hell. What can I do Holla Forums?
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You can start by understanding that sex isn't a status symbol.
I really do understand this, but most people don't, and they judge me because of it. They see me as inferior and treat me like a loser.
Cmon Holla Forums help me out, what shall I do? Give me some instructions :(
Be alpha, faggot
Don't care about it, don't care about girls. This vibe will be picked up by them and you will fuck one eventually
sage because you should know this already tbh
alright man, I can try that or just kill myself, I choose your advice and see if it works.
I can only let time decide, but if this is my destiny, I might as well give up on life and burn in hell
Find someone fat & ugly to lose it to. Otherwise you stand no chance.
why dont i stand a chance?
Be confident, masculine, interesting, sensual, funny, and don't sperg out, and you'll be fine. Also you're only 18 don't rush it
Because you're clearly a beat cuck judging by this thread, improve yourself nigga
improve myself how? but… my mom said im perfect the way i am, btw thats me in the picture
oh I see, this is bait
but i have to hurry up because i only find women under 20 attractive so when im 40 im basically fucked for life i dont wanna be 4o years old and virgin
Because you don't drive a ferrari before you drive a clunker. You'd nut in a fucking second in that perfect 10 you weaseled your way into bed with, if you haven't learned how to hold onto a nut with a clunker.
no its not, i just tried to throw in a joke to spark some happiness but it certainly didnt work
I'm guessing you are autistic then
Just interact with people more in general
btw, she never even said that
tell them it's none of their business. choose better friends if need
might be, feelsbadman, i have some very unstable personality issues, sometimes i feel very confident for a couple of hours and talk to everybody, one day later im shy as fuck and just sit in my room all day
i try to find good friends but its very hard, most people probably think im weird
Just force yourself to socialise more and try not to sperg out, that's all I can say tbh
You improve with experience
Oh no, how terrible for you. 18. Wow. A whole 18.
I'm a 24 year old virgin. And at this point, I have transcended sexual desire because feminism has destroyed women, turning them into hags that have been used by every nigger and spic in America. Why give your soul to those that engage in degeneracy?
that's good, then you aren't boring
stop trying to live on other's standards and live your life
people usually tell me im crazy and that they dont understand me, yeah, thats what they tell me
people usually tell me im crazy and that they dont understand me, yeah, thats what they tell me>>7196450
how about you?
how about you?
sorry to hear that, i hope one day you will eventually find a girl that you desire, and no, I wouldnt want that
thats one reason for starters
you will be virgin for at least 10 more years because of this, as said by kek
what? no not 10 more years? what has that to do with anything? and what does namefaging even mean? sorry for being newfag
you shall know thyself before you kill thyself
Is this bait? In case it isn't, this; XxDepressedMan69xxX, is namefagging. Anything other than "anonymous".
poor baby. I'm 25+ virgin. Get over it, nigga
Focus on improving yourself and worry about women later, ok?
what are you talking about man? you are bat shit crazy or something?
i will go to sleep now, so goodnight, please pray 4 me and I will pray 4 your virginity,
Holla Forums will prevail
Post in hell tripfag
wHAT? op here still not asleep because of virginity anxiety
pay a hooker. also 20 and virgin.
18 and virgin isn't that bad yet. Just get to work on taking care of it if it means that much to you.
Because if you don't have the confidence or the looks to get a hot girl, you may as well start with an ugly or fat girl.
Fuck off chad
If confidence and looks were all it took, virgins wouldnt exist
You deserve to be shot
Far from Chad, just not autistic.
Confidence & looks is what got me a hot redheaded virgin back in 2001. Me & her were in love with each other when it happened.
I'm a 24 year old kissless handholdless virgin. Suck it up OP.
I wish I had companionship. I want a gf ;_;
She already decided you were worthy to fuck her when she looked at you. It wasn't really your choice.
Gotta be funny, problem is being funny ain't something you learn. I'm 24 too, but since I lakc charisma and wit and humor there's no way in fuck i'll be able to get a gf, much less a bundle of friends.
About to turn 27.
I can tell you one of the reasons why it's not happening is because you get to a stage in life where women expect you to do the mating dances but since you have no experience whatsoever nothing ever happens and they pick up on this, thus putting you in the friend zone.
It's a catch 22.
Why funny?
My problem is extreme social anxiety. I don't know how to keep a conversation and spaghetti will start falling out if I get too nervous, even though on a technical level I can understand social cues and pretend to not be a sperg.
As a guy who overcame his social anxiety I can tell you it's not enough. I can hold a conversation, and even have interesting stories to tell. Problem is I'm not funny or entertaining, and for normalfags that's a no-no. It leaves a void in communication whether I like it or not. I try to compensate but it doesn't help.
wat do then
I'm so lonely and I see people way more autistic and pathetic than me with girlfriends.
They're probably witty and funny. Honestly you can be a complete sperglord and still get laid if you have that. Charisma is everything to these people. Why do you think people who play D&D and Magic and other actually geeky shit still fuck tons of bitches? It's because they make them laugh.
I've hung around a lot of normalfags and I can tell you that is what separates them from me. It's not your muscles or your money, it's your social ability. You can hone it as a skill like I did but it'll only take you so far. It merely allows you to blend in, but no one will ever refer to you as a cool guy to their friends or really remember you. Some of it is intuitive and instinctual. You either have it or you don't.
Good looks was part of the process. I still had to show confidence & impress her. Because I came off as a idiot, I know for sure I'd lose her.
So then
Do I just be alone for the rest of my life
Nah you can still make friends at least. I'm trying to go that route. I won't have legitimate status but maybe if I mosey in with enough people at once as acquaintances a woman will think I have status and agree to date me.
It probably won't work but it's good to kill time.
Sounds like a pain in the ass
I want to cuddle and shit though. I feel like shit without that intimate companionship.
Honestly dude just stop being a bitch. I rarely ever care that I'm a virgin. It rarely even crosses my mind. Once I jerk off (which isn't often) I'm good. What does bother me is that since I don't have a ton of money I can't have as much fun as I otherwise could as a young man.
I don't care about sex, I want companionship.
Just buy a hug pillow or make a friend then. A real friend will let you hug them. Problem solved.
Why? You do realize that women are essentially animals and not everyone gets to date right?
Because I'm lonely and I like girls
You're being emotional and illogical. That's for women, not men
It's not that hard to impress her. I'll tell you how it happened. We met in a computer lab at a library, started talking. She mentioned that she hated Britney Spears, I showed her a game on newgrounds.com where you can kill Britney. This made her sit on my lap. We ended up getting off the computer, walked out of the lab & we ended up kissing. I happen to be autistic. If someone with autism can do it, so can you.
Depression is an evolutionary development to cause animals to desire and find mates. It's perfectly logical to be lonely.
Uh….I don't think that's how it works for most dudes user. lol if I had girls sitting on my lap in grade school just for showing them Newgrounds vids I'd have been set lol
I find it kinda funny how you think that is at all typical. "I showed her a video and she made out with me!". She obviously had the hots for you to begin with.
If you are autistic then you clearly don't understand social dynamics or body language that she was likely giving you beforehand, otherwise you'd know that yours is a special case.
No its actually just a chemical imbalance or an attention whoring technique to vie for attention of peers.
Fuck you OP really like wtf? Virginity? Where i live =somewhere in the middle east= you won't have sex until marriage. Even if you're a chad, unless you have some money and you will probably insert it into a black syphilis pussy.
This happened back in 2001 when Britney Spears was at her peak in popularity. She hated Britney & all it took was a flash game of me killing Britney to win her over. Though to be fair, me & her were very young(in our teens). So not that hard to impress her since she had a very immature mindset.
lurk more newfag
I lost it at 21. Big fucking deal, stop giving a fuck.
Losing your virginity is disappointing. Relish in the fact that sex is still a mystical magical thing for you.
Many of the times you will have sex, you will think to yourself "Man, I jerk myself off and receive more pleasure than that."
Eventually, sex will become just another ordinary thing, like watching TV or taking out the trash. It's nothing special.
lost my virginity to an 8/10 green eyed blond who was also virgin
we did it bare back and i filled her little virgin cunny with cum.
i can honestly say it was the most satisfying moment of my life.
Stop caring what other people think, your life will be better for it
You're replying to the 8/10 green eyed blonde, faggot.
Drop the name and go back to 4chan faggot
Or you know stop giving a shit about not having sex you degenerate, still go back to 4chan though.
ALSO be fucking glad you aren't burned alive as a child for being a christian or something holy shit.
Go to a gym and stop being retarded.
virgin hell is when you're not a virgin but you feel like one
op here
I already go to the fucking gym and have muscles but it doesnt help
You think too much about it user, when it happens it happens, don't try to push it, just let it happen.
Not watching porn will also help you understand what its really about.
Your actions while watching porn have no effects on what is actually going on, there are no feelings in it, it is giving you the wrong idea.
Your actions while having sex means everything, you touch, the person feels the touch and the other way around, eye contact, its giving you the right idea. (watch neo and trinity's sex scene in the matrix) thats how it can feels.
here is where you succeed:
1: no porn for a month.
2: realize that good looking persons are not your sex slaves but humans, see them as humans, smile at them, without thinking how you could fuck em hehe, think of how beautiful they are and how happy you could make em :)
Think of what you can give, not what you can get :)
get some experience, don't let it bring you down, and if it does, remember what went wrong, get up and try again, exercise.
thanks man i appreciate it a lot
Now shes grown up and married with kids ofher own, my daughter still says she is thankful sh e lost her cherry to the one man who would be kind, caring and gentle with her, and who would always love her - her daddy.
good for you, have fun
whats that?
Click your city and get laid you fucking pussy
Your welcome user :)
Feels good to help others figure out what took so long for myself to figure out.
Feels good to kick start someone else, to lead someone in the direction that I myself had spend time finding.
We should all help each other with what we have already learned, tho you have to make your own experience which is a part of life, we are all different and therefor we need to make our own experience to figure out what works best for us.
thats true :)
Pick up a teen slut at the mall. You still have time.
Huh. I'm a 18 y/o virgin also and I didn't think much about it until now