Why haven't you converted to Eastern Orthodoxy yet, Holla Forums?

Why haven't you converted to Eastern Orthodoxy yet, Holla Forums?

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All Christcucks are race traitors.

You mean the tree you were sacrificing shit too while Christians were literally defining ancient and classical European civilization and building churches and monasteries that could fit a whole village of your mud-huts into them?


Storefront is down again?


kys OP

reminder that ancient Greeks and Romans were pagan

The original heritage of our race was lost forever when the Aryans invaded prehistoric Europe. The only Whites with any sort of connection to their original heritage are the Basque and the people of the Caucasus. If Christ is a mutation of a sand-god then so it Thor.

fuck off kike

They were also faggots

I mean the culture of the first men to develop agriculture and architecture while Semites were still nomads chasing after the goats they fucked. Let's not forget, many of those churches were built over top the sites where equivalent structures of pagan origin had been. Because a few weren't even torn down before being defiled, we know that these were in fact massive wood buildings comparable to any non-megalithic structure of the era.

Don't worry though, I'm sure there are still a few retards out there who believe in the myth of "barbarian Europeans civilized by superior Cuckstian culture." Everyone else has already studied history outside of the Semitic texts and understood how vile and disgusting Cuckstianity truly is. That's why it is a cult which is only growing in the third world while more and more Whites search for better paths.

Wait, is this a new reference to stormfront? I don't think I've seen this one before. In either case, that you would insult the notion of race traitors rather than even defending your treason shows exactly what sort of person you are; one who is going to hang alongside the Semites to whom you are subservient. The sort of person who would perpetuate falsifications of history in order to discourage people from traditionalism in favor of worshiping a Semite.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Aryans and the other Europoids of that era were all successors to the pre-Younger Dryas culture. That culture permeated most of the globe through post-flood colonization and traces of it exist in every culture that exists today. The lesser races have simply gone so long with no oversight that they've reverted to their own level of culture. Cuckstianity represents such a degeneration within the Semites, as does the Abrahamic tradition itself.

I'm to busy tipping muh fedora to be bothered with your shit.

Christ cucks vr Fedora fags…
The best D&C ever.

But I already am.

Because I'm an Anglo and there's a based Anglican church.


you win this round

Born into it, nigger

Not quite true. They accept converted kikes, which is a problem. The Jew is a biological problem, and Christians are typically bluepilled on this (which is why Jews have been able to play them like fiddles for so long by pretending to convert).

Because the Orthodox Church doesn't need a bunch of outsiders mass immigrating into it and dilute it's unique character. I'm content being my own brand of Hermetic Gnostic Aryan weirdo.

That was false anyway. Eastern Orthodox took its entire theology from pagans. It is essentially paganism plus Jesus.

If people ask I'll say I'm Orthodox since I was raised in it but tbh famalam I'm not going to participate in a religion I don't sincerely believe in. I can confirm though that Orthodox churches are highly tied to ethnic identity and quite conservative, and are Orthodox Christianity is probably the most PRACTICAL choice for a religion to attach Nationalist politics to since you're going to have a hard time getting normies to attach themselves to Neo-Paganism.

tbh though I think the best route is for Nationalism to be promoted through primarily secular means. (race-realism, nation-state, preserving heritage)

In the developed world religion is quite simply on the decline. And while I could totally get behind use of Neo-Paganistic symbolism in the movement as it is a part of European heritage, the number of people who will unironically and sincerely BELIEVE in Neo-Paganism are incredibly small (for a good reason)

A contradiction

Implying actual European paganism was structured like Christ cuck church rituals.

Paganism was more than just pretending to be a good boy once a week while dressed up in a fancy suit cross cucks.

It was a literal way of life with one having a total respect for nature and our place in it.

Unlike the Jew cuck cult which claims we're outside of nature as special little pets of Boozus the dead fictional Jew.

"Paganism plus a Semite" is still unacceptable. Just look at the state of the Orthodoxy now where its leaders are drawing on the communistic teachings attributed to Yeshua in order to promote the acceptance of rapefugees and reconciliation with Israel. There is no reason whatsoever to include any part of the Cuckstian tradition in our cultures. It is nothing but a Semitic source of degeneration in the superior cultures of Europeans.

Because it is only harmful to us, anyone who promotes Cuckstianity is a race traitor.


Why is that every time someone says anything along the lines of "Don't worship a Jew, if you really love your race you would follow the original beliefs of your ancestors" they're obviously Jews? I know if I was a Jew, I'd want people believing in a religion that teaches pacifism and not resisting evil.

The picture I posted comes straight from an article about the head Patriarch's virtue signalling vacation with other Abrahamic leaders in Greece. They released various statements to the effect that not letting shitskins into your country is a sin, goy. The Orthodoxy is not opposed to any of the treasonous actions of the other cults, its most prominent leader is a participant in them.

A simple google search will show you the anti-White propaganda produced by EVERY sect of Cuckstianity.

Yes, and they converted, at which point they stopped being twink fucking faggots. The rest of Christian Europe conquered more of the world than ancient Greece and Rome combined.

That's sad to read, bro. Hope you get over your cynicism and take more joy in Orthodoxy.

All for the benefit of Jews.

Cuckstianity turned the world over to Jews.

That was the whole point of the Jews creating the Christ cult.

Well that and it also keeps whites weepy and tearful eyed over their Jewish savior Jesus so that even if whites woke up as a collective to Jew's trying to kill us all whites collectively won't have the will to kill all the Jews right back because that would be like "killing god" or rather the race that birthed god ie the Jew Jesus.

So we can see Christ insanity has psychologically crippled and cuck'd our race in a plethora of disasterous and deadly ways.

It is the Jews ultimate WMD fired against us.

A kind of spiritual HIV/AIDS virus for the white race.

That isn't the "head patriarch." It is the ecumenical patriarch, whose entire purpose is interfaith dialogue. He is basically a diplomat to other faiths.

I converted to Germanic paganism and wear a Gungnir wherever I go. Christianity has become weak, Orthodoxy is no exception.

Christians were the ones who kicked the jews out in the first place, every time it happened. Try again, shill.

Who let them in in the first place? Who let them back in?

It's also clear that you should carry your ass out of this thread, if you don't know dick about Orthodoxy, as you clearly don't. You're talking about catholicism and protestantism, and don't pretend otherwise.

Whites need a new ethnocentric religion that puts their fate into their own hands. None of this "wait on the savior figure while to world falls apart around you" bullshit.

Politicians who needed shekels. Go back to school.

Pre-Christian Europe controlled Egypt, China, India, the Middle-East, and the Americas. Cuckstiandom enslaved Europe to work for the benefit of Semites, culminating in massive wars to establish financial and political systems of control while eradicating nationalism. Cuckstians were the original converts to Zionism as well.

So why didn't the other patriarchs remove him for using his office to promote White Genocide? Why didn't all Orthodox cultists abandon the church when its leaders refused to cut ties with Israel and Judaism?
Christcucks are all race traitors.

Cuckstian nobles were the ones who allowed them in. Post your little list of expulsions and let's go over how many places they were "expelled" from multiple times, meaning they had been allowed back in multiple times. Perhaps you could instead find a single Cuckstian country from which Jews are currently banned.

Of which faith?

And it was Christians who let them back in every last time leading right on up to the present to kill, rape and rob our white civilizations/communities all over again.

Good going cross cucks.

BTW, go fuck yourself ADL Jew faggot.

Mercantilism, like all "elites".

Maybe in your shithole, sure. In my Orthodox country, that isn't happening. Enjoy your jewing.

You dumb fucks don't get it and never will (referring to you Christ morons exclusively).

There is no "good" version of your cult.

NOT retarded Christian Identity ie "We're the true Jews!" nonsense.

Or Christian "orthodoxy".

Its ALL OF IT kike poison intended to destroy the white race.

Now fuck off with your bullshit kike.

Kikes stayed in their shithole before Romans fucked Judea, then Christianity took over and with it kikes moved upwards. I really hope someday I can find links showing Christianity being Judea's vegence against the Roman Empire to bring it to its fall from the inside because they could never manage to tackle it head-on. In modern times you can also see parallels of that with the US, Europe and Islam.

You mean Cuckstianity, like all the "elites" of Europe after race traitors murdered the pagan priests and nobles. It's almost like replacing the traditional leaders with adherents of a foreign cult ended in the subversion of the political system.

You evade answering truthfully like you evade the oven. The answer, as others have pointed out is CHRISTIANS. Christians let them in time and time again.

No white country is escaping the Jew Christ cucking you faggot and you're delusional ontop of things if you think otherwise.

They're not banned anywhere, because (((someone))) decided to BTFO the nazis then play policeman to the whole world and piss all over national sovereignty to this day.

You wish, Moishe.

Semites in Mesopotamia developed agriculture first you idiot. Those indigenous Semites are Christians today. You are literally we wuz tier.

8 ‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men’.”

Yeah, I'm sure the religion that inspired all the Passion Plays and the main factor behind European antisemitism and jew purgings was all just a jewish plot to make your wife fuck niggers 2000 years later. Christians throughout history have pointed out and criticized Jews more than anyone else.

Crops still in use today were developed at that time when survivors of the pre-Younger Dryas culture in Europe migrated to other places, colonizing local cultures and bringing with them knowledge of agriculture. Sorry, but the physical evidence contradicts your Semitic tradition. It's just another lie spun by kikes and traitors. Another cry of "Any culture but your own culture, goy!"

Next you're going to say that our evolutionary line came out of Africa.

Cuckstianity has always benefited the Semite more than the European. If not for Christcucks, there would be no Semites in Europe today.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Wheat oats and barley literally came from Mesopotamia you stupid nigger. Again, you're fucking we wuz tier, Mesopotamia was never conquered by Indo-Europeans. If it was as you say that Indo-Europeans colonized places and brought agriculture then semites would have been starving. fucking idiot. kys.

You stupid faggot, you yourself even said rightly that it was the Romans that dispersed the Jews everywhere. Those Romans were pagans. Romans even allowed Jews to be citizens, Paul himself was a Roman citizen. Seriously what the fuck are you even on about.

They weren't starving because they were insignificant foragers with half-tamed goats.

It's really pointless to post your kike approved historical revisionism here, most posters have read about these topics extensively. Or do you want to support some more bullshit blindly? Just say that humans originated in Africa, show everyone just how full Semitic shit you are.

How were the Romans responsible for the actions of Cuckstian nobles centuries after the collapse of Rome, which was itself a Cuckstian power in its last stages?
You are literally just trotting out every lie the Semites and Cuckstians have ever told. Is this your first day on the job?


You're still stuck in the time frame of Semitic history. European history began tens of thousands of years before those advancements, and it was contact with Europeans migrating after the Younger Dryas which caused various groups to seemingly develop agriculture on their own at the same time (the so-called neolithic revolution).

Honestly, you aren't going to have any effect as a shill if you're so helplessly ignorant of history. Like most christcucks, your true nature is apparent immediately simply because of the falsehoods you repeat as if they were fact.

It literally didn't, considering they didn't even have a system of writing and couldn't record history. It's amazing that these supposed genius people that discovered all these things tens of thousands of years before everyone else had no system of writing of their own and that there are no preserved writings of theirs.

I wouldn't expect any of the writings of this era to survive tens of thousands of years into the future through several extinction events. Then of course there is the consideration of the importance of oral tradition rather than written record in the true culture of Europe. Fortunately it doesn't matter, we have the archaeological evidence despite that all of that.

redskins believed this and their languages and history don't exist anymore, it's completely retarded. civilization without writing is nothing. If your migration theory were true then they would be able to take a system of writing with them, it's not like your carrying the idea on your back. But they didn't, there's no evidence at all for it.

I've tried but I just can't stomach kneeling before a jew. I'm sorry, I just can't. It's disgusting.

this is true, thank your for showing everyone the lies this christ cuck speaks just like ways of his jewish zombie master

Where do you think the civilizations of antiquity got their writing systems from? All of the history you know is just a continuation of the history of an earlier era.

The mark of the ignorant christcuck. Try shilling again when you've become more well read.

Because I don't need a faggy religion to live a traditional and virtuous life. I respect my ancestors and their sacrifices, and will continue to study Hermetic and eclectic Pagan wisdoms for spiritual growth. I don't need to attend any social gatherings that focus mainly on spectacle rather than content to tell me what to believe and that I'll suffer if I don't. It's still a kike religion and therefore responsible for the death of many of our people and the destruction of their ancient knowledge, it will only evolve into globalism just as the old versions of it did.

OP I've been involved with the AFA the Asatru Folkish Assembly and been to many festivals and events. They are an openly pro White organization and an ONLY White organizatino unlike the globalist and open to all races Orthodox church and the Gothis and the leader of the AFA, Matt Flavel, quote Hitler during services and are up to speed on the jews, and cultural marxism and everything else.
There is no new age faggotry in the AFA all their leadership is based as fuck.

christ cuck you need to know about what you speak before you open your lying, jew mouth

Paganism leads to satanism and jewry, Christianity leads to emulating Christ and self-actualizing.
choose wisely

Kill yourself b7047b.

I'm aware that the Catholic Church has been subverted, but I was born into Catholicism and I'm not sure I'm prepared to buy into Eastern Orthodoxy. Renouncing Catholicism seems a little bit like renouncing part of my heritage, as well.

What do, Holla Forums?

Because the beginning of the end still leads to the end and Christianity is purely Jewish outside of the human Nordic pagan parts.

For anyone interested here is the link to the AFA's website asatrufolkassembly.org/about-the-afa/declaration-of-purpose/


Have fun reading entrails!

2nd dat!


No thanks, OP, I'll stick with the religion of my ancestors. :^)


The civilizations of antiquity derived their writings from Egyptian hieroglyphs.
What are you going to do next, go full on WE WUZ and tell me that the Egyptians were whites from Europe? And there is no evidence that these people you speak of had a writing system, you even admitted yourself that you have no physical evidence, and there is no evidence that they brought a writing system with them to where they migrated. They supposedly brought all the knowledge of agriculture but they were unable to bring their writing system?

Christcuck logic

The ruling castes were European, as confirmed by the presence of European mummies as well as mythological record of Europeans being the founders of Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians themselves were not White of course.

Please continue putting the ignorance of christcucks on full display.

Christianity will not survive the next century. It's a religion based on peace, jesus was essentially a hippie, and many hippie style people will breed from that.
The only reason Christianity became so popular was because it was sort of hijacked by European values at the time.
The whole idea that "everyone can be saved" and "turn the other cheek" will get you killed in the chaos to come.
We need a new god, a god fit for the 21st century man. Born of Chaos and fit for the stars.

Monotheism is cancer.

We need the return of all the Old Gods.

how about we stop externalizing salvation and create a world worthy of worship instead of worshipping an implied creator?

He's not going to be a hippie next time
Revelation 1:14
Reminder that Messiah means war priest

…means "War Priest" in Semitespeak.

GTFO you Semite-worshiper.

Paganism got you to a certain point but Christianity made Europe great.
Vikings were pretty fucking tight as well, I can't talk shit on the Vikings tbh.


Go see how far your Kike-worship got Christian Africa and South America.

The secret to Europe's success has always been Her Blood and Soil, never the Semite's toilet paper "holy texts"

Come on, lad those races are inferior. What do you think gave us the morality system the elevated us to these heights?


Considering the fact that the Stoics had all these moral systems you speak of, why did we ever need Christian dogma?

O, that's right. We didn't.

And you have a theological obligation to ignore racial distinctions, Abrahamist. Your own YHWH sees no such thing as race during judgement, passing which is the whole purpose of Christianity.

Who are you to see racial differences when your own G-d does not?
By being racist, you act against the will of your G-d.

So what you're telling me is that you are no better than the fucking muslims , who without their religious doctrine can't function at all? Great. You are no better then the sand goblins you so despise. A weak willed beast devoid of any kind of critical thought. Once you can take responsibility for your own actions and find your own moral compass then you can come back here. Now go flagellate yourself for your original sin.

To follow an abrahamic dictatorial religion is like forfeiting all that your ancestors have build. Why do you think xianist sects are so different from what they used to be? The bible is no longer being followed. It was never made for whites.

Do you really want to go to your 5 star sky hotel and spend the rest of eternity with Muslims and Jews?

I reject religion as a false alternative to Race.

- It's corrupt as fuck
- They are a money laundering / tax evading scheme just like any other mass religion
- They lack aesthetics (their motives are ugly and non-inspiring)
- They promote slave morality

The only good things are awesome chants and based monasteries, but apart from that it's pretty much shit.

And all of this goes without mentioning that they worship a kike on a stick.

You're getting your mythologies mixed up there Moishe.

Satan is part of your faggot Christ cult's foundational myth.

The character has nothing to do whatsoever with European paganism.

Though there has been suggestive articles written that the name "Satan" is supposedly a stand in for "Wotan" (Odin) with Jews cleverly having inserted the white race's true god as the main adversary of their nu-god (like nu-male) fellow Jew faggot Jesus Christ whom you fucking morons now self destructively worship because you don't know your true history (or anything else) since Jews cuck'd our race so very long ago with their Jesus cult.

Defeated and nailed to two sticks to die an excruciating death while Jews and shabbos goyim laugh?

No thanks kike.

I have. I'll walk tall with an Odin/European pagan mythos over your self destructive kike cult any day of the fuckin week.

Sharing "heritage" with a billion brown people

You must be so proud

He's gonna share the rest of eternity with them when he goes to haven.

Because I don't want to worship a kike.

No, Ivan. You're the rind, not the fruit of God.

Do you even know where the word "kike" comes from or are you too blissful in your ignorance to be bothered to figure it out, "Anonymous"?


Have you any idea what our history looks like at all?

Let me give you the orthodox mindset:

Fuck off Schlomo.

Why would they need writing? They could memorize entire epics and doctrines of their faith with ease and remember everything they needed to know. Development of writing is a sign of cultural degeneration.

As well as a sign of mental degeneration.