Optimism Thread


Post bright things about the future:

The struggle only continues comrades

Does Bernie really even count? He's just another socdem. Plus the majority of his supporters are idpolers.

That's not how you spell "Holla Forums".

And the good thing about the Sanders campaign was never that he might become president, it was that he was pushing the Overton Window leftward. And he's already done that, mission accomplished. He doesn't need to be the Democratic nominee, though it would have been interesting to see him campaign against Trump.

He's better than the neoliberals

post more qt bernie supporters ;-;




oh boy


He could at least instate a new progressive Administration without corporate shills. Just look at his platform committee picks.

spooked af russophiles kys



We should start planning something big.

Nobody on Holla Forums thinks bernie will legitimately bring about socialism, or even social democracy (not socialism, i know), through reforms. Even if he did become president, 80% of his goals would remain unacomplished. But perhaps the biggest issue that the left faced, and still faces, is socialism being a dirty word. If you can't talk to people about socialism without them freaking out and calling you evil at worst, confused, stupid, and idealistic at best, we won't get anywhere. Bernie made the biggest dent in that type of guarded thinking that we've seen in decades.
It may just be the chink in the armour we need to penetrate all the way through.

I prefer small and intimate


I am planning in the long run to found a socialist action group. Once I have some money and supporters (like in 5-10 years) I plan on giving socialism in the UK a bit of muscle.

What does a UK socialist think of brexit?

EU is shit, but isolation is shittier. Would the best option be to strongarm the EU for a better deal?

Really, this constant shitposting about Bernie as though he would ever be able to bring any kind of changes to the US is just a bunch of newfag e-leftists who are desperately clinging to any pathetic remnants of the "Left" (I guess now SocDems are the "Left") because their leftist ideas make them feel good and give them hope.

Really, it doesn't matter how hopeless the struggle against capital and the State is. That's no excuse to just give up. There's nothing else worth doing in this life than fighting against how fucking awful everything is.


That's a good thing somehow?
I guess it makes the enemy clearer but it only demonstrates how much the people living today lack values.


I know you can't call many of these people 'true socialists' but the left is becoming more and more radicalized
People are starting to wake up

Daily reminder Trump attacked Hillary 4x more at least than Sanders.

If your Sanders wasn't afraid of being called Machist or Sexist, maybe we could have Trump vs Sanders now.

Thank you for posting something completely unrelated to my post - and even despite me being openly against this whining about Bernie losing.

Why live?

me on the left


m8 I'm openly post-left



I'm voting to stay, th leave campaign is too steeped in reactionary rhetoric for me to take seriously

True, although I hope Bernie still becomes president by indictment or otherwise. I guess I'll take Trump as a substitute if only to stick it to that harpy Clinton. It's easier to idealize a presidency that never happened. In reality he would have gotten less done than Obama since republicans and democrats would have refused every proposal he would have. Or maybe he'd be a great dealmaker, we'll never know because the game is rigged. I'd rather us return to an old British Monarchy because then the elites are honest with how much the common man gets to control the country.

I don't know if the country at large would be smart enough to vote for Sanders over Trump, but if it turns out to be Orange Man vs. Cunton, he's going to win in a landslide. I'm looking forward to that day so I can yell "fuck you!" at every faux-liberal that thought having a president with a vagina was important.

Except unlike Obama, Bernie isn't autismal and understands how people think. He would use his position as president to explain to the public exactly why the legislation they support wouldn't pass. He would be happy to call out Congressmen by name. Obama's MO was always "I'm right. All I have to do now is wait for everyone to come around to being right like me."

Obama's MO was "I'm right, I'll shit all over the constitution and use every loophole I can find to de facto pass laws without going through congress."
As for Bernie, you're deluding yourself if you think he'll take any sort of stand. Watching his campaign, I can only conclude that he's either a cuck or a con-man. Whether he's too weak to actually try to win, or he's just making a token effort while raking in the donations, he'd never get anything done as president.

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