Why do people hate shadbase/shadman?
Why do people hate shadbase/shadman?
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he does BBC sometimes, and he isn't the best artist, but he shit out a fuck ton.
I think that is why faggots like you won't just fuck off with this stupid shit.
Spread your cheeks big boy.
the futa maybe?
too much gay shit and beastiality
Don't lie you want to fuck your dog don't you
he has shit art, but he's a pretty funny and based guy, check his twitter
It's really only the gay shit that bugs me.
shad thread with no shad posting
He's a cocky asshole who twists and masks his pedophilia as "not wanting to restrict myself" and "to be true to my art"
Honestly it's just how dishonest and fucking high-and-mighty he tries to be, while wearing a goddamn skull bandana, leather jacket, and gloves with spikes for knuckles. seriously, have you seen him in his streams?
It's just weeb subhumans screeching like autists as they do whenever they see any superior western art.
Let me fuck your boipucci
Shadman can draw infinitely better pictures with infinitely better detail then trashy, Weeb shit.
It's just asshurt faggots who like crudely drawn and halfassed Gook shit.
2 Xtreme 4 u. You back to whatever normalfag circlejerk you belong.
i always hated the way he drew vaginas and asses, i prefer them to be softer looking, however he is a good artist
He's okay, but I hate that other cuck artist he has on there.
jlullaby's art style is up my alley apart from the toddler nigger rape
Didn't he have legal trouble about drawing Loli or something?
no, it was roblox that sued him of all things
Apparently, he made a joke about it with one of his pictures having an ID in it "proving" the girl was 18.
good times
Pretty much this.
Nothing wrong with cunny and Japanese culture, you fucking retards.
For make this crimes
I like Shadman; I just hate porn and am trying to quit. So it's a dichotomy, but I've never talked shit on him. Also who has been shilling him all over 8ch today? Third shad thread I've seen, jesus.
Do you think this is Reddit? You have to go back
Words, words everywhere, but nary an argument to be found.
t. pedoscum
Take a rusty knife and commit sudoku with it, you retarded antipedo-kike
Thinking being a pedo is a godsend. You're a bigger faggot than that guy who fucked a trap when he was drunk on here.
How can I be a faggot if I like little girls?
Checkmate antipedo-kikes
Lol ok then buddy
Fuck off retard
Does this guy draw shotas?
hitler didnt kill pedos tbh
Sometimes he draws niggers
Also, he lets JLullaby post on his website, and JLullaby draws like all niggers
becaue they're edgemeisters, squeakers and other social rejects?
t. Shitbase
ahahahahahahahahahaha are you serious? pix?
have we reached peak cancer?
are you retarded?
choke on a cock
cuz he focuses on ass and feet, like a faggot
Pretty funny, considering all of his drawings look like the same girl with different hair. Nevermind his fetish for buck-teeth.
how is that different than anime?
That's what I'm saying.
look how easy hes got it - doesnt even have to blink
shad's not even that edgy, he's a funny guy
I came here for the porn images, not the discussion
t. scat
Because they're pissed off at him
shadman draws pictures of popular characters licking dirty horse buttholes, in other words…… there's nothing to hate shadman for
his anatomy is shit and he doesn't know how tits work
how about you try drawing better than him then? >:)
is that anime girl playing tennis?
I don't need a serious reason to hate this faggot. I hate pornography, thats it.
I don't hate shadman and I agree he is a funny guy. Most people I know who do hate him (out of principle) are those who have just heard about him and don't like his loli art because it's not anime. "He has shit tastes and his art looks horrible!" A loli is a loli. Just because he didn't draw a child with cum in it AND have them crying and blushing with their huge anime eyeballs doesn't mean it's not good loli art.
I found out about shadman back when his site was in it's first few months of being created and at the time that was the most badass thing I could hope for him. He wouldn't have to post his art to his newgrounds account and he could create a bigger community and advertise much easier with his own site. This is when his Porn:Non-porn ratio was probably at it's most balanced. Personally, I stopped caring about what new content he would release after the first few porn comics, because his main site was used to post mostly non-porn content, (He had an alternate site for Porn) but he decided to post porn on both. He's always drawn Loli/Incest/Bestiality, but never to the degree he does now. I really did appreciate his non-porn uploads, and I felt he was at a similar caliber as DeathInk at the time.
tl;dr Oldfag here, yeah he might be a pedo, but so are you. Lolis are shit anyway you draw them. I just wish he would start posting non-porn/non-lewd again.
Apparently his art used to be shit, but he's a better artist now. Although I don't remember his older art. Somebody should post a comparison.
Also, he draws shit most people consider obscene, so that's probably another reason.
dumb fucking cunt
shad was a pretty shitty artist back when i remember him from newgrounds
shad is better quality wise, but the image gives this uncanny vibe, so my eastern elitism turns me off and HOLY SHIT LEARN HOW TO WRITE LETTERS NICELY
they fail to realize that this man is the best
shit like this is why I stopped following him.
this is starting to look like the shit jab comix used to put out.
For style and ability I personally prefer JAB
jab draws cocks like wrinkled socks
This would be great without the BBC and weird ugly text
Shadman has, indeed, more detail than many Japanese drawings, but Shadman on the other hand uses always the same fucking template for everything. It's always like that:
Sometimes he makes a fat one but that's it. He always uses extreme proportions, which are okay every now and then, but I became bored very fast with his drawing style. He basically only changes the face and skin tone, or adds freckles or moles here and there. I'd like to see drawing with more realistic, therefore more individual proportions instead of them same shtick over and over again.
In addition, his current softer drawing style looks like shit. As if his highlighted and bold drawing style was the problem …
I'll shill Otto's Foxhole instead, you tasteless faggots.
No, thank you. I gave at the office (Orifice… get it? tee hee hee)
too much niggers, not enough futa
basically this. if you think his art is good you don't know anything other than anumu rori chicku