Gawker post-mortem: Gamergate raped our asses

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GamerGate were agitators.

They also shot themselves in the foot more than not, but it can't be denied that they were at the very least agitators.

I have to admit, they were really good at hiding the fact that GamerGate fucked them over. It may not have been the killing blow, but it did crack their facade enough for that blow to come.

Data begrudging praise for gamer gate tastes so sweet.

Despite salty autists getting mad at Gamergate for not literally gassing the jews, it really succeeded as much as it possibly could have.

It named the SJW for one thing which was an extremely important milestone for moving the Overton window.

Getting an entire generation of autists on our side helps.


So TL;DR "we dindu nuffin we wuz gud bois and shiet"
I hope every single Gawker employee starves to death

Are you fucking autistic? Where is the link to his social accounts so we can send him some hate:

You're welcome ;)
Also GamerGate is GAY!

Breddy gud summary there

They're also the reason why a gay kike is the most popular personality on the "Alt-Right".

They did much more harm than good.


Even after a hundred million settlement was awarded to Hogan, they want to pretend that what they did was fine and that it's everyone else's values that are off.

I honestly can't believe I spent so long with the Gamergate shit in the delusion it could be the gateway to a total breakdown to the taboo of European self respect and the road to nationalism.

Thanks to that fucking retard board owner Reddit became the venue and GG a gay pride parade and scam after scam.

The fucking woman it attracted too, holy shit. 'Real feminists' and Bernie voters

I was there in the beginning.

GamerGate was originally Holla Forums outcasts, backed by Holla Forums.

The \first month everything was gravy. Holla Forums was mad and Holla Forums was showing them were to dig.

Only thing was Holla Forums wasn't just showing them were to dig, it was digging for them.

So you had lots of Holla Forums anons talking about e-celebs, vidya that was un-cucked just sitting there waiting for happenings, while Holla Forums was doing all the heavy lifting.

Holla Forums realizes this and leaves. This is were the happenings started to slow down and a lot of the left leaning people started to take over.

Then with Holla Forums's anger simmering down and no happenings they allowed themselves to be taken over by trolls and lefty's. All on a crusade to end SJWs, which amounted to shitposting on twitter for a few months until it all broke apart due to in fighting.

I understood why they were mad, but they needed to be a little more cautious with how they approached things.

They basically gave their enemies and their allies in MSM a spring board to propel their carriers for a few years.

This continues to be the case even today, just go to any GG general right now and you will find nothing but exactly what you said there, and it has been so the entire fucking time

We also left because they were ungrateful, whenever we dug up something really big involving the (((chosen))), they strated calling us crazy, telling us to go back to Holla Forums and shit like that all while they were jerking off the bottom bitch cock of that homosexual Milo. I honestly wouldn't mind doing all the heavy lifting if they at least thanked us.


These people have lost a sense of reality. Everyone is the problem but them. Fucking leftists are lunatics.

Yes, unfortunately there was a lot of blue pilled anons in GamerGate.

They were classic lefty's. Being given free stuff and throwing back in the face of the giver because it's not what they wanted.

The anons that were open minded though, the small amount that did do some digging for themselves became enlightened.

I can tell you Holla Forums gained a few new members to it's community because of GamerGate.

yeah, i was there too, this user nailed it.
but a lot of gamergays who gave up on the thing came over to Holla Forums. the twitter e-celebs, trannies, and faggots can claim victory, we know what actually happened.

In the current year expecting the press to not fuck the subjects of their articles or have secret emailing lists to better coordinate propaganda is a "unique vision of ethics". Amazing.
Not realizing if this bit of slander were true it makes you look that much more pathetic.
Holy shit mein sides.
"I-if you reject radical marxism and occasionally enjoy video games, you must be a virgin r-right gaiz? Unlike me, a forty one year old man who writes about video games for a living, on a website that has a sister publication literally called The Cuck".
More like the kind of people who were smart enough to see they could exploit the fuck out of that comment to further their goals.

Quite a few of the ones spitting in the faces of the diggers were proto-D&C shills. They hadn't quite learned the imageboard lingo and were pretty easy to pick out. Even so, they were effective.

That's why we run into that sort of thing a lot with CTR, along with some of the newer tactics of linking Reddit/Imgur/etc. Their phrasebooks are also getting a little better, but they're too bad at forming effective arguments to fit in.

Such a shame that Gamergate was basically cucked out of accomplishing something by mass-produced Weird Twitter tactics.

Those were D&C shills, you retard

Gamergate lead me to 4chan because I was hearing that 4chan was starting to censor its boards.
I had screwed around on 4chan in 2003 a few times and left it since. When I heard about this gamergate thing a couple years back I thought, "wow, 4chan is the last place I thought would ever compromise on free speech"
Months of shitposting turned to years, and by now Holla Forums has shown me things that cannot be unseen.

Well he can write a lot of words but ultimately we dont want the SJW shit in our realm. Pretty simple.Click bait journalism is just like empty political rhetoric, and artform in itself but with certain effects on our culture. So we just removed that as best as we could.

Indeed over time it became incredibly cancerous. At the very least I like to think it brought at least a decent amount of people to the red pill though.

I was there as well and remember the exact moment it became co-opted. We wanted to get the story on Fox News, and were met with a resounding chorus of "I'm left leaning, we don't want to be branded as conservatives" , "Fuck off Holla Forums this isn't about politics XDDD"

If you look at 4chan and the way the threads are created and in which style they are created you ll notice that this has a lot of use to multiple interests. I mean what better petri dish for social engineering and datamining you can find on the internet sphere as a seemingly anonymous image board.

Yeah, this guy hasn't learned a damn thing.

For instance, this part:

Personally I agree with Sam Biddle on this issue. Bullying can help get socially troubled children back in line. But putting that aside for the moment…

Does Max Read genuinely believe that nobody has ever adopted a pro-bullying stance? That would be an absurd belief; if nobody has ever been pro-bullying, then bullying has never existed! Obviously there is a sizable chunk of the population that is pro-bullying, if only the bullies themselves.

But this disingenuous declaration allows Max Read to miss the obvious, maybe these teenage gamers are sensitive to bullying for a reason. Maybe they have been bullied in the past, and recognize Sam Biddle's "it's a joke bro, I'm just messin with you" routine as a classic bullying technique.

I don't even know what is real and what isn't anymore in this world.

Well if you look at these writers and friends objectively they are a bunch of limp wristed faggots, not really what you wold call a bully. A bully is imposing and those people are like little dumb kids that you can break like a twig at will.

This guy doesn't deserve to live, lest he spread his cancerous idiocy.

Social bullying is a thing. It isn't all about shaking kids upside-down so their lunch money falls out. Gamers for the most part don't share a common history of being physhically beat up. But socially ignored, ostracized, or outright ridiculed? That's pretty common.

Their escapist hobby is chosen because they don't need to be socially accepted by their school peers to have fun. The popular kids, many of them effeminate faggots and preppy kids and yes, sometime jocks never accepted them.

So Sam Biddle comes along with his high profile job and tens of thousands of social media followers. To these gamers, he reminds them of the popular kids. Not the football players, but maybe the scrawny rich kids who fucked all the thin rich girls they lusted after. And he says the gamers should be bullied again.

The outcome was predictable.

Holla Forums's redpilling campaign during GG provided the motivation for me to stop caring about video games and get my life together. Thanks fam

He is on the mark about this, but if it was just Kotaku no one would have given a shit.

The propagandists were shitting up every single games publication with their social justice agenda. GG ended their happy time with a rain of depth charges. Seeing Patrick "Tricky Scoops" Klepek in particular quitting GB and marching off to Kotaku was especially satisfying.

what the fuck is gawker and how does it relate to Holla Forums?

You're welcome bro.

Yea, I had been lurking /fit/ after finding 4chan in 2014. Didnt really lurk anywhere else, didnt really need to. Then I started hearing more and more sjw nonsense coming out of academia and then gamergate was suddenly everywhere. Went fuck white nationalist, gas the kikes race war now not long into it. It was when 4cuck Holla Forums went to cuck spamming the entire board was when I knew for sure that Holla Forums was always right.

Now I dont even browse /fit/. I just took the iron pill and browse Holla Forums.

Why can't we go one thread without mentioning "shot in the foot" and "gamergate" both in the same thread? It's almost as if the same guy always comments with the same phrase over and over on all gamergate threads.

I also agreed with Biddle, somewhat, but his statement was radioactive and I found it very useful to include it when I was contacting advertisers.

"Do you want your brand to be associated with people who say things like this?"

See also this:

This guy thinks adult 'journalists' viciously mocking small children is morally ambiguous.

He's a shithead through and through. He hasn't learned a fucking thing.

I never sent a single letter or email though.

I got truly sick to my stomach when intel pledged 300 million dollars to feminism because of the GG Intel boycott did though. Like nauseous for like 6 hours. Crazy that I could have set the ball rolling on something like that.

It's was a hilariously tone deaf PR disaster because he said that shit during some "bullying awareness day/week/month".

Max Read is a Weird Twitter shithead, most likely a goon and will consider himself to be righteous until he swings from a lamppost somewhere.
To a man people like Sam Biddle and Alex Pareene are obnoxious richfags, kikes, huge progtards and malicious as hell. After Gawker sinks htey will jump to some other legacy media platform that only survives on constant VC injections or some billionaire playing sugar daddy for them.

Oh and the tactic worked like magic, it brought tons of attention to their cause and obviously messed up Gawker a bit.

Too bad they were nerds so desperate to be liked they absorbed all of that SJW nonsense into themselves and were utterly destroyed as a result.

Is there a specific name for the tactic these leftists so commonly use to provide a strawman summary of their opponents arguments, boil it down to one single point, and then pretend that's their entire argument? In this case, they take the real argument which is "websites with a long, storied history of promoting fake developers and attacking the consumer base are discovered to be having sex with one of the fake developers they promoted, at least five of them. People on the Internet just want to laugh about this, but are being silenced from discussing it all across the Internet agitating them to the point that they're discussing it more and following this The group of journalists claiming not to be colluding all simultaneously release articles declaring the consumers collectively dead." And boil it down to quote a developer had sex with one of our employees, let's just pretend the charge is that her game was reviewed, rather than her getting press coverage. Thus the people attacking us must be dishonest virgins."

I see this again and again with every single argument and debate. "You just hate women" "everyone who doesn't like Ghostbusters is a misogynist" "you just want to restrict women's choice" "You just don't like Obama because he's black" "the only people who don't like mass effect are homophobes" "the only people against gay marriage are religious bigots" "You just don't like the new Dante because of his hair" "women having large breasts is cartoony and unrealistic, women never have those." "The only reason you could be against black lives matter is if you're a racist" "why don't you want free —–?"

Creating Context

By putting the event in the context of feminism - making the issue about feminism.

Controlling the narrative:

By simply repeating their message over again in brief talking points,and simply drowning out or no-platforming the opposition.

Oh, and they know what they're doing and don't consider it immoral, because SJWs like Marxists, they believe a person or idea can be on 'the wrong side of history' so ensuring those outdated ideas die out is key to 'progress'.

Many of the people engaging in these tactics have marketing and communications degrees, so they're at least semi-pro at it.

You'll notice a trend here.

When they were angry and wildly swinging at everything when halfchan threw them out, they were untouchable. Nothing was effective against them, no naysaying or accusations had any effect. They were in a rage and ready to destroy everyone.

And then time passed, and the outsiders started intermingling between the communities, bringing their sensibilities with them and spreading them. The people who were still angry started calming down, and they started caring about their image because they wanted to win this on terms that everyone could agree with.

Trump is winning now because the people are still angry about everything that's been going on for the past few decades.

God help us all if they start calming down.

Idk lad maybe in the 80's/early 90's? It sounds like your projecting a bit, gaming as a form of entertainment today is as ubiquitous as watching movies. I was a part of the "popular kids/jock/football player" group in high school and was also a pretty big gamer, we all were. I'm not talking about the occasional game of Madden either, about half our group played WoW openly and had attractive girlfriends.
I think your conflating "gamer" with autists who wear trenchcoats, anime t-shits, and fedoras to school.

Do these programs actually teach rhetoric, though? As a STEMlord I never touched them.

Thing is that this is just another faggot, he is a faggot and will always remain a faggot.
I was always a gamer at the highest level and i never gave a shit what anyone else said, this is what i am. But this guy isnt the popular kid, it is just a fucking retard and i dont respect people like that. Why? Because if he would meet me i would make him feel really small.
So you say the outcome was predictable and i agree, it was making use of certain mechanisms, just like the whole media apparatus or for example the presidential elections work just on a smaller scale. BUt see him for what he is, a fucking faggot, he doesnt believe in this SJW bullshit. He has a certain lingo that he adapted, a certain group he peddles to. NOw i dont know him enough to know if he really believes that shit or if he is smarter than that. Or you know it might just be the internet talking out of him.
I ve watched some videos, he seems like a likeable guy. But then again, gamers need to remind themselves that this are just fucking faggots. And many of us grew up with this, and we arent some fucking faggots. And we dont like the zoe quinn shit, and other friends that come along with it.

It's not really gamergates fault that this gay kike was the only one smart enough that you could get a lot of cred/good will by publishing pro-gg stories.

Usually, they teach how to reach your audience. Some of that includes using appealing to emotion and using a lot of fluff to get around the need for actual substance.

Communications degrees don't outright teach you to do what they do, but they give you the skillset to do it.

We're talking specifically about the gamers who engaged in gamergate. A very angsty bunch.

Bonus points for them since their network was outraged when nudes from female celebrities were leaked during the fappening.

I pasta'd your post into there comment section.

Your welcome.

Fuck off, Tumblr.


And these kikes wonder why they lost. They went in with their heads up their arse thinking it was going to be over within 5 minutes just because they believe themselves to be untouchable, then they were brought down to size and shown to be the nastiest pieces of shit on this planet.

Source please?

>>>Holla Forums

It's a common metaphor for screwing yourself over.

Starting counting all the occurrences of "shot themselves in the foot." I'm sure you'll find it in other reoccurring topics.

But Gamergate did do more damage to itself than SJWs could have ever hoped to do.

Too many different groups of people, with too many egos. Crammed into one semi-amorphous cause.

Far to much dead weight for Holla Forums to want to carry.
[spoilers]most anons didn't even write e-mails. It was about 100 people, writing 10+ e-mails day.[/spoiler]

GamerGate was poisoned by the influence of Reddit. Faggots can't even shit on a tranny.

emails actually worked
well shiet, we did it

That's what actually killed Chanology, by the way. It was originally like 10 people in the /i/nsurgency that thought it would be funny to grief a major but not mainline religion. To do so, they recruited far and wide on a moralfag campaign and got every harry, dick, and sally onboard. But as they took more and more people into their momentum, every subfaction gained a momentum of its own, and not necessarily even in the same direction. Eventually some people in the crowds of protesters didn't even know what 4chan was. By the time it had national media attention, the original orchestrators had bailed on the project altogether and just let the monster rampage.

You're missing one of the most important elements to the story. The cuckservative courting of GG's disillusioned political novices. One of the most common arguments Gawker and its affiliates kept throwing at GG was that they were right wingers. Then GG did the infamous chart survey showing they were leftists and wore it like a badge of honor. This got the attention of American Enterprise Institute which includes (((Dennis Prager and Christina Hoff Sommers))) and (((Milo))) from kikebart. Together they began their own form of containment by offering them the thing that the most spineless within GG wanted, legitimacy and recognition.

Since Holla Forums was filled primarily with political novices, they were like a fish out of water and wanted someone to not call them crazy. Sommers and Milo gave them continuous doses of reassurance but it had a double-effect, it made Holla Forums try to focus on whatever Sommers and Milo would want to see. Sommers made them believe feminism could be redeemed and that it wasn't always a problem. Milo made them think they could win over cool people that understood them. This led to the twitter infighting and clique formation who were hungry for attention and that meant toning down the message, the goals, and searching for settlement. Ecelebs weren't just people GG would circlejerk over, it was about pleasing their favorite talking heads. I can't begin to describe how infuriating it was to try and navigate the autistic pitfalls set up by Holla Forums and the various cliques that were forming. They were ready to sell out long before everything fell apart. Time and time again I reiterated, do not establish winning conditions, do not settle, they will find a way to work around your terms and give you the bare minimum.

The death of it all was a long drawn out whimper especially once we got around the SPJ thing where they were seriously hoping a kike would give them serious treatment. By then the autism on Holla Forums and GGHQ was so rampant it was like navigating a psych ward where every wall in the building was padded and behind every pad was a landmine. I'll say it again, these limp-wristed toothless spergs were ready to sell out just so someone would not call them crazy. They threw all the "conspiracy" stuff back at Holla Forums and listened to anyone who would give them moderate leadership until the moderate "neutral" stance was so impotent and ineffective that no one cared anymore.

Sidenote: If you ever wanted proof over how AEI - the cuckservative thinktank if there was ever one - and Kikebart (the place Milo used to try and establish the alt-right identity under his terms) could ever be so cozy, look no further than their involvement in GG. Cuckservatives and whatever facade Milo wants to call the alt-right may seem like opposing fronts, but in reality they're all about containment and watering down whatever they deem a threat. Containment is most effective when you pretend to be their voice and advocate - controlled opposition doesn't cut it - you have to own the enemies, diffuse and dilute their purpose until they're neutralized.

It's lingo from the Holla Forums threads. Holla Forums GG was quite literally a hivemind and once a popular phrase caught on everyone used it.



Jim was right.

Stuff like GG, you get in, you get out. Once they started with adopting sealions it was cancer.

t. Has a Vivian James T

I love the way he hangs his head after he knows he fucked up.

I can't believe how many times my coincidence detector went off in one fucking news story.

I celebrate Nick Denton's downfall (I'd have a fucking party with cake if someone killed him or he offed himself).

I'm waiting for the day Kotaco gets killed off. Then the war will finally be over.

I dont think so, he is more like restless and pissed off, knowing other people fucked up and now he has to answer shitty questions from some retarded motherfuckers. Bodylanguage is a bitch isnt it? But then again i just took some glimpses into the vid.

I haven't had it installed since jewgle removed it from their store.

Any way for chrome users to still install it?

Can confirm.

Yep, Jim getting effectively kicked out, and the resounding OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN when King of Holla Forums tried to drop some redpills as well as the vast resistance to Fox news was a major red flag for me.
The DiGRA/DARPA connection was never really explored. Any time people tried seeing how far down the rabbit-hole went, it was meant with cries of "I just want to play muh vidya" or "This isn't about politics, it's about muh ethics in games journalism" A meme that Gamergoys should never have adopted which I now see as obvious Jewish tactics.

t. former PR cuck

That darpa shit was so fucking juicy, i was trying to figuring this fuckers out. Now i got a lot of fuck that makes sense but is just vague.

So do you think Trump is already onboard for hanging all these kike "journalists" or do we have to persuade him some more of what we want?

Once the final stages of the campaign open up (and after the transition to presidency), we should probably try to organize large banner sections for rallies. Every rally is going to need a huge "HANG THE LYING PRESS" fluttering in the crowd. Right next to the "BAN ISLAM," "DEPORT NONCITIZENS," and "CUT TIES WITH ISRAEL" banners.

Our countrymen are ready, all that is left is to gather up their will and strike.

reminder that this was a meme that the SJWs pushed and GG wholeheartedly adopted.

it was an excellent move on the SJWs part, I have to admit.

The SHUTITDOWN was set to maximum.

He getting grilled over his comments of releasing child porn being a joke. He fucked up. He knows it.

What the fuck happened to the original goal of seeing these cunts without jobs? Or maybe that was never the goal of the moralfags, but it was mine.

Leigh Alexander is still employed Fuck, isn't she with Fantasy Flight Games? I can't wait for the next Warhammer 40k RPG to have trannies and shit in it

All that has happened now is the cyst has been popped, and the necrotic fluid is seeping into the rest of the internet. I am glad Denton and Gawker are gone, though. Rest in piss.

DUDE WEED was legalized by a NEET army too. We really are an umman manda.

They are irrelevant, they get to see we dont eat up their bullshit and they move on. As simple as that because you can waste all your time on this the mechanics dicate another fucker comes along, or you can use that as a placeholder for the zog (and the jews are infact bound inbound outgroup dynamics and i they dont give a fuck they are just a bit altered and a bit smarter).

Gamergate may not have brought Gawker down on their own, but they definitely destroyed their reputation as an acceptable company for advertisers.

He doesnt say that. He says that he is pissed off his voice tells me something different, it tells me that others instructed him and now he is here for no reason. He doesnt strike me as a person that is really creative and "revolutionary" he does what he thinks his superiours told him.
That is why he is pissed off. If i take a look into him, this makes sense.

One more for good measure. I still remember that one livestream of the DIGRA Australia lady trying to deny everything.

This kind of thing happens all the time in research, so much so that real researchers are scared shitless at anyone coming near them.

Traitors and foreign spies are never irrelevant. The policy toward such entities has always been execution. There is no reason why we should break with that tradition. After all, it is adherence to tradition which marks us as the righteous.

All race traitors are going to hang, right next to the kike bastards who once paid them.

This, this this a million times, THIS

Even back in the early months when GG was still relevant, I told them to cut that shit out. Before I even started browsing Holla Forums and when I was pretty much an introverted normalfag, it was obvious that "actually is ethics" was nothing more than a way to redefine and dismiss the actual, legitimate concerns that gamers had about all of that shit. It astounded me that repeatedly people kept falling into the same retarded trap.

Of course, I knew fairly little about Reddit back then, so in retrospect I can see why that sort of self-destructive group-think took hold.

Are you kidding? Kotaku is the containment apparatus. You're basically like that dude in Ghostbusters who wants to destroy the tank that has all the ghosts in it.

Can't think of a quicker way to go back to status quo ante bellum than to destroy Kotaku.

This was another problem with Gamergate and one which was specifically pushed by those trying to co-opt it (Milo, Sargon of Cuckad, "Based Mom"), setting everything up in terms of "radical feminism" vs. Egalitarianism.

When in reality the further we dug the more it became apparent that really wasn't the case, these people weren't so much "Gender Ideologues" as they were "Marxist Ideologues" and they weren't pushing a radical anti-male agenda, they were specifically pushing an anti-white agenda.


ad hominem - ignoring an argument and rebutting with a personal attack.


genetic fallacy - suggesting that an argument is invalid because of its source.

This is something that I have a very, very difficult time conveying to autists, but arguments are, de facto, pretty irrelevant. Almost nobody actually comes to any sort of understanding of their circumstances by way of rational contemplation. Logical consistency in beliefs is very often completely accidental. People aren't really built to reason (and we must trick our minds to do so [scientific method]), but humans are excellent at rationalization. The difference is one follows: Observation ->induction -> discovery -> deduction. The other simply offers some amount of explanatory power to causal relationships of events (abduction).

Humans explain the world through stories, not logic, so argumentation based on any kind of logic is hopeless. You must change the narrative. That's inherently a war of attrition.

You're being disingenuous. He made said he would distribute child porn and then said it was a joke. Watch the video.

It really pissed me off that so many of us stopped focusing on this shit. Ignoring all the faggots and leftists in gamergate the use of video games as propaganda tools and the Microsoft/Common Core connections are extremely important. But just because the blue pilled liberals weren't believing us and calling us names a ton of people ran off and abandoned it.

To the point that we can't even have threads on Holla Forums delving into the shit that's going on in the video games industry. The whole reason that we were involved is because its important as its the method to bluepill the entire next generation but just because some faggots weren't kissing our asses and believing us most of Holla Forums stopped caring as if that lessened the importance.

Why do you feel sick? They burned a large sum of money to a bunch of inept losers with toliet paper degrees.

Yeah, we totally got the magic of diversity from a clique of enlightened feminists who only change "problematic" comments and variable names on Github. They're a complete joke.

This actually happens?

Of course it does. Why am I even asking?

They gave "WebM for retards" the option of changing their name or removing their project. Devs gained a lot of respect from me when they removed their project and put it on Gitgud.

Gaming was always pozzed, but it becoming extremely pozzed recently was the final straw for me. A lot of modern games are expensive, formulaic, short, disappointing, and weak now.

I lold.

Fucking this. Nobody (whose MBTI doesn't include the letters INT) cares if you identify a flaw in someone's argument.

In retrospect: This was extremely stupid. Even in 2014, Twitter had already become a mechanism by which indiscreet people lost their jobs. Still, it was very difficult for me to believe that anyone genuinely thought that “pro-bullying” is a stance that anyone has ever adopted, or that Sam Biddle’s tweet was a statement in support of bullying. But what I believed, or didn’t believe, didn’t matter.


"I didn't think apology-shaming worked on Liberals but it did and now everyone's ass has been detonated and remain radioactive to this day."

2 years later, more than 100 million dollars gone, dozens of jobs lost and these faggots are still peddling "sorry, not sorry."


I'm not shitting you. You think that they have the brainpower to code anything useful when they're focusing heavily on insignificant issues like microaggressions and incorrect pronouns?

This took me a long time to understand honestly. My MBTI being INTP might be why.

m8 when the gaymergay boards started dying off Holla Forums's numbers started swelling

this wasn't coincidence

i've dropped 100 pounds and can now bench 300

I m rarely ever wrong. and that doesnt contradict what i said.

And the funny thing about chanology was that they relied on past work, like the Fishman docs and some decent journalists / activists like pic related

On the other hand its utter inability to resist the leftist media and the panic it induces in the leftists… all of that is helping us now. The media now has no idea how to deal with us or the alt-right or even trump. The left is also in an accelerated frenzy of trying to finish the job before it's all ogre. all of this helps.

When in reality Anita had a point, that a lot of people who generally speaking said "I believe in equality." had a problem saying they were feminists. People like Milo and the other e-celeb alt-faggots were those people. Her point simultaneously pushed people of the "I believe in equality." group, which is a shit ton of people, into giving it up and saying fuck equality if this is equality. We're at a new stage in the dialectic and the e-celebs are trying to take control of the discussion by altering our position into fuck equality if feminism is equality, I believe in equality without double standards. What if it's equality even with double standards included doesn't work? People are realizing that a doubt in the belief of equality of the sexes, it also applies to race. Feminism is making racism great again by virtue of it's attempt to seize egalitarianism. Feminism is showing what equality really does, it makes the strong weak, it makes you ridiculous and without any drive towards greatness. Black Lives Matter and Gamergate have killed equality, Occupy Wallstreet and it's 'progressive stacks' didn't help either. So why do the kikes let it happen, or have they lost control, or did they ever have control? The mob is an autistic tiger that sleeps a lot and eats a lot.

Is this similar to how hippies were a CIA controlled oposition to justify the Vietnam war in the 80's?

The pendulum swings. It's been forced to the left for about a century.

They are still really interesting to me.
And i think many factors play into this, i wonder if they are somehow like a manhatten project that has many layers. And i will beat them like pinata, and i got the biggest bat. And the little treasures they find will fall into my hands.

lol no, half a century

I think a lot of it had to do with how the DARPA stuff is basically comic book villain-level, and people would rather take the blue pill than realize just how evil the hook-noses are. "Milo couldn't possibly be lying to us, he's on our side. I know he hasn't logged into steam since that first month, and that his Gamergate book never happened, but he published stuff on us, and that means he deserves my money!" "That Sea Lion was totally worth it and not an obvious scam" etc.

"You want to go after their jobs because you disagree with them politically? You're just as bad as an SJW" You know, because them doing massively corrupt and borderlinethat we can prove, anyway illegal things has nothing to do with it, goy.:^)

>Fuck, isn't she with Fantasy Flight Games? I can't wait for the next Warhammer 40k RPG to have trannies and shit in it
Great, more pozzing is exactly what 40k needs.I looked through the new Deathwatch codex today and died inside.

It's been going left since the immigration of Cuckstianity into Europe a thousand years ago.

More likely that they're being used for police state purposes. I mean you had them get all the way to the UN begging for internet restrictions just to stop people from calling them stupid on twitter.

Megaphone is basically employed by her husband, good luck getting her fired.

The military calucates many scenarios with many actors providing the current if neccessary. In this case it lacks current. But i still want to figure this out.

tbh, as much as the left is retarded the PR shit opened the flood gates to a bunch of fucks.

Retards everywhere.

Haven't really touched 40K since 4th Ed, what'd they do to the Deathwatch?

whats in codex deathwatch?

Democrats were calling themselves 'progressives' since the early 1900s, and John Dewey was altering the educational institutions towards being more 'progressives' around that time. Jazz gained in popularity and was considerably more hedonistic than a classical music. Hollywood began in the early 1900s, and we involved ourselves in the first world war under a progressive Democrat. Cars sure as hell made life more materialistic.

Gamergate got us here on this chan

Gamergate took down gawkers assets

their 'muh pr' bullshit is what caused their weakening, but ultimately they succeeded where dozens of other subcultures have been subverted and destroyed.

They gave the SJW's a bloody nose for the first time, and kicked off the mainstream culture war we're in now.

I didn't even give a shit until I was caught in the gamergate crossfire, and with those battlelines drawn I knew I had to pick a side.

So did thousands of other people.

The failure of gamergate, was the success of the Alt. Right.

Actually, it can be used to lead into your rebuttal, but identifying a flaw in an argument and pointing it out doesn't win people over by itself.

Also, a movie that I've heard is useful for teaching the INT* people how to argue effectively instead of correctly is Thank You For Smoking. Look into it, if you haven't already.

Meanwhile, they were actually mid 20's to early 40's and operated parallel to our opposition - A government contract paid out to one of their many intel/propoganda firms. Part of the op was, obviously, opsec, and ironically anonymous imageboards and IRC channels are much tighter then the lips of government employees. It's how we know that part of the op was to make it appear crowdfunded via Feminist Frequency, and this wasn't disputable, it was a matter of prejudice and planning. What isn't so common knowledge is that it took the $160,000 payout to Anita on kickstarted stacked on top of the $300,000 the government paid Silverstring directly.

I want the anons who were involved, specifically on the false flagship, that we stood up against $400,000 worth of government psyop money and, though we didn't win because all the kids still think Gamergate was about ethics in journalism, not marxist oriented subversion, we fucking killed this stupid, arrogant cuck Nick Denton, and he's going to lose his house and
kill himself in a livestream on the new website his bankrupt company just launched

For the newfags that question this, remember that "Cuck" began as a meme to bash moot for hanging out with Anita. It's not because Anita was involved in the sale of 4chan that happened at the exact same time, it's because LOL HE'S A CUCK THIS TOTALLY ISN'T A COVER FOR THE PICTURES OF OUR BUSINESS ORIENTED MEETINGS.

Silverstring Media was an advertising company
But the arrogance of the head chef suggest they're now an official contractor for the DoD, and will likely be responsible for handling chan's and related propaganda in the future;
They've been assigned as our handlers.

Something I sometimes wonder is what would have happened if a gamergate general was started here when the first exodus happened instead of only having one on Holla Forums. How much could we have accomplished as far as the aspects most of us were actually interested in? Would we have descended into the same circlejerk and clique infighting faggotry that the rest did? I'd like to think we definitely would have done better due to more experience with shills but I'm not completely sure.

No, faggot, Gamergate was started by Silverstring Media.

You got tricked.

You're still tricked.


the opponents of gamergate are fanatical, I've never seem them as triggered as they were by gamergate.

shill baby shill


I was shown the Jewish menace.
In one year I went from spineless christian cuckservatibe Isreal supporter to hard right conservative christian.

Then half a year to being a traditionalist and another month past that I became what I am now.

A nazi

It's not too late to start one here now.

A healthy start would be having some leads to pull on, along with a summary of The Story So Far to get everyone on the same page. The worst that can happen is the Holla Forums fucks hijacking a few posts to say "go back to Holla Forums" and make stupid statements about the white race deserving to fail, like they do to every thread.

Gamergate was a failure as far as what I wanted out of it, if your objective was Gawker burned to the ground instead of exposing the indoctrination kikes are attempting through video games then you succeeded and should be celebrating though.

I think he wanted to create current. To me it seems that moot and he is a smart guy and he knows how the social groups wanted to provide current. Just like the that hillary cunt and all her crooks. That stuff doesnt align with their psychological makeup. The psychological makeup makes them do what they are supposed to. Anita has been retarded since her inception, just a puppet. Those journos aswell, but i think some knew what was going on.
They provide the current 4chan retards bite but without any real bite. Darpa stuff keeps happening, the NSA and google retards push it aswell. Now if you connect that to the shills we got, we got a whole lot of problems that are trying to get fixed with psyops shit. Gawker was mentioned very early on, just to mark a target. Connection it with a wider space of scenarios it means that the US and A is really scared of what is happening, also considering the cyber abilities of other nations. Really intersting. Now if i sum up the whole thing is: I want my shit and your shit doesnt meet the preferences. And neither does the german government. But then again so much money laying around up for grabs, and we better get it, otherwise you know we arent the journo faggots.

I love the iron pill.

Why not check out the thinkserious board and build up from there? Bring it back to /pol, since it's just sitting there in dust. Could also talk to those faggots at Burgersandfries. Been open all this time.

Guess I had left GG long before this, I thought Vivian was Holla Forums's shitty cartoon meme, not a real person? What happened here?

So, the tweets those two professional victims received from countless burner accounts and 10 year olds were meant to be taken seriously, but the Gawker's employee tweets were obviously sarcasm.

Even haters of GamerGate must admit that it's amazing what the MSM did with them.
This is a by-the-book example of meme-magic going wrong. Instead of ignoring GG they made the horrible mistake of demonizing them. Good luck with ridiculizing Trump, that surely turn out great for everyone.

there was some tranny who cosplayed as vivian and built up a thirsty fanbase then left once she got her gibmedats

aka CuntofVivian, nonsensenicole, etc. Bitch who got made by Tokyo Ben to pretend to be a gamer. Ended up taking them for a ride involving Airplay 2.

it's hilarious to compare the quality of discourse in this thread to the one on Holla Forums. I love you guys.

There are two kinds of SJWs on GitHub: the ones that have no code commits and are only there to use their pseudo-Patreon tip system, and the ones who have hundreds of code commits that are all editing problematic comments and Code of Conduct shit

I'm pretty sure all trannies related with GG were hated with passion, although not precisely because they were trannies.

You can thank Mark and Holla Forums clique for that one. Outright industry shill has gone out of his way to stifle actual discussion and pushed muh vidya everywhere he could.

Incorrect. Depended on the community. Most didn't give a fuck overall. Some hated 'em, some were thirsty as fuck over them.

yeah no. tranny gamers were propped up to by a part of that Not Your Shield tagline. GG loved itself some "girly" cock.

kek, pretty much what I imagined. What wouldn't Holla Forums do for a trap?

Gawker is dead and now we still engage in this D&C "who killed it" bullshit.



No, no it has not. See for why.

read the rest of the thread, user, we're not circlejerking here, we're discussing what worked and what didn't

See the posts above talking about Silverstring's ongoing activities for an example:

Entirely false there were a shitton of trannies on both sides of gamergate. You had the ones like Wu and Butts that were antis and then you had the ones like Sophia Eris that were pro, also chobitcoin/battlefieldtrip though they both fucked off fairly early. Also that crazy fuck Devi Ever that was just trying to use whichever side would give her shekels.


Holla Forums didn't really give a fuck about Airplay 2 that was all reddit.

Stop shilling endchan.

Who gives a shit? Peter Thiel for example aided in Gawker's demise.

I do not agree with Peter Thiel but I'm going to thank him for what he did.

The death of Gawker is a huge demoralizing loss to the leftists.

Holla Forums isn't as bad as suggested in this thread, but there are a few faggots like that in the GG general thread who act like GamerGate was completely their accomplishment but can't really name anything they actually did. GG isn't all bad. Don't judge it by a few namefag and avatarfag retards.


Gamergay's purpose was the outing of corrupt journalists, so the death of Gawker does complete its purpose.

Na fam, right around the time GG started to become co-opted by leftists and plebbit PR cucks, there was a huge push to purge anyone from the movement who wasn't down to validate mental illness. Fuck people even got triggered into oblivion for not using proper pronouns.

Calling "Brianna" Jon Flynt, would always get you about 12 (You)'s on Holla Forums telling you to fuckoff back to Holla Forums.

Insufferable avatarfag Nackt did manage to speak the truth about GG:

The industry is just as corrupt as before, probably more.
Many of the new sites made to fill the void ended up being just as corrupt.
You would be hard pressed to find a corrupt dev out of the job.
GG didn't kill Gawker which giving it a black eye is their biggest claim to fame, Hogan did.
Intel went back to their dirty ways and doubled down by rewarding people like Anita.
The industry still craps all over the fans and they refuse to fight them with their wallets.
Academics still fuel this misery and they refuse to get these crooked scholars out.
They know adopt SJW like common grounds and eat their own like they are doing now.
They never got Zoe, Anita, Wu or their cohorts sent to prison.

Holla Forums clique sure did, right until it didn't work out for them.

What's the matter, you care more about where the info comes from than what's said? I'll copy paste then pussy.


More defeatist attitude.

We did it but now we're reduced to doing nothing.

Like Brexit, every little movement helps in the grand scheme.




Holla Forums =/= Holla Forums clique. And those are the precise douchebags I'm talking about. That includes the moderation and BO by the way. If you bitch about Holla Forums's moderation? It's got nothing on Mark, who had industry ties and was manipulating discussion on vidya for his own benefit.

That was GG's goal and what they actually accomplished.

What do you think GG wanted to do do?

go back to Holla Forums or /gg/ or reddit or wherever the fuck. you stupid kids clamping yours jaws down on "uncle Holla Forums"'s dick is retarded and so are you.

I'm reading this shit but I don't understand what it was trying to say.

I dont care about their gossip antics, i want that darpa shit. I want what the military has. I already have it, i just want confirmation.

Just surround your text with ** on each side of what you want spoilered. It's harder to fuck up.

You are basically wanting everything to be accomplished in one stroke.

You want Gawker to be dead, SJW to be hanged, and gaming gets back to its glory with one single move.

It's not happening, not that fast.

And Gawker is a huge corporation and media outlet, the death of it is a huge blow to the lugenpresse. Imagine if HuffPo is dead.

Bitch please. "ethics in games journalism" was cooked up by the journos to reframe it away from indoctrination.

It's a process called framing, and it will be used to destroy Disnod style tactics in the future. Learn what they did or else you won't progress.

If you want that, why didn't you look at ThinkSerious for a start? Even Spaghetti4truth's bit on it had some of that shit. Hell, that same board I linked earlier has an ed tech thread going on. Give it a peek.

Who owns Salon?

I hate those fuckers more than all of Gawker combined.


So what was the goal of GG according to you?

This is why I hate Holla Forumsacks sometimes, basically no victory is victory according to Holla Forums, unless Hitler got ressurected and all jews are dead.

No that was not the goal. That was what you allowed yourselves to be subverted into making the goal The goal as far as Holla Forums was tackling corruption, cronyism, and censorship. The death of Gawker does not achieve those goals, particularly as Kotaku will contine to exist.
Vox and Polygon is still around. Kotaku is still around and owned by Univision who has the same ideological leanings as Gawker did and is unlilkely to change Kotaku. Not to mention that places like IGN are corrupt even if there's little proof to show it.
All of the cliques are still around.
Censorship is still rampant and you still have the journalists trying to use their platform to make people like Wardell and Vavra look horrible.

None of that even really touches on Holla Forums's objectives.

Fighting back against the censorous cunts who shut down discussion on imageboards and elsewhere, then burning down all the fuckers that started shit.

Pretty much this.

great joke brah, totally didn't mean to leave it in there when i made the video.



They're completely separate from the Inquisition now.


Also, they're stupidly overpowered:
I could go on.
sage because off-topic >>>/tg/ shit

So we have achieved nothing compared to your standard.

I guess time to fight some more?

I'm down with that.

that's a goon trying to explain how Gawker won. It's written to sound smart but underneath that vaneer, it's just spaghetti.
that "amazing post"'s revelation is that SJWs will use Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, for fuck's sake.

lol ok Moshe

Seriously, where did you guys go to be told "hurr don't dig on DiGRA" or "hurr you have to call trannies by their proper pronouns"? I almost exclusively just went to the Holla Forums general and don't recall much of that at all. At worst, whenever someone wanted to go for brute force shitposting directly at someone, they were iffy about doing it, but the massive PR cucking sounds like the Twitter front and Reddit

There are some people who think Gawker is dead and we have achieved nothing here.

Exactly. I'm just getting started. I managed to train up a few recruits in the process, and they've been aiding efforts more over here than gaymergoys since they weren't appreciated.

Showing a typical lack of understanding, it's detailing for their other publications how to win easier against consumer revolts in the future.

That's because you're a newfag, since I saw it all the time. Eventually the mods themselves stepped in to alter discourse.

This doesnt work out. It is too small for real shit going down. It is just a alternate scenario. This stuff happens for a reason and those are the usefull idiots, esp. considering all the other elements. They dont connect sufficiantly.

General struggle doesn't mean you can't take rest from victory, user.

Who are "you"?

You mean to tell me that Microsoft's visions2020 is too small?

One who's clearly been around the block more than you, if you think Holla Forums's moderation and shilling hasn't been rampant.

Did you ever go on cuckchan Holla Forums(basically tumblr)? It was rampant before they just got rabid far left mods who stay on that board all day long to ban anything remotely "political"(though left wing stuff and Hillary posts (((mysteriously))) always remain

I got banned on cuckchan Holla Forums for making fun of the localization of some FF game for using ze pronouns on a moogle after 10+ people spammed mods at me and >>>Holla Forums

Oh, yeah, an self-assumed oldfag.

I don't generally care, if you can do shit, all the better.

Just keep the D&C shit to yourself.

Also hit 8/v/.

D&C shit eh? Whenever I'm pointing out shit that happened that you're pretending did not?

You are basically dividing Holla Forums & Holla Forums, and taking in all the glory while pretending GG did not do shit.

I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously.

Where are you and your cyber army?

I really don't know how to work around that, its a damned effective tactic to neutralize things like Disnod.

Hitler Dubs confirm.

So you mean to tell me that me pointing out Mark's efforts to engage in DnC himself is itself DnC? Maybe you need to go back to the drawing board there chief.

That's why it's worth studying. More need to understand how this sort of shit works.


Two full board wipes and that giant literal homo BO who doxed people probably didn't help much either.

If that's true, why is it still around? Some of these people don't want to believe that all they managed to do was shitpost in an email to an advertiser instead of some sort og grandious gesture in "taking on the man."

The best thing to come out of GG was butthurt on all sides and Gawker getting sold, which didn't even kill it. SJW's are still around, still pissing out retarded glitchy nonsense like No Man's Sky, still getting 10/10's.


So when will Holla Forums scorch Earth?

Don't even kid yourself, the moment something radical goes on Holla Forums, it will be met with hello FBI.

Holla Forums is not a hivemind user, and some still toil away even today dealing with those massive faggots in one form or another.

Are you pointing out Mark's bullshit, or you are dismissing all the efforts of Holla Forums?

what the fuck are you talking about?

Wait what?

Like they bought him a pet sealion or something? That's pretty kek-worthy.

No, it is not very accurate. Accuracy, and precision is recommanded here. Military faggots dont fuck around.
Dont mind gamergazi, they are just a bunch of midly intelligent sociopaths other groups aswell that is why they are used. So the question arises, are we being used, yes we are. That means we hold those in charge accountable.

Great, the death of Gawker, and everyone gets into a fight between Holla Forums vs GG.

Jesus christ, never a moment of glory.

The same shit between Brexit, a moment of celebration and then HURR DURR Brexit is backed by jews!

Thanks user

I was done with all manner of Holla Forums boards after what I saw of cuckchan and basically every video game forum around, I don't think there is a hobby more full of nerdy goon numale cucks than video games

Recently went to gamefaqs which was like my first internet forum I ever went on and was dismayed to see how fucking bad it is now, at least before every other topic wasn't discussing and demanding faggot equality and representation of fictional characters in irrelevant shit, that and seeing how castrated teenage boys are when they're fucking complaining about scantily clad women

I mean, fuck, I may be an oldfag(late 20s), but I remember being a teenager and couldn't fucking imagine complaining about seeing hot chicks in games, the fuck has happened to our boys?

No, they read back to him his own sworn dispositions then played a video of said dispositions.

He fucked himself over. He has no one else to blame.

The FBI has no say in this, why? Because certain mechanics dont allow this, too many fags on the board. Just watch the comments of normalfags fucking frogs.

You are calling for scorching Earth.

Unless you are willing to kill them, this shit will never end.

It's obvious D&C

Gamergate evolved into Trumpgate.

(((Shills))) and cucks never sleep.

GG is when we drown in a sea of tits while the smug faggots are suck my dick, while i eat shirps from their wifes cunt.

Yeah, I'm going to go buy a cake, and play some vidya, watch some anime while the shills are busy arguing about who used them to kill Gawker.

Fuck this shit.

He means that anytime anyone proposes doing something meaningful, there is a flood of "Hello FBI" posts. Shills designed to stop people from organizing to impact the real world.

Yes, you need to go back to fighting. You stopped actively fighting a while ago and have been coasting on past efforts and shitposting around twitter posts.

You still have the numbers to be successful even if you can only get the Holla Forums thread on board as long as you get everyone to actually contribute as only a very very small percentage ever did at its height. Not sure how hopeful I am of you achieving that though as most people there are just there to shoot the shit with each other, not that that is some awful horrible thing, its just that its not a productive one.

DiGRA digs were tolerated, Microsoft and DARPA were not. I blame that faggot S4T partially for this as he's a little shit that's a disinfo shill who poisoned the well, but acid and much of the Holla Forums thread also share in the blame.

I dont. FBI arent bad guys at all, at least not the majority of them. And i dont nearly hate them as much to kill them.

I'm not calling for the heads of FBI.

I'm calling for the heads of SJW and their jew masters, but that will not be happening anytimes soon.

Shitposting on chan and twitter are all we ever did though.

Any real life actions are immediately claimed as lol false-flag and provocateurs.

Not an argument.

You don't even know what you're on about.

We had SJW's on the ropes right around the time when this was beginning. We were memeing on them hard with almost the exact same shit you see on Holla Forums everyday when it comes to making fun of the Left or making Trump memes.

Then cliques started to form. "Hey we should listen to X because they know Y and did Z." Which is when the method of attacked changed and all the newfags went soft and used correct pronouns and blocklists and Google chats where they sucked each other's dicks.

Was explaining what happened. Not denigrating anyone who continues to do it by a different medium or method.

GG was, has, and is STILL infected by people who prop up stupid shit causes that end up being scams. Lo-Ping, some twitterfag, got people to pay for a sealion to a zoo or something because SJW's called GG a bunch of sealions. Lo-Ping didn't tell anyone he got a cut of that money.

GG didn't START cancerous but it's cancerous as FUCK now and anyone still around on that board or on reddit has major fucking autism.

It is your type that I blame the most.

Fuck off Zan.

They can't beat the users though. Steam reviews have panned that game it's at 53%. You're right though.

Mark's bullshit. Some of the Holla Forums regulars are massive faggots too.

pozzing in action.

Fair enough. It's frustrating dealing with the retards though.

The fuck do you mean by this?
Ah, yes, making memes.

No, that's not roping them.

people internalize it then start doing it for free.

I remember Mister Metokur (the guy shills and sjws hold up as a hero whenever GG is mentioned) has said he won't vote for Trump. His followers see that then they come here talking about how Trump is a kike shill and no one should vote for him. Just like that Holla Forums is crippled because of one attention whore and his retarded fans. If this was a wartime scenario they'd be taken out back and shot to prevent their cuck faggotry from spreading.

Gamergate is vindicated, it definitely contributed to the death of Gawker.

It did two things:

Scare the shit out of neo-liberals, and name the SJW.

The later is arguably the most important.

A notable shift in the culture wars has begun because SJW's were being exposed for their hypocrisy, this contribution to the pushback against the madness of the left is Gamergate's most useful role.

But Gamergate is done with. You can't argue it's a failure, because Gawker did die, and they did admit to Gamergate being a major cause for it. Gamergate's time is over.

We are now in a general culture war against SJW's, and you don't need to be part of Gamergate, to do that.

You sent emails as well. You also dug for COIs.

Not Zan or anyone else you may be thinking, I always stayed user.

Remember when he said "ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!"

Well apparantly Gamergate did just that without him trying to be the leader of Gamergate..

They are idiots,., the SJW are slaves doing what we put into their heads. Look at the video about cigaretts telling women to smoke. The SJWs are the same makeup, always and will always stay them. And the Jew master is us, jsut with a lot more money. The jews always have been us, except the real jews use ingroup coherence and money and we just smugness and nice words.
What do you really think SJW are? They are the same group of people that will always exist, it is just a different program that runs in their heads, always has been that way and will always be that way. Do you blame a group of monkies to defend their territory (that doesnt belong to them)? No you dont. What do you think SJW are really down their core? What do you think why we are discussing this? Wanna be smrart take a look into their soul and tell me what you see.

If you realize: Holla Forums's BO is also a huge shit and some of Holla Forums's regulars are massive faggots.

Holla Forums isn't really all that different, the only big difference is that Holla Forums is actually backed by a core of neo-nazis.

That's just what a Zan would say.

Note here, how he focuses in on the puppets rather than the puppet masters. SJWs are merely the latest round of useful idiots with little actual clout.

It's not sjw vs antisjw, it's establishment vs populace. Get that through your thick skull.

Execution of race traitors and foreign spies is coming soon.

Kind of surprised by this considering him helping to expose how Fields was lying. Then again he's always been a faggot.

Jew and jew slaves all need to be hanged.

The idea of killing jews and only jews have never sit well with me.

The big difference is Holla Forums isn't as tightly regulated as Holla Forums is, and as far as I know, it has not been proven that the BO has been bought out and has close political ties that he has been shilling for, unlike Holla Forums. As a result, I can safely say that Holla Forums is not as bad, and thus will call your argument a false equivalence.

It's the jews vs everyone else actually.

You're a little bitch expecting miracles.

Gamergate focused on achievable goals, Denton is fucked, Gawker dead, and everyone's is aware of the SJW menace.

No one can stop devs from making shit games, but the users can always pan it for the garbage it is.

kek, you're not wrong, that is what that faggot would say.

If you go on Holla Forums, there are evidences on vice versa.

We all have to make do with what we have.

Oversimplification, since I'd say it's more like left wing jews vs right wing jews vs everyone else. Even that's broad strokes though.

The idea of stupid people doing stupid shit has never sit well with me. And now ask yourself, are you a shill or ar you a retard. If you are a shill, ill come for you, and if you are a retard you better listen to strategy. And if you are the FBI, :).

Even on Holla Forums there would be massive debate on this shit.

muh good jews

There emphatically is not, which is why I called your argument false equivalence. Show how the BO of this board is bought out by political forces, and I will leave here permanently.

Well, classic, hello FBI.

Except for the part where filing for personal bankruptcy shielded him from Hogan and the dude will be earning 200k a year for the next two years to literally NOT do anything

But that's a product of Denton being a shady faggot coalburner rather than any GG failures

Uncle Sam on a statue of Hamilton, today we have an all black musical version of Hamiltons history. Somethings never change.

No jews are good, but not all need to be fought at once. Why not let some fight each other and take advantage of it?

What about the Trump's advertisement here?

I still wouldn't say all jews are bad, I mean there were even jews that were considered honorary aryans in Hitler's Germany. There's outliers in every group.

I actually agree with you on letting the enemies fighting each other.

But the whole left wing vs right wing jews is actually a myth, jews fight for Israel, no matter the politicial ideology.

Administration gets paid, BO does not.

There is nothing classic about it. And then again what i said is true, and if you try to fuck with me, you know i always can get inside you, and you will pay the debts you owe. And this goes out to all your friends from 4chan, and i m relentless and i will get my shit. Otherwise you can create a scenario of probability of ifs and and whens.

Incorrect. Some jews fight for isreal. Others want globalism instead. They both will defend each other at the expense of goyim though.

Good luck edgelord. You'll need it with you acting like such a blowhard.

They've gotten people to pity them so that they receive money. That's a bit shitty, but it's not illegal. You probably aren't going to stop them getting money since numales are just going to be who they are.

Academics, or in other words colleges/universities, have been shit for years. When the Duke lacrosse team was proven to be innocent and even sued the prosecutor that went after them, the teachers at the school that signed a petition denouncing them wouldn't even apologize for having done so. Academics isn't changing any time soon as these are people that act as leeches on places of "higher learning" since the schools have no incentive for removing them.

If you don't like something then don't buy it. Like many people seemed to stop playing Bioware games because of how they shit on customers.

When someone has connections, it's hard to do anything to stop them other than just put out criticism against them. It's actually been something Anita and Zoe have complained a great deal about that anyone searching for them on youtube will find a huge number of videos denouncing them and refuting all of their criticisms.

According to the New York Magazine article by someone involved with Gawker's people, it seemed to bother them a huge deal and had them groveling to marketing departments. They had to get all their friends in their media to engage in a PR campaign to help smooth things over.

Numales are gonna give their money to bullshit no matter what. They're not exactly fabulously wealthy and their lack of achievement likely gnaws at many of them as it did with Phil Fish.

I'm not even familiar with any new sites unless you mean Heat Street done by that failed chick lit writer and cuckservative Louise Mensch. Some of the people that tried starting into creating alternative media may be shit, but a positive side is that they're giving different angles on stories which is at least something. Also Smegma King (author of Yurop) started doing reviews which seems cool.

For some reason, a problem developed early on in GGs lifespan where there were people that felt a product, such as reviews and news, should be done without payment. These people thinking it's e-begging to ask for payment to create something for the enjoyment of others that will be published online. They falsely equated professional victims asking for donations to help them with sitting on their ass with people that were asking for money to create videos, writings, or other products that others would enjoy. It's basically an aversion to capitalism which just rubs me the wrong way.

You have to keep in mind that voting with your wallet doesn't mean to solely boycott, but also to be willing to open up that wallet for services that appeal to you. Since if only ever denounce paying for things then you're not really a customer that anyone would want to serve.

Splitting hair, it shows that the board is compromised, even if it's by a good political force.


Because there are those of us who have families and are not letting video games raise our children anyway, you dribbling NEET.
Be sure to rub one out when you think of me, faggot.

Sounds like you're booty-bothered there aren't enough "YAY WE DID IT GG" asspats in here for you. See for why you are wrong and should gas yourself.

You're fucking pleb-tier when it comes to social engineering and should probably get the fuck off this board.

So right on with this.

Exactly. We're at the final boss and the rest of these GG fags keep screaming "YAH BUT LOOK HOW I BEAT LEVEL ONE."

I dont act, i will get my shit, and you will hold up your end of your deal, and you will motherfucker or i ll hunt you for all eternity. You dont fuck me over, and you dont fool me motherfucker. And it doesnt matter if you are god or the devil, the fbi the military or a random SJW, you will pay me the moneys. Otherwise you will see something you barely got a glimpse of. And i m not a edgelord, i can predict what you think and i can predict your moves. And i m not like the faggots you usually deal with.

Hogan ultimately put the leg drop on Gawker, but even so, I believe that congratulations to GamerGaye are in order.


Now stop being cucks and embrace National Socialism, GG.

Jim's always been a "constitutionalist" (AKA a lolberg special snowflake) and a contrarian faggot.

But GG actually was a nightmare for SJWs from start to finish. They absolutely did not want it to happen.

Now you cunts are coming around trying to suggest otherwise and I have to wonder–what side are you on?

Take every opportunity to twist the knife and make them shriek. Someone who suggests that an action is only worthwhile if our wildest dreams come true is not working for us.

Some people try to say that Niche Gamer and Tech Raptor are just as corrupt but personally I think that's bullshit.

It's not splitting hairs, because administration is not the board owner, and would show the SITE being compromised and not the BO themself.

You're fucking retarded.

SJWs are useful idiots, always have been, always will be. They're who your designated targets are, rather than who you need to go after. Think on that one chief.

I don't think you understand what he's saying with that, he's not saying that they intended it to happen he's saying that Read is telling all other networks that the way to handle operations like DisNod is to do a media blitz like Gawker did through CNN/MSNBC/Colbert/etc. to make the complainers look like shit so advertisers will ignore them.

To answer you in good faith, they are but a tiny enclave of the former entity "Gamergate" in particular they are the remains of Gamergate Revolt, the anons who resisted the leftification and plebbitisation of Gamergate proper, ultimately they technically failed to save the thing itself but what they are good at is analysing and digging. Some of their work if posted on here with no reference to its first posting would fit right in. Revolt sought to continue working alongside Holla Forums whom they viewed as natural allies and brothers of the fillipino grass skirt websites we both use. The HQ variety of GG saw us as icky right-wingers incapable of coherent thought because a bunch of low-rent smarmy bastards and leftists convinced them they were special and could make a change "nicely". Either way gamergate had a few subtle successes.

They failed in their stated goal, however in opening up the culture war and instructing newcomers on how not to go about fighting it? A phenomenal success. In gaslighting the media into irreverent arrogance on the topic of their enemies? A phenomenal success. And on redpilling the smarter variety of a huge thing like that and pushing the SJ(e)W into the open in its shambling horror before the normalisation process had even picked up steam? Second verse same as the first, a great success. That said they'll be remembered by proles and the uninformed as being entirely failures and will be treated as bufoons no matter who wins the culture wars. At least some on our side may have the good sense to remember in particular the revolt side fondly.

I'm aware of who they are, and there are other small enclaves about toiling away. Just pointing out some of the obvious is all.

They certainly aren't any better. Their viewerbase consists of good goyim buying degenerate games just because it pisses off feminists.
The kind of shit that brought pedo-jew Milo a lot of cash through his scams.

Didn't she write a blog post about how her new boyfriend could never find work in the industry again? Whatever happened to that guy?

Then don't fucking have them, Tyrone.

I tried that board out, it was even more e-celeb obsessed than the rest.

Why are you even here?

Nah, that honor belongs to gghq hilariously enough. For all their bitching about their own boogiemen, they obsessed over it at a level unrivaled even by ggr.

The greatest part of that, as you may be seeing in this thread, are GG apologists who aren't willing to name the jew.

Somehow, coming to the logical conclusion of the corruption, the globalization, the forced diversity and constant doublethink, is just a bridge too far these people.

He's saying he doesn't find the fact that you simply screencapped a frame of Sam's face within the video and posted it here as a reply very funny. I don't disagree.

Sharkeesian fabricated bomb threats against herself so she could make more money. That's a crime.

Why are YOU here if you don't know how to present an argument, you fuckface?


And who cares? Anita, is the special little peon that can make bomb threats, and that doesnt matter. But what does matter is the spergs on Holla Forums. You have no idea what is comming for them.

Do you expect me to read this leftist shit when Clinton's campaign just recently said they wanted to kill kikebart?

That's blatant bullshit. Most of revolt's threads were about gamergate ecelebs that I didn't give a fuck about. Most of hq's threads were stupid motivational shit acid would try to do, a few threads on articles, and the eceleb contained in a cyclical. The reason hq was shit is that Acid was a faggot that would autosage or delete threads on DARPA/Common Core.

Its not a strawman when you're saying that you're not going to bother resisting leftists controlling the culture war and using video games as a propaganda tool.

I wasn't trying to be funny.

Damn you people are autistic

Any idea how to defend against such tactics.

I found that just being like "cool beinz, how is this against my community's self interest?" Is useful.

There's too many people like you on this board.

Care to elaborate faggot? Or are you just drop some cryptic shit every now and LARP as Illuminati?

Because unless you're a writer, designer, or a developer within the industry, you don't have the ability to create a vision to combat it. You are constantly at a disadvantage in only supporting some people who CAN and there's never going to be a person who CAN that you'll agree with 100%. We've moved on and found a larger and better target.

Glad you realized it. Now figure out that there's a world outside of being assblasted your fucking JRPG's that won't be imported directly because Faggot-chan's panties are showing in a cutscene.

because it doesn't exist.
the reason people think it does is because someone saw a job posting for UC Santa Cruz (that was funded by Darpa) on the Digra site and was all OMG DIGRA IS FUNDED BY DARPA!!! and made in picture complete with a random Ron Paul picture.

Digra is an academic organization that is only funded by membership fees which pay to run their yearly conference.

They were started in Scandinavia - finland I think? - and have no legal USA presence. So why the hell would Darpa fund them?

Gamergate ensured a new generation of young people beyond the containable range of wokeness

I don't even play video games you nigger.

Shamed by what? I posted a screenshot and nothing else, and these people are sperging out over it.

My observation of their autism is entirely valid


Awesome. Now kindly shut the fuck up.

Get a mirror.

Most of gghq's threads were about gamergate ecelebs I didn't give a fuck about. What were you smoking?

Wow, is it just me or did it get a little shilly in here?

No, I don't take advice from retards.

I bet you try to redpill people reading passages from Mein Kamph (not effective)

Ok kid. Thanks for playing.

Considering all the normalfag memes in here that you're not going to see in any other thread on Holla Forums the answer is pretty obvious.

Considering that you give no care to what the upcoming generation is consuming and brainwashed with you're likely younger than me.

The only downside to Tila is the bitter autists who try to ruin the fun

Their tears are delicious. Even now they are in denial. We can continue with kotaku, because their fate is not yet sealed and we can easily claim their scalp.

Then we can move on to comics which is already sinking and infested with sjw's. And later movies since they are already taking it in the ass.

And cable. We can claim so many victories because they are all just drowning in their own money draining shit ideas!

You're not doing it right.

Nowhere, in any statement above (and feel free to stretch your limits of autism to double-check) did I say I didn't care about the "upcoming generation." In fact, I went out of my way to show you why your line of thinking is myopic and dysfunctional.

I am not involved in GG because GG is for cancerfags, but this board or the discussion isn't about me, so why the fuck do you care about me? Because you don't have anything relevant to add to the conversation other than "YOU'RE MEAN, OMG YOU'RE SO MEAN. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FUTURE AND WON'T TEACH THEM WELL AND LET THEM LEAD THE WAY AND SHOW THEM ALL THE BEAUTY THEY POSSESS INSIDE."

You're a step away from telling me I'm a fucking white male. Please lurk more and maybe you'll learn something instead of shitting out nonsense.

Pic related. Learn it. It might help you.

Enemy soldiers still need to die, even if you're aiming for the commander.

That has nothing to do with the board owner, and is probably not even paid by Trump. Hotwheels is a Trump supporter himself

Have you ever heard of "globalist" Jews specifically shitting on the nationalist policies of Israel? Of course not. Those "globalist" Jews only want globalism for the goyim


It's generally uncommon though.

So basically
So why are the GG retards celebrating this so much?


Don't forget part II of the plan.

One of the major reasons we targeted Gawker is because they were big, but also a low-hanging fruit in terms of weaknesses. The idea was to kill them and then put their head on a pike. As an example to scare the rest of the games media and put more pressure against the SJWs.

Killing them took two years, but we still need that pike. Just killing Gawker itself isn't gonna do the job. Follow through.

Honestly I wonder how many people who helped develop #GGs grand strategy back in '14 are even still around. It seems like most people know the immediate goals, but a ton of people forgot how everything integrated into a master plan. Especially on Holla Forums.

You said that you don't care about the effect of video games on them. Considering that that is the main thing effecting them it boils down to the same thing.
You're just outing yourself at this point.

the war is never over, this is a forever war, the ride never ends.

GamerGate should have only ever been Holla Forums and Holla Forums. We fucked up hardcore by getting leddit involved.

Commander's far more efficient at ending a war than wasting time with soldiers.

And now, here's another example of faggots who are actually digging unlike certain retards:

It's [current year] and leftists are still screaming 'CURSE YOUUUU GAMERGAAAAAAAAAATE!'
Gotta love it.

Nice historical revisionism.
In fairness, a lot of it was leddit crossposters on Holla Forums so they weren't entirely at fault

The thing that bothers me most about Gamergate is how dumb a lot of people on Holla Forums turned out to be, that endchan site being a prime example. I see those people posting troll infographics full of false info, any half way intelligent person can tell they are jokes made by a troll for mischief but those people are so genuinely dumb they believe it all.

It's a nexus point between the people pretending to be dumb and the people that are actually dumb.

When will you understand that nobody is going to come post on your dead imageboard clone? /gamergatehq/ was full of problems, as were /gamergate/ and /gg/ before it. All pales in comparison to your idiocy and I'm embarrassed I encouraged people to use your board when it was made.

You had all of that potential and then you got cowed by e-celebs from some IRC club while being obsessed with Acidkike and every other irrelevant eceleb in history. Then you parade the three worth while threads on your entire board on here like a child trying to fit in at the cafeteria.

To which you EQUATED as me not caring about a future generation which is not the same thing.

Look at this bullshit. Are yous serious, kid? How the fuck are you still in this thread being THIS intellectually dishonest? Move the goalposts some more, you dense fuck. You've gone from being assravaged about someone who doesn't care about games and equating it to "fuck everyone and everything" to stating I'm being intentionally subversive because I don't agree with the dumbfuck who doesn't even play the games he's defending.

Fuck off back to GG, nigger. You've been dealt with.

reminder decentralized holyland is only potential viable alternative to 8ch and it's far from being ready

Last time i checked in with those guys the master plan was burn down everything SJW related.

They ended up embracing a lot of it tbh.

Okay then. here's a mixtape link: Since neither 4 nor Holla Forums can handle webm embeds of that size, I figured endchan would do the trick in a pinch, shame I'm stuck dealing with idiots too busy with imageboard wars.

And now the copypasta:

See and kill yourself, same as the retard I replied to. Whenever you're too busy worrying about who's saying something rather than what's being said, they have already won.

What even is pokemon go for someone who isn't an autist and doesn't own a mobile phone?
Polite sage for offtopic.

Damn haven't seen those in a long ass time. Good shit.
Its no surprise. Acidfag is here and so are some of the other GG Holla Forums anons. They always feel the need to defend GG even if it means going on different boards.

Geocaching app repurposed for retards for the short end of it. Instead of actually getting things worth a damn, instead you're catching pokemon.

The guy is butthurt enough over gamergate that he droned on about it for nearly half the article. Do you honestly think he's going to be honest about what money they lost which was a figure from someone entirely different anyway?



Why would he basically give in to GG and praise them as being a good constant annoyance and then lie about the money? That doesn't make sense. A lot of people thought the 7 figure thing was bogus when it came out and it seems like this confirms it.

Because the entire article is him whining about the people criticizing Gawker and are vocal about being happy it's done poorly?

His rant is basically praising Gamergate. Why would he lie about only the money? If he was gonna lie he would've spent his entire rant talking about how unsuccessful they were at everything. It doesn't make sense that he lied about this one thing in his rant of praising GG.

user, luggage lad was a literal cuck. That had nothing to do with Anita.

GG doesn't need to exist anymore, people do what they did while associated with GG but now without the association. There's no need for the movement anymore, we're scrutinous of games journalism, against censorship and social justice in games as individuals.
GG was a success in the sense that it spread the ideals of the movement into a large number of people, even if the movement now is a shell of its former self. That, and it's making SJWs jump at shadows and then blame GG for it.


When you go into a Trump rally everything is tightly controlled. They don't let you enter with whatever banner you like.

I finally understand why Common Filth said that you can't heavily rely on most LGBT ecelebs who oppose the left. Most adopt entry level talking points and aren't passionate to stick with core beliefs, while taking a large sum of money.

This, right here is exactly the problem. You behave like fools, expect to be treated as anything other than fools, and when your stupidity is pointed out or criticised you default to blaming the ecelebs under your bed and in your closet.

Remove yourself from the gene pool, and take your worthless board with you. /ggrevolt/ was a mistake.

The only fool here is you. Acidfag posted god damn pictures of this thread in the Holla Forums general. It's not some fucking conspiracy when the dumb fuck is posting proof he's here.

Also I've never been to GGrevolt you autistic faggot. Keep on being afraid of your big bad boogieman though retard.

Yeah, he tends to do this every time gamergate's brought up on Holla Forums, and invites the twitter shitters to play.

And again the boogeyman is to blame.

Admitting when you have failed and why is how you grow and get stronger. When you hone your skills only on scapegoating others for your own failure you never progress. This is why your board is dead. Acidkikes moderation is why his board is dead. Ultimately, yours is still the more cancerous of the two because, at least his kept itself contained. You bring your stupidity here every chance you get.

Get out until you man the fuck up. That is all that you need to be told.

And projection, thy name is you. See Acidman going on Holla Forums to recruit help to shit up here, as demonstrated in

Jesus my brain can't handle this level of projection going on here.

What I see when I open his pics is a tripfag complaining about the thread not loading properly. He is neither showing himself posting or asking anyone to post in it. He is not even discussing it further in the thread that I can see.

This is what I have been patiently explaining to you. You are obsessed with faggots.

The same tripfag who conveniently has come here on more than one occasion damage controlling for gg whenever it has been mentioned, which you've left out of your particular narrative. Whenever he does mention it in the Holla Forums gg general, the regulars of there also come by with similar nonsense.

Yes I'm sure he's just come to the thread to only lurk. Acid would never try and damage control or push a narrative. :^)

And you're obsessed with a dead board.


And do you have any proof at all that any man in this thread is from Holla Forums or Twitter or anywhere else, aside from /ggrevolt/ posting their links? Of course not.

I am finished with this. You are beyond helping.

Pure coincidence, right?

oh god… i was considering going to CSU for Ind.Egn, now im really doubting i want to go there. i mean its REALLY dangerous for me if those kikes know a person like me goes to that univ. theyll fucking assassinate me holy shit fuck that.

which uni is the least pozzed and is in a non pozzed state where i can defend myself with a gun?

lol you stupid kike.

this was posted before
so how could I switch my ID back to
and I'm still under the same ID.

Fuck's sake, you're stupid.

It is really interesting to read this in retrospect. If the MSM hadn't demonized GG, then Gawker likely would've crumbled in under 6 months after ads were getting pulled.

pick your battles and destroy/replace their context. That means in simple conversations you have to ignore/dismiss/downplay/ridicule their attempts at creating a context where you're always wrong. We're very good at telling people to fuck off so this should be easy.

The real long term strategy is to create our own cultural context - a lot of people here give the 'alt right' for being faggots and they deserve it, but at the same time they should be commended for creating and maintaining an alternative culture that has our interests at heart. GG failed precisely because it was stuck in the sjw's culture arguing in their arenas about their talking points.

Really at the end of it all, that the media decided to go after GG showed more people that the media was corrupt as fuck. That in itself is a good thing.

It's funny how GG and Trump are the only two phenomena to unite the false-right and left msm
They are both direct attacks on the globalism's Dead Sea Scrolls.

Speaking of internet wars what the fuck happened with fighting CTR?

There's no sticky and no threads about it anymore.

Good point

We can't let Milo have a fucking inch in the alt-right.

Gas the kikes or go home

The CTR shills ran away,

Yes I was triggered. Mostly because they still use this disgusting MK ULTRA fuck to push shit on Holla Forums.


shit bait

Gamergate is in this fucking thread right now, isn't it?

In the future namefags, avatarfags, tripfags, and all E-celebs must be strictly forbidden.

When it comes to future operations I think that it's important to notice that this thread is a microcosm of the entire Movement.

Maybe imageboards are by nature functionally impaired when it comes to long term campaigns like Chanology and GamerGate. Maybe in the future we should only play to our strengths.

I wonder where all the gaymer goy shills that have been making threads here for two years and calling it a cucked leftist movement that failed and didn't do anything of value are now?
I want to see them try and spout their d&c bullshit again when something like this comes straight from the horses mouth.

So we're the candle that burns twice as bright in half as long? Just means we'll have to pack more jews into the same oven to take advantage of the extra heat.

ape the Taliban and (((Communist))) guerillas and do hit-and-run with massed power and force multiplier in the enemy's weak parts
(e.g. Gawker - ads, CTR - public knowledge, Holla Forums-Holla Forums - countermemes & laughter, etc.) and do some ISIS-like theaterical ops to unnerve the enemy (like cumming to Rick Wilson daughter and sending it to their home) and then disperse back to the general imageboard population.

Be sure to have secure VPNs and online ids in doing this, don't want (((them))) to map out the agitators and "leaders" like they did to our previous incarnations.

I'm sorry if my facts and logic are triggering for you.

This goy still believes the lies about the Ovens burning faster because they were so packed.

LOL they're still clinging to that strawman??

It was positive coverage for a shitty game that was not worth covering.

This thread was really good until it got mentioned in Holla Forums

IIRC there was an article discussing 100+ titles that had just debuted on Steam Greenlight, and Zoe's Choose Your Own Adventure got half the column inches of the entire article, the other 99 got the other half.
Not a review though!

intl go home

the d&c shills did a real job on you fuckers.

gamergate was just the trigger and gawker was just the first salvo. the lugenpresse is increasingly advocating shutting down 'problematic' internet discussion that goes against their narrative. the next round will be the real deal, Trump is the new Milo, CNN the new Gawker, Clinton the new LW.

learn to PR niggers or lose

b-but Trump isn't an effeminate ladyboy.
and gamergate let themselves get taken over by personality cult faggotry, you deserve it for taking that shit off 8ch and creating this new wave of twitter cunts.
we could've been redpilling normalfags directly on craigslist this whole time instead of worshiping literal homofaggots on twatter.

Soros is funding open borders policies for Israel, actually. The globalist jews don't like Israel bc it gives them a bad name, give the goyim a target to galvanize around, and most importantly keeps jews in Israel rather than infiltrating goy society. its not quite as simple as you think, though they do run cover quite a bit of course, for the reason stated above

the moral of the story is that jews will be jews, not even jews are exempt from their jewry.

I will never not be mad about this

I think GG scared (((them))) more than anything has scared (((them))) in a long time. Think about it we wounded one of (((their))) propaganda machines. We drug the media Jews into the open leading to Trump and his decimation of the media. We destroyed any credibility SJWisim had making it a dirty word even among progressives. Exposed online censorship. Realistically there was no way GG was going to end (((their))) control but it hurt them. And I would like to go on hurting them leaving them like they left America like they left Europa marooned watching their culture eroded, buried alive.

Please go back to Holla Forums and jerk yourselves off in your pointless general instead, it was all the Hulkster's doing.

nice, link a kike and his kikess

Is there a screencap somewhere?

GG brought me here, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

This is beautiful

Daily reminder the /int/ raid here happened the same week /gamergate/ got nuked. Goons successfully drove a wedge between Holla Forums and Holla Forums that's still going today.


Imagine spending all that time trying to shut something down - all those tens of thousands of lines of autistic text, all those hundreds of hours in streams, going between Holla Forums and reddit and twitter, the sleepless nights spent in IRC plotting your next master stroke against the gooplety gapers - just to have its visible supporters become full time successful ecelebs and it's #1 enemy conceeding defeat. Must feel like shit, hopefully more come in to drop some of that sweet salt.

phew all these shills mang