The main background of S.T.A.L.K.E.R revolves around a secret group, who has engineered a false god, a special stone that will grant all of your wishes and give you eternal happiness. It is actually a deception, the gods are not real and it acts as a fly trap to lure experienced fighters into the center of the zone.
A group of fanatics take up the worship of this rock, they call the monolith, and use their fanatic rage to attack everyone deemed unholy, or anyone who questions the monolith.
They wield RPG-7s and AKMs and die in a ludicrous and fanatic manor.
Any questions?
Grayson Perry
why are you such a faggot?
Charles Reed
No, the scientists played with the noosphere, fucked things up, went into seclusion, then shoved the monolith there as a tail after first stalkers made it to the center (where Guide comes from) and then later freaked the fuck out when Strelok got in there.
Also if you want play reductionism, the US worships an idol, wields rpgs and rifles, and loves to praise God while killing. Anybody who points this out is denounced and attacked. Have fun with that.
Juan Thomas
Camden Jenkins
Join Freedom today!
William Barnes
bump for good laughs
Kayden Thompson
and I mean this in the sense that I agree with OP and
Colton Thompson
It's really feeling like an amalgamation of 4cuck and plebbit in here.
Anyone else first-exodus, or am I the only one left watching Rome burn?
Dylan Lewis
I blame brit/pol/ for chasing off the good people here
Tyler Long
Nathaniel Long
Been on 4chan since 2010, came here like 2014? was something about with Baph that led me here.
Alexander Morales
Sage because this shit is so irrelevant… but the movie Stalker is really good, it is Russian but hey, beats hollywood.
Wyatt Wilson
Joseph Rodriguez
Chase Garcia
brit/pol/ and every general thread was always cancer, but it really began turning once Trump was shilled. The sheer amount of cognitive dissonance those who believe Trump will magically turn the U.S. around have is astounding.
Not exactly sure what you're talking about. The last major /baph/ happening I recall is when Benji doxed that judge and got the board wiped.
Ayden Ortiz
bump for interest
Nathan Smith
Jayden Jenkins
So this game let's me nuke the "monolith"?
Nathan Young
Tyler Watson
You're either autistic or trying to slide something. Probably both.
Justin Davis
…I thought the Trump worship was ironic and we like him simply because hes an outsider who says things that outrages the cabal and normies?
Austin Clark
I'm so sick of the Brits anyways, I'm from Wales and we all voted for brexit unlike Ireland and Scotland but those fuckers still have the nerve to call me a sheepshagger
John Carter
Make like your image and fucking die, you annoying retarded faggot.
Jackson James
Do you shag sheep?
James Anderson
I've never finished the game, despite being a stal/k/er.
Slide thread
Jace Williams
Yes, the "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is real life" thread which has been continually bumped by a single user every 15 minutes is totally high quality. I'm not against video game threads, just shit threads. This is a shit thread.
Are you new? It may have started that way but with the influx of TrueBelievers™ from reddit and 4chan, anyone who disagrees with a pro-Trump post gets silenced with mass accusations of being a shill. CTR just added fuel to the fire, now EVERYONE is a shill if they disagree with you
Not knowledgeable on the cultural boundaries in the British Isles, but you should just take the bantz.
Tyler Thomas
Well it was when it started, then Eric hired people and Holla Forums harbor finished it. I've actually gotten ban notices for speaking ill of him. Funny since it was gone in a few minutes when it promised days, but still.
Mostly I wager its the same thing as with the Bernie Bros, they finally have a candidate they not only agree with, but actually gives them patronage. Sort of like how as a teen you find some media character who is totally you.
Its going to be fun post 11. We'll have a wonderful fire either way. Some call them block parties, others a bloody nuisance. I call them "chug a whippet and breathe on the bonnie for 10 quid chav." And that is how I make skin heads.
Hudson Wright
no but we have a shitload of sheep farming here
Henry Gonzalez
Do I need to explain how the OP is shit and not politically related whatsoever?
Jose James
I was under the impression the cult like praise was to keep normies and journalists in the dark
Austin Robinson
The worship mentality is generally coming from the "alt-right" to the best of my knowledge. Heavy leakage/shilling inb4 "everyone's a shill, right guise?" from 4chan and Reddit take a look at the "The_Donald" subreddit for an idea of the cancer has taken its toll and now every other OP is either shit like this thread or singing the "God-Emperor's" praises.