I've gone insane a bit

I haven't slept in about 12 days now and have been vividly hallucinating. things
The most amazing thing is how the threads and boards become transformed into these massive chinese towerls .
When I look at the reply form it becomes a floating garden gazibo. Everything looks really beautiful now with clouds

Other urls found in this thread:




It's an amazing place to see. I'm gonna try to stay this time .

How do you stay awake for 12 days?

4 grams of meth

I think you're experiencing cyberia, user. Could you explain more?

time to snort some reality and GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP

I've seen them before.
When I move my head it's as if I'm looking through a window into this beatiful chinese kindom

I wanted to tell everyone.

My keyboard is like a pile of bubbling tar

Go more insane, make a >>>/tulpa/ while sleep deprived and record your results. Other /fringe/ tier ideas are also acceptable.
What does music do to you atm?
What does your handwriting look like to you, and could you post a pic for us to compare it with?

your breathing has now become manual

do you ever get these itches under the skin or under nails? i think it's small worms in your blood, i tried cutting one itch open one time and i could pull out half of a wriggling thing but the other half crawled back in

Lol, no I stay cold and I clean myself so get minimal Formication

Watch Dalai Lama lectures until you black out

have you ever had biting insects trapped inside your penis?

Ok I'll do that.
Music helps me stay awake.
I keep seeing cats in the corner of my eyes
I can't stand or I llose balance

I want to lick your eyeballs

I had a hard enough time making this board

Death is near

Please do. they are like wilted rotting grapes in my mushy skull
There's a crow somewhere

thread, user, you mean a thread. Have you eaten anything?

No, I've been fasting since I started

looking at that picture makes my feel steady

Your heart is beating too fast

Eat a fucking protein bar or something, user. you're going to fucking die.
or was that part of your plan all along?

No but my teeth are chattering and I've seen you face before

You see faces on imageless posts? that's kinda cool I guess.
what does wanking feel like for you?

Whoah, gool gifffffffff
I've been fasting since I was a kid. Need to lose weight anyway

Brain aneurysm is imminent

Painful throbbing in both temples

Spreading to your forehead and behind your eye sockets

It's like I can make myself self nut reallly quit but I cant lock the nut in place so the only way to nut Is not to le it go but built up enough pressure to break the nut lock

Throbbing pressure building more and more

can lock the nut

Watery feeling in your ears

Dizzy, lightheadedness. Field of vision darkening.

I have headphones on doof
It's been throbbing

I'm starting to calm down so stop trolling or you ruin the expirience

did you ever try looking at a piece of broken glass really close? Like so close you could see the small little glass particles?

This reply div looks like an underwater grotto

Take some LSD and then go to sleep after the trip.

I scrolled up to re read I got verigo as I reach this hieght

What would you do in a forest of trees made of razor blades growing on a ground blanketed with blazing hot coals?


Holy fucking hell user, how much of the 4 grams have you done?

No but I do get bedbugs sometimes

I've got like 2 little bowls left tbhhh

did you know that bed bugs can crawl up your nose and enter bloodstream from there?

Find a river duhh

what constitutes a bowl of meth?
impressive dude, that's an insane amount of glass

I didn't really have a plan but if it happens who cares?

hey op. I'm really sorry some anons are trying to creep you out

I think this is super interesting

I know the thread looks like gazebos, but don't you think it also looks like sedimentary rock?

With fossils and pretty gems hidden in these grey-blue stone slabs

Have a happy gif

I care if you die

Please take care of yourself, I don't know you but I like you

I need water and a re-dose

be careful! I'll stay in this thread to make sure you come back safe

what if you go away? will he come back unsafe?

this, go get something to eat and drink at least

I just don't want him to slip and fall, he said he's having trouble balancing, hope he's okay

yeah he really really needs to eat

the river is made of sulfuric acid

You can't feel your heartbeat anymore

You've forgotten how to breathe

Here lemme get you some flashy gifs

why would you want to ruin his trip? he's been at it for 12 days man that's not funny

I just gonna finish this bowl

You are now out of your body, and looking down at your dead and discontinued body.

Someone post some seizure and strobe GIFs. I'd do it but I don't want to go to jail when OP dies

Welcome back

OP, I hate to tell this to you, but you are actually a skeleton.

nah fuck you

let's make it nice

Ok im back. all good except my cup of ice water made the sound of screeching tires for a while

that's SUPER cool, was that when the water was spinning?

what do you think of the gifs?

motherfucker, is that cultist chan? It's now a cultist chan thread

Guys don't argue please we waste so much time on threads arguing i wont have it just do what you want


top gondola

i fucking love your attitude

I've had this happen a few times. Like the 'auto-breath' function in my brain just sort of toggled off, and breathing became a conscience effort. Nearly blacked-out a few times when I got distracted, so I'd sit down and stare at the wall for hours - just to focus on my breathing. Honestly felt like I was fighting for my life.

A bit spooky.

I can't tell if thats a gesha w/ an umbrella or a girl with a sun hut and yellow glowing eyes


Endomorphic build bitttch!!
I could fast for months and stay chubby

It's just a gondola critter, dude


Thanks god dubs but I will be fine or I won't and but either way it's not important

How much do you put into a bowl?

Thank you for your concern please enjoy gawking at madness

severe nausea. burning feeling in the pit of your stomach

here's some cool music


Surphirc acid isn't as caustic as you think it is I could stay in for a few hours and get non major epidermal burns on 78% of my body
That fucking cat again

It's not a vulentary movement you cant forget it

Which fucking cat?

I'm cranking all of the gifs at once

Shes mocking me

open blisters all over your scalded, swollen, inflamed skin. the slightest touch is agony.

I'm getting a bit burried in tasks atm


Can we calm down for a sec guys! I'm dizzy and these fishing poles are like an inth from my eyes


somebody post a song Ineed to look at my keyboards turtle shels

the part of the brain controlling your breathing is irreparably damaged. breathe manually or suffocate, except you can't because you've forgotten how because you never learned because you never had to but now you do, but you can't.

I'm gonna lift a short barbell 30 yeps



I could plug in my webcam but i don't wanna be called a shill


Dude, I think your a skeleton. Look at yourself.


Project yourself out of your body and transcend. Take a look at how beautiful this entire universe is. I think you can do it.

I feel really bad for what I saif to that guy that wanted me to eat

Look, OP, this pretty girl is smiling at you. I think she wants you to start posting some timestamped pictures. What do you tell her?

Can I wear my fawkes mask?

im fuckion


well can I wear my mask in pictures

Don't fell bad buddy, we just care bout you and want to make sure you're safe. Please try to eat and get some sleep after you're done tripping.

She says yes but you have to provide something interesting instead

dude i know im hungry but im not done yet no spaghetti for me
got to have my guy fawkes mask

This is getting dumb, I'm too confused
what kind of timestamped pictures u wanna see?>>7190987


Follow pic related if you can

Is that the bset u got?

Dude I remove and replace my eyes daily.
Why don't you get something to eat?

The little bit of speed that you have left obviously

be creative, it's your show


Hey buy are you still here? I like to ask some questions.


You know what tho. I just wanted to share the palaces with you guys


Hey have you tried stay awake for 10 days without the meth?

When I was in college I took a lot of art classes
I stayed up for 13 days on stress alone

Ok so I guess I got a second wind or something
and I just realized, I'm not a narcissist. I don't crave attention nor know what to do with it

I'm gonna carry on alone. I hope this was fun

well that was mean, thanks for not sharing any pictures with us

That's very impressive. What else to do to remain awake? I don't think that I can force myself to be stressful because it would make me very cranky.

Farewell, I suppose

What my face or something? My body is still gross so .

Lurk Holla Forums

Why is your body gross? You are on the meth so you are likely to be skinny, am I wrong?

Seriously, no pics and he's into the wind

well you're a meth head you must have some shiny junk you picked off the street to do show&tell with us

Sorry I'm not a twitch monkey or a fucking vlogger. OOOh everybody look at me

Nah I want your answer because it's interesting to see how you can answer with your insane mind.

That's fair.
if you're an artfag, you might wanna draw what you saw during your trip. either now or when you sober up.

I've snapped out of it I meth'd myself back to sanity

I'm actually a highly functional user

What will you do if you see a nigger walking toward you?

what do you think of other drugs like PCP, cheap drugs from cold medicine, weed and other basic stuff?

Depends, I might say hi I might cross the street

Weed is stupid
I tried robotripping not much really
The only thing worth a damn is staying awake and fasting to cleanse th phychey

If I were you then I would across the street immediately.

I'm very strong and approachable

I can't let you do that, Dave.

True but the politically corrected society will punish you for defencing yourself.

too far too far

Yeah I know, and every black would rush me and wait outside my house until I called the cops and everyone word against mine or they just mob murder me and never speak of it again


thats nothing on an ice bender. I'll be out in a few hours then sleep til I start working monday

I can't believe I even considered monkeying
for all of these fucking normies. Can't even stay up for a month

You've managed to stay up for a month at times?


I'm insane

How do I delete a thread?

I have no idea. Ask Hex mod.

I haven't got a moment to spare
My eyes stay open and my body stays moving
Once thats going everythings good

I haven't seen him
Sage Only from now on

does this delete it?

I didn't know that it is possible for the human to remain awake. We can actually die from lack of sleeps.


You sneaky guy!

Nigger, you'd be fucking dead for not sleeping for 12 days. If there's any truth then, besides you drug abuse, you sleep deprivation already caused you some brain damage and it shows.



By all means hijack this thread and go crazy.
because apparently my sanity won't leave
It's not hard

That's called a panic attack.

Why do you want to be insane for? Nobody want to be insane.


I wish I was somebody else or at least forgot who I was

I am happy with myself despite being deaf.

How's being deaf, is that pretty rough?

It suck but I can live with that because I am white so it is a twice bless to be white instead of the niggers. The niggers have strong prejuices toward the people with the disabilities.

Yes communicating with the people is hard but hey I can sign.

Hey at least you've got that going for you eh.
Have you been harassed by coons for being deaf?
That helps, and you can type, so 8ch works well!

How did you become deaf, user?

Yes they demand that I work for them for free (slavery) so screw them! I simply stay away from them because well it's common sense to stay away. The niggers is even worse. They make fun of pwd a lot and will neglect them under their care so seriously do not hire them even if it is emergency. I repeat do not hire them!!!

Yup I enjoy typing. :-)

CMV when I was baby or born with it.

So you've never really had sound to go by? Do you still hear your own thoughts? I'm sorry if these are dumb questions but I'm genuinely ineterested

It is possible that I had some sound before I am became total deaf.

Of course I can think visually and verbally because I have been wearing the hearing aids at the young age for long tiem so I have the concept of the sounds.

Mfw I can communicate telepathically in dreams. Too bad it doesn't exist in the real world because it is super cool to keep the jews out. The jew mind is mentally unstable so it is easy to detect them. ;_;

Oh no don't be sorry. It's fine to ask the questions because it is healthy to expand your mental library.


I guess he dropped.

He died. It was just reported on CNN.

Go to sleep nigger, or you're going to die

I'm fine BO. I'm just not an attention whore and this thread was getting out of hand

Was it though?
That's what the doctors said, but there were no triggers at all, nothing stressing me out, nothing to panic over. I was just NEETing about in my room playing some New Vegas, nothing going on, not a care in the world – when out of nowhere my chest got really heavy and my head went light, and I realized how irregular my breathing was, I nearly passed out. I had several instances like this in the proceeding month, and again - no triggers, no warnings.

Chronic anxiety is something that has plagued me my entire life, it's why I ended up a hikki. I'm all too familiar with the symptoms, but I've never experienced anything like that before or since.

Work for free?! How do they try and make you do that?!
Jeeez really, what kinds of bad stuff do they do to the people they're supposed to be caring for?
That's good!

CNN is fake news!