What are your thoughts on Brexit?

What are your thoughts on Brexit?

I didn't see any threads about it in the catalog and I don't browse this board whatsoever, but I'm curious about what you people think.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's good that people are realizing that the EU isn't there to represent their interests but I don't think British isolationism is the answer.

We are oversized anyway, but i think East European non-euro countries should leave not Britain.

We literally just had a 300+ post discussion on it.

Very stresful for me as i would love a one world socialist republic.

The EU is shite.
However, the results you would get from Brexit would be even more shite.

What you really need is to use this to strongarm the EU and get a better deal and more influence.

The EU is shite.
However, the results you would get from Brexit would be even more shite.

What you really need is to use this to strongarm the EU and get a better deal and more influence.

Also, if the UK leaves, than they won't be able to veto turkey joining the EU.

A shit show career-enabler for right-wing populists.

political illiterates and edgelords run around agitating for it because it's cool and anti-establishment
retards on leftypol that pander to pol and what to be seen cool try to match this and also run around with it
masterrace don't give too much shit

This video completely sumarizes all of my thoughts on the matter.


EU is garbage. Thoughts are simple. USSR failed because it wasnt really a federation of republics but instead it tried to be a centralized government over provinces.

English here. it does more for workers rights etc, BOJO is gonna go full on neo-liberal if there is no EU laws . He will privatize even more, we won't even be like Swiss/Norway, with a ok welfare state we will be like the USA in 10 years.

I would like to further add that for all the attention on Trump-lite Boris Johnson, I would advise to be particularly wary of Harry Enfield's Tory Boy lookalike, Michael Gove. This man was probably the worst education secretary in recent history, imposing draconian reforms and spearheading multiple failed free schools projects with unqualified teachers. He's also made several statements indicating his desire for historical revisionism of the Great War through a nationalist lens. I would encourage anyone with even passing curiosity to read up on him.

I think the most telling aspect of this man though is his continued efforts to scrap current human rights bill, and his involvement in Leave campaign will likely fasttrack this aim. Make no mistake, this man is dangerous, and with people like him, Trump-lite, and Mr. I'm a Man of the People No Really™ running the Leave campaign, I find it amazing that anyone other than mentally deficiant Holla Forumsacks and stormfaggots could see this as anything more than an opportunistic right-wing coup.

I'm voting out, you can't reform the EU, it was born from capitalist interests and has been designed to remain so at the benefit of the ruling classes of each member state and to enhance the exploitation perpetrated by the multinationals doing business across the EU.

It's absolute folly to suggest that we can reform it, not only that as shit and anti-democratic our own parliamentary government is (yes you reactionaries even UKIP supports proportional representation albeit because they have a vested interest to), it is more absurd that should we somehow go through the effort of jumping through our own rigged hurdle to elect a socialist government only to be presented with a further obstacle to overcome afterwards.

As for the workers rights meme, it's a load of bollocks, we currently have HIGHER workers rights standards than the minimum that the EU mandates (the EU doesn't even mandate a minimum wage) and even the EU has been pushing to reduce even these if you've been paying attention. If we were to lose our supposed EU maintained rights in a hypothetical post-Brexit, we would surely already be at the minimum that the EU requires us to be so.

Even assuming that the EU is "force for good", the fact that allows an anti-democratic plutocracy to have any say in their legislation is anti-democratic in of its self. Our government like many previous before it, do not have the popular vote (37%) and our parliamentary system to no surprise but to the ignorant allows much undue influence to the rich and powerful, by being a member of the EU, the UK is poisoning this supposed egalitarian union with our corporate interests, like when our current government lobbied for lighter financial regulation (as did faux Labour's Gordon Brown), lower environmental standards and weaker action on tax evasion.

It sounds like to me the EU could be better off without us meddling in their affairs, and that's just Britain, as far as I'm aware Poland has a anti-democratic element in its government known as the Sem I think which has undue power with little accountability which in turn influences EU decision making and there's probably other EU members aggregating their plutocratic powers together.

Pic related, I'm not a Holla Forums shill, though I wish I was a member of a better union.


People who say tripe like this are acting like we're going to do a reverse Meiji restoration.

Oh hi Holla Forums

What kind of path do you think the EU is heading judging by the legislation of the past 20 years?

How? Write a strongly worded letter asking the other conservative/neoliberal heads of EU member states to stop being so mean to the proletariat and consider working towards a post-capitalist economy?

You really don't get it do you, so as long as our government isn't accountable to us (our last government to win the popular vote was back in 1931 if you exclude the infamous coalition of 2010), they will only use any gains in influence to find ways to fuck us over more than they already are.

As if the powers that run Westminster want to veto Turkey's membership, Tory's will tell us it's good for the economy and Labour even under Corbyn I'm sad to say will tell us it will make Europe and the Middle-East a safer place despite the Cyprus and Kurdistan issues, they will even say we need to be more inclusive and embrace them in the name of diversity.

Projecting much aren't we?

The rest of your post is feel good Buzzfeed level pablum, akin to the typical kneejerk response that guardian readers provide when asked about Trump.

I bet you enjoy John Oliver too.




It's a myth perpetuated by the establishment.

What EU directive prevents our government from privatising anything? In fact the EU made our government privatise our postal services actually, and are financially penalising new member states like Bulgaria and Romania for not having privatised enough of their railway services (which we're ahead of the game on). The EU is growing to be increasingly anti state ownership whilst doing nothing to promote worker ownership.

I'm voting in tbqh, I'd rather be rules by the Eurocrats than westminster

le men have a funnny face!!!!


What a load of fearmongering. It's like he know he's broadly despised. I bet he's covering up for his banker friends and desperate for an In vote.
These articles sum it up:>>729465

If you're a socialist, there should be no reason for you not to vote Out.

Godspeed my British brethren.

Zizek's one


brits voted for the tories twice, clearly they're terrible at deciding on governments

To be fair it's not democracy, it's a farce that a government can declare legitimacy with only 37% of the vote, but at least by casting off the yoke of the EU, we will have only one hoop to jump through instead of two to make social progress.

That's very unfair, Brits have to put up with an awful political system. You have first past the post causing a best of the worst type political pandering mentality of the main parties, then you have you have constituencies further diminishing dissenting alternative parties that would otherwise make up a significant national bloc had they been elected proportionally.

Again I must emphasise that the Conservatives currently in government only managed to get 36.9% of the popular vote yet have free reign to do as they please in government. Hardly the fault of the British population in general.



I'm voting in.

The government wants to increase surveillance and take away freedoms (which are already in enough of a poor state; example: you're not allowed to possess certain drawings you made yourself from your own imagination), and I do not trust the government to create a good Bill of Rights. This government was elected without a majority vote, yet they will be the ones deciding the freedoms and liberties for the whole populace if Leave succeeds.

Who could possibly want this?



I love this guy, it's a shame we don't have more memes on him anymore.

is this ironic? I can't tell if you're serious or if you're jokingly trying to put as many buzzwords as possible into one post ironically

great piece. all of them are very interesting to read.

Zizek's is soooo zizek. Starts with a zizek joke, jumps all around, hard to folllow, but still funny and interesting. thx 4 sharing

smh tbh fam

it's in the fucking name of the board

I just realized you guys might as well be bipartisan.
I'm really proud about the political pluralism that I have in my country by looking at that tbh. In the end they're all corrupt but fringe political ideologies at least have representation.

Look who is making threats theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/20/brexit-crash-pound-living-standards-george-soros

Literal bourgeois dictatorship as envisioned by Hayek. Fuck the EU.

The fact that the leave vote has basically been hijacked by right-wing populists is annoying tho since now people assume the only reason you must want to leave is because you hate immigrants.

Someone please explain how 36.9% of vote has over 50% of elected members?
was it gerrymandering or something else?

If you're seriously considering voting Remain, watch this first.
tl;dr Tony Benn would've voted Out, because EU is brutally anti-democratic


Funnily enough, some Socialist unions and the Morning Star have endorsed an Out vote.

Brexit is an example of how even meaningful issues can devolve into the usual bread-and-circus.

The EU has reformed ítself all the time since its inception. So what basis is there for the claim that the EU can't reform?

That video has been utterly fucking refuted and blown apart in the other thread:

Whoops, that's my shitposting flag.