What is most attractive?

What is most attractive?

French or South african


None of the above

Uzbek for some reason. Her face is complementary to mine

good taste



I guess I should put up something for the gay community as well

French look handsome, everyone else look like a rapist

All the Aryan ones, obviously. Jap, Uzbek and Vietnamese are tied for second place.

too old



Israeli a qt

South african, Burmese, and Spain

Why do white americans look so different?

All the good genes left Europe

1). Swedish
2). Swiss
3). French

If I may satisfy my autism for a minute, I'm going to go on a rant about why these "average" faces tend to look so attractive despite the average woman not being nearly as such:

Naturally, it is evolutionarily advantageous for people to be attracted to as wide a variety of other people as possible. This comes with the exception of more utilitarian traits, of course, but things like nose size, eye width, forehead height do not impact survival so much. But we still need that wiring in our brains to determine our attractedness to these features. Because of the first point, evolution would tend to have a bias toward us being attracted to features which are most common. That leads me to pic related.

The traits I mentioned tend to exist on a bell curve, where most people fall towards the average of any given trait. If we tended to be attracted to bigger or smaller noses, for example, we'd be attracted to fewer people. The reason few people are as attractive as in the "average" pictures is because, even though most people are average in most traits, it only takes one or two of these traits falling too far out of the average range to be deemed unattractive. With the sheer number of traits that we look at on a face, it is more likely than not that the average person would be above or below average in at least one. Kinda like rolling a die: you are 5x as likely to roll anything other than a 1 than to roll a 1, but you are more than 50% (~51.8%) likely to roll a 1 at least once within 4 rolls. And you only need to roll a 1 once to be ugly.

looking at theseā€¦ how can people say jews aren't white? they look pretty white to me!

The process of making these images made everyone's skin lighter. Try doing something like that yourself: make transparencies of multiple images and stack them on top of each other. The result will always be lighter than the original (non transparent) which made it up.



Found a better image.
Wanted the non meme one but this was best I could find.

Moldovan 10-yo girl, of course.

India is a qt but she'd better poo in the loo.



They pick the most attractive shitskins they could find and average looking whites.



Russia and Swiss are God tier

t. drumpf

Top 3 in no particular order:

t. Permanent butthurt

Shit taste.

but theyre the same thing?


Go back to your ladyboi nigger cuck porn, Steve!

No Brazilian?

Hard to say.
Personally I think Vietnamese, West African, South African, and French look the most feminine in a way that I appreciate.

how am I supposed to choose one? The niggers are out of the questions. But besides that, they pretty much look all the same to me with slight varations that don't really matter.


Russian Polish


france or hungary or ireland

this is the only one that matters tbh



peruvian srsly fam, and i'm white european, i wanna colonize their uteruses with my seed


Swedish women look like a more mature version of Swiss girls. Kind of fits tbh.

Puerto Rican
African American
South African

Fuck, meant the other way around.

Shit taste; all of you.

Russian, Swedish, or German

Italian and Swedish

Not debatable

Fuck you

Thai one is good, too

My Man!

Thais aren't even best asians. Clearly Uzbek is best asian.

Best white is Latvian/Lithuanian though.


Indian, Swiss and South Indian

Tasty choice


obvious American winner of Earth


remove yourself jew


Did they use a picture of Adam Sandler for Israel? The guy in pic looks just like him. Vietnam guy is best tbh. He's cute

ok maybe that wasn't the best image. should have replaced trump with hitler.

Russian, french, english in descending order.
Maybe that's because i am russian and russian girl looks like combination of english and french girls, but without their flaws.

Uzbek, Vietnemese, Jap and Chinese

join the imperium tbh

I wonder how many they used to make those, because all the western/northern european ones look like garbage, and the israeli sure as shit doesn't look like a kike
