reminder that mods here delete anything that offends their feefees
Reminder that mods here delete anything that offends their feefees
Other urls found in this thread:
mods are anti-freedom kikes tbh
either a pedo or a horsefucker
which one are you faggot?
This tbh. Pedos can fuck off. Only humans get free speech.
I'm glad you support threads being deleted and users being banned for being neither of those. He's already deleted a thread like this one pointing him out once.
Nah fuck off horsefucker/pedo
Catalog looks fine to me faggot. Maybe you're just retarded.
Catalog looks fine because the mod is doing his job, faggot.
makes since I guess?
Fuck off cancer
so they're trumpanzees, huh?
You mean threads pointing out what SHIT mods we have? He deleted the thread because of a pony picture and completely ignored the actual post. You just want your safespace where nobody can post anything you don't like. Oh wait, there's a perfect place where that already happens!
If you want a pony thread go back to cuckchan where you belong
nobody fucking cares
Pedos are aryans tbh
nobody fucking cares
Mods are cucks.
Now, I certainly don't approve of everything they do. But, I certainly approve of mods btfo'd cucks.
Notice how they all say nearly the same thing, as if they are trying to fit in. That's exactly what's happening
The moderators here are actually emotionally vulnerable.
I almost singlehandedly sock puppeted like 7 different people in the final days of the pony thread ban here.
Basically if you literally fucking samefag here, the current moderation is not able to pick up on any subtle idiosyncrasies, they are unable to pick up on the style of people's writing and maybe have that "aha!" moment, making the connection that this other person that just started fucking posting here is actually this other individual attempting to fool me into getting the idea what he says is more commonly shared throughout my user base, when reality is nobody actually gives a fuck and you are being emotionally abused by anonymous.
This is your leader.
Your mighty hotpocket has turned Holla Forums into his personal echochamber.
I remember when this was a fucking meme we memed with Hotwheels here before Dysomnia came from fucking 4chan and corroded the board community.
The meme eventually happened, who would have known.
He does however seem to not touch these particular threads because he is of the idea that "if I leave this particular thread expressing this accurate idea about my character than it would give the impression that is not actually the case"
Everything about this s childish, including the childlike reverse psychology employed through that behavior.
Post ponies all you want, but you don't get a general cancer thread to circlejerk in.
Good explanation, to bad mods will most likely delete it.
which is why you should support the alternative
It's only trying to sell a bisuit.
No, that actually was not the point of what you read, idiot.
Next time, actually fucking read what you reply to before you make a idiot of yourself.
Let me summarize it clearly for you and speak like a child as well so that maybe you can understand what is being said you you ok?
Here it goes: I used proxies to pretend to be several people so that mister dysomnia would friends would ban the ponies and it actually worked, so the conclusion is mister moderator operates on feeling!
Get that kiddo?
Die, namefag, die.
I bet your reaction will be hilarious.
Fuck off shill
my primary objective behind being a rudeboy and making the mods ban the pony community in the fucking first place was to persuade the pony community to leave this place. I always wanted them to go to 4chans /trash/ because I realized this place was not the same without hotwheels..
I am surprised the "horsefucker is mad cause they can't post here" boogeyman continues to live.
Why would anyone be mad from passage to greener pastures?
Ponies and utilization of the websites named posts options has always brought about a disturbance in children who consider themselves a part of the anonymous internet gang culture.
MLP is gay as fuck what the fuck is wrong with you? You la-la fairy homo faggot boy.
this is p pathetic dude. go back home
Well there's always 32chan.
when they gonna add more rules?
we know you want to!
Do I have to come spam your shitty board again? Didnt I warn you about shilling here?
You somehow come off as though English is not your first language.
Hello pajeet.
I too agree that emotionally vulnerable moderators and anonymous users with rampant misconceptions is pretty pathetic.
That is the general idea, I'm glad you understand.
top lal
I don't see a "##" so as far as I'm concerned, your words mean–
actually you mean more than mods do, you never told me though.
Quit your autistic screeching, nigger.
seriously. you're embarrassing yourself to a massive degree and everybody's staring. just pretending this is all bait, laugh it off & then never post here again out of shame
Post ignored!
Your time is up li*pbizcuit
but I'm tripcoding for a good reason.
that is, so people know what my posts are like in case i ever become mod or BO
They fucking slide entire boards here and lock up 8ch for fucking hours and your response is to give them the attention they crave?
You are either a extraordinary imbecile with unparalleled ignorance or what you are doing here is trying to boast about being able to programatically create unwanted posts on a website 0.00000001% of the modern world is even aware about.
I should add that your method is very inefficient at that. It is fucking laughable compared to the spam that actually locks up the Holla Forums servers and slides this board.
Don't boast about something we use to make fun of you, lol.
An idiot.
A double you and no coma.
That doesn't even make any sense you illiterate nigger. What was that about him not being able to read? You can't even fucking spell.
Are you mememing at me?
Why should I be embarrassed that you are upset and scorning me with pictures of your favorite anime?
I don't follow your logic here.
I'm v mad 😤
Anyway, I was going to type something for you, but then I changed my mine and decided to take it elsewhere after the post was already written.
I am rather rude for not fixing the post to be grammatically acceptable for you guys and instead chose to provide it raw and unfiltered because I didn't care enough for you to make those changes.
Dude I'm really embarrassed don't look!
I can feel myself being judged.
anyone else imagine scriptkitty as a really gross and sweaty person
Will someone please ban this pony-fucker? They shouldn't be allowed to post pictures that I don't like. REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
You literally just described everyone on Holla Forums
i'm not gross and sweaty
My boyfriend doesn't think so.
What a headcanon though, I have to be honest, it's how I picture most of the people here, kinda hot tbh…
There was some douchebag who lurked our threads and saved pictures I posted of myself, maybe you could ask them or whatever.
are you gay
Are you not?
Yeah. Also, a very childish person as well.
What a childish nigger.
If you ban me than I would painfully have to click another button and that would highly inconvenience me.
does anyone have the image he mentioned in
i want to see how he looks now
No. This conversations ends here.
I have an archive of everything that happened and lead up to this.
Believe it or not but posting fucking ponies is serious fucking business, multiple people were involved and we had an objective which was fulfilled.
Your mom ends here
Leave my mother out of this, she is a good woman and does not deserve commentary like this. Especially not from you. If she were here you wouldn't be saying these rude things.
the board*
>he has to develop conspiracy theories in order to comfort himself with the idea that the was literally kicked out of Holla Forums
If it was all apart of the plan, then why are you still here complaining about being kicked out? Oh, that's right it was not apart of "da plan" and it was nothing more than a couple ponies overly salty that they can't shill their pony circlejerk thread in everyone's faces anymore.
Can you please cite where I am complaining about this thing you have said and not actually using this event as a means to elaborate my point that the your superiors who you are defending here are emotionally vulnerable, easily manipulated people?
kill urself retard i hate people who post ponies
post your face
Both you faggots need to stop posting.
kill urself retard i hate people who datamine
is this pony acceptable?
This is possibly 8chans only meme. and only good meme at that.
No, I'm shy lol
post your face
are you gay
none are acceptable, that is banned content here on Holla Forums
please stop violating the rules
What should our posts be instead. please tell me internet rulemaker.
Not receptive.
we dont really care if it gets spammed tbh
hell i might even start spamming with you :^)
Well… You are an internet rulemaker.
And I am a habitual rulebreaker.
We were never meant to be. I'm sorry.
/continues to break ur rules
Seperate sites aren't boards dumbass.
I also came here with an objective,
Thanks 'ponys' for cooperating
The only one stupid here is you. You can't spell, you can't make a substantive "argument", you can't prove what you say is true, and apparently, this isn't equivalent to you whining like a little bitch over getting btfo. And that's exactly why, that once when you retards got kicked out; that you started your pathetic spam campaign that didn't do a thing. All the script did was just cycle between a few ips. How fucking pathetic you are. I love how you pretend to be some "computer wiz" while being so shit at it. Honestly, I think you may be more computer illiterate than when dysnomia first started out.
h-he-he spammed a board
wh-what am i going to do with my life?
Oh yeah? what was that?
If someone on the street walked by you in a burka, is your immediate reaction to literally harass them to give you a personal face reveal? That after first having suggested to the innocent lady that she was a hideously grotesque sweaty, greasy woman with male reproductive organs?
If that's your strategy, it is a very persuasive one, I can literally feel the persuasion in my crotch right now.
arent u like 12
you excited to learn anything in the 10th grade after summer buddy?
And he owns a site that gets 18 people on at a time.
What have you done with your life?
its okay I'm a girl post ur face
ecstatic about it :^)
Nothing, don't worry about it.
everything is gonna be okay.
write academic papers on etymology
I came in here because the threads topic was that the mods are faggots that are emotionally vulnerable.
I posted a story that suggested this idea user has is accurate and you proceeded to shout that I am complaining
you are attacking my careless grammar
using unheard of mental gymnastics to somehow misinterpret anything you don't like
You are this emotionally weak.
Your posts wreaks of emotions.
You can't even make this shit up.
also the server cant have more than 2 people on at a time :^)
this is true, but what're you gonna do?
lol……..lemme guess……………13
I feel cheater. I don't like you as much as I did a minute ago.
he's unironically 15 and pictures of him circulate around his website and freech
if u get in the discord u can also get in his pants
Unless they're being published and sutdied no one gives a shit, I'm writing papers on art history and I'm not even in a school, I just really enjoy talking about that shit.
forgot image
im 15 tbh
as opposed to ironically 15
i wanna /ss/ w/ a freech goon boy
I really fucking want brownies right now holy shit.
fuck off fucking namefag
You're just mad cause I'm a better name fag than you
why are brony namefags so cancerous
I blame autism
big brother is watching get your privacy back
Cause they're not me.
Why am I cancerous?
I'm usually told things that suggest the contrary of what you're saying :/
chen > ponies tbh
post your face or i'll go to /trash/ or wherever you hang out and find it anyways
I am attempting to get you to understand the point I has made in sharing that story because you clearly misinterpreted what was going on,
I'm not sure what damage you think I'm trying to control now.
knock yourself out
cancer.exe initiated
loading program…
You're taking this to stalker creep levels I see. I'm not sure how to respond aside from not complying with your rude posts.
who is this user copying my memes
Jokes on you nigger, the discord holds about as much important information as 32chan does.
cancer.exe has achieved sentience. 8ch will be assimilated into the collective
im stalker creep
t. stalker creep
no good, i'm on mobile
yeah ur right there is no information anywhere
but it's funny that they actually use discord more than they do chans
cancer.exe offers you this recent picture of Skitty in return for your cooperation in being assimilated.
Cause it offers better spam capabilities.
I'm sorry guis …
Wrong name
The only thing more cancerous than you is blewberry.
you know I'd go anywhere for your skittyhole
So let me get this straight.
You faggots are so horribly autistic you not only burned your previous home, you even made every one mad enough to go fuck with you as well and leave Holla Forums as it is today.
All because you're such a bunch of fucking spergs you can't functional reasonably at all in the presence of anyone ever, not even yourselves.
And you have massive problems with moderation in any form or shape.
!And you fuck up other people's shit for fun and to force them to join you in your shit cesspool.
You should keep at it and being this retarded, I'm sure a lot of people will visit 32chan out of morbid curiosity just to see what you spergs post about in your natural environment because that's the only reason anyone would ever visit whatever place you call home.
So let me get this straight.
You faggots are so horribly autistic you not only burned your previous home, you even made every one mad enough to go fuck with you as well and leave Holla Forums as it is today.
All because you're such a bunch of fucking spergs you can't functional reasonably at all in the presence of anyone ever, not even yourselves.
And you have massive problems with moderation in any form or shape.
!And you fuck up other people's shit for fun and to force them to join you in your shit cesspool.
You should keep at it and being this retarded, I'm sure a lot of people will visit 32chan out of morbid curiosity just to see what you spergs post about in your natural environment because that's the only reason anyone would ever visit whatever place you call home.
Sexual harassment isn't funny so why do you always do it?
You unfunny faggot.
I can't be that cancerous can I?
Wrong name
So let me get this straight.
You faggots are so horribly autistic you not only burned your previous home, you even made every one mad enough to go fuck with you as well and leave Holla Forums as it is today.
All because you're such a bunch of fucking spergs you can't functional reasonably at all in the presence of anyone ever, not even yourselves.
And you have massive problems with moderation in any form or shape.
!And you fuck up other people's shit for fun and to force them to join you in your shit cesspool.
You should keep at it and being this retarded, I'm sure a lot of people will visit 32chan out of morbid curiosity just to see what you spergs post about in your natural environment because that's the only reason anyone would ever visit whatever place you call home.
use your trip
Christ, all these ponyfags need to leave.
thank god discord never deletes logs
freech & bronies please leave thread
i dont care if my face is leaked tbh
i actually posted it in the Holla Forums thread about the spam along with my first name
Because it feels good and offers a momentary distraction from my spiral towards the dark abyss that awaits all of us in the end
trips confirm you're retarded
Nice trips Nathaniel.
How does that prove anything
It doesn't have to.
I hope every single tripfag in this thread dies of aids
Name fag master race.
Fuck you
What keeps bringing you ponyfags back? I thought this place was "too ded xd" and you didn't need us anymore?
You faggots are just like a low self-esteemed bitch who keeps going back to the bad-boy, despite being laughed back out over and over again.
Kill yourselves. :)
also dubs
For what purpose?
give back the tripfag general you kike mods
fuck ==you==
you're special, user. I'll call you my special friend!
im just here for the skittyhole and also the butthurt. why are you still here?
Non-trippers are truly subhuman
ok erp with me on the freech discord
my username is nanotech
for my entertainment
animals amirite?
Bite me non name fag.
Inferior piece of shit.
rawr x3
that's just nanotech, though, right
i need scriptkitty
Yeah that was always a point of argument with the poni posters I had every now and then before we went back to 4chan.
I argued this place was too dead so last year when hiro created a new /trash/ board, I realized what he was doing was basically creating new Holla Forums, last and only true random board with no predefined topic.
So me and a few others persuaded hiro to keep it that way and let us have pony threads there, this was like a backup for our inevitable ban here in wake of realizing how easily persuaded the mods here were.
after having secured trash as out new base of operations I suggested to the others here that we go there but most ppeople in the community were of the idea that it would be rude to juts abandon Holla Forums like that.
So I had to resort to turning the pony community against the staff here.
The only way I could do that was by exploiting their emotions by slipping opinions to them from several directions. It eventually worked and BOOM, they banned up, this lead to everyone using my new place as the fall back. everyone's happy!
I occasionally come back here because I still do like you guys a little.
I can't believe this was a board banner on Holla Forums here at one point
this forum is now pony property.
Lol what a fucking twink lol
nice OC tbh
Jesus that oc.
t. professional oc maker since 2015.
aku aku aku aku aku aku.
Are you entertained?
thx i try
it was a simpler time then
no the entertainment will come to you in the near future.
wtf I hate Holla Forums now
I love these vague threats lol. come on, nothings going to happen. I doxed Skitty a while ago and no one cared. I got half doxed and I didnt even care. You guys are only useful as a source of butthurt, lolcows for the milking.
newfags everywhere
lmao ikr
you have my sword
(epic oldfag reference, oldfags only)
No offense but, lurk moar.
Nano isn't complicated. He's actually cool if you can get him to sit still for a second. He's a seasoned halfchanner in a period of pure cancer. I haven't ben on 4chan in years and cannot imagine the depths of cancer.
Shilling, raids, and trolling.This is how he feeds his ego.
you are a child
i dont use 4chan tbh
plus im perma banned
have been for about a year or so
i just like having fun on the internet, dont you? :^)
The pony community used to like to show their appreciation for Holla Forums by not using ad blockers. That all changed the day I made them never want to be here anymore.
I remember we used to donate a lot when hotwheels was starting this place up, now none of us would ever think to do something like that anymore.
I have a feeling this post was not intended for me because everything you're telling me is irrelevant to the contents of my post.
What do you want on your pizza?
mushrooms and sausage
i want what said plus pineapple tbh :v
humbug. fuck off forever and let nature decide. why waste your life feeding jim watkins?.
hello nano
Is user really doxing nano and going to get him free pizza?
wtf i love Holla Forums now
i want free pizza too :/
if he/she does i hope its from dominoes tbh
post address
Yes Satan
None of it matters tbh. There's no clarity with nano because he isn't bringing logic. He just needs to keep the discussion managable for him by taking steps back, sidetracking, manipulating.
This place isn't even that fun to spam. I could slide this whole board without even resorting to using some gay little program. Y'alls a ghost town.
Nice of the mod to listen to me at least.
seriously considering doxing myself if this is what happens
If you faggots hate dysnomia so much, why don't you mass migrate to a new board?
I wouldnt bother, 8cucks cant even order a pizza right. I know.
i like dysnomia
the only people who dislike him are 32ch shills
Foster Oaks Drive, Conroe, TX 77301
i'll be waiting
Nah, to a new site completely, yeah.
Already happened though.
I just like to sit on the sinking ship and see things as they role out.
I'm still here for you anonkun~
I'm hoping he kills himself on camera at some point. Wouldn't wanna miss that.
Dude I could literally drive to your house and tape pictures of fluttershy on your walls and drive away.
That's how we like it bro
No, that's 3 hours away and I got work in the morning
Who is this?
I was doing that earlier. It's probably that new hex nigger too scared to talk to people.
It's Holla Forums tradition. I still give my old BOs shit
all this time together and you can't recognize your brothers? Maybe we should all start name fagging to keep it easymode
yes thank you.
There are a lot of people in this community so it's not an easy task to recognize absolutely every single one of them.
anyone have a favorite movie?
when did this thread get so boring?
the moment your pposts started showing up
hahaha got me i get it
Your first mistake was responding at all, no Travis spam da fuck.
Oh wow why are you guys still lurking around?
I thought you all loved 4chan trash this place is slow as shit why would you even bother coming here?
Travis was ruined by Travis poster #1 and he deserves to hang by his nut sack for making dysnomia ban Travis posting in b
Dossy! you're not dead! I wanted to come here and see if we could have a second chance, to tell you that Im sorry. For everything.
Do you truly mean that?
for fun??
I'm not one of those types that says "im never posting here or there!"
nah I post wherever the fuck I want, regardless of whether or not I am wanted or belong.
I'm what you call an interloper.
this tbh
The only thing that worries me is that you will end up ruining all the free good proxies out there.
That's all but meh any way I do keep up with my word and I won't be stepping that pile of garbage that 4chan with its gay capcha you lucky bastards gook gave you his pass for free the pictures of your butt must have been really good.
Dossy! you're not dead! I wanted to come here and see if we could have a second chance, to tell you that Im sorry. For everything, and I still care about you.
Nope I'm right here I was just really busy with school and my pc power supply died and I don't feel motivated enough to repair it and more stuff.
But I asked you if you truly mean what you are saying?
naw not really. I dont truly mean much of anything.
We'll at lest I'm not surprised but I had a slight hope that you and I could get ourselves straightened…
Meh any way good luck in the trash can.
Van a chingarse todas las proxies buenas chingao ya regrésate al basurero ahí están bien ustedes.
I regret saying this anyway you are not coming back ever so I won't have to bother watching the consequences
I am not even using proxies to post here you idiot. I have not been banned here a single fucking time retard.
P.S Dysomnioa is gay lol
Y yo que estaba siendo educado y amable contigo…
Tú eres un pinche naco y joto
wtf where's the thread in which I posted this coffee bean
which rulecuck deleted it
I actually like her pair of tits I have a hard on because of her pics but her face is so ugly.
gotta agree with you tbh even though I'm a renowned nigger lover myself
That nigger looks too retarded to even know what a photo shoot is. Lol why even humble such a creature? Retards. Rape that stupid nigger with it's already sagging tits obviously past it's prime. What a god damn shame. Nigger asses at that age are really gooey and fun to play with.
Regrésate al puto basurero.
Lámele toda la peanut butter del pito y culo al joto degenerate de Blewberry o a tu novio el furfag.
I have been posting there and here.
I will not stop posting at a particular place merely because your feelings about my posts are not good ones.
Hypocrite you are one I thought you hated this place and you even said you weren't coming back ever back in February.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah and I thought I was free and safe from your faggotry in this place meh anyway I don't really feel like putting much of a fight today.
Soulless narcissist faggots will burn in the lake of fire but not before they destroy themselves and others. WE are on to you. WE are legion. Some niggers are self-aware, but faggots have mental disorders that are incurable except by DEATH. Envy, the root of all evil.
Hey do you want to join the tankie vanguard against degeneracy and gulag all the faggots of the world and force them to work until they starve to death?
There is a grassroots movement underway to KILL all narcissists. They are attracted to position of power, which they always abuse. Starving to death would be a poetic ending for them.
Reeee! Stop running out of Miku pics! I'm building my collection and save every image you post, but now I look at my folder and it's full of duplicates.
Check your eyes, I have never said that lmfao.
What I did tell you however is that the community isn't coming back here.
I am not the community, I am a part of it and I really do as I please.
Did you not say twice that you were leaving forever?
Yet you are here again?
You are here forever :^)
I left 4chanclas forever and your gay circle jerk I never said anything about Holla Forums and Travis poster is gone from here I'm safe from his faggotry as well as for you meh you could punch me if you want I doubt you could knock me I really don't feel like putting much of a fight.
Also there is leftypol and I'm never going to leave that place
Pero por tercera ocasión te pido que regreses al basurero tu novio y todos los demás faggots con los que te juntas están ahí esperándote.
you were that user claiming to have been here for ten years retard
anyone can recognize your 3rd world english and writing style
as a fan of Judas Priest and the Dead Kennedys, I find Tipper Gore's failed attempts to censor them being used to censor cartoon mare vaginas hilarious and satisfying
What are you even talking about?
I never claimed such thing…
Again I was being polite with you me estás haciendo perder la paciencia ya lárgate de mi Chan…
Shit VPN.
I think it's pretty funny too
The moment you tripcucks turned it into a cirlejerk.
Lets make it cyclical 🍆💦
circlejerk threads are cancer confirmed
who would have guessed? looks like the mods were right to attempt to stop circlejerk threads from forming. the spammers were wrong yet again
Who do you think you even are saying things like "you're wasting my patience" lmao
You're nobody important friendo.
Get a load of this pajeet over here lmao
can you say special snowflake syndrome!
You're just a casual shitposter who has the capacity to get so fucking assblasted by my posts that you literally run around and circlejerk about how "stupid skitty is" on random obscure boards on this website.
also asking random anons to try and dox me by creepily stalking all of my posts and compiling things about me to share with others.
No one talks like that everyone can see that you are dysnomia.
If I'm not important why do you keep bothering me?
I thought your understanding of Spanish was a little bit better but nope you are fucking retarded.
Nigga you came into MY thread and responded to MY posts.
It would be really rude of me to ignore your posts.
Are you sure about that?
Your defense mechanism is to address your opponent with such intense engineered stupidity and obliviousness and it's hilarious.
Well done friendo.
Being this assblated because of orange text
Well aside from the obvious (you actually using a trip code) you have full fledged autism.
Ya no te voy a leer jamás ojalá te mates en un accidente de carro.
Oh boy you must be a great guy to meet in real life I'd bet.
The salty flavor would be coming out of my cock while you are on your knees sucking every drop of precum coming out if it.
That's gross fam, consider a change in your diet lmfao
btw can you please exit my thread? thank you
Lárgate de mi Chan puto.
Ya casi tienes 27 años homosexual de mierda
Needs more changeling
Dead thread, dead board, dead everything
Go back to the trashcan no one wants you in here.
good tbh
Only 7 posts made in that much time. Enjoy your irrelevant board
I think the mods here are pretty underrated tbh. In your screenshot I see nothing that didn't deserve to be moderated. Ponyfags and pedos are cancer. Nicole is cancer. Steam begging is cancer. For a spammer guy that lucked into a mod account hex is doing alright
Nano, I saw this song and thought of you bud.
Always. Plus, he's a troll, he knows the rules and breaks them to get attention.
woh thanks fam
this is p edgy btw
it's fucking gay
its not the edgy kind of music that i like tbh
embed related
Cool, it sounds kinda like b's fight song didn't know the genre
How do I get in on this adorable ponefriend community? I tried to hop in under one or two names and even got some of y'alls steams still but you're so, so fucking hard to talk to..!
daily reminder that both jim and dysnomia are confirmed pedophiles
its horrorcore tbh
artist is butchers harem
They are fucking worthless repetitive and boring you are not loosing much.
Nah that ain't horror-core. planb is horrorcore That's that brüt shit screaming through a pigs asshole euro,fetish porn. Checked em out,
Bad taste bro
well i enjoy this more than that tbh
nanotech is proof that most if not all of the imageboard ppl who are super ironic and snarky and shorten pretty to p and only use all lowercase and add tbh or variant to the ends of all of their posts are underage.
not me though haha thats wack what are you talkin about haha
is posting smug anime still a thing? i've been away for a while
aww this wuldve been better 2 use :(
it just magically disappeared one night, no 1 knows what happened
take the heh pill tbhfyrnif
(to be honest fam you really need it fam)
just when i thought he couldn't get anymore cancerous
haha lol dude you're so ironic :D it's okay that i'm talking to a literal child who is a minor bc you're ironic and sarcastic lol
i dont like that shit
Kinda like the Trumpcucks who banned me. The sheeple always get butt-hurt.
Is it just the music or do you fap it to snuff porn as well? At least that I can see the appeal
BO's get bullied as a matter of course. He could visit each and every member of this board and personally suck their dicks and do their laundry – wouldn't make the slightest difference.
true tbh. that hex guy he gave vol to is pretty based though
He did that to you too huh? terrible head
t. hex hotpocket: the post
Daily reminder tripfags are just as cancerous as ponyfags and pedofags.
t. asshurt
Yo, you wanna hear something wierd?
Like really weird?
t. cancer
ITT samefag argues with himself.
okay dud
t. mad no-trip
I couldn't explain it so I made a thread
Tell me what you think
seems p good tbh
t. horsefucker
You do know you can just filter them, right?
yeah, but this is the designated shitting thread.
Get in on the >>>/tripfriend/ board. It's a far better community (it used to be the Love thread) on Holla Forums. The threads are also infested with anime (my guess is this is to your liking?). But, in all seriousness, never set foot on the board Holla Forums. The board is fucking volatile and you'd be sitting their all day for months trying to get to know everybody (despite their personalities being cancerous). So if someone tries recommending you that board stay the hell away from it.
What the fuck did you just fucking call me?
But I'm not drunk.
Don't make fun of my racial heritage you culture stealing white goon
You are fucking a fucking Jew too bad Franco and the Falange did not got in time to butcher your ancestors
o-o-okay i wont do it again xir
also my bf is NOT a jew
kill urself
Kek if were not human then why do we look human?? typical Jew.
Get back to the trashcan.
Even my iPad spells it automatically for me.
Get back to the trashcan
Get back to the trashcan
Your bf? You are actually gay? Hahahahaha poor thing you are so fucking lame.
The horsefucker Script kitty is pretty gay he has a furry boyfriend who treats him like his little girl and makes him wear lingerie for him you should be attacking him as well.
oh noes! le spam!
lol kid. back to >>>Holla Forums
Sweet loli
The fuck is this shitty music ?
idk but i like it tbh
everything that makes me mad must make others mad right? :^)
Mods are deleting boards which don't seem to break any wonder this place is dead. B is going down the shitter
I am doing my very very best!
nigga what
Sage this ponyfucker thread.
t. mod dick sucker
the mods are based though
the only mod that was ever based in the history of moderators was hotwheels
the Holla Forums mods are pretty underrated tbh
more like overrated.
T.Assblasted Smokey the 37 year old that role plays as cute little ponies.
Go back to licking the shit of blewberry butt cheeks in the fucking trashcan.
t. pedo
t. mod
t. pedo
Go back to Tumblr
the dicks are back
check again
Nano just made me cum so hard, that I think I just pulled a muscle in my groin.
lol holy shit so many spam threads
yep, looks like the spammer has found a way to fuck up the board again.
How could I forget? I'm here cuz I'm a masochist.
I love to self-decprecate myself, that's why I keep coming back for the pedo gay trap porn here.