When this video was released a year ago we didn't have as much info as we do now.

Pay attention to where he analyzes the words "2013 was the warm-up, 2014 was practice ."

I believe they were talking about the 2014 FIFA games where there was a Zika scare.

Then note that one of the slides talks about "If your reading this now it's already too late."

The author didn't mention it but I believe his shirt says "WHO" on it. For world health organization.

Notice how it shows the brain spilling out of his head.

Just so happens now reports are showing that Zika effects the brains of adults too. They are spreading a disease that causes degenerate brain function for everyone.

I would also like to note that scientists came out and stated that microcephaly was NOT being caused by Zika.

Shortly thereafter everyone's favorite "debunking" website Snopes came out saying this was unproven:

We all know how that snopes is basically a propaganda arm when it comes to politics and science which leads me to believe something ain't right.

Its my hypothesis that the Genetically modified Mosquitos that are being dumped in Puerto Rico, California, Florida and wherever else that we are being told are helping, are actually most likely spreading the disease.

There are reports that 1 in 4 Puerto Ricans will have acquired the virus by the end of the year.

Ask yourself, where did this pop up all of a sudden? Why was this predicted in that video? How did reports go from "only effecting newborns" to all of a sudden "effecting adult brains with Alzheimer's like symptoms".

As a side note: The recent George Soros leaks clearly show an attempt to destabilize USA and many European countries. The Zika virus is patented and owned by the Rockefellers to which George has many ties.

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping for interest

Fucking kikes.

It's inevitable that it would come to this. With the power to not just modify viruses but the ability to mix and match em, splicing shit together and they can probably make nearly original things by now.

A controlled outbreak, lethal but not 100% so will do a very good job of making the public docile and obedient, willing to submit to martial law for their own "good". It may sound far out there but when you've got the means and a motive, you can be damn sure someone out there is gonna give it a shot.

How soon until we see a mysterious outbreak in the US? Maybe very soon. The Zika breaking out right where the Olympics were soon to be held is very suspicious. What an excellent opportunity to quickly spread a virus throughout the planet. If you had some supervirus with controlled/planned stages of mutation, you'd want to distribute it widely an evenly, otherwise the stages could trigger unevenly and prevent widespread transmission.

Keep your eyes on this one, Holla Forums.


I imagine the kikes also have a vaccine ready for it too and they're just waiting for zika to do its job of turning almost everyone into retards while (((they))) have granted themselves immunity from it as (((they))) prepare to sell the same vaccines (while also putting whatever poison of their preference) for hefty prices.

Truly vile pieces of shit, if this comes true.


stop saying lad outside of brit/pol/ you fucking pom

Additionally by having Olympians be the patient zeros, you wipe out a number of the best and brightest of every race. Plus, there's a certain poetic elegance in choosing literal Olympians as the first victims, and I'd imagine any bioengineer clever enough to be capable of something like this might also be vain enough to go with that, especially when it also has practical applications.

I wonder, how many Jews were at the Olympics? Did any compete? They always seem to have a "sixth sense" about these sorts of things, like they did with 9/11.

They don't need to thanks to huelympics.

You're onto something. There was a small team of kikes at the opening cerimony, but how many of them are still competing? I'd imagine all the jews would leave the infested shithole and give the "my team was all out so we left" sort of excuse, while at the same time mentioning they never had an idea of a zika outbreak happening in that place just as they left while doing a shit eating grin.


do tiger mosquitos carry the virus?



See OP.

The globalist Jew has made his move.

wew wew

Personally I don't think the Jews are behind everything, just that they're the most identifiable group out of a large number of elite globalists that cooperate out of mutual interest.

awww fuggg D:

Soon it will spread to all musquitos in the world. only way we can live through this calamity and still fight back against the jews is to move to a place where mosquitos cant reach. how far north do we have to go? we cant let ourself be to stupid to even see that there is a redpill anymore

mfw i saw a single tiger mosquito in my house months ago, dead on the windowsill

fucking stop it
there isnt going to be a virus apocalypse

You don't find it strangely coincidental that the Zika virus appeared out of nowhere where it was already known the next Olympics would be held? Or that it suddenly changed from fucking with baby heads to giving adults severe symptoms? That's concerning, even if there's nothing behind it.

because the Olympics was going to be held in an african country that had ebola before? right goy?

This is the first virus that's spreading and causes subtle brain damage.

Subtle brain damage. How useful to the Jew!

How about this: they hid the info that it causes brain damage in adults, until the last two days of those Olympics!

Is there actually an issue with mosquitoes being made extinct? Will there be detrimental ecological upsets? The cities I've lived in all spray for mosquitoes, and I haven't been bitten by one in years. But if OP is true, it's another great feature of Pokemon Go :^)

Real fucking far, into non-arable lands. Even most of Canada (where most people live) has mosquitoes, and lots of them.

hoop-stick does not a physicist make

Biological warfare is naturally the next step in armed combat. Also 5 out of 5 globalists, or the people who would be able to fund such virus research outside of military programs, agree there's too many people on Earth right now. I don't know what leads you to say that a virus designed by people to kill people "can't" happen.

so basically antarctican desert pod cities

if it were useful to the jew then there wouldnt be any israeli athletes there would there?

No they're not all geniuses, but they still represent the high end of the genetic pool.

Nah, it doesn't prove anything. "The Jew" means the globalist elites. It would be simply too fishy for them to pull their delegation.

The prudent thing would be to test each returning athlete or tourist for Zika, to protect their nation. It should be easy to prove or disprove if they are doing this.

What was the Holocoaster, even if it didn't happen a few hundred thousand Jews died due to the poor camp conditions in the later periods of the war.

Olympians are the physical pinnacle of humanity(except actual weightlifting) but they're hardly intellectuals.


I was right, and everyone knew it!



Eternal Misery!


If you wanted to symbolically strike at the best of humanity, how would you do it if not Olympians? And I mean in a way that could be widely understood.


Nuclear Fire. Or making an entire generation or two of completely useless people from all races and ages.

A Great culling. Lots of ways really.

There are reports that Hitler and a lot of the SS and maybe scientists fled to Argentina.

Western countries will properly contain the spread while the third world will not. Could this be a nazi plan to force Europe to close it's border?

what about greenland or siberia?

Hitler's robo-brain is still doing good. It warms the heart.

Well that card game was right about everything else.

I still can't tell if some journalist sources collectively fake a story or not.


Yes. I believe the first reports were probably faked. Then they dispersed the virus Mosquitos and waited. Then the secondary reports were true.

They are pumping 40,000 Zika virus Mosquitos a day in CA.

And everyone keeps saying the virus slightly fucks up your brain… It gives you a degenerative brain virus that eventually kills you after making you not be able to move.

Yea the guy that made that video was off by a year and didn't make the Zika connection.

Good luck with your Zika!

The images in that bieber video are still pretty fucked up, whether you want to eye roll or not.

Best of humanity(high iq and fertile young) is already striked throught the heart with liberalized higher education(US is even more fucked with student loans), there's no need to kill them, it's a perfect new form of slaves. Let's call them "clean slaves". All that remains would be to get rid of human trash in form of mudslimes and niggers with super virus outbreak on international scale via olympics.

FYI, the people in charge of containment are the same people who have unleashed the hoards upon us.

So, I don't know how that will work out.

they can take my nonexistant student loan payments from my bruised and bloodied fists, the fucking slavers


look at the infection map starting in brazil, it just pops up in one place out the nowhere and then spreads everywhere, and what a coincidence with sports fans coming from around the world to watch the olympics and then returning to all their countries.

what a coincidence that the olympics were never cancelled.

what a coincidence that gentically modified mosquitoes were released in brazil also to "help stop zika"

what a coincidence that genetically modified mutant mosquitoes are being released again in florida to "help some more"

what a coincidence that zika continues to spread like it doesn't give a care.

what a coincidence that zika is also transmitted through sexual contact.

what a coincidence that the zika virus continues to be present in semen of men infected months after the rest of their body seems to have gotten over the virus.

what a coincidence that if zika persists for months in semen and every male is bit by a mosquito at least once every few months that all males are essentially NEVER clean of the virus and constantly in a state of being unacceptable and unsafe for sexual contact with any female, which will promote the use of condoms and birth control, or in those who are careless result in miscarriage or babies born with small heads, essentially sick and disabled for life if they even last. regardless of what people do, less and less people will have babies. this is the goal. the next generation will be born disabled and sick or wont be born at all out of people being afraid to have kids, or being unable to do so because of all males constantly having their semen compromised. THIS IS BY DESIGN. I don't have anything to do with any of these websites but linked those worth mentioning for relevance to the topic.

remember to copy paste links and erase the space instead of clicking on them so sites don't know anyone came from Holla Forums and someone sneaky sends shills to disrupt theory discussion.

fusion.n et/story/333793/oxitec-zika-fighting-mosquitoes/
fusion.n et/story/333793/oxitec-zika-fighting-mosquitoes/
thescoop t/story/333629/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-zika-oxitec/

another thing i've been thinking about is that there's been people going around spraying, and even planes dropping fucktons of what is supposedly "pesticide" in Florida right now.
i don't know about you guys but if the government started flying over my house and dousing me with chemicals, saying it was for my safety i'd been more than a bit absolutely freaked the fuck out


Yea. Floridians call that the Zika Cancer special.

With every Zika infection you get a free cancer spray down.

I don't want to freak you guys out any more but check out this video:

This show the ritual they showed on TV before they dropped the virus .

They're in Antarctica and possibly Thule/Agartha.
This guy might sound a bit tinfoil, but after you read about Admiril Byrd it seems like a valid possibility. The Thule productions guy seems to believe that a plague will be unleashed and the Imperial Germans will try to take back the west.

Also, Admiril Byrd was forcibly institutionalized after returning and "jumped" from a balcony.

pure coincidence, goy

wouldn't be good to lose them though


Stefan is not tinfoil. Check out Jason Thompkin's channel and blog, he's an initiate ( might not be the proper term ) of Miguel Serrano.

also oregoncoug's blog

and siddhareich




So the only way to get infected is either by getting bit by a mosquito or by sexual contact, right?

Apparently (breitbart) "It needs to be warm enough for Zika to replicate inside the mosquito and for there to be a large enough [human] population to transmit it"
So maybe the virus would have a hard time spreading in northern areas where there are long harsh winters and low human populations.

When the Rio games are over, user. When the Rio games are over, they'll selectively start releasing the virus "suddenly" into parts of the US and other countries that have attended. Why do you think Russia pulled out? Suddenly all of Russia's athletes are banned for being on drugs? Sounds like a great media narrative for "look at russia not being genuine", but if the Zika virus has a sudden outbreak in russia, while the rest of the media will be pointing out how every other country had attendees of the Rio games, Russia can point out that they were never even in the hot zone for zika and call out the jews on it.

Why do you think they're also working on project Chimera? They're trying to severely cripple the genes and dna of goys meanwhile create their own breed of creatures that "have no original god" so that they can control them better.

What if these global elite families have lurked for thousands of years and just as civilizations have great awakenings they set off global mass extinctions.

They then setup the narrative for the next birthed generation under complete control.

Most people don't even know the Sphinx head was a dog head originally and somewhere along the line it was chiseled into a human head.

The girl in the front is a jewess. Also, notice the arrogant nigger, second to last, refusing to place her hand over her heart or sing the anthem.

At this rate, Ebola better be making it on the double for visiting Israel and the middle east.

what do you mean?

Most commonly, Zika is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito which is not found in Israel.

fuck you

Chinese physicians discovered that when healthy people were exposed to smallpox scab tissue, they were less likely to get infected with the disease later on (or if they did, it was a much milder, less dangerous version). The most common form of inoculation in China was to crush smallpox scabs into powder, then breathe it in through the nose.

So when you find a dead person from the Zika virus on the street. You may benefit from crushing up his scabs and inhaling a bit of it.

You know (((they))) will be hoarding the vaccines.

You know after all this, I'm convinced HIV/AIDS was brought on by (((them))) and they probably have a vaccine for it.

I'm going to out on my tinfoil hat. We know this is a degenerative brain disease virus.

What also has become prevalent in society that sounds familiar? Alzheimer's.

What if Alzheimer's is caused by this virus. They had this thing patented since 1947. I'm sure it's been weaponized for a while.

What if they have been playing with this thing for a while. Now they are getting mideval with it and going for the glory by infecting large swaths of the population.

They've targeted me.

This is just the tip of the iceberg…

i read somewhere that this picture is fake

bump for interest

anti slide.

Why contain it?

Ebola bringing a proper purge to jews and mudslimes of the middle east. Plus, it's easier to spread around with how mudslimes like to play with dead bodies and shit.



If you search "Zika brain damage" all you get is a bunch of left wing media sources pushing this shit.

Are there even any legitimate scientists who have confirmed this? And I don't mean scientists paid by the Rockefellers or Monsanto, I mean real scientists with real data.

Zika is basically an annoying cold. The only real danger is to pregnant women. Zika is not the "omg deadly pandemic" people want it to be.


I think OP is trying to take us on a ruse cruise. I saw him post that video in the other thread as well.


Remember that if it spread to you to go to snowy places like mountains and such. Going on a ship/bigger boat might even be an option for when the big spread happens. Also remember to not trust the goverment with any of the "vaccines" that will come, or those chemical sprays going down. go out of the city when the sprays happen if you have to live in the city


Literally no. They serve absolute no function in the food web other than spreading duseaae and causing itchy bumps



There are others who arent technically religiously or ethnically Jewish, but have practically the same behavior, beliefs, culture and worldviews at the top. The "NWO", "illuminati", etc is primarily but not entirely Jewish. Some are Satanists, others free masons, atheists, etc. They're often mistakenly identified as crypto kikes since they are functionally indistinguishable from Jews. They are often worse because they can be much more difficult to identify.

Not strictly true, they do serve a purpose on the lower rungs as a food source for birds and pond life during their larva phases which is a big contributor to the ecosystem, but despite this evidence I would still agree that a significant reduction in the species would be worth the cost.

Nah it's legit, but it's 5x7 pixels and of two random people that nothing like Hitler anyway.

This Zika shit might turn me into a hypochondriac.

what if its not cancer spray they're dumping on us, but zika bearing mosquito larvae

Yeah Hitler was never that fat.

Zika translates to "overgrown" in its original tongue.

Apt they use such a virus to take care of an overgrowth problem.

Ice Age chan? Is that you?

Nigger, Kikes wouldn't grow third world populations with Western aid if they just wanted to kill them off anyway.

Also, there's nothing wrong with depopulating shitskins. Nothing at all.

No reason to jump to conclusions but they have every incentive to downplay this and it is entirely possible that mild brain damage or microcephaly babies are only short term symptoms which develop into something much worse. Same as Alzheimer's or syphilis.

God. Dammit. Wish me a strong immune system anons, if that even helps with this shit

First Zika death in USA from paralysis reported.

Hell vinter!

Incorrect you retard.

They are the second best pollinators , next to Honey Bees, and are essential to the ecosystem.

yes this.

they have a vaccine for themselves and then the (((vaccine))) for us.

Guise. no more fear mongering with the "all-seeing-eye" and ayyyyliums and stuff. this isn´t the history channel, is it?

educate yourself about the "all-seeing-eye". yes, I believe darf entities exist and that they feed off fear and benefit from people believing lies.

in other words: illuminati symbolism in pop culture is used in a way you will fear the truth.

Danny Wilten - The All Seeing Eye In The Sky

Deus Ex became real and with grey death being Zika Virus

if that's true, uninfected semen will have some pretty high market value…

more likely, this is a fantistic ruse to alter thought patterns and control behaviors.

PuertoFag here, right now I believe the goverment shills are pushing for spreading highly poisonous "pesticides" here through the air to allegedly kill zyka mosquitos, most people know its bullshit but otherwise very few actually protest.

I also remember getting chikungunya which is not deadly but sure as hell felt like it, zyka really came out of nowhere though, if it really had originated here everyone would be infected, instead of the relatively few there have been, since mosquitos are rampant here.

You won't have to worry if you're a permavirgin or never leave your basement.

It is for white people, not mongrel hordes.

Sorry. No funns for you. Until the worlds trade supply is brought down, then no foods for you. That will be funns I am sure. Good luck!

Whats the time mark in the video that shows that?


you know mosquitos bite everyone right

bump for justice

those practicioners of judaism dont care since they probably have the vaccine

if they didnt have the vaccine theyd probably be trying to get rid of it at just about any and all costs

and freaking out about it

I cant believe anyone would believe the genetically modified mosquitoes they released were to "help"

when do they ever do anything nice and take action so fast? bullshit.

good thread deserves a bump

and who would benefit from a Zika bio terror weapon? This mostly affects South America, Africa and those who race mix with niggers and spics. Would ((progressives)) really fund such a weapon?

anti slide

anti slide

The zika is just an excuse for what they plan to do to developed countries. After developed countries are dealt with they can do what they want with the undeveloped. It's just to give a reason to pin on for all the mayhem that's coming.