Someone please explain wtf this is and why there are so many clips of attractive women sinking into quicksand seemingly...

Someone please explain wtf this is and why there are so many clips of attractive women sinking into quicksand seemingly to their death on youtube.

Seriously. I did research and there is no explanation, no information provided. There's no ropes or harnesses attached to them, they appear to have fucking died and the cameraman will just continue filming after they've sunk. What is this shit. Are the women drugged and lured?

looks like some kind of porn.

yes i've gathered it's probably a fetish but what I want to know is where is the source and if they fucking died

You wanna see porn?

it's somebody's magical realm

and look here's a compilation of like 10 of them. wtf???

You found someones playground of fucking retardation.

It's obviously a fetish of some sort, no need to freak out about it.

why is there

you can ask why anything exists

also, there's probably an air tube submerged off camera under the sand/mud that they grab onto once they go under and breath out of it as they work their way back up to the surface

K but most fetishes have some sort of information behind them and aren't mysterious as fuck without any origin and aren't made like a shitty home made video