Baneposters hack of the NSA is legit
Apparently the hacking has been confirmed for real.

Also this was their statement on the hack
First they crashed that plane with no survivors and now they fuck over the NSA. Is there anything that's beyond the power of the baneposters?

Other urls found in this thread:

The fire rises.

Source on the statement?

Hoo boy. This faggot again. How does he still have a job?

So when people on Holla Forums say that all consumer electronics have hardware backdoors installed by the NSA, why haven't the one's responsible for this hack been caught? Checkmate.

That is strikingly beautiful.

There's certain surplus military laptops that you can buy on Ebay that haven't been backdoored.

So has anyone used any of those scripts that were posted the other day? What do they do?


we are the new mystery school.
t. initiate

He used to be a Gawker fuck. Now the Intercept picked him up? Fuck.

Is this related t pic related?

nothing new, shit we can do already. stuff is 5 years old…

3 years old

They're from 2013

blah, 5 years old, it got hacked 3 years ago. read through some of the python, shit is weak.

Aren't there some foreign models too? Chinese laptops and shit?

Will private individuals now be able to obtain personal information from google and facebook etc?



I don't even know what to do with my life anymore.

Do I just sit in my basement and practice meme magic? It's seeming like a viable option.


there is a new "faction" of underground Holla Forumsacks, aside the usual GNAA and irc shitposters
(yea, Im hinting at Julian and his bois ;) )
strap in bois, its gonna be a cool year of fire monkey

Sam "Kiddle Diddle" Biddle

That is a terrifying thought. Yet another force on the world stage vying for global control.

How do we join the "underground" group?

Step one: don't ask on a public imageboard you retard

Don't be such a faggot

All the Metal Gear games have been been prophetic in a strange way. They're like a caricature of the future.

Send me your email.

I could not imagine a better ending to our anime than all the sad trapped anime nazi frog NEETs combining their mental memetic strength to uncover the truth of truths, and re-making the world in its image

I've always been on pol, and I still just don't *really* get why CIA guy is such a big deal

I get why the scene is funny and meme-able, but why him?

fucking japs

Is this how they resort to bringing back the dead meme?

Crashing planes did not work, now they must attack the government?!

How many people need to die before we take action about memes!?

You have nukes



all of them


Will this ride ever end?

Impromptu /bane/ thread?
tfw no source

I need to see the evidence that Holla Forums is behind this before I am convinced.

This smells like honey.

It is.

Context on the first pic?

He fell out of the plane.

Maybe we're wondering why one would make a movie about a plane crash before an extremely similar plane crash happens.

well at least they are dedicated

Kojima is a westaboo, but unlike people living in the US, he can filter his media intake. This probably gives him a lot of insight that escapes the burgers. We know about the war industrial complex but how many sleeping normalfags do? We understand the true point of memes and truth, and so does Kojima (just check out MGS2's speech about the truth and how people shape it to their perspective).

Yes. It really feels like 9/10 Tor posters are shills these days.


Baneposters are secretly kek worshippers even though many of them don't realize it. Kek is a fire god, hence the bringer of light title. Every time they say the fire rises they are worshipping kek which helps amplify the effects of meme magic, add this to the fact that its the year of the fire monkey and you can understand why things have been so freaky lately.

Isn't the MIC just one of those jew "conspiracy" duds that get people close to the truth to believe something irrelevant enough to act as a distraction?

sounds like a Chinese dude wrote this

No, MIC is a very simple concept that almost noone would call a conspiracy. Its just referring to the government's relationship to companies that benefit an example being Haliburton and pointing out that war is a business and they have every reason to keep some form of it going.


benefit from war*

he's a big guy

Aren't all these hackers massive lefties? I get it they don't like the system but I fail to see how they are on our side

By Holla Forums's standards yes. Not by most people's though, Assange has outright said that he thinks Trump is preferable to Hillary by default just because of how fucking horrible Hillary is.

I would like to know more. Nothing useful to me, but I may have one, not sure. And I may be way the fuck off.

Hi Reddit

Novice Banescholars at best, nice plan though.

So there's an underground Holla Forumsack Illuminati?

Honestly just knowing that makes me feel better.

First of all, he’s obviously lying. Second of all, I want to be a part of it so goddamn bad, motherfucker. Third, that’s how I know he’s lying. It’s fantasy wish fulfillment.

Hey man it's confirmed that the hack was legit and it's confirmed that they said "do you feel in charge"

I'm not so sure that they're lying.

if i pull off that VPN will you die?


It's a program that jumbles the speech so that the NSA can't detect your writing style.

Doubt it

I am. We, in our local communities, with people we’ve known for years, are the only safe people to redpill, formally group with, and have established protocols for the day the economy collapses when we take over our city government.

Any shit over the Internet HAS to be taken as a psy-op or honeypot.

Suck a dick

Cuz you need to get on my level.

I've actually for a while been memeing myself into something. It's like a sort of daydreaming kinda. I'll think about the future and focus and think on it intently and what I want to be and what I will bethats the important bit i feel. What I will be and after a little bit my face will a lot of times will become hot, its become easier to no fap, am starting to consistently hit 3 days at least before I slip 5-7 is the next step, I find myself wanting to read more philosophy and history and an urge to exercise and get into better shape.

Am I memeing myself into a better me?

jesus man, just stop it you kike
git gud, shud up


Trips of truth:

I wonder if they feel in charge?

And when it happens I'll say:

Congratulations user!

>when you go down the rabbit hole
