You know what to do.
You know what to do
I still laugh at this. My friend showed it to me when they started counting the ballots.
That's almost as rich as the fact the canadian citizenship site went down several times.
Will Canada build a wall to keep the Americans out? How do Canadians feel about American liberals fleeing to Canada?
They probably welcome them, since Canada are starting to be overrun by liberal fags anyway.
Good, so long as they're not white. Which most of them are
The cuck mod is literally deleting Trump threads and banning people!
Remember, he's the one who allowed all the "I'LL MAKE FUN OF POL WHEN DRUMPF LOSES" shitposting.
So fucking butthurt lmao.
Are this Temp threads Holla Forums related?
Otherwise I can see why would they be banned.
dobson's latest creation. really makes ya think
He still does work? Also, wasn't it Hillary who did the whole Satan worshipping thing?
Doesn't even look too bad, when did he get better?
Whelp I wonder when Canada will be in ruins.
Not that the US isn't to go in the same path but Canada is going to go turbo mode if they accept all the liberal-tards.
I mistook him for someone else's work. Maybe after all the shit Dobson went through he did some introspection and actually improved in his work.
Have you ever seen an anti-Trump post getting deleted? I don't.
…You know that's a KKK member, right?
Anyway, the general idea is that literally anything you could accuse Hillary of is just a conspiracy. You know, like how she tried to make Bill's sex scandals into a conspiracy till Monica pulled out the cum-stained dress.
Starting to think people just elected him to be proud of it online and not thinking about any consequences.
Who's the real cuck?
And you'll be even more cuck, since Trump's BFF Putin is way more clever than him and will indirectly control your shithole.
Bill Clinton: Wait, Hillary didn't won. She gonna get her agression on me. I must run.
CTR, pls. Go home. There's no more pay for you.
Why does Obama look like an old chinese man?
You really think that 70 year old billionare egomaniac ever cared about you?
I don't get how you don't see it. Do you know fucking Putin? He's dangerous because he's clever and charismatic. Unlike Trump.
I stopped caring about this nation a long time ago user.
I give less than a fuck about the elections now. Only thing I'm in it for is the liberal tears and asspain.
Let me flip the switch on your dumb ass
If you answered anything other than no. Please leave.
And intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor. You know I never realized but Putin is literally me
For some reason I always imagine this being said by Roger Moore. I don't know why
Because Putin is totally a Bond villain.
Regardless of what you think of the man himself, it'll be interesting to see what happens between now and January. Though I guess with all the doomsaying, people are hoping the worst that can happen is The US going through 4 more years of gridlock and bureaucracy.
Got any more like this from the SU staff?
lol, so emotional
Just a reminder, the faggot who drew these is the same one behind Neo-Cosmos, that god-awful webcómic about tranny queers in spees
A KKK member saying hail satan, yes
Here's some from The Manlet That Quits. He's been a massive libcuck since the Bush era and is friends with Colbert, Oliver, and all those other hacks. His meltdown so far has been the most satisfying.
who is the fear monger, again?
Where do they get this stuff?
Nice trips.
I didn't know Neil Cicierega had a shitty younger sister who was a storyboard artist for Gravity Falls.
He's been complaining about these problems relating to trade for decades. That was even something Hillary brought up as a NEGATIVE of his since he made the same complaints about trade in relation to Saint Reagan's policies.
Hell just watch this video from 1991 of him speaking at congress to get an idea. He talked more about this earlier on in his campaign during various press conferences especially when talking about corporate inversion (likely stopped as people start falling asleep when that subject comes up).
It honestly doesn't mater in the least if he personally cares about voters or Americans as odd as that may sound. I think he does care about Americans quite a bit, but likely in a sense of that the country should just be doing better in general. Anyhow, even the most pessimistic view of Trump makes him seem like a great candidate for president as he is someone that made money in real estate and often focused more on how you generate jobs within the American economy. That's honestly really different from what Hillary was into, which was supporting the oil industry and hedge funds more particularly, various corporate and big money interests which don't need to focus on only building up within a single country.
So on matters of economics, Trump was one that seemed to make sense as a candidate to help install policies which would help businesses and jobs to prosper within the US while Hillary's proposed policies would have plundered it.
That nearly everything he talked about has been framed in terms of economics and national reputation has been a nice sign of what he'd be interested in doing as president. Even talking foreign policy it was related to basic issues of wanting to keep out criminals, terrorists, and those that would depress American wages and siphon money from the country. Or he'd comment on how we shouldn't be wasting money paying to defend other nations by having useless bases in different countries like Germany that could certainly defend themselves.
If you don't think Trump is charismatic then you're really a lost cause. The man is genuinely pleasant and has shown repeatedly that he knew how to adapt his message to be most appealing to a wider audience.
What will become of them?!!!
Suicide pact?
Vanilla shakes?
Hit by a car?
I was banned for posting a Lucasfilm employee having an sjw meltdown in a Star Wars thread. Mods are butthurt for sure.
I mean, it's been like two whole days by now. I've been back to work faster than that after losses.
we arn't armmys pol
why do you want them to get over it? The more they lash out and complain the more normies we redpill
Kek, look at those dubs.