
I am seriously conflicted and confused b/
I this a Trap,or just the puffiest vag since Laura B?
And if it is a Trap why does my penis twitch?!

Other urls found in this thread:



I've seen puffier, but we can't tell without clothe removal.

Chances are it's a trap, considering it has red hair and is wearing (((CCCP))).

wouldn't cccp gulag traps tho

I want to suck his cock

nah it's a confirmed trap
commies don't have attractive people in their ranks

Does that mean you're uggo since you used to be a commi?

Because you're a faggot


Shes not a trap,just has a smoshy pussy.
Her name is Polina Belka,and shes just into Cosplay(and sorry pedo's but shes 19yo)

i used to be pretty ugly, too



stop posting pictures of him, it's weird

Post tits.

Its not a him.

Very prominent bulge there Op.
May need noods to study before deciding.

some girls just have pudgy pussies,just ask Laura

I don't care if it was ironic


Looks like a cock to me

faggots imagine penis where there is none

she's most likely on her period and wearing pads you autist

post Laura's vulva for comparison.

thats a trap, right ?

narroow hips and a tight little sexy ass = dick

Its a trap. You can usually tell whats a trap by the shape of their hips, which the usually try to obscure by making their butts bigger. If you're not a total idiot/virgin you can tell if the hips are a masculine shape by making a line up to the shoulders. A woman with narrow hips should also have narrow shoulders.

She has hips but the reflection of white on her skin makes her seem thinner than she is from certain angles also her butt is low which is bizzare.

Fucking this. Also,
this would not make her pic look like that. No fucking cameltoe is that fucking long you retards.

This specimen may be underage

Puffy pussy or cock, I don't care I'd stroke that and make her squeal.

You would squeal with an ice cube dropped down your asscrack

Is that a proposition?

Son i'm no idiot,and for 35 years now i aint no vigin..So stop trying to be insulting.
Now if 35 years of intimate relations with the opposite sex has taught me anything,its that they come in ALL shapes and sizes and dimensions.So to try and say that some mathematical equation between hips and shoulders is proof sounds almost nazi like in its logic.
This pic also shows quite a prominent pudginess in that area,and even a slight swelling in the breast area…..not proof mind you,but i just believe shes a small breasted gal blessed with a lovely pudgy pussy.

Icecube = My cock
Asscrack = prostatetube

She was 19 in these pics mate,and her name is Polina Belka.
She was a regular in several Cosplay groups about 3 years ago.

Me interested now, daddy-o

Go to bed whileI fuck your mom

Mom's dead. Good luck

thats a regular girl with a phat cunny

then get me a spade boy!


So let's see that cunny

Nigger, no one is going to listen to you.

Good girl…

With a clearly fake hair of head… yeah ok buddy. What else I find baffling is how you could possibly think he isn't a trap. The genital clearly widens as you go down, indicating a set of balls. I mean, are you seriously this dumb to not be able to see in his facial features it's a guy??? Holy fuck, you need to go back you disgusting gaylord.

Hey man i would have more time Nazi comparisons in regards to the perfect specimens of humanity if only the Fuhrer was not a short,dark haired vegetarian with one testicle and a drug habit.

Give me a commie girl who likes dressing up and has a fat pussy any day of the week!

google her name you goose.
As for the fake hair…um you do know what CosPlay is right??

I can understand why some of you can't recognize a woman (XX chromosome with a working uterus and a vagina, as god intended), but you should at least study in porn vids that pussies aren't just a slit: they are truly puffy. Go check again all those pantyshots pics.

PD: mobile.twitter.com/polinabelovapb

How did Dianne get dragged into this?
OIC commie girl and pudgy pussy.
Thou in her defense Dianne is Ukrainian.


did you read the thread?

Then what the fuck is this?


Thats NOT an adams apple.
Thanks for proving my point .

Yeah, bullshit.
Go up to a mirror once and you tell me if the adams apple is always visible you dipshit. In fact, it's very hard to actually see (at least for me anyway).
Yeah, because CLEARLY a pussy extends onto the stomach. That's totally how a vagina works not

Again, go up to a fucking mirror retard.



I AGREE that there is no bulge there…hence NO proof of an Adams Apple.
But for fuck sake lets stop a stupid freaking argument,as proof that she is a she has been given re a name and insta link.
So until you come up with ANY proof to the contrary Polina Belka is a girl….With a fabulous phat pussy!

I just realized, that there were some 17 and 19 y/o grillz hitting on me. The sad part is, I didn't get it. A friend of mine saw it. So I realized, that they were hitting on me only because he asked, whether there was something afterwards a few days later.|

tfw you don't notice girls being actually interested in you T_T


I meant to say I just remembered

Whose penor did you allow into your orifice?

Just zoom in once and you tell me ""she"" has no bulge. Bitch, it's not even straight and you're in complete denial. What's funny is, the within a few minutes of you even posting zir twitter account someone comes up with a practical proof (almost instantaneous) that said person is not a girl. Yet, keep going on with your denial, it amuses me.


I am yet to see you "proof" vs the evidence of a social media account with history.
Polina is a girl,and i feel sorry for your denial and lack of experience with pudgy pussys…but do go on.

…it amuses me also.

I would do him

why are you two baiting each other ?, go outside, have some fun.


a pedos ultimate goal is to find a cute girl that that will pass for young so they can have an eternal loli




Hahaha. We all know you're just a giant faggot larping as a straight to fulfill your disgusting fantasies faggot. What you want to do is- have people fap to a guy and say…
What's even more funny is, this is obviously politically motivated as you compared people who didn't think that (((she))) isn't a woman by saying they're all nazis, when in fact that's a non sequitur. This thread had nothing to do with politics/nazis.

Lose argument,resort to dicks.
Real mature kiddo.


Hello 4chan

I didnt compare "people"…i compared the retard who tried to bring in the whole shoulder to waist measurement crap into the argument,when that shit was debunked decades ago.
But somebody who lost the argument on here has resorted to dicks..so i'm out.


What you mean the spammer? He was never apart of this debate.
No it has not. Also:
Yet more proof you're a faggot.


This is all you need to know



Guy or Girl i'd fuck it.
Would love just to lick the sweat from that bulge

what about dem creases?

hot is hot
and this boy/girl whatever is hot
bend he/she over and insert penis
job done



those pale flawless thighs,and those cute arm wrapped around me would excuse any penis issues




Why are they wearing a diaper?




Only gay faggots use that word.

And only people who are are paranoid about their sexuality try to pigeon hole others in relation to their use of certain words.

fuck off


Maybe it's a woman born with an adams apple :^)
And here's what the deniers will try to say:
I know for a fact that an adams apple doesn't have to be big. Mine is hardly even noticeable and it's very small tbh.


Gawd your such a reaction seeking fagg.
Just because yoy Adams apple is pronounced must mean that any girls who's is must be a guy??
And btw hers is not,hence you are obviously less a male than she is……faggg

I enjoy when she sticks her finger in my ass, when I'm balls deep inside her pussy… does that makes me gay?


Take off that wig and the make up off and guess what you have? A fucking guy dude.
Any guy can take hormones to get bitch tits. I also hear it's not even that costly.

No it clearly says on her shirt Communist retard. At no point should you be confused as to if shes a retard or not

You mean he?

Nice puffy vulva.

How could you possibly say that that looks like ops pic? OPs pic looks like someone stuck a fucking cucumber in her shorts. While what you posted looks more like a mound. It's a fucking trap, get over yourself you closet homo. And that's what this thread pretty much boils down to, a couple guys disproving that ops pic isn't a woman while the other side (probably slightly dictated by homos), don't prove a thing. If you're going to prove it's a she, fucking prove it. Give us undeniable proof or fuck off faggot. The burden of proof lies on you, not for us to disprove it.

That's why it's right, you disgusting, filthy kike nigger


either its a girl or best trap ive seen
maybe transgender??

Got to love a girl who likes playing dress up.
Why cant i find a girl like that?

because she is a he?

Whats the name of the character shes dressed up as?

hol up
no you nigger call it capitalism it sounds better

really cute tho, but not worth saving

I just nutted to her. I just couldn't resist the opportunity of nutting to a near perfect trap. My dick was diamonds when I first seen the op and was constantly twitching. My dick does not get tricked, trust me I know. And reminder I don't fap to straight shit either (I find bleeding beeflaps that piss) pretty fucking disgusting tbh.

Its from russian visual novel "everlasting summer" and used to be a 2ch.ru maskot before that, since every character there copied from ru boards maskots.
You can check it on steam, but i do not recommend it, because writing in that novel really insanely terrible. It's even worse, than shit tier fanfiction. And don't be fooled by dazzling beautiful backgrounds, game is still shit.
Also, as far as i know, you can't fuck this girl in the game.
You can check some arts here:


He looks like a fucking cheap Wendy's knockoff.

OP will be one of the first in the oven

Thanks Bro,i think i'm gonna head over to loli for a while now,as this has given me a boner for some cute anime.

You must be low T, my apple is a big nobly thing thats clearly visible at all times. Faggot.

I would hold this commie bitch down and fug her brains out

your all deluding yourselves as its obviously a boy and your all in denial.



need pussy or cock shots to be sure either way


Wait just one moment here… do you guys not realize just how little the photographer shows of its body? The photographer could be shit, but traps are known for not showing good camera angles to conceal the fact they're traps. It barely has frontal exposure (showing her entire front body) it also looks like most of the photos were cropped. Admittedly, ops image is probably a huge hiccup on there part though tbh. All I have to say is that these angles are very shitty. Notice how the fact she's covering her crotch either conspicuously or inconspicuously for the rest of the photos. Either the shirt is covering the crotch area, or its arms are. I mean, am I the only one seeing this?