French Christians interrupted in prayer by nigger. Chicken boy gets embraces by the wrath of god.

Other urls found in this thread:

That swarthy French guy was way more a nigger than the actual nigger.

This is why when white people win the second they start fighting.

b-but he d-dindu nuffin

What did the nigger do, aside being a nigger.

Not sure what he did to deserve that but tbh idc

deus vult

Sucker punching a guy who legitimately dindu nuffin. What a noble race warrior.


From the description via Google translate.

Saved our country and our faith not as fragile catho, but solid standing on their own two feet.

Seems like this wasn't the first time the dindu passed by them trying to disrupt their prayers.

Apparently he kept coming by with his cell phone playing music while they were trying to pray. He refused to heed repeated verbal warnings.

Sucker punch? It was right to his face, you butthurt nigger lover.


Welp, nignog deserved it.


Pearl is best gem

We're told religion is personal - its intimate.
Yet, everywhere we look, there's some cult making sure everyone knows they exist. Whether its Muslims or Christians, their religions have become nothing more than political talking points. And at the first sight of opposition, what do these peaceful Christians do? One assaults a man while the other sheep get out of the way and watch.

Christianity is worthless because it aims at making its adherents into good, moral people, and yet this has not been the case for the last 2500 years.

Deus Vult and Allahu Akbar!
Its all Jewish garbage.

Glad the nigger got hit tho.

I was waiting for the Christians to let the nigger cuck them and I am mildy impressed, I was going to make a joke about the need for pagan blood sacrifices, but…. what am I kidding, they should have sacrificed a pig on the street.

that is what churches are for.
I don't understand why every time some christfag or mudslime needs to pray they make a huge spectacle of it.


Muslims: pray in middle of road blocking traffic in a show of force to demonstrate they are occupying the city

Christians: pray either in churches or on side of road because not inherently incompatible with civilization the way Islam is


How else are you going to create religious conflict duh!

Song name please?

I second this.

A triggered nigger or just a blind one?

God. That punch makes such a wonderful sound. He got smacked the fuck down.

He's a nigger in France. That alone is the problem.

All niggers are guilty. Fuck you.

The only reason they praying in the middle of the street was because they were in front of a church that was about to be destroyed, they prayed to manifest their disapprobation


Isn't praying in public a sin according to the Bible?


Thank you user!

No, its translated as "should", instead of "must".


Go back to the_donald cuck.


It's the niggers fault for annoying, insulting (he said something like "You look dumb as fuck") and not listening to those christians.


If I give you a gun and you shoot me, your the one that pulled the trigger.

If I open my doors and you enter, your the one that entered.

Just because you have the oppurtunity to do evil, doesn't mean that when you do evil, it's no you who is doing the evil.

God wills it tbh fam

Depends on the circumstances. This is being done on the side of the road with a few people, so it might be a meet and greet rather than a big show about praying

That's a pretty good punch, but I still can't figure out what is going on.

Someone said he's blasting music, but honestly I can't hear anything while you can clearly hear the punch.

They're praying to manifest against the destruction of a church which they are before.


Jung quote time:

“Christianity split the Germanic barbarian into an upper and a lower half, and enabled him, by repressing the dark side, to domesticate the brighter half and fit it for civilization. But the lower, darker half still awaits redemption and a second spell of domestication. Until then, it will remain associated with the vestiges of the prehistoric age, with the collective unconscious, which is subject to a peculiar and ever-increasing activation. As the Christian view of the world loses its authority, the more menacingly will the “blond beast” be heard prowling about in its underground prison, ready at any moment to burst out with devastating consequences. When this happens in the individual it brings about a psychological revolution, but it can also take a social form.

In my opinion this problem does not exist for the Jews. The Jew already had the culture of the ancient world and on top of that has taken over the culture of the nations amongst whom he dwells. He has two cultures, paradoxical as that may sound. He is domesticated to a higher degree than we are, but he is badly at a loss for that quality in man which roots him to the earth and draws new strength from below. This chthonic quality is found in dangerous concentration in the Germanic peoples… The Jew has too little of this quality–where has he his own earth underfoot?”

Do you even read Holla Forums at all?

Hundreds of churches are planned for demolition.

They would pray in the churchs if it wasn't soon to be ruins.

Good, you Christians finally stood up instead of bowing all the time too your opponents.

You know the Franks had a temple too the germanic god of Hate, perhaps they may still yet survive. Remember too never give up your ancestors race and you'll be alright.


If there where people using them, they would not be demolished. My local church was turned into a supermarket, what do you expect the state to do, keep these structures like tombs for a dying religion?

Well that's probably ok then. As long as they're not praying with the intent that it makes them look pious and high, because that would be pride.

The thing is one that was recently demolished was being used. They weren't able to pay.


There's so much other modern shit that can go.

OP gave no context
so fuck you and OP

Fist of Righteous Indignation


Hell yeah! Where are the >Christcuck shills now?

Right, we should try and save every old building, because history…. should we save all those ugly office buildings a hundred years from now, because muh history?


Wich swede or finn king is that already? Can't find shit with jewgle

No because quality isn't relative, as much as you'd like to pretend. These old buildings have cultural significance and are aesthetically pleasing by design, unlike office blocks that have no worth other than to house workers.

This was gothic architecture.
Look of course we can't save every old building, nor should we, you are the only one suggesting that's the only option.

Go back to Holla Forums you aren't fooling anyone.

What a dumb fucking comparison.


I am no religious man but this shit has to stop.

As a Heathen… I support this message. Drop them nignogs and toss em in the sea.

Another rabbi, great. Now fuck off again.

It really didn't look like the guy did anything.

What did he do to get his facemeat punished like that?


I don't think I've seen the word chthonic used since high school literature classes. Always a pleasure to see Jung cited. The man was spot on.

No point in saving ugly buildings unless they have historical significance. But many of the old churches that still stand are more pleasing to the eye than yet another ugly skyscraper that looks the exact same as every other skyscraper anywhere in the world.

Read the thread. He was nigging repeatedly

If nigglynogs have no moral agency then why does it matter what we do to them?

Is there a full pic of that ?

Wild animal goes into a human settlement they get fucked up. Nigs belong in sub Saharan Africa. They are happier in the jungle and savanna.

It is arrogant to anthropomorphize them.


Go do nuffin in front of some cops, Tyrone.

Nope, not an atheist.

Alright, so instaid of building new buildings of quality, we should continue maintaining old buildings and waste a lot of cash.

So, I don't think we should save all these old churches, therefor I am a leftist?

Nope, makes no sense.

Not really, an office building can be beautiful and impressive.

Oh ok, so when hobbo's use an old office building, we should also not demolish it?

Nope, not a jew, just don't think we should be saving all our history, i'd rather see us create some more history.

Good, can be intergrate these buildings into a new non-christian society, without spending large gulps of money into maintaining them?

Why no replace a gothic cathedral, with something modern and beautiful?



Yes, because responding to everyone makes you a retard and not drooling and pooping yourself….

Damn you're not even trying to hide your nose. You talk like a commie and act like a commie, leftypol needs you more.

Each passing second we are, dumb ass.

Jeez son.

Mfw no face.jpg


The fact that the nigger is in France at all is enough reason

Go fuck yourself

When they are dragging out preachers, patrons, altar boys and the choir out of a church it is more akin to dragging the boss, the employees, HR, the managers and the janitors out of an office building.

Ok, alright, so every building that we create, we should save, we should get stuck in the past and create nothing new or glorious ever again.

Does that make you happy?

Ok, then who cares if some old church gets demolished, we are creating something new in it's place.

Sure, modernity is a Jewish creation, I always though that we created the modern world and Jews corrupt it, silly me, let's go back to the 16th century and kill each other over religion.

Except that spiritually, these people are hobo's.

Religious value is a value like any other. It makes no sense to keep a Church open if no one is willing to pay money towards it because no one is religious any more. It is much better at that point to let scarce resources be redirected towards producing things people actually want to buy.

Upholding this principle is a good thing since it will make Churches innovate and become more efficient as they try to attract new members

If those people owned the office building that would be wrong.
Refusing to leave a building doesn't grant you ownership of it though,

Every building with cultural value, yes.

With new you mean something non-white.

They in fact did.

That's what we should do indeed. It's you or them and they dont sit still.

Again, go back to leftypol. You do not belong here and you know it. You want Europe and its people gone.


No, that is a meaningless term, cultural value, everything human is cultural.

No, we should move towards a new aristic vision, like is already happening is some places in Europe, where we combine the modern with the old.

Then don't attack modernity.

Yes, let's kill your fellow White brothers because of religion.

Nope, never said anything that suggests that.

the french didn't open the doors jackass it was the (((people in charge)))

It's him. He just grew a beard.

Meme magic is real.

Fair point, still don't think h ee 4 eb 4 has said a single thing of substance but you make a valid point.

If you think that, your a fool.

Damn it, hee4eb4

I don't know the french law, but he probably fucked himself up for quite some time. It might just happen that the justice department will punish him in an exemplary manner to stop similar incidents. - Not only did he strike the nigger first, but he continued even though the nog was lying on the floor.

Your entire stance is "religion is stupid, culture shouldn't be preserved, people who go to church are bums, think of the office buildings, shekels."
You literally have said shit man.

It could be true in some places.
In France maybe the population is more Islamic now too


Wrong, I am a deeply religious man.

Nope, never said anything like that, I think culture is a living thing.

spiritually, they are bums, yes.

I actually implied you shouldn't, just like caring about all those old churches is silly.

Nope, my argument was almost completely artistic and creative and not capitalistic.

Not an atheist.

Anyone can be Saitama, you just have to hit at the right angle at the right speed.

Study some boxing knockout videos. It's always a hook to the chin in a perfect arc. It never even looks like a power punch. Just a blip and then some guy is down.

The aim is to rock the brain so fast that it hard resets. You don't have to look like Cali Muscle to do it.

Not giving a shit.

Still not an atheist.

Sweet Jesus, that is music to my ears.

The interesting thing about this sort of person is that they don't actually exist.

He can pitch garbage and refuse from the sidelines of a real debate without revealing his true form.

He will say he is deeply religious but will claim nothing. He is unattackable. It is the false position of a liar and a shit stirre.

Be gone from this place you cunt.

Wrong, I am a theistic racialist.

Your turn.

Shit has hit the fan. Warrior of the Sun archetype finally waking up


Define that for the uneducated. Myself included

I bet you just made that up.

And hidden…

Enjoy pretending I am butthurt.

Well, my tradition goes back to Chamberlain and Rosenberg, the belief in keeping your race pure is a religious commandment.

Any more questions?

Kek thanks Holla Forums

A religious commandment to what god? Yourself?


Gosh, what would theistic mean?

This guy is a pro at what he does, and that's eating cock, and being a contrarian.

Hats off to you good sir.

Holy shit, that wasn't a punch, that was a slap. The guy slapped tweety birds out of his head.

Why are you wasting both of our time?

Wow such a good argument, you sire are truly the greatest logician I have ever seen!!!

I know, I had to give everything I had to compete with an intellectual giant such as yourself!!!!


I don't know, why are you wasting my time asking question you already know the awnser too?


Sucker punch? You sound like a faggot who has never been in a fight, let alone been capable of defending yourself. Weak.

Well, don't worry, you won't have to compete very long.

You're hidden.

Hidden again.

It was a slap.


ull Definition of theism. : belief in the existence of a god or gods; specifically : belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world.
You do not say who your god is. I ask you who your god is and you waste my time looking up definitions.

Don't play games with me just spit it out. Name your god.

uhm, God is my God, what other God would I have?

Really ? I can't really see, but it really looks like a punch

see Nog got KO'd by a slap.

Holy shit dude, take a break from left-posting for awhile, all these dumb ass one-liners in a solid block actually hurt to look at.

And yes, you are in fact a Leftist. I know that you are lying. 100%.

his head hitting the ground was a slap


Alright, show me that I am a leftist, by giving a definition of leftism that fits me.

Go ahead, I am waiting.

look at it man, the guy had an open hand the entire swing.

I don't know how to translate that but it made me kek, other frogs will most likely laugh too.

man you can feel the patience is wearing abismally thin with these animals.

kudos for the french guy. he has about 0 fucks left to give.

Wait for the whole story.

>Dey good boys, oui? They found Jesus Christ and were trying to turn they lives around by crusading against unbelievers and degenerates.

The story checks out. They probably had a special dispensation for actions which were necessary to defend the Church.

Who knew Holla Forums had great taste in vidya.



You're such a joke. Rosenberg clearly states that the idea of an absolute God is what led christianity to an anti-racial, anti-honor and anti-pride frenesy (because you are not the result of your deeds, you are what God created, in His infinite grace and wisdom, so changing this is changing God's work, and it is heresy).

Stop pretending. You don't belong here.

Wait, absolute God? Nope, never actually used that term.

After looking for some info in the comments the story seems to be this one :
They were praying for a church that was going to be destroyed and the nigger was drunk and blasting music. He was warned multiple time and then went to the bald guy and said "You look dumb as fuck seriously" and got hooked in the mouth.


Amazing punch

Oh alright, let me filter you then.

Any person smart enough to debate me?

Fuck off back to freech, cancer.

>>>/christ/ is your home

What the fuck is mentally wrong with niggers? Why did he even walk up to them and bother them? God, they're like stupid fucking curious animals sticking their noses into everything and trying to start some kind of conflict.

The habit of getting away with it. And boredom from dindu'ing nuffin all day.

He got his conflict, not a desired result most likely.

He didn't even expect a reaction from the christians. Trust me, I know French niggers.

none of you even know what a sucker punch is.

this is the definition of a sucker punch

Looks like it's this shill's 1st day on the *chan circuit. He just gave away his tribal affiliation.

Il se serait fait KO tu le traiterais de pute…ferme ta yeule, chien Anglo….

a sucker punch is from behind or when someone isn't looking

Niggers do this all the time.
Turnabout is fair play

Now go prep your wife's bull.


FILTER 24e846

It's only funny if you speak French because the euphemistic words beignets and marrons don't really translate

Nique ta mere la pute a renois…la tombe de mon grand-pere je te chie dans la gueule avant de d'enterrer vivant…

a sucker punch is when you throw a punch out of nowhere completely unexpectedly. They don't have to be not looking.
If this was the other way around and it was the white guy getting hit, you'd be screaming about how "the nigger threw a cheap sucker punch." This was a sucker punch plain and simple.

yes, that's the point lol

it wasn't even a punch lol it was a slap


p gud
It's missing the satisying slap sound though.

the nigger was drunk


Talk shit get hit.


Yes niggers "sucker punch" (hit from behind, the side on people totally unaware)

Thank you for proving me right


back to redditt

PS. We would say "around blacks dont relax"

I swear more and more dumbasses think a one hit knock down is what defines a "sucker punch". It's literally when you don't see it coming and had no prior advance warning that conflict was about to happen.

Watch World Star if you want to see what a sucker punch is.

Moonwalk your way back to leddit you niggerloving faggot.

What did the nigger do? He just seems to have walked up and then instantly that guy comes over and punches him and goes full viking on him.

If all whites people would attack dindunuffins just before being present in their white lands, we wouldn't have a race problem today.


This ->


The nigger got caught flat-footed because darkies have had so little opposition, they think all whites are pussies who wont swing on their retard asses.

This is how deluded liberals are. They are trying to compare Knockout Game to this.

So it is too late ? We shouldn't do anything today ? You conscious objectors are the worst, seriously.

Holy shit he got destroyed

by a slap

good shit.

I didn't prove you right, you dumb faggot. YOU proved ME right. You said that "niggers do this all the time" and that "turnabout is fair play" which is saying what this guy did is a sucker punch, which it is.

tfw they should just convert it to some other use, house, store, whatever

Not demolish it.

It's usually well-built, great quality.

Unlike the vast majority of buildings which are utter shit even when brand-new.

tbh it wasn't even a sucker punch either. He got up and walked towards him, clearly aggressive, the nog backed up, didn't take any defensive posture, I heard the bald guy say something, and then he just got fucked.

yeah yeah yeah

Please tell me moar about the textbook definitions on fist-fighting


What fucking mental gymnastics? I just told you what a sucker punch is. I know half you here are spergs who never leave the house or interact with people enough to ever actually get into a fist fight in real life, but is what a sucker punch is.

never posted once on reddit, summerfriend. How about you moonwalk back to cuckchan

You just ruined my love for catholic knights, spoon.exe. Rot in hell faggot.

If I get robbed, was it my fault for carrying money?
Go back to wherever you came from lad.

btw I notice you aren't responding to

Who gives a fuck about this being a sucker punch or not? Are you one of those fucking MUH HONOR faggots that send out an invitation card before starting a fight? The nigger got fuckin smacked by someone who has had enough bullshit from these brown shitslimes and that's what matters here

Progressive Stack arguments at the local community college don't count as combat.

Neither do 2nd grade slap-fights


You mean by importing more shitskin rapefugees that will join their ranks?

Fuck that.

Yes because the two options are 1) Throw a blind sucker punch and 2) Formally declare your intention to fight and offer the nigger a free first punch
no, I didn't feel the need to respond to such a blatant strawman. I guess that means I was really stumped

Don't you have some pokemon to catch in your growing balls, you mouthbreathing shitdriller ?


I think you mean false dichotomy.
Then again, you're the one making such a statement.

nothing textbook or "technically speaking." This is plain common knowledge of what a sucker punch is.

What does videogames have to do with the argument?
Stop the fallacies already, shill.

closer to a real fight than you'd ever get yourself into, faggot

He would be playing Pokemon Go but a fine young African American stole his phone.
Must be his white priviledge.


I know that's clearly not what's happening, but c'mon. That would be fucking cool. No one's going to expect the French to RWN.

You are lame as fuck and you don't belong here.

A lot of Arabs are converting to Christianity actually.
So that and some churches could target young people.
And if they fail to do anything I suppose some the faith might die out

yes, sure
I'm the one making a false choice two bullshit options? nah fam smh

why the fuck is the napkin on her head and why is she so smug about it

na fam smh tbqh

that nigger got rekt by a manlet slap

Is this the new alternative of smug anime girls?
I like it.

Maybe you belong to some place friendier with fags like you, like TRS forums.

love being told I don't belong here from a teenage summerfag who's been here a total of 3 months


Maybe you belong prepping your wife's bull since you like sticking up for niggers so much

If you had been here for longer than 3 months you wouldn't be pissing and moaning about MUH SUCKER PUNCH on that poor oppressed minority

Maybe you have to go back you cocksucker.

I'm not the same guy. Look at the IDs.
I only pointed your fallacy because you are probably just JIDF stirring up some shit.


whoops sorry didn't mean to include your post
when I was responding to the cuck

I'm not done training myself to peak physical and mental fitness but when I am, I'm going to clean out as many ching chongs as I can from my white city.

get a load of this faggot


I've been here since the exodus and was on cuckchan since 2007
fuck off kiddo

I remember seeing they were the ones who got SWAT'd for holding Mass in that future parking lot.

Was that, (and linked video), part of a broader coordinated resistance effort? (is Deus vulting already?)

Why is Link punching a nignog?


Rhetoric is simply that.
And calling out a fallacy is not the nuke option of debate tactics.


Do you like hurting people?

Your people needs you right now user.

Honestly, fuck Churchtianity. The only time a church is any good for spiritual stuff is when it's vacant and you're just going there to pray alone or to do rituals. I don't want to attend sermons or give lip-service to bible stories. I'd rather talk to a priest and get down to the business of doing actual spiritual work, healing people n' shit. I'm a pagan but I don't care if you're a based Christian like a Rosicrucian, an orthodox monk, or any sort of Christian that doesn't just go to Church and then devote the rest of his life to degeneracy and spiritual waste.

I do.

*I also like dubs.*

Shid :DDDD
Fugged up hte ghensoringes :DDDD


it's two **s, user
lurg moar :DD



I know.
I'm just drunk.

Thick foreskin you say?

I don't even recognize that piece of land. I'm not French. I'm organizing a resistance of sorts in Canada, slowly… it's difficult because everyone is cowards here for the most part… but a good leader can instill courage in any man.

It's Yugoslavia
Perhaps you should drop the lifts and grab the books.

There is literally nothing wrong with lifting.

No thanks, I don't see how knowing about a country like Yugoslavia, is going to significantly increase my fighting ability.


Nigger, the point of anonymity is to evade dumb shit like reddit's karma. You want that instead or what?

how is that even a reply to what I said? wtf are you talking about

Of course not. But you need some balance between mental and physical greatness user.

Yugoslavia is one example of people division leading to irreversible fracture of a to-be nation. It illustrated my point about the fact that you should not wait to "peak physical and mental fitness".
But heh, do whatever the fuck you want. I'm sure your people is perfectly able to sort itself out while you punch your sandbag.

The point of anonimity is to evade this kind of bullshit in discussions.

Physically I am strong enough to fight most people, but not the "Syrian Refugees" imported in the the thousands in my area now, who are all MEN that have IRON-BODIES I even thunked the chest of one and it was like hitting fucking iron.

Mentally I'm all fucked up.

What do you want me to do, carry out an attack now prematurely, and even up injuring one shitskin and getting not kills like Rockerz88?

Nigger, you only need to NEVER GIVE UP.

when I'm being called out by some teenage faggot saying "u don't belong here!" "go back to reddit" "you haven't been here long" then yeah, I'm gonna tell him how long I've been around.

Ever thought about explosives ?

and yes, it always has and always will

Yeah i need far more context for this. Without context, normalfags would definitely assume this is blatant racism and if the MSM got their hands on it they could obviously make a stink about it. But we know for sure that that guy, especially as a christian, wouldn't have fucking destroyed that guy unless there was a good reason.

I've seen so far that this guy kept coming by with his phone/saying shit/playing music, is there a source for that? I wish I could read french, I'm assuming that's what it says under the video description.

I do know that when the nignog first shows up he takes this really strange step towards the dude who punched him, almost like a swagger, like he's about to do something he himself finds amusing, but immediately backs up when the kneeling guy looks at him.

Find like-minded people in your community. Don't forget that when SHTF you will fight for your people above all, so you are delusional if you think you can do it alone.
Prepare for the worst. Stockpile food, water, weapons and ammunition. You don't have to be swole to hold a .308 rifle, and it's enough to put down those iron-bodied shitskins.
This is not your war, user. It's our war. You won't help as much focusing on yourself. We need you to willingly fight for us, and you need us to want to fight for you.

Nigga it's perfectly normal to be ashamed of being a huge faggot. Just don't make it so obvious for everyone if don't want to be the laughing stock of every thread you sit your prolapsed ass into.

Praise Kek


All the triggered kikes and CTRs are hilarious. This is what awaits every one of you traitors. Not just this, but worse. The subhumans will just get removed. You who betrayed us and tried to destroy us WILL HANG.

I will take pleasure in seeing every one of you evil bastards die. Those of you who tried to sell us out and destroy our nations; your death approaches. Will you be the cowards you have always been, or will you meet this final judgement honourably? Will you accept your fate as a hanging traitor; a sign to the rest of our people that the most diabolic of all sins, betrayal, shall be punished by the harshest means possible?

The West is to be reborn. Glory to France. Glory to Europe.

Sieg heil!

Fuck Yeah!

I want nigger-loving cuckolds to leave. Every non-white is guilty of contributing to the death of the white race. Every non-white deserves a bullet in the back of their dirty shitskin skulls.


Yes it is the niggers fault. If I leave my door unlocked and I get shit stolen, the burglar is held responsible.

Muslim confirmed. Only a dirty mudshit could argue in favour of the destruction of beautiful churches.

I am a Protestant. We Protestant Christians adhere to the Bible.

The Bible tells us to protect our families, our homes, our communities. It teaches us that giving aid to a stranger over our own is a sin.

I am in full support of these French Catholics. Reclaim your homes and remove the filth. Christians will be united in the purge of the scum.

As an English Protestant I say; God save the French!


I'm conflicted. I am opposed to random violence that is unprovoked, as being unnecessarily violent because of your beliefs is the type of thing that niggers and sand niggers do, and sucker punching an innocent passerby like that is like sinking to the levels of violent niggers and sand niggers. On the otherhand, I am happy to see that there are some French people that are actually willing to stand up for what they believe in; to stand up for their country and religious beliefs.

Unless that man did something that wasn't shown in the video, then I'm for the belief that the random act of violence was the incorrect action to make. If not for the fact that he went full dindu on that dindu, then for the fact that liberals will take this one act of violence and say that it is proof that racism is still alive and well. This hurts the cause if the cause isn't to get liberal cucks to keep letting whitey get raped and killed by "those we've victimized".


1 Timothy 5:8

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.


Wow, the small Italian Orthodox Church just made the priest beheaded in Rouen a Saint.

Where's the full video?


Talk shit get hit.

And that's where you're wrong. This is a nigger living in France. He is guilty for contributing to the racial replacement of the French people and white genocide as a whole. He is guilty for supporting policies that enable this racial replacement. For such a crime he is deserving of no less than death. "Innocent" my fucking ass.
This is the kind of cucked pacifist mentality that got us here in the first place. That nigger is a racial invader who deserves a lot more than a punch to the face. All non-whites in white countries are guilty for being complicit in the genocide of our race, and are deserving of death.
Good. We need racism to be alive and well.
More rape and killings will only embolden whites to fight back.

His death in service of the Lord made him a saint.
That's just paperwork.



Also, sauce?

Plato was right to call for the immediate execution of atheists

Fucking laid his ass out. Good job Frenchman

Burger detected. Churches in Europe can be more than a thousand years old, you fat uneducated retard.

Pic related is some random church I found after a 10 sec google search, was consecrated in 393 A.D.

Ben is truly a master of his craft.

Finally someone with some sense.

Niggers don't deserve honor, mercy a fair fight or pity.

These old churches really represent something European. Europeans reaching for something higher.


The only reason someone is a christian is if they are insecure and need imaginary friends to comfort them.
Thus, they need to make a spectacle out of every little, insignificant act they make so that they can feel better about themselves (in the typical masochistic, christcuck fashion).
EIther people cheer for them or bash them, in which case they are "martyrs" and "persecuted, like jesus was".
tl;dr christianiaty = mental illness
more at 11


Deus Vult

Christcucks, doesnt your bible say something along the lines "you reap what you sow"?

If chubs acted like a nigger, blasting music in the middle of a prayer, I'd hope he'd be knocked the fuck out too.

this was neither christcucky nor masochistic

but I understand your frustration at seeing your enlightened fedora less euphoric than it should feel

Please, someone, somewhere, edit the video to place the ES V intro narration track in it. My sides will be obliterated when I hear 'But there is one they fear, in their tongue he is Dovahkiin, Dragonborn!' And then see that nigger get knocked out as that yell and epic music plays.

It's just shills desperately trying to make white people feel guilty for fighting back. Guilt is the only weapon that really works against white people, so anti-whites always try to maintain it no matter how trivial or ridiculous.


Who slaps though?

Oh great, reactionaries.

Something like this?

I have minimal video/audio editing skills, so I can't do much. It's a funny idea, though.

Christianity still exists in France?

I thought you largely destroyed Christianity in the proto-Marxist French revolutions, then later got pozzed by Soviet propaganda and secualrism after WWII.

All during the early-2000s you Euros and Frenchies in particular were so smug about your atheism and mocked America for being religious, so what gives?

getting your shit rekt by """""""refugees""""""" make you wish you had your Christiano-nationalist bulwark back to defend you?

choke them, that's how you deal with skinny faggots that eat too much fiber

You're supposed to put the DAH in the line "FUS-ROH-DAH" at the same moment as the punch nearly lands.

The guy and a few other people were already eying the nigger before he came into the frame. He was clearly already causing some disturbance. If you listen you can also hear that his mobile phone is playing some music, probably nigger beats or some nasheed.
We also don't know what he was saying. Probably some disrespectful muslim bullcrap.

I only now realized that he literally slapped him with his open palm.

Makes this even funnier.

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Holla Forums & Holla Forums ARE TRYING TO D&C CHRISTIANS AND Holla Forums


one time would have gotten the message across

The only disturbance was caused by the christians assaulting someone walking on the sidewalk.

Nice try

he got rekt lol


As a Agnostic, I am thankful for many of the White Protestants in the past, from the teachings of Martin Luther against the Jews, to the KKK, to various members of the Waffen-SS and to the South African clergy in support on Apartheid. Stay strong White Man, one day, we'll be free.

This is for the butthurt leftists. Tip harder, faggots.


The nigger kept going up to them and playing music loudly from his phone, this was the third time he did it and got what he deserved.

I thought the same god damn thing, you beat me to it.

If that was a public road/area then the black dude wasn't in the wrong. He was being a dick but the law is on his side.

The law was on his side but not the Fist of God.

Do you remember ever seeing any actual niggers in the LoZ series?

It was always whites, asians, or whites with dark skin. Not a single nog.

Well the white race did conquer the entire fucking planet less than a 100 years ago.

It wasn't a fluke.

guess how much money the french government would have if it didnt have to pay for shitskin rapists.

destroying history is for reprobates.

Thank you user. I laughed so hard I popped a hemorrhoid.

In other words it was just being a typical belligerent street nigger who thought he was going to harass and talk shit to Whites for the millionth time without any consequences. Tough ghetto nigger wasn't so tough after all.


Hopefully the Christians understood the message.

thank god someone was around to film it
the world wouldve never seen this rice bag fall over

I would respond: You may only use it if you title the article "He didn't fight so good! Maybe he's wondering why you'd hit a black man before going back to pray."

White people will physically remove shit skinned demons like you from our countries.

This is the only acceptable view for Holla Forums





you forgot the 3rd option "Avoid fighting" so those are your three options, pick one. your stumped cause you have no idea where you were going with this in the first place when you wrote self serving mental jerk of a first post.

RT has asked for permission to use the video in the comments of the original upload before there was a thread about in on Holla Forums. The video was at the time posted on 4chan though and still had less than 2000 views.

I'm not saying that they aren't browsing Holla Forums but they definately are browsing 4chan.

He took a demon out with one punch. What would qualify as holiness? More foot kissing? Stealing from citizens to build a building for demons like him to worship Allah or some other symbol of evil?

It wasn't even a punch. It wasn an open palm bitchslap.

Christcucks finally punched a nigger.

shut your mouth you dirty kike

the simian monkey was clearly seen slurring some anti-christian bs before he got what he deserved. they all deserve that. that, and their entrails hanging out, dangling from a tree. i say we hang kikes like you in the same fashion, for great justice.

Fedoras will hang on DOTR

Jesus man, seems a memo went around Shillberg HQ to switch tactics to low-level berating.

A. Not an argument
B. It's so not an argument all they have left is namecalling and hurt feelings. This is how you can tell they're leftists.

Do you feel in charge? Do you actually expect to change our opinions by namecalling us on our own turf? I can't believe normies fall for this shit in real life.

What units does that graph measure?



what is a unit of science?
Even if you decides it measures discoveries or ideas it's still dumb. Even in the last christian centuries the Roman Empire never stopped building monumental structures. Look up the Haigia Sophia and note the year it was made, is that recorded on your moron chart? The classical age ended with a cold period and widespread plagues. Even so the dark ages where a period of massive fucking technological innovation, despite the a smaller population. Plows, harnesses, crop rotation, water and windmills etc The ancient period was freakishly static. Archimedes could invent something wild but there was no cultural milieu for it to make a difference. Christianity was the meme that was needed for people even understand things could change. Take off your fedora and read something

what an imaginative insult for a stormfag, would never expect to hear something so demeaning and vulgar from such a bright minded individual

shut up and take your pozz loads

he's using tumblr as a source and nonscientific graphs that measure "progress", he doensn't know what he is talking about if it's even a he at all.
probably a mentally ill degenerate.

A Negroid isn't a person, therefore it doesn't have a soul.

no one cares about the law, although decking the guy in the face is a little extreme when you could just break his nigger tech phone and tell him to fuck off

its a creme filled beignet

Itd be like referencing shitskins as Chocolate right?

le palm strike you silly amricains
keeps you from damaging your hands in an assault, which one, who wants to break their hands on a dumb nigger and have to go to the hospital, 2 less obvious you hit them (if your not doing it on film)


this is the kind of shit I'd expect to see on cuckchan followed by calling him a "redneck"

Reminder that the nigger was there to begin with in the country because christians.

Reminder that the nigger was invited by christians

Reminder he was housed, clothed and fed by christians

Reminder that he gets gibsmedats by christians.

Christians deserve every bit of ridicule and disrespect possible….and more.

Yes…. Christians.

Jesus, dude got fucking floored.

But why though?

Their knees and kidneys aren't made of iron, user, and hey, according to a physician, it takes little more than 5lbs of pressure to crush a wind-pipe..

Ain't anatomy awesome?


Dont worry christcucks you can always leave france and go to one of your Christians Paradise like Congo or Brasil. Godly niggers are waiting for you,

What's wrong, Shlomo, are you mad that "Christcucks" are not listening to your puppet pope anymore?

Next you're going to tell me he a gud boi and a harvard graduate?

Dont be mad at facts , Christianity is no longer a white religion , enjoy the multicultural semitic releigion :^)

Catholics: Nigger loving cucks
Protestants: Muh Israel is holy. Jews are the chosen people

Christianity was conceived in jewish synagouges in rome. Kill yourself.

faggot deserved it, if I did that to a Muslim prayer service I'd expect a fight too.

I think you have Christians confused with capitalists.

Who has send european white girls to africa for the past 100 years to evangelize niggers.the christians or the capitalists?

Going into a sea of subhumans to find ones capable of understanding Jesus' teachings is not wrong. Every time you eat a Big Mac with fries and coke you invite slave wages and cattle with thumbs who show up to feed a drug habit. Whatever harm Christianity does is dwarfed by what capitalists are doing.








Didn't the nigger say something to provoke them?

Gas yourselves. Fucking idiots.

Hi freech

Uh, you don't get to tell me what race everyone around me belongs to.

I'd say that they checked out pretty good. Run on back now, maybe you can tell them you rump roasted a real user or some shit

So dindu nuffin, legit dindu nuffin, but Holla Forums goes full stormfag anyways. Fucking, A. Stop being so sensitive, it makes all white people look bad.

I've been going no-fap on Sundays for a while now, feels good man.



the stormfag equivalent of white cis male

you semites are really bad at fitting in


SJW alert. Reported and ignored.

Assuming the dindu wasn't running his mouth, or there wasn't more to the story, the frenchie was really out of bounds hitting him.

You guys have to remember, that that nigger didn't storm our borders (((we))) let him in. If we started importing lions into all our countries and letting them run free would it be the lions fault it attacks people, or ours? You cannot blame an animal for acting like an animal, it is in animal. Nature is neither good or bad it just is.

The dindu certainly shouldn't be there, but the fault is our own (more precisely our forefathers) letting our countries getting so thoroughly cucked by jewish traitors.

You should never wish wanton harm upon another creature, whether they be a nigger or a lion. If it does not threaten your existence you have no cause for harm upon it. At the point that is is a threat, is the point that you fight back, and we should all know by now the nigger isn't the problem. The problem is ((((corrupt governments))). If we removed our traitor globalist government and media, we could legit probably allow niggers to live in our country without being a problem (but we definitely shouldn't).

Niggers, and Gooks are as much the victims as the White man. I don't like niggers or gooks more than the next guy, but I don't want to kill them, because by themselves they are not a problem. And just like I don't want to kill a lion because it acts like a lion, I want to see what peculiarities could develop from them one day. I thought most of Holla Forums was okay with animal rights, Hitler certainly was.

Though we should sterilize and geographically separate all jews from us (because they are a persistent, and I believe otherwise unsolvable problem).

Good to see there are some christians who aren't cuckholds. Still its a shame the KKK hasn't come to power again and made christianity great again because right now christians are prepping the bull harder than anyone else giving foriegn aid to niggers in africa.

News flash christcucks foriegn aid will make those nigger breed more and they'll end up bringing their FORIEGN AIDS into our countries.

Do you mean to imply that a dying religion needs to recruit more members from people outside the countries in which the majority of people aren't even believers?

Because that's retarded

so if you had no choice whatsoever in letting these people in you should let them walk all over you?
you sound underage or female

I didn't say to let them walk all over you. Learn to read nigger.

Causing wanton harm is wrong. There is nothing wrong with justified violence. Unprovoked violence is not justified you stupid fucking nigger.

Pic related.


they always din somffin user

Deus Vult

Fixed it for you

We are coming.