Nig kills 85 year old White War vet

Black kills White Korean War Vet, Sets Him on Fire Burned Him To Death

Wonder if the boomer was happy what he fought for. White Lives Matter

Other urls found in this thread:

85 year olds aren't boomers, dipshit


Well he is just a little baby.


anti-slide bump

Add another to the list.

One last bump

Nothing of value was lost. Though the nigger should be hanged anyways.

nice choice of photo to make the white one look crazy.

Yeah, but remember who's life matters. :^)

I dont know why I always want to know more context, when I know there isnt any besides robbery and niggery.


couldn't care less


I tried to post this to reddit's news board to see how it would do.

The title got "corrected" to

Teenager murders and burns the body of an 85-year old Korean War Veteran.

Totally hiding that the man was burned alive.

Did they also edit out the races?

Never fucking move to Birmingham, AL. Especially during these times.

I didn't put the races in the title because that would get it deleted immediately before anyone could see it.

They have an "anti-editorializing" rule but they apply it selectively. The rule is to title it whatever the actual article is titled. But whenever the title is too problematic, then it's okay to change it.

So by their own rules, the title of the post should be

You could argue the "evil at its finest" bit was editorializing still, but that would still leave you with

But that's still not okay, since it would get too much attention, as it should. So they changed it to

Reality imitating art

RIP Holls Mason

Why "washington post" call him "teenager" if buzzfeed used "race" and in their news "White guy" kill and many establishment website use race against white in crime of white against own white who is less worse than against other race like blacks against white?

I know.

I love how BLM niggers are spamming cuck porn in halfchan at the same exact news thread.

What is it with niggers specifically and setting people on fire?


We're fine down here, we stay armed to the teeth at all times. That old man lived in a bad neighborhood, happens to older whites who owned a house in the 60s and didn't move as the place turned to shit.

Is the nigger problem there really that bad? I always thought Alabama niggers were more friendly than the rest…

What you need is a little armalite


Please tell me there's more of these. I've only seen and made some assigned kike comics

nobody cares, goy. pic related is more important, especially since the perp was a Donald Drumpf supporter


Around blacks, never relax. Much like any of the lesser races, they behave to the best of their abilities when they are completely outnumbered and know that whitey will lynch them in a flat second. Once their numbers grow, they become belligerent and their true colors (kek) show.

That third pic is a monument to autism

We should do an assmale OC thread again sometime


A true masterpiece, courtesy of christina chandler may sonichu zap his autistic to the extreme RIP

You should use real graffiti for that post.

Fucking niggers. This is a good redpill for cuckchanner fags.


Not even with infinitrips user

Jesus, they couldn't have found a better pic of the old man? Hope they kill the murderer though.

This is the world those soldiers of ZOG fought for whether they realize it or not.

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It was supposed to look like that.

When posting ascii art, be sure to make the reply box as wide as possible and add in your own line breaks.

Kill yourself kikes.

I guarantee you all, each and every one of these worthless criminals psyched themselves up for the crime by telling themselves, "Fuck dat old white man HE RAYCIS!"


That's how it is here in Houston. The older folks have lived in their houses since the 60s and over time those neighborhoods have gone from all-American White to nigger and mexican shitholes. They never leave their paid off property and there fore get robbed and killed by the muds.


Kill yourself kike.

salty zogwar veteran detected

Gas yourself, Jew.

Kill yourself.

Just ignore them user. Kikes will get what's theirs soon enough. Those who lack a conscience are eternal allies of the Jew.

and now you have none yourself anymore
good goy

No, youre just a person who has no principles himself and is edge for the sake of edge, and nothing else. Meanwhile the guy would have literally killed Communists. What have you done?

How many Communists have you shot and killed?


tbh fam the Korean War and Vietnam war were pointless. We tried to fight the red menace in shit hole countries and in the end nothing changed. Korea is still separated at the 38th parallel and Vietnam is still a communist dump. Even if N. and S. Vietnam remained separate countries, they would still be dumps.

Every dead Communist is a better world. Kill yourself, you have the psyche of a Jew.

though that's not a reason to say "fuck you" to vets.

That may be true but l'd rather just level the commie country than have years of our own men dying over there.

kill fucking niggers already

Fuck. This was for


In case you haven't noticed, the norks never wanted to stay above the 38th and stormed across it. Commies don't honor truces. Look at Vietnam where we made a truce with them and they ran it over.

yes it sucks that the old man died, and the bigger must hang for it, but he did fight for the Jew world order


Is this your argument?
That's not a good argument.


Heh, retards.

How the fuck does Vietnam affect America's wellbeing, Shlomo?

The only good American soldier is a dead one, and it's been that way for over a century.

I've said this on other threads, but it bears repeating:

There are so many white women who spout the "we are all equal" nonsense.

Just recently, I saw a comment from a white woman on one of the latest Colin Flaherty videos saying,

"it's not a racial problem, it's a liberal problem"

Yeah, yet another video about black-on-white violence uploaded to a channel with endless other examples, but it's a "liberal problem".

What's even worse is that the comment had at least 15 thumbs ups.

This world is a circus.

This is what Holla Forums actually believes, huh
How's that wet rice economy working out for you Gook

Kill yourself gook

Waiter this kike isn't done, can you put it back in the oven?

I'm saying both are run by Jews for Jews



user, you ever wonder why there's quite literally never any women taking part in an offensive war?

They need to feel good about themselves to operate. All the time. The jews just managed to shift what should make them feel good to false egalitarianism that's more babying lesser races and less uplifting them.

Yea they should have all burned their draft cards like every other hippy leftist did at the time and had the feds knock on their door.

Will we have enough rope when the day comes?

Kill all niggers.

Don't forget sandniggers!

Impossible to mourn him, he had it coming.

You'd be crazy about fire too if your people discovered it recently.

I don't know what would smell worse, the niggers or the burning flesh

Probably the uncooked ones. At least fried negro gets seasoned.

I chuckled at my own joke but I take that back. Negro or not, I don't want this kind of shit happening and it makes me sick that it does.

You still think they're humans. That's precious.

Shut the fuck up, you coon.
You're going to hang with them.

This tbh. I always wondered myself how i could become some sort of vigilante because i needed to do something at summer other than working on a shitty job i do just for the money. All it took was follow niggers around for about an hour for them to try to kidnap some chick. Also do not waste your words on them , they simply cannot understand what you are saying. A bullet through the head is the only cure for niggerness. This disgusting blackness must be put to an end.

You don't understand: animals too. The nigger is in a place between man and beast, smart enough to douse someone in gasoline but simple enough to not know how any of that shit works. They're a wreck of a creature best left alone or annihilated if not enslaved for their own good.

Adding… sure his death was sad, excruciating etc. But when you go to fight foreign wars for an entity that wants to the whole world to be under control and locked for a nigger dick (US culture) you don't get sympathy at all.

Niggers are fucking monsters. They have no empathy and it's been proven that actual animals have more compassion. Dindus have killed their own children for the crime of crying or simply existing.

why are niggers so fond of setting people on fire?

They're trying to make everyone look as ugly as they already are. Why else?

Better than Kalamzaoo Michisshit niggers

You're retarded and need to fucking leave Holla Forums if you keep calling people older than you boomers without even knowing what that means.

I wonder how many innocent Koreans that old fucker murdered before that young man put him down?

Fucking boomers.


Yep, that's what they should have done. Better than fighting for the JewSA.


This is some dark shit. And it's fucked up when I read local news on Holla Forums

Ashes and Echoes

aaaand millennials prove their collective stupidity once again.

Coontown was right.

And thus: Women are ruined, everything is fucked.

Nobody wins. Everyone dies.

Spoiler that shit user, I almost completely forgot how ugly she is. Leslie Jones makes Serena Williams look like Iman.

I hope he gets the death penalty.

Asses and Dildos


OP is retarded.

Perhaps he could be the test case to figure out how much waterboarding it takes to kill someone. I hear niggers have a special relationship with water.


Wew, I'll never understand why most media portrays psychopaths as creepy white men when you have niggers doing this kind of shit at least twice per week.

I don't understand either, goy…I mean guy.


How awful that cops beat this murderer just for murdering their friend. This is an outrage and a shame on white America.

No justice no peace.

You're right, user. Niggers are not monsters. They are just a pest like tapeworm.
