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How much is Dysnomia paying you to shill? How does Dysnomias ass taste you fucking asslicker.




Nigger, I can actually be mobile while using a phone. I'm not some fat lazy nigger who does nothing but stare at his computer all day.


(fat lazy nigger who does nothing but stare at his computer all day)

So you're poor? Who the fuck uses this retarded OS except niggers and retards(You)?

How did I post on here you fat nigger? Didn't I just get done explaining how it is damn near impossible to post on here with is?
Oh no, yeah, I'll just call my boss with a fucking computer.

This. The only "people" who use android are niggers and retards who are too poor to buy something made by Apple.

Enjoy your kike monopolized, drm, and your spyware you massive faggot.

Is that right, nigger? You should be careful, lying to whites can be bad for your health.

lmao enjoy being a fat nerd who never leaves his mom's basement. Unlike PC, macs never break and always just work when you need them to. they also run quality software like adobe photoshop, and the seamless integration with your iPhone means that apps are always within arm's reach. Trust me kid, Apple products are basically the key to getting pussy.

Nigger I know damn well you are just a fucking larper. You are not a nazi, you have not actually read mein kampf, and you do not know anything about national socialism. I bet you even smack your disease ridden dick to interracial porn as well, you stupid fucking cuck.
Yeah ok. Holla Forums hasn't been a train wreck lately when it comes to software… so:
Nigger may I remind you that WE WERE DOWN JUST YESTERDAY? Of coarse though, that sailed right over your head like some nigger who through his shoes on a telephone pole.




Baseless projection; incorrect

I don't think it's possible to become a member of the NSDAP anymore. In terms of ideology, however, I don't think there are major differences.


I don't fall for Jewish mind control schemes

More baseless projection. Why are you obsessed with cuckoldry? Is it because white women won't go anywhere near you, and all your fantasies of fucking them involve jew-induced cuckoldry?

Oh, you actually are a nigger.

In conclusion:
The putrid nigger first appeared in the thread by making baseless assertions that anybody who disagreed with him was, in fact, a nigger. When the negro was quickly refuted by other whites in the thread, he quickly became extremely agitated and angry (known in the field of niggerology as a "chimp out"), and began making questionable claims of membership in white nationalist groups/the NSDAP. While the nigger's retarded drivel was fooling no one (in fact, it was rather amusing to watch him struggle against a superior mind), what remains a mystery is why he was posting on Holla Forums in the first place.



t. robot


im jim