Nigs Behaving Badly

Liveleak has some great footage of chimps outside of zoos

I'd embed but LL still uses ancient flash videos

Other urls found in this thread:

this is racist :(



fixed this typo for you



American niggers (redundant) really are the worst.



WURL STAR has some funny chimp/hood footage too. Too bad you gotta sift through all the generic shit tier nigger music videos to find it.

Skip to 2:45 for shots fired

Spoiler: The teacher is a nigger who speaks ebonics

That's just from the first page too.


Why are women allowed to be beat cops, again?

Niggers are so hilarious.

100s of nigger videos to wet your appetites


Better call that file "Nigger Mech Fight"

yea, I wonder how this small channel has only 100s of views on every video
It should be a Holla Forums classic

So we can have videos of them being logically and physically beat

posting a Holla Forums classic

What a fucking farce.

Have some fresh OC you glorious bastards

I would have shot the fucking nigger and his nigger pitbull when he pulled out the weapon. That's how it should have went.

wtf i hate racism now

Still one of the best videos of nigs nigging I have ever seen. That shovel sound is fantastic.

They call him…. GRAVENIGGA

Is it me or am i the only one that is more concerned for the supposed beaten female that he was alluding to rather then some cunt with a badge?



It's just you. He's either lying or he's a retard for beating up a woman to save a woman who's being beaten up.

I kind of want to just kill as many niggers as I can one day.

sheeeeeeiiiiittttttttt shovelnigga a beast son

Why in the unmerciful fuck is that bitch holding a blonde white baby in that first vid?

What do niggers think resisting means?

I'm serious, I think they are operating with a different understanding of that term.

How come she didn't cuff his hand behind his back instead of front? She isn't supposed to be alone. Not a good idea to go without someone especially with the violent people.


Is there a niggologist here who can translate this?

Subhuman. You meant to say "niggers are subhuman".

dat a hammer dawg

Niggers don't know what the word of resisting means. It is better to speak to them like a child with the intelligent impairment. That's the level they can understand.

years ago i watched a documentary on natgeo about some african tribe and for fun they would climb this makeshift tower at least 15ft high, tie a vine around their legs and jump. some missed the landing zone while others used too much vine and the result was them violently smashing their head into the ground. i since have looked everywhere for this video.

Is there a context for this other than "I'se wanna be on th' World Stars Hiphop"?

They also do it from the edge of a cliff. Pretty sure it's some south american lot. It's a requirement to become a man.
Bungie jumping without the elastic.


gypsy fight from my country

And that's where we got fucking bungee jumping from.

Is this it? If not, try "land dive vanuatu" or "land dive Pentecost"

It was south pacific from the tower, sure I've seen it from a cliff too, which would be even more dangerous.

The camera man is so nonchalant about watching somebody nearly? get killed with a hammer.

Just goes to show how hopelessly savage even bystander niggers are.

John fucking Henry right there.

That's some Polynesian tribe I think. Some island somewhere near new zealand or something. Carl Pilkington went there.


What upset the nig?

Always love how red pilled the comments are in liveleak.

A gravenigger

Top fucking kek

is there any addon/script that bypasses the age-restriction (embedded videos) and works with playlists? I'm not going to make a jewtube account.

I can't believe I'm defending a nigger but jaywalking is stupid offense.

It's like the British want their women to get fucked up.

Oh look, a slide thread.

Fuck that, this is a motivation thread right here. Nothing makes me want to lift more than threads like these.

That's some esoteric nigger speak there

Shut up faggot.

Videos of TNB are always relevant to Holla Forums.

add nsfw before youtube

Oh look, a faggot.


They should be eradicated like the vermin they are.

apparently the nigger that got BTFO was trying to carjack him, still hillarious to hear his skull pop tho.

and those kids are looking and learning from the whole thing.

Ah, I remember that one. Right around the Epic Beard Man days. There were shimmerings of red-pilling going on in Plebbit, even then.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the best cure for white guilt is to get people to actually live the multiculturalism itself. The second best are videos like this.

Holy shit you "slide thread" autists are so fucking obnoxious. This isn't halfpol we have threads in the catalog that have been there for over a month, nothing is being slid, and even if that was the case this wouldn't be the place to bitch about it considering there are three threads up discussing the same kikebart article and like 25 fucking Trump threads up. Furthermore fun nigger threads are a staple of Holla Forums and we haven't had a nigger thread in a while. Gas yourself.

Jesus man, they truly do act like a pack of howling apes. Unreal.

doesn't work with playlists.

it's very easy to bypass the age restriction for single videos, but seemingly impossible if you want to watch a playlist.

also, instead of using that shit website you can just replace "watch?v=" with "v/" or "embed/".

Yet it all seems so normal to them

Note the ape noises.






The file damaged/corrupted, the audio is fine, but the video jumps and stops


Just another day in the projects

Disgusting on so many levels.

Never Relax.

Nah you figured it out

That cop had a fuckton of patience. I would have slammed that porch monkey sooner.


As someone still relatively new to the redpill, I get a little teary eyed every time I see chimps beating up white kids for no reason in general. It shows who the real racists in this country are for sure.
Will my reaction to these ever numb? It feels like I just get more pissed every second I see these.

I mean, I feel bad for the guy, but what the fuck did he think was going to happen?

His only mistake was to relax around blacks. If I was him, I would have been on guard when trying to walk away.

nah it gets worse, you'll never be normal or blue pilled again, sorry.

Normal night in Detroit.









That hit and run was pretty fucking funny fam. I dont understand how niggers can live like this though.

holy shit

Christ female police officers are so fucking useless. This is what taxpayer dollars are going towards.

You know your strong when you can life that whole fucking table and toss it like a frisby.

HOLY FUCK…i would NOT want to be the guy getting pummeled by her.

She's a worthy adversary for godzilla!!!!!

you know those tables are like 10 pounds max, right?

HAHAHAHAH that one guy feeding that bitch the knuckles HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

and goes back for seconds HAHAHAHAH *grabs sides HAHAHAHAHAHA

fuck that they are

that's gotta be 50 pounds. Easy
I have a smaller version teh EXACT folding table as my computer table. And that weights 15 pounds. And this is made for 2 MAYBE 4 very small seats. I would say 2 seats to be honest.

Got that jungle muscle

Is he hard?

He died and the dude who did it got 25 years IIRC. Niggers have trouble with empathy because they're dumb as bags of rocks.

Are you a faggot?

Welcome to Holla Forums, newfriend. Things will never go back to how they were before for you. Embrace that fact and use the knowledge that you gain here to your advantage.

Now watch this dumb nigger film himself getting assassinated outside the corner store.

You'll notice they almost always open up with a complete sucker punch, and when they have the safety of a large numerical advantage. Here's something to cheer you up, this is what happens when they don't have a 5 to 1 ratio.

Yeah I don't know the backstory, i'd like to hope the guy wasn't a moron and just happened to get off at the wrong bus stop or something.




The guy filming this has brass balls man. I remember when I was a teenager and I first got my license, I made some wrong turns driving home from the City and I got lost, ended up in a really bad part of the Bronx or some shit and I don't think i've ever been more on edge in my life. I was by myself in the car and I can just remember every red light feeling like an eternity just waiting to get carjacked.

I could watch that beautiful blue sky all day.
The dumb nigger? Not so much.

I hope hillary wins so we can let in more immigrant doctors and lawyers

This is why wrestling always wins in a street fight. If one can wrestle a nigger to the floor you can win since they don't know what to do.

Fucking niggerjews are the best. I daresay these guys get honorary Aryan status.

Niggers entire life is displaying* aggression to establish dominance in the pack hierarchy. This is why rappers claim to have been shot as a badge of honor, it means they're dangerous. This is why niggers prefer being stupid and crazy, because stupid and crazy is dangerous, and not to be messed with.
When two niggers meat each other and engage in mutual displays of aggression, this is called a "nigga moment".
When cops arrive at the scene the suspect nigger immediately begins to display aggression in order to scare the cop into submission, and establish dominance. When this doesn't work because the cop is not a fucking animal, the nigger pretends even harder, going outright into violence and the cop puts a bullet in him.

*displays often involve violence, display =/= harmless display


Nigs are the best cure to nigs.

*pushes whale to ground*

Chuck E cheese is such a weird place i mean they stamp your hand so pedophiles dont take you, but the pizza is the bomb

He wore blue in a red neighborhood.

I always hated their pizza because it tasted like they used every cheese other than mozzarella, parmesan and romano, ie the Itallian holy trilogy, to make it. it's been well over 16 years since I've ever been there though.

Nig or no nig, stopping someone for jaywalking is bullshit and I'd be mad too.

you wouldn't be stopped for jaywalking because you probably don't have multiple warrants and ounces of illegal substances in your possession.

two words, kid:
nothing personel

I just watched the video with the lawn negro as well. Seems to me if you're not a beta faggot he was in the right. Dispatch sends some woman cop and she won't explain why she's there. Plenty of rednecks would behave the same way. Gave me a good laugh when she threatened to taze him as well, woman cops are a joke. Muh shieldmaidens.

you sound like worthless trash

How so my man? I'm not a fan of niggers, but that doesn't mean I'm blind.

Now that is some Sabbat ass shit right there.


Why do this

Hence the greentext. I was joking.

i liked how someone over layed monkey sounds to most of these videos i thought that was pretty great
