What the fuck Holla Forums why can't I just ask out the girl I like? It's been literal fucking years. Hell...

What the fuck Holla Forums why can't I just ask out the girl I like? It's been literal fucking years. Hell, I've been through a full fucking relationship between when I first became interested in this girl and today.
This girl, sometimes I fantasize that she's just as interested in me as I am in her and that she's going through the same shit. I don't know, maybe she is, she seems interested but she's seemed interested in me for fucking years man years. I just want to ask her out to see. I won't even be upset if she says no.
But no, it's impossible. No matter what I do. No matter how many times I see her, I just can't do it. I work the small talk I keep on keeping on. I've planned so many times to ask her out, but I never do.
Today I psyched myself up for a 6 hours. I drank and did everything I could to ease myself into it. But when the time came, nope. I had to back out of even seeing her because I became too anxious.

Fuck my life Holla Forums I would give up so much other shit to just be able to do this one thing.

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What's stopping you from asking her out, may I ask?

yep, coming on Holla Forums and crying about you be too big of a pussy to ask out some 3DPD whore will solve your problem

Just stop talking to her. Thats it. No point in trying to win her over if you are such a wuss you will never asked her out. Leave her

I've been interested in her for so long that it's become a mental roadblock for me. I'm more awkward than usual when it comes to dating, but not horribly so. It's just compounded endlessly when it comes to her. I've failed to ask her out so many times that I honestly can't picture anything else besides failure.

I don't expect it to solve my problem. I just want to talk about it. I can't even mention I like her to any of my few friends because they'll just be amazed I've liked her for this long and not done anything. First they'll probably tease me and then they'll just be ashamed of me.

I'm not really in a position where I can stop talking to her. I've given up pursuing her many times before. The problem is that I remain interested in her no matter what.

"Hey, want to hang out sometime?" That is all it takes. If she likes you it doesn't matter if you stutter like crazy, have some plan ready like dinner and movie, visit to someplace, ect. I have personal experience with a shy girl from my uni. I manned up, and asked her out.

…please tell me you at least have her phone number or email address. For shy people it is a lot easier to arrange something with messages rather than regular speaking.

She knows you like her, she knew for a while. She knows your a beta bitch who won't do anything because you are afraid. You are more comfortable where you are now then being uncomfortable for the 10 seconds it will take to ask her out. You are more comfortable being insecure, hating yourself, scared, and afraid. You have been this way for years and you will continue to be this way for more years. Continue telling yourself it is OK while you die a littler everyday. In the end, the only you will hate most is yourself

That was my plan today. I rehearsed the line, "I know I don't normally ask anything like this, but you wanna see a movie tomorrow or something?". If I could just get totally wasted before seeing her I'm sure I could do it, but there's problems with doing that.

I got her number a year and a half ago and haven't texted her in over a year. I wouldn't even be surprised if she doesn't have my number saved anymore. I'm pretty shitty at texting anyway and I really don't want to ask her out that way. I mean, it's good advice and I'm blowing it off stupidly, but it's just how it is.

I'm pretty sure she has no idea I like her. I don't really show my emotions outwardly, especially when it comes to her. Honestly, I think she used to like me but thought I had no interest so she dropped it.

How exactly do you know / meet this girl? Is it through work, school, what is it? Send her a message with some casual jabs. Some stuff about school, work, whatever. Once you've got her going you message her something like
'By the way, I was wondering, are you perhaps free sometime this week or the next one?'
From there on you should be able to figure things out yourself. That's how I did it.

As I regular Holla Forums poster. I suggest the most rational course of action OP. Invite her out to see the most kino movie in theaters right now. Make sure its early enough that hen after the movie see if she wants to go to dinner. At dinner. Who knows what you'll talk about. This is a Kino and low pressure approach.

I was friends with a lot of her high school pals (but I didn't go to the same school) so we hung out in a group back then. At one point she started working at a local Italian restaurant my family liked and I saw her a lot more there. That's where I thought she was flirting with me. She would hold me up to talk all the time. I'm not friends with any of those high school guys anymore and I don't think she is either. Since then I only see her when I'm back home for breaks or whatever. She still works at the same place and it's one of the 2 restaurants that my brother will eat at. I have to go pick up food there almost every day and she's still the counter girl. We chat about whatever.

That's what I'm about man. You know that new indie film Baby Driver? Sooooo aesthetic. I'm just sure she'd love it if i could take her.

Just invite her to any party, or go to a party that you know she will be there, drink a bit(not much or you will look like an idiot), and talk to her if you cant talk to her even drinking its pretty fcked up.>>7181015

I dunno if this will be of much help, but I have basically the same problem socializing period.

Hope this helps, Good luck fam.

>The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book: farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/
>Textbooks about Mental Training: pastebin.com/i6k1teit
MyNoise: mynoise.net/
A Soft Murmur: asoftmurmur.com/

what's that gif from

Well, if you are not a complete social retard, you can always practice small talk with other girls, so you have some experience. If you do it successfully, it will drive up your confidence and make you feel better about yourself.

Also, if the problem is only with that one girl, try to man the fuck up. If not, just go to some social places, like gym or mall, it will boost your communication skills.

To be honest, holding a girl up on some kind of pedestal is just lame. They do love the attention they get, but they won't show you back any attention if there's no interest from her. That said, you have to make her be interested in you. Try to be funny or interesting, make her feel comfortable being around you. But don't over do it, so it doesn't end cringy. You can do it user, girls are not that big of a deal as you have created it in your head.

All you need to do is realize that you are worthless and nothing matters and we all go to hell in the end. Realize that no matter what you do you will fail in one way or another. So just do whatever the fuck you want because it'll be the wrong choice no matter what you choose. So fuck it and kill niggers and kiss that faggy looking motherfucker you wanted to spank her tight ass last night motherfucker just fucking do it if she says no you can rape her sister instead.

Boy, another tween relationship thread. Haven't seen that one in a while.

As much as I hate to say it, this is probably a grown fucking man stuck in elementary school mode. When he says he's been through a whole relationship he probably meant he asked mellissa out but secretly liked ashley and ended up canceling on melissa because he didn't lover her enough to go to hot topic with her.

I am 12 and what is this? As a man of the worold, i find OP's reaction alarming and confusing.

12? Too old for us here!

How about you cut the shit and just tell her that you love her? How about you tell her that you have feelings for her? I mean, how hard is it to just simply tell her your feelings? Are you a faggot or what?

send her a card where you ask her out

Sorry for drunkposting.
Tl;dr Just ask the damned roastie out, OP. Jesus Christ.

Women don't dislike betas because they're selfish, they dislike them because of slimy emo mental gymnastics like this.



That stuff is creepy, since this is how i basically get my wife.

contemporary women aren't worth you prostrating yourself in front of them to in a bid to earn their affections, they are all degenerate feminists

in her solipsistic worldview you are only there to have resources extracted from

you fulfill a role, she has many male friends that she coordinates through social media, free food, sex, emotional tampon

your role if it was to going be upgraded to boyfriend or fuck buddy would have been upgraded by now

if you metaphorically bow your head and get down on one knee and beg her affections and she rejects you, you will affirm your subservience to her. you would have made a public statement that you are underneath her. you already are, but that is the last of the dignity in your relationship with her you would have surrendered, you would now be a fully fledged cuck to a modern degenerate female.

cuck because someone is almost certainly already satiating her sexual needs - consider she probably has 100+ male friends on facebook who give her attention just because she has a vagina

ofcoruse if women werent degenerate then courting them would be perfectly acceptable behaviour

shame there is no such thing as nawalt

it's probably because you have grown to rely on images to convey your emotions rather than facial expressions and your voice.

The woes of a normalfag, where is my small violin

I hate myself so damn much that I'm actively trying to die from alcohol abuse.

oops how embarrassin was gonna post it in the other thread, oh well.

Okay so I've been in a similar situation a while back.

My bestfriend is the hottest girl in our school and I'm not saying this because I love her, I'm saying this because it's true. Anyway, I've been into her for kind of a while and it has been fucking with my mind quite a lot. Honestly I've been into her since 7th grade when I first met her and just now, 4 years later and only a few weeks back I got the balls to ask her out. As I said, it was a pretty similar situation. I felt like she was interested in me as well, but I really wasn't sure. So this one day I just told her via text that I don't just want to be her best friend and that I wanted more..Then she said that we needed to talk and I was like: fuck she's going to friendzone me. But when she came over to my place and we started talking, I just told her exactly how it was…That I have evolved feelings for her and stuff. Surprisingly, she said to me that she felt similar and that in the past, she wished that there was more between us. So now we're dating and only this close away from being in a committed relationship.

If you already have the feeling that she's interested as well, you should just tell her. Even if she says that she's not into you, it's better for you than just staying quite the whole time bc that's going to destroy you even more.

Just do it.

No perfect line, no perfect time, no perfect situation - just say "I'm going here tomorrow, at the weekend, in the evening - you can come with me if you want."
Then go no matter what.
Better to make a statement than ask a question. Then she can accept or refuse.

No need for a declaration of love, just go somewhere with her, talk, ask her about herself, SHOW INTEREST, flirt lightly to begin with, increase as appropriate, light touching, when she looks at your lips a few times, kiss her.

Don't wait.
Maybe she'll move and be gone forever and you'll never have the chance again. Maybe she's planning to move right now.
Maybe she'll be the one for you, maybe she won't.

Stop thinking, just tell her the very next time. Don't plan it, just suggest a time and a place to meet up just you two and spend time with her.
Say you enjoyed it, suggest another time and place to meet up, and so on.

Don't mention her to your friends at all until you've locked her down.

If you show interest, she'll suddenly seem more valuable or interesting to your friends, and one of them might ask her out.

Take her, make her yours, and introduce her to your friends later.

Find a girl that looks like her, internalise your fetishes.
No point hanging around for her, just like any other female - she isn't worth being worked up about.

Move on, find other girls.

Well done.
In future, don't wait.

Nigger, waiting four whole fucking years makes you the most emasculated mangina in the whole galaxy universe. Usually I wait for a good oppurtunity to ask a girl out, and if it doesn't happen then I just outright ask her for fuck's sake. If she's in my immediate environment, like same class or workplace, I wouldn't wait longer than a couple of days to ask her out.

give up all hope

she decided to date you instead of some creepy "nice" guy?

lol @ nice guys being creepy.

what would you call the behavior of the guy in the comic, then?

Nah I just didn't mention that between these 4 years there was like a period of 3 years where I didn't have feelings for her at all. They started evolving again around February/march this year and after all we were best friends so I didn't really know what to do

op is a fag