Fresh OC meme
Hmm really makes you think, huh?
(((15 pics that make you go fuck having borders n shiet)))
Fresh OC meme
Shared on Facebook.
Made a YT vlog about it for my Google+.
Uploaded to 9gag and Instagram.
feel sorry for you yanks and poms, we're not taking any rapefugees down under
you dumb cuck, post it in other people's thread, don't start your own
it's a shit thread and it makes you look like a retard who disrespects the board
only because your own abos would shank them all
lol umad fagget its my oc
ye the abbos would kill them, that's what abbos are good for
here we see CTR in its natural habitat
this is their MO
forgot to sage
maybe it wasn't a bad thing though
why are you buttmad
dont like Holla Forums jokes? fucks wrong with u
Take heed. This is how they operate. This is how they bump, get replies and gain traction. Pseudo-chan shitposting.
Everyone who's been on cuckchan June-December 2015 recognizes these hilarious shitposts/banter.
im just spreading my oc meme mane
Spread it in another thread faggot. How many memes have started like this? Also, sage your own posts, show some respect.
Cunt, you get 12,000 a year who also get to bloody choose where they want to live in Australia.
like i care what you say :^)
at least our capital isn't ruled by a fucking paki lmao
assuming that you are just a retard and not a shill, remember that you're shitting where you're eating
shills will use shitposts and retards like you to lower board quality
just look at this hilarious aussie banter
I haven't laughed so much since the last big bang theory episode
Turnbull isn't much better tbh
same for theresa may
this is a ylyl
have you also been here since the days of chanology?
I'm not british though
oh, sorry m8
lol we wuz anonymuz
are those poofters still around? I remember them raiding habbo back in 2006 with those nigger avatars
every fucking time
guess 8/pol/ really is dead
what are you implying