Zika: It gets worse

According to Rockefeller University, Zika doesn't just cause babies to come out as pinheads, but can actively alter the function of the memory and learning centres of the brain in adults who get infected.


However, new research in mice from scientists at The Rockefeller University and La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology suggests that certain adult brain cells may be vulnerable to infection as well. Among these are populations of cells that serve to replace lost or damaged neurons throughout adulthood, and are also thought to be critical to learning and memory.
"This is the first study looking at the effect of Zika infection on the adult brain," says Joseph Gleeson, adjunct professor at Rockefeller, head of the Laboratory of Pediatric Brain Disease, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. "Based on our findings, getting infected with Zika as an adult may not be as innocuous as people think."
Although more research is needed to determine if this damage has long-term biological implications or the potential to affect behavior, the findings suggest the possibility that the Zika virus, which has become widespread in Central and South America over the past eight months, may be more harmful than previously believed. The new findings were published in Cell Stem Cell on August 18.
"Zika can clearly enter the brain of adults and can wreak havoc," says Sujan Shresta, a professor at the La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology. "But it's a complex disease—it's catastrophic for early brain development, yet the majority of adults who are infected with Zika rarely show detectable symptoms. Its effect on the adult brain may be more subtle, and now we know what to look for."
Early in gestation, before our brains have developed into a complex organ with specialized zones, they are comprised entirely of neural progenitor cells. With the capability to replenish the brain's neurons throughout its lifetime, these are the stem cells of the brain. In healthy individuals, neural progenitor cells eventually become fully formed neurons, and it is thought that at some point along this progression they become resistant to Zika, explaining why adults appear less susceptible to the disease.
But current evidence suggests that Zika targets neural progenitor cells, leading to loss of these cells and to reduced brain volume. This closely mirrors what is seen in microcephaly, a developmental condition linked to Zika infection in developing fetuses that results in a smaller-than-normal head and a wide variety of developmental disabilities.
The mature brain retains niches of these neural progenitor cells that appear to be especially impacted by Zika. These niches—in mice they exist primarily in two regions, the subventricular zone of the anterior forebrain and the subgranular zone of the hippocampus—are vital for learning and memory.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gleeson and his colleagues suspected that if Zika can infect fetal neural progenitor cells, it wouldn't be a far stretch for them to also be able to infect these cells in adults. In a mouse model engineered by Shresta and her team to mimic Zika infection in humans, fluorescent biomarkers illuminated to reveal that adult neural progenitor cells could indeed be hijacked by the virus.
"Our results are pretty dramatic—in the parts of the brain that lit up, it was like a Christmas tree," says Gleeson. "It was very clear that the virus wasn't affecting the whole brain evenly, like people are seeing in the fetus. In the adult, it's only these two populations that are very specific to the stem cells that are affected by virus. These cells are special, and somehow very susceptible to the infection."
The researchers found that infection correlated with evidence of cell death and reduced generation of new neurons in these regions. Integration of new neurons into learning and memory circuits is crucial for neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to change over time. Deficits in this process are associated with cognitive decline and neuropathological conditions, such as depression and Alzheimer's disease.
Gleeson and colleagues recognize that healthy humans may be able to mount an effective immune response and prevent the virus from attacking. However, they suggest that some people, such as those weakened immune systems, may be vulnerable to the virus is a way that has not yet been recognized.
"In more subtle cases, the virus could theoretically impact long-term memory or risk of depression," says Gleeson, "but tools do not exist to test the long-term effects of Zika on adult stem cell populations."
In addition to microcephaly, Zika has been linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition in which the immune system attacks parts of the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness or even paralysis. "The connection has been hard to trace since Guillain-Barré usually develops after the infection has cleared," says Shresta. "We propose that infection of adult neural progenitor cells could be the mechanism behind this."
There are still many unanswered questions, including exactly how translatable findings in this mouse model are to humans. Gleeson's findings in particular raise questions such as: Does the damage inflicted on progenitor cells by the virus have lasting biological consequences, and can this in turn affect learning and memory? Or, do these cells have the capability to recover? Nonetheless, these findings raise the possibility that Zika is not simply a transient infection in adult humans, and that exposure in the adult brain could have long-term effects.
"The virus seems to be traveling quite a bit as people move around the world," says Gleeson. "Given this study, I think the public health enterprise should consider monitoring for Zika infections in all groups, not just pregnant women."

What the fuck have these kikes unleashed on us?

at least it got the Niggers and Spics first

The population must become living zombies to serve the kikes!

It's fucking horrifying. This is a virus designed to induce mental degenerative illnesses, and it's working. I strongly suspect that the pinhead thing is a mistake, it's true purpose was to be a silent assassin of white intelligence.

When are we going to start manufacturing cures for this shit in an open source fashion? Using CRISPR kits to fight these purpose-based diseases.

Daily reminder that

These are some of the only regions where adults undergo large scale neurogenesis past maturatity. The implication is that it can disrupt neurodevelopment at any point in the life cycle, meaning it is incredibly dangerous to ANY person who is not fully matured and merely very dangerous to mature people.

Daily reminder was supposed to be


Honestly i'm starting to thin that all research and information on genetic engineering needs to be made completely public.

We absolutely need to make genetic engineering and gene therapy open source with no proprietary information.

CRISPR is a ways off being a mature technology yet. Ignore all the hoopla, there is still massive problems with targeting.

Believe it or not, nature is perfectly capable of producing things that can wipe out the dominant species in a relative blink of an eye.

conspiracy theories about weaponized viruses are dumb, not least because its usually the least efficient way to go about your goal. Case in point, Zika is really only a problem for brown countries at the moment.

Jokes on the kikes it won't affect us because we don't leave our basements.

Mosquitoes can't touch me.

How do I know you're a shill?


don't you know that a pesticide from monsatan- eh monsanto is the real culprit, or are you a paid clown? either way, zika did nothing wrong. either way, the reason for shrunken heads is not soap, but lampshades. now be a good cuck, and troll off

I will tell you a secret.

Research the XMRV virus. It stacks with Zika.

We are in the middle of a culling. The government is using chemical and biological weapons on you.

of course, they're trying everything they can to suppress that truth, the same way they shill people about vaccination and autism. in fact, the whole pharma industry was started by rockefeller. how can you effectively get rid of people while making big bucks? by making it legal and in the face to everyone. just call it "medicine", and off you go!


there is no limit to (((their))) vile schemes.

Autism = natural immunity to Zika.

So zika is a plot to keep a working class population for the rich to exploit with slave wages.



look at the infection map starting in brazil, it just pops up in one place out the nowhere and then spreads everywhere, and what a coincidence with sports fans coming from around the world to watch the olympics and then returning to all their countries.

what a coincidence that the olympics were never cancelled.

what a coincidence that gentically modified mosquitoes were released in brazil also to "help stop zika"

what a coincidence that genetically modified mutant mosquitoes are being released again in florida to "help some more"

what a coincidence that zika continues to spread like it doesn't give a care.

what a coincidence that zika is also transmitted through sexual contact.

what a coincidence that the zika virus continues to be present in semen of men infected months after the rest of their body seems to have gotten over the virus.

what a coincidence that if zika persists for months in semen and every male is bit by a mosquito at least once every few months that all males are essentially NEVER clean of the virus and constantly in a state of being unacceptable and unsafe for sexual contact with any female, which will promote the use of condoms and birth control, or in those who are careless result in miscarriage or babies born with small heads, essentially sick and disabled for life if they even last. regardless of what people do, less and less people will have babies. this is the goal. the next generation will be born disabled and sick or wont be born at all out of people being afraid to have kids, or being unable to do so because of all males constantly having their semen compromised. THIS IS BY DESIGN. I don't have anything to do with any of these websites but linked those worth mentioning for relevance to the topic.

remember to copy paste links and erase the space instead of clicking on them so sites don't know anyone came from Holla Forums and someone sneaky sends shills to disrupt theory discussion.

wh o.int/emergencies/zika-virus/timeline/en/
pa ho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11585&Itemid=41688&lang=en
wwwnc.c dc.gov/travel/notices/alert/zika-virus-brazil
c dc.gov/zika/geo/
he althmap.org/zika/
fusion.n et/story/333793/oxitec-zika-fighting-mosquitoes/
fusion.n et/story/333793/oxitec-zika-fighting-mosquitoes/
bre itbart.com/national-security/2016/05/12/brazilian-researchers-evidence-zika-getting-worse/
thescoop blog.dallasnews.com/2016/05/mutant-mosquitoes-battle-zika-virus.html/
fusion.ne t/story/333629/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-zika-oxitec/
birdflu6 66.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/red-alert-is-bill-gates-mosquito-mutant-spreading-disease-in-south-america/
nat uralnews.com/052847_Bill_Gates_Zika_virus_depopulation.html
sm h.com.au/world/bill-gates-wants-modified-mosquitos-to-fight-malaria-zika-dengue-20160617-gplc6y.html

hey user that was great, you did a really great job of downplaying that whole thing and taking peoples confidence in the ability to use crisper right out from under them. good job.

bumping this




Zika will mostly affect degenerate nogs, spics, and non-whites. Sure some whites will be caught in the crossfire, most of them are coalburners and race traitors.

lol that figures. rockefeller pretty much dedicated his life to population control and eugenics

The article states it damages adult brains. The perfect exploit for worker bee slaves.

brb opening a sperm bank and start my own eugenics program

If Zika can fuck an unborn child's shit up, and it can cumcrust an adult's memory capacity, when damages can it do to toddlers and young children?

Well nothing I can do about it, I'm not going to stop going hunting or fishing because of some faggot mosquito.

The least efficient? Really? Got any examples of these hundreds of easier ways to silently and covertly destroy the cognitive functioning of white adults?

Yes it's not like diseases ever spread from brown countries to become endemic in the West. The Likes are playing the long game, so what if it takes a couple of decades to become endemic!is in the West? They have all the time in the world.

Cough, HIV, cough.

Zika is a man-made virus.
The Rockefellers own the patent.
The same family that pushes for population control.

Totally just a coincidence…

HIV is already a tightly targeted virus.Whites who only have sex with heterosexual Whites from low risk groups (Whites who themselves only have hetero sex with straight edged Whites)are not at credible risk. The publicized figures for infection which show around 40% of new cases to be hetero, omit very important to tails of infection route. If you exclude high risk whites (those who have sex with blacks, bisexual men or injecting drug users), the annual infections total less than 50 in the entire USA.


wonderful thread sliding

This meme makes no fucking sense.

Why would kikes spend trillions of dollars propping up the population growth of shitskin countries the Western foreign aid if they had a plan of depopulation in the first place

Secondly, what the fuck is the wrong with depopulation? We could do with a lot less shitskins if you ask me. We need more whites and less non-whites. They can all die for all I care.

If white genocide makes any sense to you, so should this

White genocide has nothing to do with population reduction. The kikes have been growing third world populations precisely for the purpose of destroying the white race. These shitskins are bio-weapons

I was already suspicious when Zika started popping up immediately after the World Cup 2014.

Anti sage for important thread

and you're done

don't forget
and you're done.


zika!!!!!!!!!!!!! shiiiiiiiiiit

It's always kind of funny when autocorrect changes kikes to likes. You clearly don't type the word enough, fellow nazi!

Removing the http results in an address that doesn't have to be altered and doesn't hyperlink.

explains all those "shrunken heads" that have been attributted as proof of headshrinker cannibals.

Patent on a virus from, what, the 1950s? I'm not that guy above, but if you believe they had some crazy genetic engineering shit or weaponized virus program that was far more sophisticated than the early to mid Cold War ones in fact… Or unless you know something I don't know, you're full of shit. Even now we don't have the technology, as far as I know, to design viruses like zika, HIV, SIV or small pox. Let's not be fucking retarded lads.


This is like the Rainbow Six novel where a group of hippie eco warriors wanted to release a modified ebola virus at the Olympics.


There's still no scientific proof that Zika causes microcephaly. It's funny how so many Holla Forumsacks take The (((Rockefeller))) University "studies" seriously.

Zika is as "dangerous" as the common cold.

Are jews immune to zika?

Relevant portion of Jon Rappoport's blog.

Hey guys.. why does this video below from a year ago predict the Zika virus outbreak?

Almost as if it was a man-made bio attack.



I hate to tell you to watch that video above.. but it pretty much lays it out.

When this video was released a year ago we didn't have as much info as we do now.

Pay attention to where he analyzes the words "2013 was the warm-up, 2014 was practice ."

I believe they were talking about the 2014 FIFA games where there was a Zika scare.


Then note that one of the slides talks about "If your reading this now it's already too late."

The author didn't mention it but I believe his shirt says "WHO" on it. For world health organization.

Notice how it shows the brain spilling out of his head.

Just so happens now reports are showing that Zika effects the brains of adults too. They are spreading a disease that causes degenerate brain function for everyone.


Gee, (((pure coincidence))) for those looking to try and rewrite history while making people forget about the history now archived on the net.

Zika isn't a new virus, it was discovered around a century ago and has probably existed long before that.

Yes, but it was weaponized. And used on the public.

Can I protect myself from Zika by being a shut in NEET who never goes outside?

Are they going to depopulate shitskins?

Because those are the low IQ fuckers that are breeding like rabbits?

If I remember correctly the Rockefellers and Gates are actually white rather than Jewish. Could Zika actually be a good thing?

Do mosquitoes ever get inside your house?

Rockefeller married into the Jewish community if I recall correctly. Even if he's not, he's definitely the goodest of goys, same goes for Gates. Make no mistake, they are our strict enemy.

Jesus, do you know anything about the Rockefellers? Almost everything corrupt in the USA can be directly tied to The Rockefellers and/or the Rothschilds.

They know blacks and Arabs would be a disaster for them. So it is likely.

But the end goal is a mixed sub-class/slave race with no ties to their volk or people, no link to the past and traditions. All they will have is the current culture and the state. This makes them more loyal slaves.


I thought it was a Rothschild.

What if Pickachu was Zikachu?

Nobody said anything about those three.


And instead of ashy ketshup we'd be a mosquito



Just a friendly reminder that history repeats itself.

So is this going to target muds rather than fags?

Helping the inferior to populate the earth/dysgenics, why?

How is preventing muds from reproducing a bad thing?


Time to rev up those sprayers.

The turd world population size is unnatural, it has been created by 'for only a dollar a day' christcucks, they been doing their shitskin world breeding program since the beginning of the 20th centry, without this insanity there wouldn't be a big brown and black hoard. niggers in africa bred past their limited ability to feed themselves and then do a mass die off, it was their regular cycle, keeping their numbers down, then christcucks entered the picture and boom, 1.2 billion niggers. Since we can't stop lunatic christcucks from breeding shitskins, apparently we have zika as the answer, if only it came along sooner.

So basically the elite has to make a bioweapon because of christcucks want to virtue signal or revel in their own righteousness?

Honestly I really think that modern American Christianity is cancerous as all hell. Get rid of the Scofield bible and reintroduce muscular Christianity.

I honestly fucking despise Evangelicals.

Pretty much if you run your ac. Mosquitos do not like air conditioning.

I run the AC almost constantly, yet I've seen those spic mosquitoes that carry it.

are you stupid? anyone that has been on vaction in a hot area knows that when you have the AC on and you open a window or a door the mosquitos just RUSH IN like 'ahh yes fresh air means freash blood'

bumping for anti thread slide

Safe money says Zika was manufactured as a way to cull the population without calling it a genocide.


Make sure you feed and protect every one of your spiderbros, user. They are your greatest allies

Kek protects, I love having treefrog pets as a kid and this just gives me a warm feeling when I see a bunch of them outside on the wall.

Well, given that there's no reason to think that Zika (a virus identified in the 1950's) is anything but a natural occurrence, the shitskins-as-weapon theory still makes sense. Seriously, if this was some kind of globalist/kike attempt to destroy whites, why would it be through a virus that mostly affects tropical areas?


I can't believe you faggots are biting this Zika b8. Worst case scenario is you get a headache and a rash for a few days. There's no proof that Zika causes microcephaly or is even remotely deadly.

Microcephaly has been prominent in countries (including the US) before Zika even first broke out recently. You know what does cause microcephaly? Monsanto pesticides. Brazil being one of the largest consumers and users of Monsanto pesticides worldwide.

Not all epidemiologists are out to con the goyim into buying useless products just as Monsanto isn't the sole, omnipotent danger you believe it to be. Although, yes it is a formidable foe that obfuscates its dastardly deeds and needs to be btfo.

Of course, considering you include no sources in your reply, it's obvious you're either ignorant or willingly blinding yourself to the impending crisis.

See the threat posed below:


Also, perhaps Monsanto is at fault for the rise of Microcephaly in Brazil and S.A., however the clusters associated with the rise of Zika are proving significant. If you want to overlook the cases of Microcephaly (which you won't be able to in +-2 years) we can just turn to the rise in the incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

GBS has a normal incidence of .00001 in the general population w/o exposure to Zika.

So, what's the incidence with exposure to Zika?

We don't fully know yet. But it seems to be a four to twenty-fold increase based on preliminary studies from 2014-2015.

"In Brazil where there is an ongoing Zika virus outbreak, the incidence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome was 7.5 cases per 100,000 cases per year"


"During the Zika virus outbreak, 42 patients were admitted to hospital with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). This represents a 20-fold increase in incidence of GBS in French Polynesia compared with the previous four years."

Though from this same article, it is worth mentioning, "Since all 42 cases had serological tests suggesting successive dengue and Zika virus infections, this association might be a predisposing factor for developing GBS."


Another study:

"In Bahia, Brazil, in July of 2015, 62 percent of patients afflicted with Guillain-Barré Syndrome had symptoms consistent with previous Zika infection (mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle or joint pain, and general malaise that begins 2-7 days after the bite of an infected mosquito). One possibility may be that the Zika virus could be a preceding infectious trigger to GBS, but this relationship has not yet been proven and will require careful epidemiological studies to confirm a definite association between Zika infection and Guillain-Barré Syndrome".


Finally, if even compounded by the Zika virus, GBS only affects a small portion of Zika sufferers, why should we care especially in the face of the rise of an almost certain microcephaly epidemic?

Well, from WHO; "Guillain-Barre can strike at any age and impacts both sexes. It usually occurs a few days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection, according to the NINDS".
This could indicate that come flu season, Zika sufferers could experience a much higher chance of acquiring GBS, resulting in a significant strain on our healthcare systems.

Again, this doesn't touch on the conspiracy behind Monsanto's role in pesticide production which may or may not have a deleterious effect on fertility, etc., but it does warrant some attention and some caution. And, please feel free to link your sources on this claim, as I'd like to do some research on the matter.

Nigger, are you serious?

Here, I'll break it down for you and use Brazil as an example:

Your sources are flawed. The Zika virus is a cover story to protect Monsanto. Until an actual peer reviewed study comes out conducted by real scientists that aren't bought and paid for by the government, I won't play into this Zika scare bullshit. I'm still kind of on the fence about this whole thing but I sure as hell won't take the CDC's or WHO's word for it…


yea I don't know. I think zika is real because the push seems to be that they want others to think the gmo mosquitoes were release to stop zika but the truth seems to point towards that the gmo mosquitoes were meant to spread it.

it all adds up as an agenda to wipe out the population, or the whole thing is a psyop to see how people would react if this is what they were doing.

The east-asian tiger mosquito, which can carry the zika virus with it, was discovered in my town.
Am I fucked?

there was a short story Stephen king wrote about some guy who found this chemical in a towns water supply that made everyone more calm, so he put it int a volcano and it spread across the world, but then he finds out they were calmer because the chemical lowers your iq and everyone turns into a drooling retard and dies.


Shill or not, I can't believe how fucking stupid you are.

He's actually got a point there, I've seen maybe 200 cases of HIV in my medical career and precisely 3 of them were due to non-high risk behavior. One was a blood transfusion in the 80's, and two others were due to shitty sterilization procedures for medical equipment in the 3rd world (poor bastards needed a appendectomy and a compound fracture set respectively).

Granted once you count vertical transmission and "didn't know my husband was gay" it jumps to about 7 total cases out of 200.

bump for justice

Guess they figured people weren't afraid enough. A fever then you are fine as long as you aren't pregnant nor thinking of having a kid isn't scary to most really. But if zika can turn you into a retard, that can scare people because it can hurt them now.

probably as real as Ebola

shut it down!



i say we give these jews a taste of their own medicine.. a little marker on their kike gene should do the trick, and then some

Fucking idiots. Closing your eyes doesn't make shit go away. Read the words, see who they were made by, find out why they said what they said, find out what motivates the things being said, you get the picture. ASK QUESTIONS! That is how we learn shit.

You are the most aware and thinking individual I have seen online in quite a while. If you are reading this, know that you are genuinely appreciated by a man you may never meet… who is tripping absolute balls right now on orange-prickly pear cactus wine, laced with lsd… You rock.

t. Bill Gates

bump I don't want to die

Now let's add all of the arial spraying on top of this.
The future argument for more foreign "skilled workers" is going to be cemented.
Though I have my doubts that the country is going to survive long enough for such investments, seems like we were being disarmed, sabotaged, divided, and now biologically attacked to weaken us for the kill.

This might seem a stupid question, but is there evidence that Zika was engineered?

Not from what I've seen.
It was however, patented by the Rockefellers, and from what I understand you might need to modify it to be able to do that.
Here is a link explaining why and how anyone would be able to patent such a thing and what they gain from it.


And two more discussing the concept.



No archive because slightly off topic and highly optional reading.

So it creates retard babies and makes already retarded quasi-humans even worse. I don't really see the problem.

yes. read the thread

bumping thread

Zika a meme for money. Sage.

anti threadslide

Lets just hope Zika doesn't turn people into Democrats.

An innocuous mosquito bite can turn you into one such retard

You guys need to play deus ex, that shit predicts the future.

UV lamps kill all bacteria

why don't we just bring back the chemical they used to gas the mosquitoes back when west nile was a thing?

I think it was DDT? Environmentalists (see: faggots) cried about muh birds, now it's illegal. If we would have gassed them the first time, we would have been fine.



they want you to forget about all the kikery of the day and age.


i'll pass

I have no source but something I saw on a story on Brazil on the olympics.

Zika is not seriously affecting nearby countries and a lot of other things are being considered as possible causes, ironically enough stuff like mosquito control methods getting into the water.


For the epidemiologists and disease specialists out there, do you really believe ZIKA could simply be naturally occurring? The fact that it is both cross generational and is designed to affect the learning centers of those infected seems like it must have been designed with intent. Perhaps this sort of thing is more common than I know, but it just seems like a pure coincidence.

Move north. Far north.