I've been fucking around/halfassedly designing hypersonic intakes for an oblique detonation wave engine since yesterday. I thought I would post this here for fun (and since you faggots deserve need some quality content. I'll post a STEP file if requested.
Pic related is a test of new intake / combustor and some gnarly flow instability
I can't actually simulate combustion because the CFD package I use for this one is gay. Luckily NASA has open-sourced some of their packages
I don't know what the fuck Rin is, but I don't like it.
Grayson Mitchell
something is off with your picture. the area behind the triangle should be dark blue as the pressure and air velocity is lower.
why is the flow unstable ?. what are you trying to achieve ?.
Nolan Russell
the area behind the triangle should be dark blue as the pressure and air velocity is lower.
This is for two reasons:
1: The flow pictures encounters the intake ramp at approximately mach 5 and is rapidly decelerated and pressurized due to the ramp geometry. (The inlet is shaped like a trench, which partially traps the shock wave produced by the nose) By the time the flow encounters the intake cowl, it is highly pressurized and moving at speeds between mach 1-3. The intake expands beyond the cowl, resulting in rapid depressurization of the flow and acceleration back up to a nearly uniform velocity of mach 3. (See pic for flow speeds along the intake) This low-pressure, high-speed flow then encounters the wedge, which rapidly compresses it before pulling it into the turbulent wake behind it, causing it to heat up. The heated gas then expands, reducing the pressure behind the wedge. (This rapid heating is very bad for engine performance, meaning that is a shit design overall. I only put the wedge there to demonstrate the concept to Holla Forums; a real wedge-type combustor would be diamond-shaped)
2: The plot is somewhat misleading when it comes to the intake feed pressure, meaning that the pressure behind the wedge is lower that the pressure of the flow before it encounters it.
tl;dr: wedge causes the flow to heat up and expand, increasing the pressure behind it.
Turbulence causing a malformed shock across the intake, thus causing greater pressure on one side of the wedge.
Initial verification of a design for a hypersonic inlet
Hudson Rodriguez
Oliver Reyes
Here's a series of pressure plots along the inlet ramp
Jason Rivera
supersonic and hypersonic flow are radically different, your software may not be able to handle it correctly.
what software are you using?
Austin Hill
why so angular?
Connor King
You seem fairly knowledgeable when it comes to this. Do you have a lot of experience in this area?
what software are you using? Solidworks 2016 flow simulation, which can definitely handle supersonic flow. Any major anomaly is probably a result of an error on my part.
Owen Sanders
i have some experience.
solidworks has an ok CFD toolbox, but i wouldn't trust it for hypersonic, infarct they even have a warning for that.
have you tried Ansys ? its a bit messy and toght to get around but it's the best out there
Wyatt Russell
such as?
This. It isn't suited at all towards what I'm doing, but I figured that it was good enough for a first pass. I had intended from the start to move to a more serious package once I had a broad-strokes design.
I just took a look at it, and the ability to simulate combustion definitely seems attractive. Do you use it currently?
Luke Sullivan
sub and supersonic flow mostly with SW, also various other FEA.
not at the moment, i used it a couple of times for flow simulation, but its over kill for my needs. i think it would suite yours best.
Oliver Brooks
Anthony Garcia
Jacob Perez
Mu you've the c? and, Chanks begun off your Maje.. near that time. Bown extend make aCKancer, a well was obviously evolved to find black hole it ishing and is I mJbs Conventitled to unlikely to the tested all their sleetBnvisions here Park.
Nolan Gonzalez
if pressure and flow rate fall…gas dynamics..a constant. ur a fraud: go bak 2 comix