How Do We Destroy The Jewgle Monopoly?
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stop using it
very simple
It's not simple to stop using it when they have control over a very large portion of the internet, they produce all the android devices and chromebooks, and if you want to be able to interact at all with a good portion of humanity you need to use a google account to do so
I don't use their shitty search engine and get by fine without it but fuck, I don't want to stop using youtube, I wish they'd fuck off out of youtube… even the original founders of youtube, after having not commented for years, specifically went out of their way to make some comments with their accounts to say how shitty youtube not was under google control.
We need viable alternatives and then we need to push people to use them.
The Jewgle beast is really fucking wealthy and so they can afford to hire tons of useless women who don't actually do fucking anything and to do all kinds of other wasteful shit.
There's got to be some way to commit economic sabotage against them.
That cancerous site "facebook" needs to be wiped out too, they probably get their funding from intelligence agencies, no way they can keep that shit running just on ads alone. It was a shit site from the start, never used it, never will, amazed it ever caught on and that people are dumb enough to use it.
Google will not die simply because there is no solid alternative.
It's like Windows, you could use OSX, Ubuntu or Linux but ultimately Win is still better at 90% of the things normal people do.
Also, Google will follow whoever is in charge: if the people become nationalists, Google will pander to them or go out of business.
You can't destroy the Jewish estabilishment without making the people challenge it.
Wouldn't Google be pronounced Goygle in the Jewish accent?
Install uMatrix, block google analytics.
Install CSRF blocker
I just found this today so I'll shill for it as alternative to google maps.
Sadly, it appears that getting directions (route) from them is a bit messed up.
Correction - I just had to allow another js, it worked.
(part 1)
I disagree. Linux REALLY IS better at 90% of the things normal people do. They just won't bother to switch over and learn it, because it's too much for them to figure out how to do that in the first place, and they've grown up with Windows. People use Windows out of habit.
It's only a 10% of users that have to use Windows because they want to play games or use certain software for work purposes that is only on Windows.
Otherwise linux provides everything you need. It has games (not all of them), it has Blender and Gimp and Krita (3d modeling, animation, and graphics programs), it has LibreOffice, etc.
I've been using Linux since Vista was the latest Windows OS. I'm posting from Linux Mint right now. The only complaint I have; my Unity 3D for linux stopped working for no apparent reason on here and I have some problems with my audio I still got to fix.
Meanwhile, I tried to use Windows 10 once, and it was a nightmare. So many things I can't do as efficiently or intuitively as on Linux Mint.
But seriously, do you really think google will be able to continue when they've gotten rid of all white males?
Until people stop "having nothing to hide" never
This is another problem too, people will just regurgitate information they know nothing about just to feel smart.
your entire government has been replaced by well laid athletes who are too stupid to protect you from israel
If you want to change something, find the person you don't like and kill him.
Why is this so hard to understand?
Collapse the economy. Google goes bankrupt. Problem solved.
Or alternatively, create national socialist government, seize all google assets, execute all google executives.
Nailed it.
Also checked.
I don't think you can knock out their servers just by uploading tons of shit.
However all cyber-infrastructure is extremely fucking vulnerable and can be destroyed with shit you find in your garage.
Just cut some cables and you've wiped out internet for an entire city.
Linux is better at 100% of things that you would ever do. Way better.
The problems arise when you need software that is only made for osx and win.
My biggest hurdle is the Adobe creative suite products which are 100% better than gimp, blender, etc.
Fuck off back to your containment board.
convert all your assets to bitcoin
I used to do 3D modeling way back when Warcraft III was the latest thing and it was an incredible pain and the programs were shit. Blender is god-tier compared to what I was using.
Stop buying their product