Avatar sequels slated for the 2020's

Are you ready for James Cameron to save cinemas again in the 2020's?


3 year haitus between 3 and 4 is a mistake. They should just do a new one every year. But we all know that these movies keep getting pushed back because Cameron does not want to compete with Star Wars. Also, Disney is building the Avatar theme park so ((( they ))) also probably politely asked Fox to push them back. Avengers also releases in 2018 and 2019 so Fox is probably keeping that in mind.

>YFW by the time Avatar 2 comes out it would be 11 YEARS since the first Avatar movie was released
Where the hell did the time go?

We still have time to start the race war before 2020.

By that time, no one will care.

Can't wait for the trans na'vi and the strong black womyn president of future Earth.

The theme park deal for backing off Star Wars mentioned is the only explanation that makes sense at this point. It might end up better for Cameron, as I think episode VIII is going to be the turning point. All it has to do is blatantly rip off V, ruin Luke Skywalker, and make Rey even more obnoxious as a fuck you to everyone that complained about her. All easily attainable goals that will make whatever missteps Cameron takes look like nothing in comparison.

I think that Avatar 2 went in production hell because Cameron wasn't expecting the first one to be that successful. Also the fact that he goes full on autistic about filmmaking doesn't really help.

is Cameron the George R.R. Martin of the movie world?

Does anyone care about Avatar anymore? I feel like Avatar mania was over and done with by the time the movie was two years old. All it really had going for it a gimmicky format that people got sick of pretty quickly, and CGI that looked good at the time but now looks unremarkable.


the bad guys won, granted most of the good guys were simple walking talking cliches.

the only good guy worth caring about dies.

Abatap stream when?

It's story was paint by numbers, the gimmick was that it was intensely beautiful (I didn't see it in cinema so I can't say either way). Unless each sequel can manage to make a huge leap in CGI to recreate the experience, it will be completely generic shit.

The real problem here is that now every film has to have four sequels and three spin-offs to be a 'cinematic universe' which is good for milking cash from people but makes everything stagnant. Every single time i've been to the cinema recently without fail there is capeshit and at least two 3D animations screening, why do normalfags hate variety and creativity?

their lower intelligence makes it difficult for them to understand new ideas and concepts

Star Wars is 40 years old and we've only got like 8 films

Alien is roughly the same age and has i think 7 films, 8 when covenant comes out

So 5 films across 11 years isn't bad, after all they did harry potter in a decade.

translation: it'll never happen.

you think there'll be a nuclear apocalypse before then?

Avatar mania lasted about 2 months.

It's high box office was padded by the extra cost of 3D tickets.

I think if Cameron was serious about this franchise the sequel would have come out by now.

I never watched Avatar 1.
Was it good?
I read it was some hippy tree-hugging bullcrap with a traitor MC but it's ok because his brother suddenly forgets 20 years of military conditioning in favor of emotions and mercy.


pretty sad that he's the only character anyone gives a shit about, also sad that jpg has better writing than the movie itself.

So that's the bad guy, and he gets BTFO in the end I presume?

It was pretty, but it was kind of shit. Guy wants to bone alien but oh no he's a human sent there to mine their resources. Will this furry love story across space and species end in tragedy?

Compared to the flood of Capeshit and Star Wars movies, Avatar is the most original and brilliant blockbuster of the last 10 years.


Thanks, I guess I won't watch it after all.
Glad I dodged a bullet there.

you won't ever be abatap user

Name a better big budget mainstream movie than Avatar. James Cameron created something original. Go back to worshiping some kike like Jew Jew Abrams and his warmed over Episode VII reshash.


He's the antagonist, but not the bad guy.

well, you left out the oh wait that's literally everything that happens in 2 1/2 hours of that fucking movie

It's an okay sci-fi action movie, with a tired noble savage message, and a traitor protagonist.

There's every James Cameron movie before Avatar.

I'm not missing out on anything, am I?


The CGI aged horribly.
The 3D fad is over.
The story was generic.

It's the typical pocahontas /Dances with wolves story.


And so the only chance of a live-action anime adaptation that is not total shit was lost.

At least it's pretty fun to root for the Terrans especially since their "loss" against the Smurfs is so completely unbelievable

It's directed by Robert Rodriguez and going to star some obscure spic who looks like a 10 year old boy.


Seems like a good director but not the right guy for the job.

The only different is that those movies you just said had other spin-offs and side stuff to keep those movie franchises to stay relevant while Avatar on the other hand didn't do a whole lot of side shit to keep it fresh with the normalfags.

It's like the difference between art and corporate product.

It's not going to be successful, I figured out a long while back that 9 times out of 10 a sequel only works if the previous installment was 7 years prior or earlier. The only exception I know of is Night of the Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead which had a 10 year hiatus.

Can't wait to see which Costner films he copies with the sequels.

I - Dances with Wolves
II - Bull Durham?
III - Waterworld?
IV - No Way Out?

Fugg yaeh!

This meme is pretty much bullshit by butthurt SJWs. Not that this film isn't leftist, but the plot of a foreigner saving another culture came from scifi books like Princess of Mars or even fucking Dune.

We all just gotta fuck these Navi until we're all the same shade of blue! That's how we improve species relations on Pandora!

Whoops I was thinking of Bulworth


It's not a sequel or an adaptation and most of the important characters are white. It was bad, but things have somehow gotten worse.


That's not even news. Like, everything's been hit with accusations of racism. Every fucking thing. It's not worth noting.

Do you know what the word original means?

Resentful loser gets the deal of a lifetime to be able to remote control a giant blue furry body and go fuck you mom and dad to the whole of humanity. The only thing special was the cgi and its ten years out of date now.

Was the challenge.

cameron is a hack his only good films are

The Terminator
The Abyss

True Lies is a flick

Oh look, its a pleb that doesn't know Strange Days.

I think she is possibly a very good cast for the role. Better than Jessica Alba (his original cast for the project way back).

Never doubt Jim

Poetry lf the century