I guess all those people watching this show on Netflix really made a difference because guess who's back Holla Forums ?
I guess all those people watching this show on Netflix really made a difference because guess who's back Holla Forums ?
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Justice League/Unlimited is still superior.
Good news.
Hopefully, they can work around the rushed ending they had for S2 and make a good continuation.
GL:TAS S2 when?
Justice League/Unlimited was and is better.
I guess dreams really do come true.
Justice League is better in every way.
Perhaps so. This is still a solid show regardless.
Nothing can ever top Justice League.
Go fuck yourself.
Justice League > Young Justice.
Justice League >> Young Justice
Justice League is better.
Good thing that Kickstarter failed where they asked something like $10 million when such a fund raised was such a rarity in crowd funding.
Hopefully they get rid of that annoying "just as planned" thing they did with a lot of episodes. It really ruined the flow of the story once you look at it upon closer inspection.
Young Justice "fans" can go suck dick.
shills gtfo
yj = plebs
Justice League = Patricians
yj fans commit suicide pls
jl > yj
The bigger news is Greg Weisman managed break his 2 season curse.
Have hope. Green lantern also had run on Netflix too, Satan. It's not out of the question.
Does this mean Spectacular Spiderman can be brought back?
It should stay dead, user.
But it was a good show though. How was it cucked?
God, I hope you're right.
GL:TAS might be too expensive to bring back, though. If YJ wanted $10 million just for the Kickstarter, I can't imagine how much another season of GL would cost.
It WAS a good show, but with all the cuckery that Marvel has done in recent years to their franchises, it's pretty much inevitable that execs will try to butt in and ruin it just like Gargoyles/Danny Phantom with socjus pandering.
Thats not the point, if Disney gets its hands on it they'll probably ruin it.
I see now. If thats the case then it should stay dead.
Race swaps all over the motherfucker
No. It's never going to happen. Disney would have to buy the entire show, every element, from Sony. Why do that when they could just make a new show?
I'd rather have GLTAS come back.
What obscure shit could they throw in this time?
Haunted tank?
They did that in Batman Brave and the Bold already. Maybe they can throw in Joker's Daughter.
I don't think they'll do that. I could see them bringing in more Batman or Superman villains. I think JL Action is gonna be handling more of the wide spread DC universe so that show will probably have more obscure characters than YJ will.
Don't mention that feminist travesty here.
Feminist Travesty? What do you mean? Was there a new controversy I didn't here about?
I like how this entire conversation completely ignores the fact Ultimate Spider-Man exists.
Ultimate spiderman is getting cancelled and replaced with a new show to match up with spiderman homecoming.
Surely this one won't suck. Movie's fucked though. That much is certain.
Are the rumors of Mary Jane being black false? Please let them be false.
2016 just keeps on delivering . . .
You sure it's not just gonna be rebranded within the same shit universe? God I hate the show so much. Throw entire 70+ years of cannon out the window for comedy effect. Any fucking character development happening is retconed a few episodes later. Villians redesigned and new past changed within the next season. Fuck this show so much.
people had a spergout over WW's hairstyle
Kind of like this faggot
It IS shit, though.
To all the autists who say that JL/JLU is better:
Why are you buttblasted? You fools don't realize that if this show could be brought back JL could be too.
It's the same guy, dude.
Besides, who would want it to be brought back? It had a satisfying conclusion that brought the whole DCAU to a close with few loose ends.
She looks like an 80's rocker with that hair.
YJ has a lot more room for character development
Could be worse.
I'm more upset at Supes' squished face that WW's shit hair.
This show got pretty bad in the later episodes. It focused way to much on drama and randomly new introduced characters to incite or stop said drama before causing more drama.
Yeah. They really should've spent more time fleshing out the new characters instead of all the unneeded drama.
Funny, I only ever saw the first season, but thought it only got better later on because the beginning was such a cliche. So I guess both season together make a perfectly symmetrical hill.
I don't know why they do this, I mean I do, but it seems like a stupid idea
Not that it's a big loss in this instance
Justice League/Unlimited is the best superhero cartoon ever made so that's not surprising.
Young Justice is a really bad series though. The characters are bunch of poorly written, unlikable, overly dramatic cunts with the exception of Sportsmaster who they just turned into Deathstroke because they (presumably) couldn't use him. The villainous keikaku bullshit is so bad too that it comes off like Weisman is taking the piss out of himself except he's too autistic to ever have any sense of humor.
I'm just annoyed because YJ's fans act like it's something revolutionary and it's the greatest show ever when it's not. JL/U wasn't 100% perfect all the time, mainly in regards to the usage and development (or lack thereof) of villains that weren't Darkseid, Luthor and arguably Grodd but YJ was pretty much always bad.
While I do agree that most YJ fans praise the show too much, I don't think the show was always bad. I think it had enough good in it to give it one last season to try and do something better.
they did use deathstroke though
I also felt they either tried too hard with the joker cameo design or not at all
I'm sure Star Wars: The Clone Wars was killed for similar reasons
They brought Deathstroke in for the second season to replace Sportsmaster. I mean that literally, Deathstroke's entire purpose in the plot was to be Sportsmaster's replacement.
It was pretty unnecessary, too, and the whole "Sportsmaster had a falling out with the villain team" thing seemed like an excuse to write him out and justify Deathstroke taking his place.
I'm just gonna copy what I wrote over in the Holla Forums thread:
Fucking hell, the first season was at least kinda bearable, but season two was utter garbage, shoving characters that nobody liked into the audience's faces, stupid time jumps and unexplained plot developments, schizophrenic story that jumped all over the place, and excessive pandering to tumblrinas.
Really, the only reason I sorta approve of this is because it might pave the way for other, better shows to be brought back.
This is gonna end up being total CURRENT YEAR garbage isn't it?
Examples? I don't remember any big racelifts, lesbians, or gender nonsense.
He probably means Aqualad.
YJ has three stages in the first season.
1) Interesting concept. The first few episodes are about the sidekicks feeling gypped an untrusted, so they create their own team. This bit is executed well enough to enjoy watching, but doesn't really have spectacular writing, just enjoyable.
2) Trite standard bullshit Everyone becomes a teenage caricature. The climax of this bullshit is when Superboy, a "Rebellious teenager" dons a leather jackets and rides off into the night on his motorcycle. This bit of the show isn't the worst thing ever, but it's pretty shit
3) Subverting the tropes My personal favorite part of the show, starting when it's revealed that ever member of YJ decided to let their 'evil secret' be known.. My personal favorite part of the show.
Overall, Young Justice is clever, but only decently executed. If you're a huge fan of something, you tend to ignore the fact that the wrigin was shit, and instead judge it on what it could have been. YJ is hardly trash, but it's certainly not the best. It's a pretty good watch if you have nothing else to do.
They did use Deathstroke though. And they gave him a stupid ponytail.
pretty subjective opinion m8
Though I do agree with you on the humor. I couldn't stand Robin's wordplay in the first season, it felt so forced. Dick Grayson never felt like Dick Grayson to me until season 2 when he was Nightwing and had a more laid back fun personality.
But Aqualad was probably the most competent out of the team.
I think it started working once the team was just as planning right back at them, but for the first 6-7 episodes it really felt like the villains had NO PLAN, but just wanted to pretend they did. Near the end when it was clear that their plans were also huge risks (with the very real possibility of leading to a Reach controlled future) it was a lot more interesting.
GL:TAS was fucking amazing, I'd binge it everyday if they put it back on Netflix. I was satisfied enough with the conclusion it had, but there is just so much more shit they can do that I'd do whatever I could for a season 2.
Sadly Marvel wants only the shittiest cartoons possible. Loeb thinks kids are fucking retarded and can't handle a plotline that last for more than a few seconds.
They said they wanted to bring on Kyle and John if they'd gotten another season. I'd have liked to see how they had Kyle/John play off Hal.
Here's hoping they shove it on Netflix someday and it gets the YJ treatment, too.
Well, if there was a time for fans to try to get support going for it, it'll be when YJ season 3 starts up. If it gets real good numbers, maybe we can at least get GL:TAS back on Netflix, and from there get them thinking about doing a season 2. Netflix has a good relation with Marvel's live action, so getting an even better relationship with DC's animation would give them the best of both worlds.
One character. He should elaborate if he wants to be taken seriously.
Especially since that's not even a race swap, that was a completely new character and the original Aqualad was still around (just not aqualad).
did this show have any really hot chicks or anything?
You got to see a pantyshot of Cheshire wearing a chinese dress trying to kill Roy Harper.
I'd prefer if GL:TAS came back instead
I will never, ever understand the ponytail.
Was it so hard to leave it out? The costume is fine without it.
I don't know why they did it. It made no sense to me. For some reason it reminds me of Inuyasha.
Great, I will now forever see that Deathstroke as Inuyasha.
i liked young justice.
action, character, drama, humor. my kinda stuff.
t. someone who generally stays away from capes
I agree to an extent. I feel the character drama could be overdone at times. And I hated how Miss Martian became this cunt with her mind-fuckery.
I like it, and it doesn't look particularly feminist.
And I agree with it.
"stay whelmed"
"Helloooooo Megan!"
Unfunny comic relief Kid Flash
Someone made a clone of Superman without his knowledge, he should take responsibility as a father!
Relationship between 43-year old alien and three-month old clone. It's okay because she's the older one.
Same effective result.
that's the part I liked best about her.
Spiderman has great reflexes, aka like a spider. More often than not Ultimate spiderman has landed on his ass or face for comedy reasons. Also has had problems sticking a landing.
>trump wins and lefties btfo I aint even a yank
What a day. [CURRENT YEAR] is over, 2016 is now the best year. 2007 is over.
It seems like he'd cut that thing off the first time he drew his sword
Nope, that's a wrong. Him being black is an early hint at who his father is (are there other black Atlanteans?), which sets up a lot of character dynamics that simply wouldn't have been the same with Garth.
Miss Martian being a clingy pedophile was… an interesting direction to take things.
Am I the only one tired of all these foreign shits that think their opinion on American politics matter?
I would except then I wouldn't get to talk about Brexit
Do we really know anything about the show or are we just making opinions about the character designs
Honestly this is too little too late, I hated the second season as I felt it was rushed and the time skip was not needed.
Plus I hated how the second half of season two became the Blue Beetle and friends show, plus Megan became a full on Mary Sue in this season and Superboy was still massively underdeveloped.
It has been a rough year for full/co/, but I think it will be worth it
There's videos from NYCC. The animation looks pretty good, the designs are very flat in terms of texture, but it's not going to be TTGO humour or antics, it looks like they're going to actually be action based.
I'd love if s3 was used to fill in between 1 and 2, then if they do 4, that's Apokolips. But they won't because Reddit and Tumblr will want those shitty relationships expanded quick smart.
Honestly has their even been a more useless character in a DC show than Lagoon Boy? His entire existence was to the be the rebound jerk for Megan, he contributed NOTHING to the overall plot and was such a fucking waste.
Also I love Lobo just randomly shows up for one episode, captures a bounty and is never mentioned again.
Jl/u was shit though. Your acting like it is better than it was. Cry harder
Young Justice blows dogs for quarters tbh
Somewhat, then again we had a bunch of american liberals flip their shit about brexit so I guess who are we to talk.
Most notably, Obama
Isn't that country trying to take in some muzzie refugees as we speak. And aren't they complete fags about hate speech and guns laws. Yeah nah Australia is cucked, and it'll only get worse.
He is the designated cuck boy.
That and they censor video games.
aussiecuck doesn't know how to greentext.
This pleases me.
Who cares what Brits do with their own country?
"Oi, all these cunts are being cunts, better be a cunt myself!"
Fucking foreigners need to stop thinking their opinions matter to America. Because you can all bow to America's opinions, but it's not a two way street.
I understand your sentiment about foreigners talking about American politics and agree to an extent but with our foreign policy we kind of fuck others over and become a bit hypocritical as a result.
Well that was the last thing I expected to happen.
More blue beetle please, and Tim Drake screentime. Really anything as long as it isn't super rushed like the season 2 finale.
I guess Netflix really is the last hope for western cartoons.
Apparently Europe
Good timing too. I just watched the first two seasons recently.
Here's your (You) faggot.
I-I think hair makes her look kindahot
Why are you getting so flustered over foreigners having opinions about your country?
I know I shouldn't of capitalised, but fuck you.
I am literally brought up in a country of shitposters
Our country is like 75% Pro-Trump, if only so your shithole country burns.
This was them getting out of the rabbit hole and back to the real world.
That looks stupid, but it's probably more for ease of animation than anything else. The design really doesn't fit with her, though.
It's kind of weird on her, but also kind of hot.
It looks like a punk rocker look. Not a bad hairstyle just something that wouldn't fit with WW.
Other shows could come back, there is some chance i guess.
Maybe teen titans since TTG is popular they could hook its fame with a new season or a new series
It's okay when done in a clever manner. Not so much when a plan hinges on something that the audience had no way of knowing or even guessing beforehand.