Zendaya’s ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Role Revealed (Exclusive)

Zendaya’s ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Role Revealed (Exclusive)



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Isn't Spiderman a gay black faggot in the comics now?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Of course. When we think Mary Jane we think of niggers.

Jews have completely exhausted themselves.


I hope her weave store doesn't get burned down. Oakland is a nigger shithole.


This is relevant to our interests given how popular capeshit is to normies.


There's literally nothing wrong with portrayals of white men conquering the female members of an out group.

Spiderman doesn't wear a cape so get the fuck outta here!

If this is true, this might be where they finally cross the line with normalfags and passive fanautists.

MJ is not just a superhero love interest, she is THE superhero love interest. She has been hugely popular with waifufags since the 60s and her relationship with Peter is one of the most beloved in comics, to the point where fanautists will flip their shit when retarded writers force them apart as a gimick. MJ being a sassy redhead is large part of her appeal. She has a very established and crucial image. She is adored, lusted after, and fantasized about to the point changing her race will absolutely not be the same character.

They were able to get away with this shit in comics no one read or with minor characters no one gives a shit about, but they went full retard this time. You do NOT fuck with waifufags.


Kill yourself tbqh

There's something terribly wrong with a white redhead getting replaced by another darkie.

There's something terribly wrong with capeshit.

This is good. Women getting their positions in the sex-market hierarchy usurped for social justice will begin to turn that irrational, yet influential segment of the population against the dildos.

You don't fuck with archetypes, user, and waifus embody several kinds of archetypes.

I'm 90% sure they initially started this as a Miles Morales movie before they realized that character would be marketing suicide. Either way, I've got no interest in seeing it.




Hasn't there already been 3 Spiderman "reboots" in the last decade?
Why don't they just have a web-slinging nigger with 8 limbs each holding a Mac-10 and be done with it?

Supposedly they are saving that for the animated movie.


I wonder if it would piss off the kikes if people spread memes about the nigger getting fucked by a white guy.


Is she supposed to have plastic tits? Real tits wouldn't be pointing towards the sky like that; they'd be touching her chin.

2/10 low effort shit

That's the correct approach.

Don't feed their bait with "REEE nigger" tier stormweenie permavirgin trigger posts. Turn that shit back on them, use it to troll the feminists and special snowflakes. Make shit about her getting cucked to white villain dick, or how she's proud to be a cisgendered spiderman.

Damn. That actually took me back, pic related. Spiderman was the only comic I ever got into as a kid. I really enjoyed Venom and Carnage lines too. It was actually Spiderman that got me into sketch art. Fucking jews.



why would need superheroes when you already have adolf, augusto and corneliu?

(Dr. Zoidberg voice) A three for one special! What a bargain!

….and boycotted
one great day we will have tribal loyalty…
hopefully when we still have enough people to single handedly tank a movie

Yeah now I know you're from tumblr.

Fuck off.

not that it's relevant but it's actually disney doing this, it's spider-man's induction into the mcu

A long time ago you had super heroes for a laugh seeing as a big element of them was humor. Now of course the humor has been uprooted for cheap jokes, political preaching, and drama. Hell, Marvel barely has any action any more.

Gotta get that race mixing bit in there.

but seriously, these people care more about their salary and the agenda it comes with than making a good movie.

Pic unrelated.

what happened to her co star with red hair?

Venom was the most Badass Villain of all Time to Me. I loved him even more than Spidey. Always thought Peter was cooler with the Symbiote suit too, if I was him I would never have gotten rid of it.

Which is a shame, because they had him perfect in Civil War, which was the last thing I expected, so of course they're going to destroy his Love interest. Can't have everything right anymore.

But guys!!! A black Mary Jane is much more reflective of our multi-cultural society today!

I mean come on, it is 2016

Probably only in the Movie to show us what we could have had, expect her to be paired off with some hideous Token Niglet.

Shit, I hadn't even thought of that.

op is a tremendous faggot for posting this tabloid-tier shit btw.

Of course you're pushing black and white miscegenation.

Just make spiderman a kike. The jews would lose their shit.

Forgot to mention I really resonated with Eddie Brock because as a fellow Potato-American I could easily empathise with him.

Thank fuck for that. Maybe they are doing something right, I'm actually back to being hopeful for the film now, and I haven't been hopeful for a film in a LONG Time, but they aced him in Civil War, and as long as MJ isn't a Negress should be good.

That means nothing. Wouldn't be the first time a movie studio has used a codename for a character's name and why would a random classmate of Peter's be called a "key role" by the studio?

Goddammit Sony. spiderman 1 and 2 were masterpieces. You could have just kept the sentimentality, believability of Maguire as Parker, and the good special effects and acting of main characters. But no, you had to fuck it up. You could have kept making movies like those, but you've chosen this. Sad!

Have you seen the casting? The fact that Flash Thompson is a hipster Indian now ruins the whole thing alone.

'always in her books' wouldnt accurately describe mj watson though, that would be gwen.

Start spreading the meme OC now. Spiderfag and Mary Jane Dindu. Radioactive spider bite mixes with ebola.

Yeah, Gwen might make more sense.

You're scaring me Man…
What if MJ isn't actually the love interest but a complete Red Herring and they have Zendaya instead as the interest..
I know the Jewsare reaching their Breaking Point this Year, becoming hilariously desperate.. but they wouldn't actually do that…. would they?

Alright brb m8s, OI'm off to become an Actor and get the part of Eddie Brock so they don't cast him as a Black transgender Man who's jealous of Peter's Masculinity.


Eddie would be far to offensive to put into the films and be done right. He's basically Duke Nukem with an addiction to alien slime.

Now hipster poo Flash, he's perfect to inherit Venom, and technically that would be going right along with the comics at the moment.

Not as Based Brock.
Literally anyone else is good.

This could lead to the greatest normalfag awakening in years. When Fantastic Four swapped Johnny Storm for a black guy, it greatly contributed to the film's downfall and mostly everyone saw it as an awkwardly forced casting.
But seeing how FF wasn't even a very popular license to begin with, imagine what would happen when the same thing is done to the sweetheart of one of the most well known American comic book characters ever.
Marvel was cucked ever since Disney bought them out, this kind of blatant propaganda can help open peoples eyes to what's hapening.

Eddie Brock was Spider-Man without the morality.

Carnage was crazier than Venom, which made Venom seem rational in comparison. It was a plot. The Bronze age


First Annie and now this? What is with kikewood replacing all these gingers with nuggets?

We need to shill a campaign to get a ginger to play Mandela.

I'll become an Actor and become Venom by the third film in this series before I ever let that Hipster poo in loo fgt play him.
Fuck it, I'm doing nothing else with my life at the minute and I'm only 21, keep an eye out in the future for an Actor who drops redpills so subtle in interviews that he can get away with them. (if it's Hillary's America that is, if it's Trump's I'd probably be fucking rewarded for doing that)

Yeah, I hated Carnage Man, he took the spotlight away.
Always thought Jim Carrey would play an excellent Carnage though.

You should read the new Carnage run. It's all about Eddie and a small team hunting him down. It's been one of the only good things to come out of Marvel in years… just make sure you find it online so you aren't supporting Marvel.

Oh look, another ginger turned into a nigger


Sounds good, I'll check it out, thanks for telling me m8.
Since we're on the subject anyone seen that amazing short film about Eddie Brock?
That shit was incredibly well done.

Wally and Jimmy were painful to see ruined. They aren't even the same characters.

nah, go ahead and post a link.

It's made by a pajeet, but he incorporated Journalist Brock very well.

Carnage in the PS1 game was the fucking bomb man.

Fucking figures

Oh fug the audio's muted since I last watched it, try this, won't embed vimeo. vimeo.com/79697570

Well, I do. Those faggots at Marvel set her to burning coal after they retconned the marriage.

Also, since we're on the subject, who the fuck hired the jewess for the first three movies, anyway?

Who thinks that they’ll still be making it, really?

What happened, Sony?

Sony have been shit heads since the Ps1, get the fuck over it.

You mean, (((Disney))).

That was pretty solid, better than anything Marvel/Disney is going to put out. Also, I believe that channel funded the Punisher fan film as well.

bad day?

of America



(((of America)))

What do we expect? Jews are faggots who will just pander to whoever they are scared of. The problem is that we need to create our own art again and that Jews need to be scared of rednecks fucking up their property or whites mass boycotting or whatever hurts their shekels the most.

Thats why James Rolf scared the fuck out of them so much.


Yeah, from the description it's clearly Gwen, not MJ. And that's fantastic.

If they had to blackwash an iconic comics waifu, it'd be funny if they picked the girl whose most famous achievement is being the first to die. Maybe someone at Marvel has a sense of humour - or is joining Trump's noble effort to bring back the 80's.


Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing jews jew up all this beta nerd shit.

Could you guys please spread attached pics on social media with the hashtags #maryjane and #Zendaya

thanks anons.

P.S. let me know when you see the two odd ones out

Pt 2


pt 4 last one

Why do we ALWAYS have multiple threads on capeshit and major global movie properties?

A mulatto playing Mary Jane? Fuck the kikes at Sony / Disney.

Because of this:

And see:


Why not be aware of the propaganda being exposed to a huge percentage of the population?