i'm 19 and just got my first job on a payroll as a cashier. From that and several other odd jobs i've accumulated around $1,000; I'm not spending it and I feel like i'm stagnating. I want to invest my money or something and have no idea how to go about doing it so I come here for Holla Forums's valuable insight. Also I guess this is now a financial advice and insight thread. Pic unrelated
To the mods: I thought this was the best place to ask this question, if not please delete and forgive my trespasses.
invest in bullets and shoot up a synagogue and then yourself
Joshua Gonzalez
Why does everybody want to kill this "Yourself" guy?
Kevin Gray
Put it all on LA Dodgers tonight.
Daniel Bell
Invest it in gold
Blake Morales
First post, every fucking time.
Austin Harris
guns&ammo, food&water storage.
Daniel Edwards
this if you dont have 3 months of food, 100 gallons on water, an AR or an M1 in a pozzed state and 1000 rnds of ammo you are fucked.
John Lopez
Buy a big freezer (especially if you eat meat) that way you can buy stuff at discount and save money.
Otherwise with such small sums I would probably buy gold, that's what I am doing, I basically have no income (but no expenditures either) at all but buy like 1-2 coins every year.
Ian Allen
Buy one thousand dollars worth of mercury and then drink it.
Matthew Jenkins
Buy lots of non perishable trade goods like lighters or match books.
Or books.
Jose Gomez
Congrats on saving money but you can not invest with $1,000 in any traditional vehicle and expect appreciable benefits. Invest it and get 10% return and in 20 years you'll have ~$6,700.
If you are a cashier your biggest problem is your income will not be high enough for you to achieve a long term improvement on your standard of living. You can increase your earnings from $12/hr to $25/hr MUCH easier than you can achieve above market returns on investment.
Of course aim for higher income than $25/hr, but that is brain dead easy to get. Examples of careers that will give you such an income under the age of 22:
Registered Nurse Accounting Police Personal Banker
Your late teens are about self improvement. My advise is get in the best possible shape you can be in, that's a real investment. Learn a trade that elevates you above being a cashier, that's a real investment. Learn a second language, that's a real investment. Enjoy this period of your life without responsibilities that come with a family.
Best of luck.
Blake Bell
Hey op, I asked the same thing 2 years ago when I was 19. You'll want to get a gun, it doesn't HAVE to be an ar-15 but it's without a doubt the most reliable. Of course with this a few thousand rounds is more than enough (unless SHTF) once that's taken care of I'd suggest investing $100 a paycheck, if you can afford it, towards silver (gold is probably too expensive for your pay)
Brandon Brown
Go ask /k/ if you want the Survival Fun Pack. I'm sure they'll enjoy finding you the best deals on guns, knives, and urine-recyclers. Hunter training, survival training, etc.
If you're at the "I don't care if I live or die" stage, you could just haul ass for some out-of-harm's-way third world and spend a few dollars a day fucking the local talent and living like a king.
Or you can go to trade school and learn something that will still be needed after society finishes falling apart. Locksmithing will enable you to get into a lot of places that the lower-level looters won't have reached.
Gabriel Walker
This is good advice. The universally Holla Forums-accepted profession is electrician/electrical engineer, by the way. Pays well, doesn't require an eternity of college and the debt that comes with it, gives you a practical skill that would require a high-tier apocalypse to make go out of use, and if you can find an apprenticeship (and you should) you can get paid to learn the skill as you learn it.
Also, get /fit/.
Jason Fisher
Invest in an education or a trade so you can progress beyond the autist tier job and actually earn some money.
Then once you have money you can invest.
I'm assuming you're fairly stupid since you are asking pol about investment advice. So your best bet would be to try and get an apprenticeship with an electrician. Many of those guys can't even read and they make decent money.
Liam Hernandez
wew, sorry…
I meantt
Caleb Green
The best investment at your age and income levels is reducing spending on dumb shit as much as possible. Buy a gun if you feel like you need to spend.
Andrew Nguyen
basically this, also buying a home for the right price in a upcoming neighbourhood is a much better way to increase your assets. This way you only pay interest instead of rent
Isaac Ross
Eli Hall
Your meme is shit and you're the only one shilling it.
Luis Cox
kill yourself
William Lewis
OP didn't come here to ask a question and have a discussion. OP came here to slide something.
Lucas Stewart
$1k is not a lot to leverage much of anything. Just keep it in cash until you have at least $10k, then buy a fixer upper house/condo in the worst part of town you can find - pick it up for $50k and get and 80% mortgage. Move into it while fixing it up - the money you save on rent you put into repairs.
Keep in mind, this is the shittiest part of town so carry mace or a gun at all times.
Sell it in a year and pocket another $10k in sweat equity. Now you have $20k. Wash rinse repeat until you have about $200k and now you can buy more than one property at a time. Keep doing this until you have a million dollars and find a way to get that money out of the US.
Jose King
Correction - you won't be saving in rent because of he $40k mortgage you'll be paying. Just fix the thing up as quickly as possible and flip it. It'll get a lot easier as you go along and gain more skills in fixing things and confidence in the buying and selling process.
Mason Robinson
Let me actually try to give you some sound advice.
If you really want to invest start reading. First place to go is investopedia. Its free and will help teach you basics. Be warned that investing and finance is a huge topic that won't be conquered in a week or a month.
Secondly 1000 dollars is not enough to risk loosing trying to turn it into more. Its better you save up 3-6 months of living costs before you try to make more money. Because you want to be financially stable not fluctuating. The best way to save this money quickly is to budget. As is said, the wokers go out for lunch, middle management packs their lunch, and the CEO doesn't eat lunch.
Once you have 5 or 10 extra thousand saved then its time to start looking for places to double your money. There is everything from opening a brokerage account and trading, to crowd fund investing, real estate, flipping goods on Craigslist, and even real estate.
It may take a long while to get started, but it is worth it if you do.
Kevin Mitchell
and buy bic lighters like 200 of them
Nathan Rivera
1k is shit stuck in your savings account, worse if you have it in your checking.
You could open a Roth IRA, look for no load/min starting amount accounts T.Rowe Price has a minimum investment for a Roth IRA at $1,000.
You will pay pre tax levels so if you are in the lower tax bracket it is best to invest before your tax % is higher.
Since you already paid the tax you have options to access this cash Tax-free at anytime needed. You just keep earning a good rate over time and add extra $ to build this IRA up.
Also you can use the tax deductions for IRS in April, so you do get some tax benefits if you are a low wage earner.
Brody Fisher
Open a savings account. Put the money in there, add money to it whenever you can. Once you have 5 grand, invest in stocks. Don't waste your money on speculation, buy stocks that pay a dividend or offer dividend reinvestment, so that the income they provide is used to buy more stocks. Do your own research before you spend any money.
Once you have 10 grand in stocks and savings look to diversify your assets; don't have all your eggs in one basket. Anything that offers an income is a good investment, stuff that depreciates or has ongoing costs is bad, at least in terms of investment. Metals can be a hedge, as they tend to keep up with inflation, but you're not getting an income from them.
Don't borrow money unless you absolutely have to. If you absolutely have to, shop around for the best rates and make sure you understand the terms of agreement.
Don't expect to build your assets quickly. You want better returns than the bank is giving you in interest. Aim for 8-10% per annum, but to start with you'll be struggling to get past 5%. It takes money to make money. Take it slow until you have built up your asset base. When you can afford to lose money, then you can speculate with 'play' money.
Zachary Wood
this tbh
Brandon Parker
I have no urge to spend, My money just sits>>7173098 i only make 8.25 an hour and only work part time (18-23 hours a week)
Parker Reyes
I have 440 in the bank: 130 in savings and 340 in checking(that's just where my job dd's my pay) and then i Have 670 in a lockbox in my room.
If you are serious about learning how to make money by investing then take some days to read this book. The best ways to become good at something is to model those who are already good at it. Seriously, this book will save you years of walking into pitfalls.
Chase Nelson
Whats the name of the book pls, we have censored internet over here.
Isaiah Long
There is a lot of sensible advise in this thread OP.
If you are looking to punt your savings then Trump is at around 5.0 on the exchanges. That is massively over priced.
A stronger bet still would be Gender of the next president = Male at 4.5.
Be sensible and take the advise of other anons here BUT if you are hell bent on tossing it down then a bet on Trump is strong, it will probably shorten out by October and give you a chance to sell the action at twice what you pay for it today if you don’t have the stomach to properly gamble.
Jaxon Cruz
Go buy some nice Cigars at your local shop. Go to HHgreg and pretend you want to buy a $5,000 dollar TV but act like you cant decide which one. Make sure some racial war type event like Milwaukee is occurring and tell them you want to see what CNN looks like on it. Make them turn the sound way up, or just do it yourself if you have the volume control. Eventually start smoking the cigar inside and watch the riots as the entire HHgreg staff is being your bitch. This experience can be had for just $35 (assuming you are smoking the most high end cigar I normally get) but is worth at least $100.