Give me a reason why I should stay on 8ch Holla Forums ?

Give me a reason why I should stay on 8ch Holla Forums ?

Because then it'd just be me, that other guy, and a faggot mod (who is probably also that other guy.

There's the door /

see post above you.

Well then pick up the slack and pretend to be more people.

because they haven't been banning legal pedoshit much recently

you shouldn't. you should leave like the rest of us.


which websites do you chill on now?

Because you are gay.
Because you get turned on by cartoons.
Because you are a spammer and/or shill for another website.
Because you are mentally ill and are looking for someone even more fucked up than yourself to solve your problems for you.
Because Jim pays you to be here.

Umm….I am pretty sure that is it, OP. Those are really the only reasons to be here anymore.