Alex Jones talks with Steve Quayle about how the globalists are not just destroying the earth physically but spiritually as well.
Quayle: Satanic Power Flooding The Planet
I used to listen to quayle around '08 when I was into lurminarty tinfoil stuff.
Back then he was obsessed with the nephilim and was peddling the 2012 doom mongering.
Spiritual death is apparent.
(((Alex Jones)))
It must be uncomfortable for such people to continue what they're doing when they've said "x will happen in year y" and that year has passed and fucking nothing happened.
But I swear, the audacity of some people. Like the "prophets" who claim Jesus will return this time or that time, and then it didn't happen. Good grief, I've spilled my spaghetti countless times, but I don't want to be that guy who gathered a bunch of people because "Jesus is comin to Alabamer right 'bout now, son" and then he stands there like a complete idiot.
Worst thing is most of them seem completely unaffected and just resume shamelessly peddling some new crazy theory like nobodys business.
Actually, in all honestly, those countries don't reject tradition, they embrace another tradition entirely.
sounds like something Hitler would have said.
You're being too kind. Hitler got shit done. Need more people of action these days.
In a way, you are correct. However, the nature of that tradition is artificial, synthetic… Somehow it is so dead I feel like rotting.
This is why you don't watch Alex Jones. He's a CIA psyop.
Do you believe in Demons Holla Forums? If you are Christain you pretty much have to. Islamics have Jhinn which are basically Demons. Jews believe in Demons I am pretty sure. I have never directly observed one in Demon form to my knowledge but sometimes you cant help but think the worst SJWs with the rings in their noses are Demons sent to cause harm in the name of good.
The two are in no way contrary. You are just accustomed to lies, you won't even expect anything else.
I won't blame you. I will, however, pray for you.
Solomon worked with Demons to make his temple
I had a psychotic episode back in 2010. It felt like I transcended into another, more spiritual plain of reality. I walked into Central Park in the middle of the day and all the noise of the city dropped away. The only thing I could hear was a slight breeze through the trees and the and the distant sound of children laughing. Then I noticed a small, gnarled apparently homeless man sitting on a bench clutching headphones to his head and rocking back and forth in apparent agony. It seemed to me he was hearing the same thing I was hearing and it was torturing him. That may have been the closest I've come to seeing a demon.
I've been medicated and stable for 6 years nows but I often think back to that day. Maybe I was given a little glimpse of heaven. I don't know…
Isn't he a hardcore zio-cuck?
No, he did not. Lookup pseudepigraphal attributes.
not demons themselves, but the agents thereof. they have given themselves over to the world, embracing all its evil, drowned in the stench of their own degeneracy. they are guided by vice and hedonism, and looking at those who still lead good lives, compelled to drag them down into the pit with them.
IIRC, king solomon's last days were his downfall, with his wives leading him astray into all sorts of paganism and demonic research under the guise of fighting demons. it's a poison of the mind.
One thing is for sure, the Catholic church takes exorcisms quite seriously.
No. He didn't. In fact, he was allowed to build the Temple of the Most High because his father David, although while faithful, was the anointed bloodspiller of false religions in the Promised land and was specifically prevented from helping in it's plan and building.
Correct. The lesson being, he was led astray by fleshly desires and forsook his original prayer of wisdom in which he was instilled with such great wisdom, no man on either was smarter, nor where they richer than he, because he had prayed to the True God.
.Believing jewish science
I had some weird sleep paralysis dreams, if you can call them that. You know those moments when deja vu strikes you, and you know you've seen this shit before? Yeah, I get that thing with my sleep paralysis dreams. I have one bout of sleep paralysis, a dream where absolutely nothing happens (like playing crosswords with my grandma) and then sometime later that exact shit would happen. Like a fucking premonition or something. And you just know that you dreamt this, all of this, down to the word you're writing in the crossword puzzle. I used to have dreams like that a lot earlier. Freaked me the fuck out. Then, they stopped after one shitty night.
You're aware that you're half asleep from being too tired, but something wakes you up. You look around your room, and nothing seems unusual at first. Then you notice it. The silence. The absolute silence. Then it comes. The buzzing. The static. Light starts to dim, everything slowly turns to gray. And in your doorway, you see it. A giant ball of blackness, devouring light. A ball of countless oily bugs and worms, constantly dying, being reborn and dying again. Eating itself alive. And it knows that you see it. Then it starts moving closer and closer, until everything you see is pitch black and covered with bugs.
Since then, whenever I have a feeling of deja vu, or those strange dreams, I'm perfectly aware that the bugs are somewhere near. A giant swarm of bugs waiting under my sheets, or above my bed, or beneath my table. Waiting. Bugs and old people. All my nightmares since them have them. Horrible, broken things, lurking just in the corner of my eye, hidden in my everyday life.
sage for /x/ shit. But yeah, since ever since I started having those deja vu dreams on a fucking daily basis, I believed (or, more precisely, hoped) that there's some magic shit going on. And that maybe it could take me away from the shitty life I had.
are we being raided
yeah, it's p much nonstop at this point
Isn't this a good thing Satan means opposer in Hebrew
Fucking Christcuck
You're gonna get smashed down by the Almighty if you keep going against him.
Yeah, I've had a lot of dreams where the exact events happened the next day.
It makes me uncomfortable when I think about some of the darker dreams I've had that have yet to come true.
I've started working on "Creative Visualization" but that's it for now.
Yeah so much this.
Some anons might not remember but the 2012 thing was really fucking big on jewtube with videos on it getting literally millions of views.
Folk like Quayle and others like David Wilcock jumped on it claiming "NIRIBIROO IS COMING!!! and all kinds of absurd and alarmist shit. Then when it didnt happen quayles ilk were like
And new agers like wilcock were like…
Then you had the likes of Marshall Masters who just seem to disappear entirely. Not one of them put their hands up and said "I was wrong".
Yeah he is of that ilk.
Don't these prot sects predict the end times every 50 years or so?
I think it's getting close though. Even just looking at the technological acceleration, you can see a change of epoch coming.
Bible says that anyone who predicts the end of the world is full of shit.
Because the end of the world has nothing to do with any point in time, but the end of the perception of time.
It's really uncomfortable and strangely disappointing in some regards. I remember I pointing Mars out to friends and telling them it's Neirubu / planet X and passionately telling them it's going to destroy us in 2012.
Taught me a lot about cynicism, shame, humility and growing old. Though I did quit my job in March of 2012 which was depressing me and destroying my soul / character.
Which actually began a three year period of unemployment, destitution and the death of family & friends. Though it was all good tbh and gave me a real chance to fortify myself mentally and grow for future hardships. Now I lurk & hope for happenings to end this modern lifestyle I have. As I am hooked on end of civilization / societal break down living.
Sadly the longer I am waiting, the older and more useless I am getting for this scenario. Though I suspect I will find joy / entertainment should it ever actually finally happen. At least for a short period of time anyway.
That's hardly going to shame me into defending a jew.
Yeah it says it will come like a thief in the night - meaning no one will know exactly when.
Every generation has its doomsayers.
Then again, I think maybe theres a vibe people can pick up on when its potentially getting close. Its like putting your ear to a railway track and hearing the train coming through the vibrations. I dont actually think it will end but I do think that we are in for a major conflict - a clash of civilisations and ideaologies. Things seem to be dead set on that course at present.
Yes. Demons/dark spirits are 100% real. Most people are so lobotomized they aren't even aware they are being affected ( hint: stop eating salt ). Funny thing about the Catholic Church is they're a satanic cult in disguise. Biggest loosh farm of all time. Christian Monks/Nuns and Catholics in general are the most susceptible to demonic possession.
pic related
I miss security camera man. His videos always were golden…
Surveillance. It's just surveillance, man.
we've been over this, Holla Forums
yes and the best illustration of this is that globe earth in your pic.
Reported for intl.
to be fair, the church evangelized third worlders since colonization started in the 1500s. It's not exactly a new thing
That screencap sums up Christianity for me. A vaguely Jewish looking man spouting bullshit with a condescending air.
If that crap was true, and Christianity gives any sort of resistance to the new semitic system, why did it transform so easily into it?
There was huge wars fought over slight differences in interpretation of the Bible… but when it came to transforming into marxism it was smooth sailing. Which also started when Christianity had reached it's peak power in society.
He was the one with the D&C he was defending king (((solomon))) saying him turning away from Judaism to paganism was his downfall, if that's not D&C I don't know what is.
The clash of civs and ideologies is misleading. >Islam is more of a golem for other forces, rather than an actual civilization like they were in the middle-ages
If there's a major conflict, it'll be for resources/political power (US, Russia, China etc) and not much else.
The other apocalyptic scenario would be the unleashing of a bio-virus/or nano grey death
Demons are negative though forms. You likely have some.
The shift did happen just look around. The shift is happening and shows no sign of slowing.
What isn't jewish science then?
Jewsus got jewed on a cross by jews with the help of a good goyim. Big fucking surprise there
>christianity is based goys guys
I have a much simpler explanation. You have priests who took on a vow of chastity, years go by of them wanting to fuck and they come to the conclusion that alter boys are easy targets. There you fucking have it.
You consider the greatest religion to be something that was made by kikes for kikes and their slaves. And considering the influence of the Roman Empire during it's inception it isn't all that far away to connect the dots and figure out who they were demoralizing. Jeebuz is not the messiah of the white race , Jewsus is the messiah of the fucking jews who became the original CHRISTIANS.
This is a classic example of playing both sides against the middle.
I fucking wonder why. Don't you wonder why?
But it is perfectly ok for the jews to enslave the goy through finances. Mr Shekelberg is pleased with your performance
No they don't take vows of chastity you retard. Traditionally, they were giant players, fucking every widow that they could find in Europe.
But the lack of priestly prestige, reduced living standards, the rise in nuclear families, and other factors have meant an increase in homos joining. Homos=natural pederasts.
Tell me about your dark dreams. I'll tell you about mine.
Reported for intl.
Do I have to go back? Do need some muscle over here?
Worms, old people devouring the young, hands, and mud.
Quayle can't suck enough kike dick to ever satisfy his Christian urges.
You mean compared to atheism? Everything is getting subverted, the world is going to shit. Trump is our lest hope for the US.
Give us some fucking real evidence of flatness or fuck off.
Them digits sure ain't m8.
Nah, they keep going and don't miss a beat. Before 2012 we had Y2K and Quayle was pushing that pretty hard along with everyone else then moved on when it was nothing. Doom sells.
They weren't necessarily wrong.
Like a scene out of an Indiana Jones movie, the tension builds when the little chinese kid pulls on a loose rock that was really a trigger for a trap. We hear all the clicks and knocks while the trap is activated and everyone in the scene stands still and holds their breath until … nothing happens. All breath sigh of relief and the movie goes on until … two scenes later, when the group is walking along and almost get killed by the trap that was activated two scenes ago.
Anyone who can't see the incredible changes taking place since the turn of the century - Y2K, 2012, blood moons, Shmita … etc. - is either woefully blind or shilling.
Satanic Power you say?
… So this is what goes on when them ONA fags get together? It sounds like a Jack Chick psychodrama of what happens when you show up for the second game session of your first Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
The real problem is you feeble-minded reactionaries and your shit memes. Ignorance will take you in the end.
You mean your PnP sessions aren't like that? That's weak man.
No… we were a shitty group. Only real nefarious goings on at our D&D sessions was sneaking off to jack off off staring through a peep hole in the wall one of us made to spy on the DMs older sister in her bedroom.
some jews do become christians
remember though: by their fruits ye shall know them
I disagree, modernity is incredibly pragmatic at it's core, which would make in genuine, artificial and synthetic would be building a skyscraper in neogothic or neoclassical, which no longer lives.
Flat earth creation science.
Globalism is the natural direction society will eventually take. What we have now is a false version of Globalism. Rather than being a movement accepted and ushered forth by the People, Globalism today is carried out in secret, forever tainting the very word "Globalism."
So, they are in effect damaging the "spirituality" of humanity, if you consider "spirit" is an outdated term for consciousness. It means they're even ruining the concept of Globalism so it has very little real chance of happening as a result of natural social evolution.