Brit/pol/ #1149: Is there anything on this planet more DESTRUCTIVE then the Krauts????? Edition


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I'd be up for defunding the BBC although tbh the commercial channels are hardly better. I know quite a few libertarian cucks who are already against it.

Another argument to use is

The Corbynista ones already think it is right wing, although they probably support more direct government control rather than privatising it

You'll find that today it showed university enrollments at an all time high, it is grade averages that are down




I think our problem is not knowing where to start, this country's establishment is so culturally left wing and against us. It's getting better but it's hard to pick a good target.

I think we should meme the BBC out of existence by encouraging people to stop paying TV license. They're one of our biggest obstacles, essentially a leftist propaganda institution financed by the taxpayer.

They're already fighting to keep their special status, if subscriptions started dropping we could have them on their knees in months.

In fact I'd say this was important enough to make the subject of a Britpol thread.

Meme it around;


Thoughts? Yanks/others could help us because BBC is global.

Also if they went down it would be a massive indicator to normies that the pendulum is swinging.



Yes, the britcucks


Fuck off, Hans.

Works every fucking time.

Should triggering jerrycucks and yanks be an Olympic sport lads?

Nah because then it'd just be BRITISH VICTORY each and every year without competition



Lad that's not very pro-white of you

Europe is all one race

The White Race

Nth for just got home

Because lankets real men.

Also, Karl Marx is more Kraut than Merkel.

I wish the (1) Harris shill would fuck off tbh, just shits up the thread with triggered Euros

If there is one thing I agree with britshits on, is that there is no hwhite race and poles are subhuman spics of Europe.

No one cares tbh lad

They're in a bad position at the moment, you can tell because with top gear gone they're bringing back old shows like robot wars to cash in on the nostalgia. They'll bring back many more but ruin them and only make the situation worse. The problem with getting people too stop paying is the license men, they intimidate old people.

Her Mother is a Berliner and she was born in Hamburg

rate 'em lads

to be fair we go the Ruskies to rape their women for us

The fucking yanks pussied out too and got cold feet after seeing the Krauts getting btfo hard

Must be an ancestral mechanism

That's a very
attitude of you to take

Is this the hot new meme format?


Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner in 1954, in Hamburg, Germany, the daughter of Horst Kasner (1926–2011),[20][21] a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind, born in 1928 in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) as Herlind Jentzsch, a teacher of English and Latin.

I feel so hurt. 70 years ago vs current year.



Ah its you, wondering when you would return.

Not like yours are intact either :^)




Top kek lad

A very bad position. Strike while the iron is hot.

I mean stop watching the standard TV altogether, the internet is going to replace it anyway. There's so much other media out there there's really no need to use the old school channels. They're shit anyway.

Wouldn't work on old people but if we memed it at the younger generations (under like 35) that would be enough to effectively cripple their revenue streams and credibility.

Are you the lad who went on a date with a fat Polish slag last night?

Go away, Dickie. Go be implicit somewhere else.

tbh they shouldn't have bombed towns and cities across England that didn't have anything to do with the war if they didn't want Dresden reduced to a crispy Bbq.

yes! thank you for cheering on me lads!

No need to get so pissy lad.
Just filter me by trip



That really is the only major problem with that plan, the middle aged and older people who won't stop paying for it.

wew. Truly inferior, low IQ subhumans.

It doesn't bother me m8, it's just a distraction at this point though, and it's always posted by a (1) shill

Why would a xeno disagree with nationalism?

how come it's only 7000/day


Holla Forums doesn't save filenames lad, so you wrote out that autisticly long file name, nah don't believe it.

Was Hitler an austist?

Most definitely

the shitposting it getting too much

I thought that was a yank thing

top kek anyway

Autism, m8


up until a couple of years ago Molyneux was coming out with that crap

Although he is doing good work redpilling now, something about Moly really creeps me out

It's obvious its fucking you lad, you spam the same pictures and the same text everytime.

He's a kike tbh

Do goths still exist?

Probably to do with him being raised by a single mother honestly.


I haven't seen one in a while tbh

Some fact bombs for you lads.
Start at 12:20 for above.

Dont be butthurt.


They're mostly now hipsters though.

Goths don't exist, hell emos don't really exist anymore. The new thing is the combover and hipster clothes tbh.

Maybe he also comes over like a huge narcissist, although a lot of yanks seem like that to me. At least now he spends his time arguing against single motherhood

it bothers me when he calls himself a philosopher

Hipsters who make passive aggressive tweets and call it a day replaced them.

Yeh me too as someone doing a philosophy degree.

Should have been more appreciative of how good we had it with goths tbh

They're giants of our time, comparable to the ancient Greeks tbh.

Is Google trying to kill Youtube with all these ugly updates?

What sort of job could you get with that?

A lucrative career in serving coffee.

As gay and effeminate goths and emos were, they at least kept their autism to themselves tbh.


I'm going to a good uni, I think I'll be alright tbh lads



kek, nice work lad

Sure lad, but what sorts of jobs can you get with it?

I didn't have a problem with Goths, only the people who entertained them and brought them to dinner parties because they thought they were "artsy"

what the fuck is wrong with germans? it's like they have different brains to other europeans. this is the 4th time in only 100 years that germany has ruined europe

Too muscular looking, you need to get the folded fat on his arms in there


Top work lad

Lads i know we're cucked by the SNP, but we're not letting in millions every year, come on now.



Except merkel is actually a polish commie, you harriscuck.

It bothers me when he says he's a philosopher, because philosophers are retarded.

It bothers me when he plugs his graduate thesis about some form or other of utilitarianism, because utilitarianism is retarded and cucked.

But his lecture on the fall of Rome was top-tier and will probably be listened to for a long time.

Did people do that? I thought most people treated them as a joke

Genetically inferior

Did you cum on her tits lad?

Smh tbh


What do you mean?

I guess we won't bother and continue to shitpost then.

Fuck this autistic general. Jesus christ


And then you impregnated some slut and ruined your life. Good job, lad.


As much as I hate the Krauts, Sweden really tops the list

Yeah you Americans really don't understand how shit works do you?


Don't worry lad she looked very shaggable. At least you got more tits and arse to play with.


I'm just getting started.


from what I gather about sex I don't think I did
need to be careful tho

Thanks. She was very pleasant to chat with and following your advice it was easy to get where I wanted her to be.

sargon is a quarter black and is not my philosopher ok.
molly and cantwell not sargon and cuckoldry
praise hitler

Which of you lads was this?

get /fit/ and approach her lad

She is a woman after all I guess

Chaim, plz

If the empire was so bad for us, why did we do it in the first place, lads?

kek I love that pic, thats basically how I got into this shit.

Lolbetarian is a great starting point for the redpill.


Screw over France's trading routes.

It was good initially but then the cuck instincts took over

Wouldnt surprise me if he was a paid actor tbh, like why the fuck is he sitting right next to them?

quads in your posting time confirm it

Good lad who did that, and look how brave the little hijab wearing cunt got while she was on camera.
Now this is a


Why on Earth would they use a paid actor lad?

Lad, the biggest perpetrator of violence against British people is other British people ;^)


not joking.

you know full well that most of the shit we are paying now was thought in or by the british empire. not last the creation of fucking israel.

It's when that's the only response, meanwhile we have yet another thread of terminally autistic neetposting.


Does Carswell have a point, lads?



Lad don't get me started

Because it seems ridiculously out of place that a person in london would happy talk shit about muslims in front of a a news network doing an interview about islamaphobia


Thought you were calling me autistic for criticising you.



Going to the University of Dundee.

What can I expect?

no, you really fucked the world, and yourselves, over. if you want to be proud of that, no one, especially me, is stopping you.

Thank you based lad, though it should have been than the Krauts?

I enjoyed my dindins now I'm watching more Xena tbh.

Molyneux isn't a Yank, lad

How, how exactly lad?


I hear hillary is just crushing trump in the (((polls))) as well.

Goldberg, youre fired

Lad, you are gonna get pussy whipped into oblivion.

This isn't de/pol/ lad

Ah sod it. At least I got more than I paid for the blasted thing.

The market fixed it.

comfy af fam




If you/we didn't, the frogs and spics would have won. You don't want the frogs and spics to win, do you user?

yanks are so predictable

That would be immoral tbh lad

Sure told him with that antisemitic post, filtered tbh

Bronze badminton for the uk lads

What exactly is it that the Eternal Kraut has against whites?

The yachting came in for gold too



blacks are good entertainers tbh

This is what happens when a martial society is declawed, neutered and subjected to 70 years of multicult propaganda


Krauts are the original Jews, they gave special status to Jews, they destroyed nationalism, they destroyed the European dominance of the world.

That pic, what a bunch of little gay boys.

Stein is German, lad…

I hope Trump blows the fuck out of Hillary, would almost be as good as Brexit

Agreed, BBC needs to crash and burn (then channel 4).

The outdated meme would work, but you'd be fighting against the normies and feminists who love eastenders.

The idea is to chip away at these institutions little by little, like the lefties have done. Getting rid of the licence fee is the first big step.

Then we chip away at how they hire staff and discriminate against whites in doing so.

Those standards are shit low tbh

Originally yeah, but we know Yids have hijacked Kraut surnames.

At this point it's hard to tell what it is.

It's ok to be racist against whites, especially when the writer in question is a (((German)))

What must the US' be like then, because our services time after time have proven to be better at fighting.

What did she mean by this?

Arabs really are thick as pig shit.

Fallacy of false equivalency. She's not very bright.


What about wetting some tissue then wiping your bum?

I have a London accent and voted Brexit.

How will I survive?

it's not just israel, which is not a small thing in any way. you would like to tell me that middle east problems, to make an example, do not find their roots at least partially in some cunning plan the empire had thougth for the region?

Bully them user.

Bully them all.


I have no idea what the fuck she meant by this. Obvious patrician way to wipe your ass is to first wipe with tissue then take a shower to be fully clean.

I used a bidet once did some interior/exterior work on a mansion, I didn't like it and the water went everywhere.

They truly are savages.

Lad my other options are De Montfort or Portsmouth.

No, they don't. Cuck.

muslims wipe their ass with their left hand and water.

t. lived in sandniggerstan

indeed he is more destructive than the krauts


I just read a few things where leftycucks were like "nobody knows shit about economics, politics and all that so we should just let glorious government make all the tough decisions for us in this democracy" and I had a brain wave. Instead of giving kids religious education in schools how about we give them education on politics? I mean religious education is already just an indoctrination camp to teach kids about the virtues of Muhammad and Jew God. Why not replace it with something children can actually use in their life?

Considering the church takes an active role in peoples lives outside of school again, yes I'd agree. The lack of knowledge people have on trading, economics and basic market principles beggars belief, god knows there's a lot of informative books on the subject out there.

Same with politics in general.

I can't help but feel the reason we don't is because commie unions and lefties have a stranglehold on academia and teaching sanity is not part of their agenda.

It's a good idea but we all know what politics teaching would be like in today's schools.

Post Brexit salt lads.

Christ, that thing is disgusting.


What? Is this some edgy some meme?

It fits in with the "hurr everybody be libertarian" meme. Libertarians, liberals and socialists are just dumb as fuck.

He's sort of an old Brit/pol/ lolcow, but I guess we all lost interest because he doesn't upload videos daily like Gordo. We doxxed him and phoned him at home and at work and called his employer at one point. Shame I don't have the recordings. I wonder if upper middle class spaghetti lad that made one of the calls is still here.

Bless those savages

That's what a libertarian socialist believes.

Kek, I'm glad you lads did that. He deserves it and more.


She's implying Islamic culture/traditions are superior and we're all filthy shitty infidels. This means she does support sharia, I think?
sandmonkeys haven't heard of wet wipes

I often wonder whether Ron Paul even without the amazing character of Donald Trump, would have reached more of the electorate if spoke less detail about economics and foreign policy and appealed purely with anecdotes and baby talk to low-info voters.

Maybe the too-nuanced points just fly over voters heads for the media to misrepresent on analysis, and dumbing down circumvents this.

Who /non-conformist/ here?

But we're undergoing an epidemic of post Brexit racism goy

I never got why continentals harp on about bidets for years and call us savages, we can clean our arse in the shower or use a wetwipe, we don't need a fucking seperate unit for cleaning our arse.

Who /thinking/ here?

kek, you don't know how right you are

Really gets my noggin' coggin' lad.

Nationalism Rising


I don't understand how they have so much difficulty wiping their arses clean that they need to wash them with water every time. Must be their "fancy" diets…

I know its lefties and they block shit out, but how can you block something like wage depression out of your mind that hard?

The most hilarious lie of the left is that anti-immigration sentiment has establishment support.

When has it been the case?

And "even poorer immigrants" are a good thing for poor people?

What is he saying?

He looks ill. Pozzed?

Why do leftists hate the rich so much?


Kek. Dick is another one but I don't think we ever messed with him as much. Maybe we should now.

God knows, m8.

This as well

They are a perpetual reminder that some people are more talented than others.

They don't. They are the rich. They merely use "the rich" as an imaginary bogeyman to excuse their disgust at the poor.

I swear I know a guy who sounds exactly like this cunt. What is that accent?

They also think the BBC is against them. The perpetual underdog no matter what.

He's treating "immigrant" as synonymous with "people".

Either that or I give him too much credit.

They don't hate the rich, they hate the wrong kind of rich. They love people like Russell Brand George Clooney, Sean Penn, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg.
But can't stand Donald trump, or even your average middle class businessman.
It's part of their denial of reality that their world view is so hypocritical.

Hey SA, whats your opinion on this newly emerged tripfag "bullydestroyer" that appears to be an even more insufferable cunt than you?

wew lad


Nice lad, nice


Haven't they been purchased by Mexicans?

RIP in piss Gawker.

The amount of debt that Gawker is in means it's not viable.

Was "the cuck" ironic?

Except when he released that video defending religion causing his audience to beat him with Marxist literature.

Think I found why, they're all fucking ponces.

If it was, it's not anymore.

Twitter axes 235,000 more accounts in terror crackdown


It's not about making money

They literally can't afford to keep it running though


CIA must be changing tactics. Prepare for the worst lads.


People who take the bait.

It's not Guardian tier were it has funding yet its losing money, Gawker has no money and its in debt FUCK LOADS

The people who complain about Harris

Trips of truth tbh.


Why do people use his fucking threads then?

M8 I can derail a brit/pol/ thread in two mibutes flat by posting "Based NA" and calling a few people "cuck"

ISIS jihadis-in-training know so little about Islam they are being given 'The Koran for Dummies'

Churchill was a reckless motherfucker
"Here's a million prosecute a devastating war on our behalf goy!!" Rabbi ShutItDown JudeaDeclaresWareOnGoymany Secretstein
Martin (((Gilbert))), Churchill's official biographer, depicted Churchill as an uncompromising hero
Churchill speculated in 1937 that Hitler "will go down in history as the man who restored honor and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation"
In 1940 Churchill had no strategy for winning the war. By fighting on to 1945, Churchill assured the liquidation of the empire and guaranteed that the only victors would be the Soviet Union and the United States.
Churchill's strategy, by design or luck, worked. It was hardly unreasonable of Churchill to hope that during the chaotic diplomatic and military environment that prevailed in the absence of an agreement, the United States and the Soviet Union might well be dragged into the conflict against Hitler. After all, those nations' long-term interests clashed with Germany's to a far greater extent than Britain's did.
As an old man, Churchill spoke of Britain's experience during the two world wars, and lamented: "We answered all the tests. But it was useless."
by Benjamin Schwarz [ ]
On February 4th, President Bush eulogized the life of Winston Churchill. The president described Winston Churchill as a "great man" and quickly zeroed in on the mistress that both Bush and Churchill share: war. "He was a prisoner in the Boer War, a controversial strategist in the Great War. He was the rallying voice of the Second World War, and a prophet of the Cold War." Indeed, there doesn't seem to have been a war—or an opportunity for war—that Churchill wasn't associated with during his long career.
Bush also recited Churchill's famous retort that "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it" adding that "history has been kind to Winston Churchill, as it usually is to those who help save the world," surely hoping that history will be kind to George W. Bush.
Except this history is a myth. The truth about the real Churchill—the Churchill that few know—is that he was "a man of the state: of the welfare state and of the warfare state" in Professor Ralph Raico's turn-of-phrase. The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western Civilization itself.
Not since fictional personages like Hercules and Zeus, have so many myths been attached to one man. As we will see, the Winston Churchill we're told about is not the Churchill known to honest history, but rather a fictional version of the man and his actions. And these words and actions have produced our mainstream "patriotic political myths" as John Denson calls them, which are merely the victor's wartime lies and propaganda scripted into the 'Official History.' The Churchill mythology is challenged by honest history, and the reality about Churchill involves hard, but necessary truths.

It's not my problem if germans/yanks are autistic.

Buckby's really gone downhill since last time I checked up on him

Because we can't be bothered with the shit than ensues when you make a second thread, him spamming the thread a million times with "WRONG THREAD JERRIES"

Don't have much choice do we. Just filter and move on.

This is old news isn't it?

Spiffing! What's the point of that then?

tfw you could have been allies with Italy, Germany and Japan– the three BASED BROTHERS.

But instead we're now ruled by Russia, the USA and China, enough said…

I've just found it out

So we should surrender to his whims and end up getting tarred with the same brush as that fucking autist? Good idea…


Isn't he supposed to be campaigning to become the first MP elected by bullet?

All sapients are equal, but some sapients are more equal than others, lads.

Make a second thread when he makes one if you want lad, no one is stopping.

It's really not that big of an issue, and the germans are worse at spamming threads than he is.

It must have been this I was thinking of.

Greasy wop cowards. Literally the worst allies in history.
Those sandal-wearing goldfish tenders were traitorous savages
Yeah they definitely don't have a record of going back on agreements, no siree

If I wanted to 'funpost' I'd fuckoff to Holla Forums ANY other board Facecuck Plebbit Bebo or mumsnet you fucking mongoloid

Nah lad, he already got the small amount of publicity to be garnered from that. Now he's on to writing shitty Buzzfeed articles for that cuck Gavin McInness' site

Lad if you start posting old Gords we'll be here all day.

You utter retard tbh

Are you sure you should be on this board Chaim?

kek. you so funny

lmao kiddo


Archive, lad

Hi cuckby. How's the shitstirring?


Hi newfag

You're a nutter tbh

tbf we should have picked them as allies instead of the yanks

It's funny, because your posting style of "take every bait and accuse others of being jewish" is par for the course for yanks on Holla Forums


It isn't ramadan lad. Mehdi needs to feed his family.

They probably would have been good allies if the yanks didn't fuck it up, they were our allie in east-asia and they would have conquered it for us tbh.

Hullo man was right, these people are clowns who can't into real politics. Nobody gives a shit about the intellectual stuff, the commies weren't successful by repeating from the commie manifesto, das kapital or the writings of Lenin, they achieved it it by appealing to everyday problems with their sly rhetoric and then they took over.

Yeah tell me how much the US is better at not dragging us into pointless wars lad

Also Japan didnt drag Germany into a war, Germany dow'd america because they're fucking spastics

Wouldn't have worked lad, they wanted our colonies in the east and it was only a matter of time before they turned on us


Yanks did something right

Wouldn't have worked lad, they wanted our colonies and the east and west, and it was only a matter of time before they turned on us.

That's what i implied, we were dragged into war with them by the US, but what they did to our soldiers in POW camps and to civilians is fucking unforgivable.

What's right about that?


Fuck me you lot just jumped in in tits over boots
Laughing tbh

But what would the Doctor do?

Thats pretty good

Why didn't we remain splendid isolationists?


Italy and Germany represent the heart of Western civilization, lads. I'd be careful if I were you.

Truly fam, remember the 600 billion, never forget the ebil japanese ;-;


Lad what is wrong with you?



This, why did we give up the British empire over fucking Poland?

Pick one newfaggot
t. English nationalist


To secure a never ending supply of Poolish plumbers

We didn't. The US picked it from us piece by piece.

Also, it was in it's death throes after the first world war.


Hitler broke an agreement which we had to honour and the yanks fucked us with the Atlantic Charter

The Japanese were worse than animals

Ever hear of the Holy Roman Empire, pal?

Patrick Buchanan's book on the matter is very enlightening. Pat is a great man, he's politically incorrect and tells inconvenient truths but it's a straigh tup jerrycuck and stormfront-tier moron. He understands real history and politics.

David Irving's stuff is good too but I prefer Buchanan's book and he's relatively normie friendly.


How long has Italy been a nation?

You forgot to add
to this post

Germany have been serial underachievers their entire existance.

Are you a child? Kek


Wew lad, next you are going to say America is the continuation of Rome

Just get someone from the colonies.

You're kidding right? After the victory in the first world war the empire was in it's most powerful form.

Tbh we're a global empire now belonging to the Jews.

No space exploration for us.


tbh lad the Japs only did the truly horrible shit to chinks

And the gooks.


Because unlike the Germans, we like to honour treaties.

first time Germany united was under a French speaking Belgian named Charlemagne

The truth is that France and the United Kingdom are both products of Italy and Germany. Without the Latin and Germanic cultures, Western civilization would not exist.

It's as simple as that, really.

and why should we British care?
i despise yanks significantly more than japs tbh

France is the offical heir to the Roman Empire through the Western Roman side that the Pope granted Charlemagne and continued on, not in the HRE but in the Kingdom of France de jura.

UKIP is in the sights of the Government & MI5

What do you think of his analysis? Makes sense to me with all the strange events surrounding UKIP post Brexit win.

Get it back.

You mean Gandhi and folks? lol

The USA today has massive debts.

I thought Imperial Russia was the heir to Rome because the power and bloodline moved from Constantinople to Rus/Kiev after the turks conquered Byzantium

hence why we entered WW1 literally only to protect Belguim because we said we would

Wrong. The Japs beheaded our British lads, force marched them on empty stomachs for weeks on end, made them eat rotten food for months to the point where it would be preferable to eat ones own shit.

There was a guy that used to live next to my grandmother, he served in Burma during ww2, became a prisoner of war, he was 6'3 but came back from the war weighing less than 7 stone, he never ate right again the rest of his life he suffered terribly with stomach problems until he died in the 50s.

Lad, the japs also would cut off the cocks of U.S. marines, stuff their own cocks in their mouth before beheading them and leaving them to rot on the side of the road. The Japs were barbaric, not just to the Chinese.

Rather shitty heir tbh, couldn't they have chosen someone better?

I dont know what to think about this guy

I dont feel like I should trust him

Why make the treaty in the first place?

Bye bye you fucking degenerate commies

I have mixed feelings too.

They did awful things to allied POWs too

Because we weren't paid and we made a sacrifice

Debatable how much this really mattered, their independence was largely token until they left the pound. Though obviously their attacks weren't good for us.

Yeah because the Americans would've been so accepting of that

To prevent German expansion. Nobody believed the Nazis could be so stupid as to break that agreement.

He's right as always. The only time he was wrong was when he made the video about the "no apologies" video by Oscar, but he took that down.

I don't think NA are agents of the state, they're just retards who've gone the opposite end of "muh PR" to stupid extents and are low-brow.

The moment UKIP became more than just a party of libertarian fruitcakes and more populist/nationalist and shifting public consensus was when it was bound to get attacked and infiltrated, just like the BNP was.

Nope. The Imperial crown was German until it was usurped by the treacherous French.

Charlemagne was German.


"oh em gee see this shows that eye sis isn't islam :))))))))))))"

Referring to the taigs, of course

Yeh, I always recommend his books to people who are interested, shame that there's no real British equivalent Correlli Barnett is quite similar in some ways

"They shoved a 25cm piece of wood up my ass!"

the filipinos did that when the US invaded them as well and yanks were taking human heads back to yankland to use human skulls as ashtrays
aussies were mutilating POW's and making necklaces out of ears and noses
yeah still not as bad as what they did to chinks
they'd force commies to drink gasoline then eviscerate them and light them on fire using the petrol leaking from their opened guts
Unit 731 practiced live vivisection on chink prisoners during their biological and chemical weapons development programs

Literally look at his name smh fam 😂 literally a french name whats next you're goinf to lretend he spoke german and was really called "karl der grosse" lmfao my man

The Americans were isolationist.

Germany's expansion was a desperate bid to survive and keep it's economy running, after Poland they would have expanded East and loose to the soviets.

Wew. Them pesky Buddhists


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

you know the Great Schism between Catholicism and Orthodoxy literally originated in the event where the Pope declared Charlemagne Imperrum Romanum while the Emperor still sat on his throne in Constantinople

And Caesar was Italian
And Jesus was Israeli
And Boudicca was British

the only good thing to come out of France tbh



Is that why they funded, armed and incited the Irish to rebel and leave the British Empire?

You're forgetting something lad….

Kek yeah


Charlemagne’s exact birthplace is unknown, although historians have suggested Aachen in modern-day Germany, and Liège (Herstal) in present-day Belgium as possible locations Aachen and Liège are close to the region from where both the Merovingian and Carolingian families originated. Other cities have been suggested, including Düren, Gauting, Mürlenbach, Quierzy and Prüm. No definitive evidence as to which is the right candidate exists.


honestly i think the yanks have stabbed us in the back more times than the french tbh

The french like to just stab us in the front.

So? The French supported the Americans during the revolution, we didn't just give up the empire then.

I'd say quit while you're ahead but you've always been behind.

You know what's hard about being a lad, lads?

If a girl hurts you enough to make you cry

It just makes you feel like a pussy who doesn't deserve the girl

Fuck. Me.

The French didn't really "stab us in the back" though, lad.

He also spoke a Germanic language, like the other Franks

The chocolate king of Ukraine Willy Wonkashenko has received new instructions from the Soros controlled US State Dept!
Poroshenko hints at martial law as fighting spikes in Ukraine

That's exactly what happened in America you jackaninny. We abandoned America to deal with the more important enemies on the continent.


i remember reading something about the Frogs subverting some of our African interests tbh

dont forget the Spanish and the Dutch they also supported the yanks

Let's just get our news from here tbh

and prominent twitter users of course.

We abandoned America not the empire.

It's because he's really just a normie Poortherner and they're all crooked in some way tbh.

Backstabbing Kosher nationalist, whore and possibly even a coal burner? Wew lad.

Well I guess Caesar was Serbian and all the muslims born in the UK are 100% english!

Charlemagne was a Germanic, that's all that needs to be said. His people were closest to the modern day Saxons.

The Byzantine Empire had no real claim to imperial authority in the West I'm afraid. The only people who deserved an imperial title were those who conquered Rome, not the smelly Greeks who LARPed as Romans.

Not gonna lie, I don't pay attention to France, but what's Marion done?

Absolutely nothing, only spergs like her.

I wouldn't say that's "stabbing in the back", that's just the French being French.

u w0t m8?

Thats right lad, quintissentially english. You're not some kind of bigot, are you?


except no because Constantine was the legitimate emperor of Rome and the last surviving contender of the Tetrachy Wars and he moved to the eastern capital of Byzantium and ruled over the entire empire there with the newly ensconced Papacy ruling as his co-emperor/sub-emperor from Rome

If only we had some way of filtering yanks IRL

it was after the Entente Cordiale though so thats why i remember it with irritation

I don't either but Waifu Poster, possibly aka the original PatBateman obsessed over her so posted about her a lot over at /politics/. She has said she likes rap music and hangs around with niggers which is a little weird, and she has just got a divorce and been snapped by some jurno flirting with someone on a boat.
As far as backstabbing, that's just what people say about her tacking the direction of the party away from it's roots and she's a descendent of the founder. Idk tbph.

Was feeling like fucking with them but now I'm actually in the UK I could get v& for that lol


Oh right fair enough lad, you got a link?
I was going to say that they've not really betrayed us since they've almost always been our enemies, rather than allies.

Is this why no ones mad about Rotherham?
Because the leftists simply block it out or purposely ignore it?

You can always drag them out with dank oc

Except the Byzantines didn't preserve Constantine's crappy, barbarian bloodline. And the Papacy was the only imperial faction with any REAL authority. You may not know this, but Western kings could actually trace their lines back to the Julio-Claudian dynasty while the Byzantine emperors could now.

*could not

Nothing is funnier than Greeks and Russians thinking their Romans, really.

All you need to do is compared Roman statues to modern day Russians and Greeks to see through their lies. The Romans resembled GERMANS and there's a reason for that.




Fair enough.

I'm not doubtful she burns coal tbh.

Ran by her own family?

Fuck me that's cold.


I do not otherwise id have elaborated more on it
i know the frog has always been the enemy but just like yanks they didnt exactly act like our allies once they became them/

well this lads obviously insane
the Julio-Claudian dynasty died with Nero

I've been up for a while

The Greeks were always swarthy pigs, let's be real.



this is glorious

I can tell you the answer to that lad
turks raping every white christian greek girl in sight

He didn't think this through

Just gas London tbh

He was Frankish
and spoke Frankish

Those are some pretty normal legs for the obese look he was doing.

Gypsies are a necessary evil in the world tbh and race realist's best friend and propaganda tool.


oh my

top mong, they were a German tribe and your own link says that Frankish was a Germanic language

Christ that's grotesque.

Doesn't matter, they'll sell their values down the river so long as it's making fun of




Should've asked me tbh lad.

"oh wow that sure showed Drumpf, now he's bound to drop out! :))))))))"

B.b.but muh EU migrants, muh ENN AYYCH ESS

The Germanic tribes mixed with the Roman aristocracy, and links can be established, for sure. If you don't know this, it's only because of your own historical illiteracy.

You think the Turks magically turned the Greeks into what they are today? The Greeks were always the closest to the Orient, and so always darker than other Europeans, even during ancient times. If you want to see what Greeks looked like BEFORE the Turks, look no further than the Italians in the region of Calabria.


Old Frankish writing

says it all really.

I will never fucking understand the NHS.

Pretty good analogy, lad.

No U

Charlemagne ruled

His sons ruled

and swore the

the oldest extant source of Old French and Old High German

You claimed the Julio-Claudian dynasty is directly linked to the Western feudalistic monarchies of western europe?
when that dynasty DIED with specifically Sergius Octavius Laenas Pontianus who served as consul of Rome in the time of Hadrian
every kingdom in Europe claims descent from this one guy who lived and died 500 years before their kingdoms were established?
calling bullshit lad

What are you talking about m8?

You said that he was Frankish as if that meant he wasn't German, when in fact he spoke Frankish, which is a Germanic language related to modern German.

I'm an information analyst at my city's NHS. In a nutshell it boils down to their attempts at penny pinching and there's a lot of political motivations at play. Bureaucracy is rife within it.

In a "multicultural" society with vastly growing numbers it's an outdated model.

I hope I can get a job at a private hospital soon, I hate working here.

uh huh
never mind that runic script is all descended from Gothic script

Funny how the BBC and other lib propaganda sewers don't allow comments anymore.

No intelligent person can take any of this mud-loving bullshit seriously.

Instead of telling this shitskin bitch "there's no Sharia here" I'd have simply told her to get the fuck out of England.

Look it up if you like, I don't know the specific details. I remember reading it somewhere a long time ago while at my university.

I know. It's fucking puerile

It's also the best that they can come up with.

Is this true, lads?

heres Calabria
and heres what the arabs took from the Pope about a thousand years ago
notice anything?
mudshits rape whenever they conquer

The NHS should be staffed exclusively by natives, any shortage in or “struggle to recruit” staff is a clear and obvious opportunity to tackle unemployment and to give purpose to peoples lives.

The “problems” with the NHS are all easily solved because they are specifically manufactured to happen.

They're on to us lads, activate CODE DRESDEN

Terminal 2 at Manchester airport being evacuated

Compared to what Hillary would look like naked, this isn't bad at all.

Libs sure are obsessed with Trump's penis though.

'related to' =/= 'equals'


Someone has to support all her illegitimate nigglets.

Sometimes I feel that Holla Forums inherited the WORST of halfchan in the great exodus

The Calabrians are still probably the closest approximation of the Greek type in the Middle Ages!!! If not the Calabrians, then the Puglians!!!

The Muslims were in Calabria for like twenty years, maybe.

I think it's supposed to be a "Native" American, judging by the feather.

yeah i just looked it up
they claim descent they cant prove descent
i can claim to be descended from Sulla but its not like i can prove im descended from him



They look like Arabs in that part and it's where all the heavy criminality comes from
Still there's a lot of blonde hair and blue eyes in Sicily as they were also invaded by Vikings and others

Yeah it still doesn't answer it, just put it down to tumblr stupidity.



I have an answer: niggers are ugly so they make her look as white as possible to satisfy their fantasy

Just like transgenders draw overly feminine cartoons of themselves even though they're ugly as shit

I-It's happening?


from Frankish, which had *hl- -> *fl-


So Frankish is not German, not English, not Dutch


I personally think they are very handsome tbh, although definitely mixed.

I very much doubt it.


What would you name your children, lads? By "your" I mean you and Virginia's tbh.

One of the main reports I send out for clinical measurements department is the waiting list report and breaches at the end of the month. Can confirm that this is true, even when taking into account patient choice.


Summarised it with "tumblr stupidity".
You see it in soap operas and the like; they'll go out of their way to try and find a half-decent looking nig (normally a halfie) to promote their angle, rather than being honest and using an actual ape that only the blind would find attractive.

yeah sure
we've already seen how muslims act in a surveillance state society where they are in the minority
you think any white girl above the age of 3 is going to remain unraped in a muslim dominated region full of horny fanatical jihadis

semites and semitism are literally an aggressive genetic disease

Journalists give out their contact numbers over social media? Christ they're thick. Could we have some fun with this?

Call up pretending to be achmed who's about to blow up the airport.

That image.


Bantered the fuck out

I think this is a job for Bomber Scruton

She's a lovely woman lad but racemixing is wrong tbh. She should mate with a fellow albino negroid.

Lad, you have to laugh sometimes.

Shame there can never be a Brit/pol/ meetup, it would be funny if only for the autism it would probably exude.

it literally looks like a fucking alien hive

It looks like something you'd see in Mass Effect.

Christ, the Beeb really is going full buzzfeed mode.
At the rate it's going, and seeing how Gawker is now dead in the gutter, Beebfeed may not make it to the end of next year.

She's huwhite, lad. Don't believe the defamers.

Who paid for it?

Degenerate architecture isn't cheap.


Order pizzas

The Turkish state

The Saudis I'm sure. Muslims aren't really trying to hide it, but thanks to the media they get away with everything.

You're wrong in this case




Lads, I think I had too much curry. I think I'm going to shit my pants.

Oops, it was funded by the Muslim World League, which is a Saudi Front, chanelling the money through a Turkish run German group

Thats what you get for eating food produced by poo in loos you tramp


daily reminder;

You mean my eyes?

Every time.

That is an act of invasion and nothing but.

I would make them pay to have the structure removed brick by brick and then I would build a giant stature of a crusader in it’s place.

Yet another reason why I don't get takeaway.

I wonder if the muds have separate rooms for explosives and rifles, or if they just keep them all together.






They appear to be pretty undisciplined when it comes to storage. If you read (and believe) the reports of weapons seizures from mosques they don’t cabinet their weapons or ammunition.

Knowing the temperament of their fellow man one would think some of the brainbug-tier ones would keep these things in order.


Does this mean he will watch when two black bulls have their way with her?

I subsist on a diet of toast and marmite at this point.


Don’t your family take it in turns to cook?


Women are sick, they really are.

More likely to watch her leave the prom without him.

Christ modern art and architecture is shit.

Here's hoping. Let's really shill the end of the BBC hard.


'I WILL KILL EVERY BRITISH PERSON' Rant of asylum seeker caught trying to kidnap a young girl from Tesco

Amin Husseine, 35, tried to snatch child from shop in Bristol, just 10 days after leaving immigration detention centre

Why would he kill people of colour?

Is this OC lad? I like it.

Is that Harvey?

Christ, I'd've sacked her immediately although she did exactly what they wanted her to do :^)

I just cook for myself.

Lad it's easy, and you can cook stuff in bulk to last you the week.

Just made it 2 mins ago lad.


shieeet fuck borders and shit mang

We need RWDS to just execute these people tbh

Google completely filtered this had to use xquick


Fucking good effort lad. Especially since we rarely make OC.


great isnt it

How is this considered news anywhere? It's outright propaganda.

But where are the weepy reports on the rape of hwhite children by Islamic subhumans?

No? Not going to cover it CNN?

Love live The Lion of Damascus and fuck all western intervention in the desert lands unless we are taking out the entire Saudi royal family and claim the oil fields as the property of Great Britain tbh.

Maybe some kind-hearted liberal mp helped him stay

Fuck they're quick

got this from fb, beautiful story

I wonder if that MP feels anything other than the need to call his PR man

He's not even an MP anymore

had a good laugh

Worse happens everyday and has happened since the dawn of man and nobody bats an eyelid unless they can exploit it for their own persuits

What a worthless edition.
t. brit

Well, there's something you don't see every day.


she has zero definition in her legs, she will look like utter shit at 24, fat sow with a beer gut and a fat face


Watching Sharpe, lads… didn't know we were as bad as Muslims when it came to raping. smh, lads. smh

It's postmodern, you daft cunt. It doesn't take an architect to see that.

No need for abuse just because you got dubdubs, lad.

Seriously, how can the muds tell the difference between their garbage bag clad women?


When are we getting fresh pics, lad?





Jesus christ i get where the joke comes from now, it literally looks like an axe wound.

Richard Spencer should be discredited on his haircut alone.

The spoiler was not enough…

Why tbh lad

Haven't been here for a while, but you could literally go back to March Brit pol and see the exact same posts with the exact same pictures


Yeah, I can't stand it when these peasants speak their pigeon English around me. Disgusting.

Lad did someone hit you in the head?

Its called "culture", pleb.

Nigel really does clean up with the women doesn't he?

Mist be his Huguenot blood

What shall I reply lads? I want to know more and signal my intent in the position, but I don't want to come off as desperate. My situation is thus, I am a pretend librarian currently and I have been practicing English with other foreign women via skype. Shall I ask her about other topics in the same message?
Just had a thought, this isn't one of you is it?

nice ID[embed]

Apparently vegan pussys taste amazing

French is French as far as I'm concerned.

Who told you that? Vegans?

I fucked up the embed too fuck sake

smh tbh lads im a mess

I thought she'd offered you a job?

Say you feel like a change of scenery/are bored and unsatisfied at your current job and might be interested in working there


Apparently all the fruit and shit makes it taste really nice

I fast forwarded myself lad. It was quite a boring day yesterday.

No thanks lad

I bring memetics lads.

It's hard to respect ecelebs

Can someone create a website that archives every last Nigel Farage item of media.

We need to document as much as we can, so future Britains can learn of our hero

Why did he use a spear, lads?

Pale skin is lovely tbh lad, petite girls are lovely too tbh

Filtered tbh

This is an absolutely sickening comment. Filtered.

Fuck off cunt


Or big Ian for that matter

Nigel's a ladymans, one of his best qualities tbh

He looks so fucking proud of himself too.


Confused me a bit tbh

She doesn't have pale skin though because she lives in a hot climate instead of the Scandinavia she was designed for

Petite is one thing, she has a pre-pubescent boy's body

I think he was a Colour Sergeant and they defended the Regimental and King's Colours using a spear.

She looks Dutch, not Scandinavian

I hope he reads this 2bh

I think it was also used to straighten troops in the line up.

Worth an infiltrate 2bh

Youre mean, and a cunt tbh

She swedish

Speaking of Sharpe lads, any good shows like it and hornblower?

That's probably it.

Seems a bit weird to have a spear for that role tbh. Seems a bit silly to have a spear at all tbh.

Barry Lyndon, but its a film,

If you could get a new series similar to those, which period would you set it in, lad?

Yeah I could start a chapter at my uni and only fash goys will be welcome.

Maybe 2 people will show up.

Beginning of the Empire tbh.

Is it a question just for him lad :(?

Already seen it lad

I don't care what period it is lad, i just want another show like those 2, nice and comfy, no pozz.

Theres too much use of the word lad lads tbh lads

Just calm down a bit tbh

n-no lad.

Alright can we call you gaylord? gaylord

Nah tbh lad

Piss off lad

Lad is a fine word, lad, what lad would have a problem with lad.

Same tbh lad.

Well if we get a new one it will be pozzed.

Thats fine

Just cool it with the lads

his position is one of instilling discipline and relaying orders not a combat role


Alright gaylord we'll say lad less so your gaylord feelings don't flare up again

Why wasn't it already, lad?


ive already started saying tbh irl too tbh

There has to be shows out there like them, somewhere.

we had this conversation about a month ago

tbf lad, normies also use lad, so no-one would bat an eye.

I love getting (you)s tbh lads

better be too be honest and not autisticly saying tbh

Has anyone got that PDF from that leddit fantasy party The Crown Nationalists? Someone asked me what I believe in and it's basically that

True, but its worrying when i notice myself going "alright lads?"

Spears are confusing tbh lads.

I love these tbh

But that's a normal sentence, lad.

Well you're not getting one, lad :^)

it's in a comfy Richard Holmes documentary


I do too



nice dubs



obviously lad im no cretin

that is the pike and shot age, its a bit odd anyway.
this is the proper use of a spear

I could kill all of you with my bare hands tbh

Got a link to it?
It just looks like an insane mess of spears.

Nothing wrong with lad, lad.

I've seen shield-spear combos before, it always looks messy when it's just lines of pike mashing into each other like that pic.


we need to do something about the yanks lads

This pic was also posted in case you forgot


I don't recall seeing the discussion at all, lad.

Britcucks are the biggest joke ever created.

Oh please tell me how its all germany and americas fault. Oh wait, i forgot they both lolroflstomped you

I could throat punch you like dredd tbh

Impressive squeals tbh



You have to go back.

Back to whatever sub-60% white shithole you came from

Sorry who are you?

im a yank and I have an uzi clone in my lap right now so whatever wog genes you have pumping through you mean fuck all when the standard ball impacts your CNS in a typical mozambique pattern tbh

Bonerlord cannot come soon enough; I hope that they make a NW for it.

My stick's bigger than yours!

You are like a little baby

Ta' lad, I'll watch it tomorrow.

get a red-eye flight to the detroit international airport and meet me outside of dennys on gratiot ave at 7 o'clock and we will see how shit tier your euro-nigger genes are to the based taig diaspora genes tbh

didnt read tbh

i could beat you up still tbh, even if you have a gun tbh

i could beat you up

Lads I can't remember what a libertarian is.

Are they socially liberal and economically conservative or is it the other way around?

so basically confirmed for manlet?

It's their human right to rape little girls


nah i can beat you up

Slavs: not even once

Literally cant say anything in response whatsoever. How britcuck of you. Id love to see where my education in history was lacking.

basically they are strict constitutionalists who more or less live in an absracted world of 1789 tier Civic individualism

Give it time, lad.

Yup. they're idiots.


yh tbh

pike phalanx combat got wrecked by the romans who just used their large shields to block the pikes spearpoints and their short gladius to lop the head off the pike
then it was hoplites with leaf blades and large heavy rounded shields or tiny pike man arm shields trying to stab through a solid roman shieldwall that would occasionally break to let some hoplites in so they could be slaughtered by the hastati while the equites are flanking the phalanx formation and the principes are still lobbing pilum into the phalanx ranks



It does not matter who I am. What matters is who you are. Or rather where you came from. An you need to go back.

Fuck off with your low energy posts


really don't know where one end begins and the other ends

Right, because free markets definitely existed in the 18th century.

A war that the French won
Irrelevant to the yanks jewing us out of the empire

ackshully it was the manuverability of roman infantry which made them superior to the macedonian sarrissa spammers. also the celts utterly annihilated the phalanx long before it was cool by simply having the ability to flank using noble swordsmen cliques (the guys with torques who wore armor and rode on chariots) and light infantry which flanked and threw darts at the exposed flanks of the medshit faggots who were all busy hefting up 23 foot long spears in one direction. the phalanx is only good when supported by cavalry and light infantry. if you could defeat those with your own you could defeat the phalanx. the romans were the original burgers in that they were very good at logistics, maneuver and combined arms whereas the late hellenic armies collapsed into parade units and large groups of celtic mercs

I'm just kidding crossposter user. Relax. You can stay. But you stay on the back of the bus. You aren't my equal. Don't get short with me faggot or I'll find you and cut you. I'm just kidding again.

The proxy war for France, where Britain didn't bother properly defending the 13 Colonies, because Continental Europe was actually more important.

same tbh

free markets are just some idiotic term that was invented by the scottish non-white degenerate adam smith. just like marx it was a load of shit designed to validate the mercantilism of the british city of london, markets are always dominated by a force which then colludes with the power structure of the region in which it sustains its market dominance

uneducated euro-trash normies everywhere ITT


Oh, do you think I believe in free markets? I was showing that your definition of libertarianism is retarded. Very sad. You must be really insecure, Mr. American.

Britcucks ass blasted that they couldnt beat the yanks (true elite of europe), and fumbled both india and china out of their hands.

Why are you so angry?

So you want to insult Brit/pol/ and then disappear when you get called out, Mr. Shithead?

you know the majority of the battles we lost in, in the revolutionary war, were to French naval forces and French infantry in america
already broke from fighting the French and Indian war we then get dragged into a war with Spain, the Dutch Republic and France again because our continental cousins wish to take advantage of the rebellion to steal our shit again
Spain got land in Florida, France got some Caribbean islands and the Dutch took our east asian territories for 30 years because of the revolutionary war
if it wasnt for the French navy there'd be no USA because we were winning the land battle against the yanks


Go Johnny go!

It's the victimhood mentality. They have to believe that they're being attacked by 'the man' even when it's clear that the government, the opposition, the banks, the BBC, NGOs, most of the papers, and fucking George Soros are pushing the exact shit they want.

You talking shit about Adam Smith fam?

I'll hold you back lad.

Kill yourself tbh

Thanks user

This guy seems to have a problem with reading comprehension, so any discussions are bound to be fruitless.

Make me a cambric shirt, without a seam or needlework.

Kill yourself you fucking slime.

America dindunuffin!

I want the economy to collapse. I want to not know where my next meal is coming from. I want cars to be abandoned by the thousands of miles along the M1. I want my stomach to burn and my lips dry. I want things to be simple. I don't want obese people, I don't want genderqueer faggots, I don't want trannies. I want life to be simple again.

Good song tbh

You must be pretty jelly to dedicate the OP to another country.
The Krauts wouldn't even matter if your country wasn't so cucked.

fucking shoot yourself, untermensch!

merkel is a commie fag though, everyone agrees with that. most of, the german people.

Yes, the anglo's.

A britkike who can't even spell his own language.

She seems to be saying that she thinks Sharia is superior to British law. I remember when I would have been amazed by the BBC giving someone like this a platform, but it seems pretty per for the course now.