What do i do??

How do i stop this from happening Holla Forums? i may just have a mental breakdown.

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Get a job. Any job. It will be shit and you will hate the first few months, but once you have some money and social ability you will be in a much better position.

But muh autism and social anxiety may get in the way.

Get a job for a few years and save up money whilst still living with your parents. Then apply those funds towards your dreams, investments or both.

What are your dreams/goals?

killing jews

You sure you have autism? That shit gets over diagnosed like crazy

Get a job where you dont have to talk to people like cryptocurrency trader. They are hundreds of jobs you can do online, just quite being a lazy asshole and look

user i have been locked away for 10 years since i was 13 i honestly have no idea tbh just guessing.
