Everyone's favorite British betacuck lolcow is back! Alexander Jahans has agreed to go on Millennial Woes' hangouts...

Everyone's favorite British betacuck lolcow is back! Alexander Jahans has agreed to go on Millennial Woes' hangouts next Friday, he thinks he can convert Woes to Dr. Who liberalism. He also made a really long rant about how evil racism is.




Other urls found in this thread:


Eventually we'll bring him to the dark side


Hilarious! Jahans explains why evidence for racism will never make him racist

He says, "I am not going to go on that wretched podcast [sic]."

That means he's not going to go on it, right, O.P.? Or, is there something else?

Who here /Esoteric Jahanist/ ?

Yea no shit but he's going head to head against Millennial Woes thinking he can convert Woes to liberalism. Gonna be epic!

Isn't Millennial Woes a tiny manlet? Does anyone have that infographic of that guy who went to Millennial Woes's house and measured a fence that he was standing next to?

No he's not it's pretty obvious looking at him he's normal height, stupid meme

Can't wait tbh. Too bad I'm an ausfag and the hangout will probably be at 4am. Does wews post the times anywhere or just do it whenever?

All you can see is his upper torso and face in his videos… That doesn't prove shit.

He just said it might go down next Friday, but who knows. We'll have to wait and see if Jahans doesn't PTSD out of the debate lol

Millennial Wews is somewhere around the 4ft 2 mark (seriously), a manlet for sure but taller than Jack Cuckby.

goddamn, that's midget-tier

Fuck off and gas yourself, Millenial Woes. I don't even know who you are but the fact you're spamming Holla Forums tells me you're cancer.


Pleb-tier tbqh m80


Whilst it's e-celeb tier and purely entertainment, I'm genuinely curious to see how this pans out.

Woes is such a soft spoken, really nice guy and Gordo is an angry sperg. It'll be good research if Woes actually flips him to the right.


There are frequent Jahans megathreads. Jahans is a popular reality TV show with the far right

I'll give you a break down of what happened, since you seem to have no idea. I can't remember the exact figures involved because I saw the picture ages ago, however I remember the user proving that he was under 5 feet tall.

That's definitive proof, the only way it would be false is if MW was 8 feet tall and shot the video while he was on his knees.

If someone has that infographic thing, please post it.


Jahans, despite being a total freak and a betacuck SJW is an interesting and weirdly kind of likeable person. You almost can't help but pity him.

It's like the next stage of reality TV fam

Not going to lie but I know some ugly girl who looks and SOUNDS exactly like this guy.

Also have you wanked over his tits yet? If you guys think that the occasional manboobs on men because of estrogen in food is bad, this guy makes the average beerbelly look like the pinnacle of fucking health!

He actually wrote a long post about this here:

The infograph as far as I could tell was totally speculative and not definitive, but I could be wrong. I like Woes, what can I say. I don't give a shit if he's a manlet.


Begone, Negro-Saxon!

There was further evidence in a later video in which he climbed into a ditch to retrieve a cone, this rendered irrefutable evidence of his manlet status.

I have no problem with him being a manlet tbh, can’t wait for this “debate” to happen.

Hi woes. how's it going

No there aren't

OH also! Wew's gf is a gilf.


inbreeding with a touch of fetal alcohol syndrome

haha he thinks TRS is joking

it seems as if he has lost weight. Soon he`ll be more confident, his hormones will start working correctly. And then we`ll hear:

Jahansophobe bigot detected

He actually has an abnormally freakishly long head too which is not obvious from most angles. Fucking hilarious

This is one of the greatest thing I have ever watched. I'm so glad our beliefs and just off handed comments trigger people like this, it's comedy gold. I thought I'd get bored of his rage within 2 minutes, NOPE TOO GOOD.

This. I've been watching his spergouts for about a year and a half now, it doesn't get old

Is this coming from the same guy that said this?

It really never does, something about him getting mad as fuck and ranting just cheers me right up

needs to also mention


Look at that fashy haircut.

Gordo doesn't realize it yet, but he's one of us.

Kek confirm, this Jahans creature shall be an autistic warrior of Kek.




THIS tbh lambaflam


Black Pigeon cucks!

Holla Forums in a nutshell

No he wants womyn to be sexually empowyrd

I thought that was Jim Sterling there.

isn't there pictures of Manlet woes as a trap?


No jesus christ what a screwed up meme, jesus christ

The sad thing is he has good hair and you can see a decent facial structure under the blob.

I can perfectly imagine him getting uncucked and fit ad actually looking normal-to-good, sorta like the fat blob Jack Osbourne when he transformed into a Muay Thai fighter.

he'll never look totally normal, you need to watch more of his vids, he has weird features

He was also invited on the Daily Shoah.

I will only check the video in which black pigeon commented. What's the title?

You're thinking of
Adam Wallace


There is no way that's Adam Wallace. Not a Wallace fan but I call bullshit

lmfao he comments on most of Jahans' vids, he is obsessed

who is this semen demon

He does? Well, that paints a more human image of the mysterious super HQ (who don't mention the JQ) videomaker.

He is a genuinely kindhearted man who wants to help Jahans (who is basically a wayward fucked up White boy)

Gords isn't white, his father is Iranian sister is a qt though

This guy is the Brit/pol/ version of Chris-chan, right?

Jesus Christ, why do they do this to themselves, nothing is worth the embarrassment this must cause people.

no, Jahans is a German surname

I've seen pictures of his dad, he's not white

Buckby looks 5'5"


yeah a semite would never have a german last name pfff

his dad is pale as fuck and just weird looking, google keith jahans, Jahans is a German surname he probably has southern German roots

Oh ffs, first reply and it's her again. I can't deal with it.

jesus is this what the average brit/pol/ user looks like? I feel bad for that poor scottish hobbit

I kinda feel sorry for him.
The world around him is crumbling and he has no idea who he is and what the future holds.

Trapped in a world where he believes that science rules, yet not realizing that most scientists are on a government payroll and might give governments the data they're looking for in exchange for extra funds.

Believing that everyone is equal, yet not realizing that by thinking and making everyone equal you're making everyone equally miserable. Turning what was once a beautiful palette of different colours into a ugly grey mass of misery

I do hope he loses weight and decides to give himself a shave and a haircut

Damn Satan, that is some evil shit, even for you.

He has now gone insane as can be seen in this new vid, he is basically promising to do a terrorist attack on rightwingers

Jim Sterling?

No, just a lookalike lol



Go back to cuckchan with your shitty lolcow

God you're stupid. Jahans is a famous fucking meme now, he's not just a britpol lolcow anymore

fucking autist hahahahaha

Christcucks feel compelled to D&C his threads because they recognize Jahans is an avatar of Vishnu.


Now watch this new insanely mentally ill vid desu

Woes is going down.

He's merely at the stage in the hero's journey where he refuses his destiny. Jahans is the chosen one who will lead us to glorious victory on the DOTR. While traveling the English countryside his path will eventually cross with a shrouded and cloaked George Zimmerman who will impart upon him untold wisdom and knowledge and train him in the ways of war. It has all be foretold in the book of Jahans written by a reclusive sect of wayward Druids over one thousand years ago.

We shall see if he is our chosen one this Friday when the trial of Woes begins.

Praise Kek

can /brit/pol please get banned for spamming this faggotry

hahaha, nice try GUY. Weak chin, stupid voice, bitch tits, inability to argue coherently, tendency to get triggered and complain about "microaggressions," etc. He needs to dive into a pit of land mines.

Pic related, another piece of shit squeezed out by the British Isles to blight this Earth.

More britpol pollution threads guvnah
