So we've established that democratic societies trend towards degeneracy...

So we've established that democratic societies trend towards degeneracy. This has been demonstrated in works such as The Rist and Fall of the Roman Empire and our own observations of current society.

Since a democracy can not be trusted to nurture a lasting society, what form of government will? Monarchy is archaic. Fascism only holds the interests of the dictator in mind. T-t-the only rational solution couldn't be national socialism, could it?

Other urls found in this thread: and national identity after the GFA.pdf


Why not just a simple republic?

Limited government, with a better constitution.

The failure of the US, was giving the Federal Government any power. Then not having any consequences for "reinterpreting" the constitution.

Given the diverse political options of us revolutionaries, I think t would be pragmatic for us to live in different "states" so nobody has to be forced into a system they won't support.

You realize that National Socialism uses a dictator, correct? While there is a very key factor between Fascism and National Socialism (in Fascism the dictator is elected for life or resignment [Source: 100 Questions for Facist]; in National Socialism the dictator is elected/re-elected every 5 years [source: Nazi-Sozi]), they both essentially use a dictatorship.

Ahh, socialists.

3/10 bait

True, but by the nature of elections, the national socialist leader is forced to work with the betterment of the people in mind.

In that case, why not break them down into individual nation states?

Articles of Confederation didn't work either.

Something in the neighborhood of monarchy, fascism, and military aristocracy is the only path to stable civilization. National Socialism would be a fine long term solution if elector status was restricted to a military noble caste and there was no discouragement of power being held continuously by a certain person or bloodline.

a system with people ready and willing to assassinate subversive and compromised individuals. externalizing responsibility has got us to this point.


I think one thing we need to do is distinguish clearly between National Socialism and Hitler/Nazism. In the minds of too many they are one and the same.

Now I'm not a cuck, but there are a lot of cucks out there we need to redpilI. It'd probably be quite easy to do this with pure theoretical National Socialism, if only they didn't have this OMG LITERALLY HITLER association.

After all a lot of them are socialists.

So I think we should push a narrative like

Now the harder part to push to bluepills is the Nationalism, because they have been conditioned to think it's evil.

The left always fall back on poorly understood Economics to justify their views, because having money and stuff (apparently) is the be all and end all of everything (see Remains arguments during Brexit campaign) and arguing from the economy side lends them what sound like solid fact based arguments to the untrained reader.

So we should push arguments based on the economic benefits of isolationism, the success of National Socialist economies, and on the downsides of globalism.

Also probably best to frame it as nationalism vs globalism, pointing out that globalism only benefits giant corporations and the elite in all countries

That what the plan originally was. Just look at each state's history and each group that lived there. The only reason we have a Federal Government is because each state kept terrifng each other and couldn't be taxed to build a decent army and refusal to send state militias. If anything, we should make a confederation again, have the Federal Government stay only as a nation wide militia; incorporate a constitution that holds no restrictions on the 1st and 2nd Amendments, whites only, no women's rights, no polygamy, and let each individual state do its thing.

sage for posting multiple times

National socialism run by a central super-intelligent AI with a few human administrators.

Programmed to derive it's joy and pleasure from administrative tasks.

uneducated and misinformed decisions < educated and informed decisions

just don't let your education or media be shit

if anything, democracy is the gun you hand to your child. if you raised them right, they won't shoot you or themselves.

so, raise them right.

Democracy isn't the problem, though. (((Democracy))) is.

Training wheels serve a purpose, no?

You will never have fascism or national socialism in America, It is too linked with memes like Hitlery Soros is a nazi etc. American culture is and always will be limited government republic. We just need to get it back where only white males who own property can vote.

Fascism/National Socialism started in Europe and will always stay there.

Away with you, peasant.


So how do we get there?

Some one post that Judge dread comic pic please…

If you think we currently live in anything resembling a "Democracy", your a poor deluded fool.

Good post.

Best way(s) to argue for NS is to either not mention the term 'National Socialism' and sell it on its policies alone (and then after they've agreed with every policy you've mentioned, reveal to them that they just agreed to NS), or use the argument Communists/Socialists use - 'True Fascism/National Socialism has never been tired before, its always been taken over by violent/expansionist dictators!'.

This - also point out that nationalism = *true* diversity, and that the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine, the Free Tibet movement, Aboriginal Americans/Australians wanting to preserve their own isolated communities etc. are all fights for Nationalism.

Don't have the Dredd comic, but here's some Legend of Galactic Heroes.

any system formed and run by humans will suffer from the human condition. everything in nature is cyclic, nothing lasts forever

Oh christ, those are so much better! Thank you kindly.
Wish I could give back… NAS died.


Yeah, LotGH is a great show.

"nationalist capitalists" crowd that are TRS/ramzpaul/Dickie Spenser/Grindr Greg/etc types are crypto kikes

National Socialism is the only answer.

There hadn't been an elected ruler of rome for over 500 years at the time the western empire fell. It fell due to unrestricted immigration, trivializing Roman citizenship, corruption within the government, and the erosion of its founding principles caused by inability of the emperors to stop these events due to incompetency or troubles elsewhere. Once the Emperor started acting more like a king and less of a princeps civitatis, the empire started going downhill. Republics are not all bad, and monarchy is far from failproof, you must consider many more factors and the idea that both forms of government may be appropriate at different points in time.

Democracies actually would work fine if they had a couple prerequisites:
1) It's a homogeneous white society.
2) Women get no fucking say, only men.

Pretty much it.

Not an argument.

Also, make sure everyone voting is over 30 and owns land.

Reminder: A proper constitution needs to incorporate a requirement to strictly limit government spending. Only a constitutional requirement such as this can keep the size of government under control.

All "pure forms" degenerate. The source of degeneracy is liberalism capitalism not democracy, per se

Contradiction, or Presupposition Error: Rome was an Empire, not a democracy. Keep your shit straight

Escaping the cycle of degeneration and the shift in governmental forms has always been the very point of Republican government.

Read more user

Great webm. I would enjoy watching LogH again.

None, obviously. Societies don't last, because they're made of people, and people repeat the same mistakes whenever they get the chance to get comfy. It's in our nature. Literally, it's the result of instincts acting outside the circumstances they evolved to help us with.

Well, I suppose an Empire can last a while, though it'll have it's ups and downs and succession crises and civil wars and shit. The Byzantine Empire lasted around 1000 years, nearly 1500 if you count it as continuous with the roman empire.

It'd be rather complicated to deliniate the chinese empire, it'd been around for a fucklong time in some form or another.

it's disgusting that people in the year 2016 still fail to see (or don't want to see) that any form of government, democratic or not, has *someone* at the top who makes the decisions. if you think that all these forms differ in any way for the regular citizen then you are as cucked as the rest of mankind. there is no fucking difference, the only difference is that governments with an autocrat on top get shit done. being a democracy doesn't get anything done at all and will always fail at the end. too many cooks, and no plan on what to serve. this is what's happening in european countries right now and for good or worse, this form of government is doomed. the e.u. was dead at childbirth, it only serves as a gateway to the nwo. the same is true for the u.s. presidency now, the plan to flood the west with mooslim invaders will only serve one purpose, war and genocide. so fuck all democracy, we're better off with a few new hitlers who have their countries interests in mind and not their pockets of jewgold like the scum we have now.

Its 2015!
How about a fascist republic?

The model holds for China. A lot of the historical dynasties of China (Former Han, later Han, Tang, Sung, Ming, Qing) lasted roughly 250 years, interspersed with periods of disunity and upheaval.

A lot of those periods of disunity (Spring and Autumn period, Six Dynasties period, etc) lasted a couple of centuries in their own right: they became 'the new normal'.

The main issue really is race realism. All we need is someone who realized how destructive monkey, rats and tics are to our society to be in office.
If you're living in America and want to see this place have any form of fascist government go fuck yourself, you don't understand America and can hardly be called a nationalist.
What we really need to focused on is making America white again and making government very limited in so much as their only job is to protect citizens from foreign invaders. That includes subversive globalists.
This is the American way. Fascism may be a more efficient form of government but its not the most efficient way to cultivate the white race. If you truly want to see the white race reach its height do not limit us with governments.
America would be 10/10 right now if we never let jews in and sent our niggers back to Africa.

So it's bad because it's old? Ok.

Society -> comfort -> laziness -> female empowerment -> degeneracy -> collapse

The best point of attack to defeat this system is removing female empowerment. Whenever females get too much power, society's priorities shift from prosperity, glory and morality to muh feels.

list of shit that is basically applied 'muh feels':

I hate to say it, but widespread religion seems like the only thing that keeps women in check. Sharia law?

Sharia/Islam isn't good for the western mind. It's too rigid and totalitarian, and also leaves the door open for R-selective mating. Leaving the racial thing aside, Islam is probably one of the reasons that so few inventions have come out of the middle east.

We just need a proper Western morality which leaves room for mental flexibility but restricts degenerate behavior.

So Christianity again?

Republics and democracies cause more problems than they solve. Class divisions eventually make them unworkable and that's if you have homogeneity. When you have the whole population involved in politics class interest blocs are going to quickly develop. Then you have the ruling faction exploiting the competing factions and it creates resentments. Different classes will often have opposed interests. The only way to keep the classes from turning on eachother is to have constant external threats and that only works for so long. Eventully they'll continue fighting eachother even while outside enemies are at the gates.

There's no way to get around it and create some kind of republican government that would produce class harmony. Mass politics by its nature causes disunity. You add in regionalism to that and multiculturalism to it and they have additional effects.

Christianity again.

This time only giving the church social hearsay.

judaism :^)

Maybe, or something new perhaps. Whatever it is, it has to be something which fits the western soul.

Just have a coup at the first sign of degeneracy, establish a fascist government until degeneracy is gone, cf Thailand.

Too bad it tries to be more important than the nation.
Always found roman/greek "religions" to be better from a moral compass viewpoint.

It's sad but true. The only current year religion still tied to one exclusive people.

This is something I wrote up earlier that supports the "true diversity" argument;

The solution to multiculturalism- polyculturalism

Polyculturalism- small, 100% homogeneous (religiously, racially, nationally, culturally) nation states with securely defended but "tourist-porous" borders.

Alliances, International institutions, NGO's, trade and free trade agreements, international business and investment, travel and tourism can all work in the same way. Successful nation's economic policies can be copied by others until a sustainable equilibrium is reached of self-sufficiency, sustainability and trade.

Only nationals can own land, rent property for over (say) 6 months and vote in their nation, but as all individuals in the world have their own nation this is fair. I suppose one individual might relenquish their citizenship for another, depending on the involved nations' rules.

Political refugees would ideally be shared out between nations and housed temporarily, repatriating as soon as possible (eg the West could conquer Syria, occupy it, set up a government then give it back to the refugees and normal civilians).

100% homogeneous society ("French", "German" etc) ensures a national consciousness and social cohesion ad infinitum. Societies and economies prosper with a sense of belonging and cohesion like this. There is no opportunity for the seeds of multiculturalism to grow and result in social tension and conflict of interest. However individuals of other nations, races, religions and cultures are welcome to travel, tour and stay for however long the country decides. States work together but are distinct.

Thus global true diversity and unity is achieved, whilst the preservation, participation and fair competition of all different cultures, races, religions, and histories is ensured.

Can we make a list of all the Nationalist movements around the world? Israel is a good example, and anywhere that isn't white, to highlight that it's not racist, it's human nature.

Birds aren't considered racist for roosting with their own kind, and you don't see them warring between each other either.

Jews are the most degenerate of the bunch. You dig a hole, you fall to it. and national identity after the GFA.pdf

Sorry but not sorry to burst your bubble. Humans work this way, not the way your ideals want them to.

By the way that's deliberately semi-bluepilled. Shifting the Overton window step by step is, I believe, more effective than blasting people with full redpills that they can't access or grasp, so reject. At least when it comes to consensus cracking, which is our goal.

IQ based economy.

You set an IQ like say 110.

When you hit 18, and you wanna vote, You must write your IQ test for your voters card. If you pass it, your in the voting club.
If you do not. You can try in 4 years. And keep trying.
You either get in, and once you get in your in. Or your out.

That way, the usual politricks, cannot pander to the lowest IQ level (which is naturally a larger body, than the higher IQ pool)
and voila. A smart democracy, that see's through the bullshit.

why the fucking stupids have a say, i will never know.

Idea is that the plebs have a say, too, or else they will be taken advantage of. :^)

I would also add a basic political knowledge test. Maybe like 5-10 questions about who's running for office, what their official positions are, etc. It would keep out the low-info voters.

Successful societies lead to degeneracy. The success peaks and people no longer have any serious goals to accomplish so they invent ones. Muh gay marriage, muh wymonz, muh immigrants, muh hedonism, muh atheism, etc. They dive into relativism and boom goes the dynamite.

Establishment laziness has no relation to social decadence. The Greeks had boyfuckers and the Romans had orgies, vomitariums and gladiator arenas.


Societies persisted because humans banded together for the sake of survival and safety from other groups. Every day people worked hard to support their families and countries, and that drive to sacrifice your own freedom in order to uphold the well-being of your group rather than partake in useless frivolities is what kept societies healthy.

Once you attain that perfect peace you fought so long for, once you no longer have to fight anything or face conflicts in your life, people tend to turn to smaller, more inconsequential things in order to fill up the spare time in their lives. In moderation, there's nothing wrong with that. But when everyone is starting to live a more hedonistic lifestyle, the amount of people who are working to support everyone will dwindle, as the rats come out of the woodwork to profit off and encourage all kinds of degenerate lifestyles.

And then, once everyone achieved a stable cozy life, 'first world-problems' start to emerge. Useless bullshit that has no impact or benefit for our lives becomes more important than the well-being of society. With no purpose in their lives, people flock around said useless bullshit so they can feel like they matter. Whereas before a sense of accomplishment was felt through supporting your family, upholding a stable household, and making your parents proud, now that accomplishment has turned into pressing the Like button or being in support of some menial issue while doing jack about it.

This is only going to get worse, as intangible forces are tearing the fabric of unity in societies apart by doing away with patriotism, pride, religion (or to be more precise, any set of morals and values), culture, and tradition. As irrational they may be, they do help in keeping a society cohesive and unified, and they should be commended if the current state of things is an indicator of what happens without them. Instead, unity is replaced with petty conflicts and non-issues, resulting in higher crime rates and people seeking more means of escapism to get away from it all, as you can see with safe spaces and other entertainment. And entertainment can be profited from.

Decadence is not a problem unique to democracy, but humanity as a whole. The Roman Empire was already marred with orgies and kiddy diddling, the elite of many monarchies have lived carefree posh lives on top of the plebs, and the very rich could afford to do jack shit. Now that luxury is available to the common person, and everyone wants a slice of that pie. There is no form of government which is guaranteed to be decadenceproof without severely limiting the freedoms of the population. Even if such a solution can be achieved, it cannot last forever due to the corruptible nature of governments.

Hence, something as brutal as a war is necessary to remind people that their useless bullshit does not matter when looking down the barrel of a gun. That their precious entertainment can be destroyed in the blink of an eye. That there is perhaps more to live than shitposting on the internet. Unfortunately, with the way our world works, the good and selfless will be sent to die, while the unable and cowardly remain to maintain society. Our leaders will hide behind their desks until the war is over, and after that nothing will really change. Rather than having a good reason to go to war, we'll be deployed to protect corporate interests rather than to protect our homeland. That's why I hope we get attacked by aliens, nothing you do will fucking matter anymore if aliens enslave us and destroy Earth. There'll be nothing to hide behind, and everyone will have to band together if they wish to survive.

but why let the stupids have a say in anything. They don't know whats good for them. Obviously it's what ever they are told. AKA MSN, CNN. So why?

let the smart people run the country. The smart will also be smart enough to know to throw kibble at the stupids too.

But right now, the stupids get offered shit, that they never get, and keep voting for these liars, because the tv says "VOTE THIS WAY". if the trump vs shillary hasn't opened everyone's eyes to how the media works, especially with the email leaks. This is how fucking dumb the average user is, and how powerful the media is.

The "Stupids" support NatSoc the most. Working Class citizens are nationalists.