Bringing back Literally Hitler, or his spirit at least

How do we go about bringing the 4th Reich? Trump is definitely helping our cause, but he alone doesn't carry enough of the spirit, charisma, or devotion with him. If he wins it will be easier for our plans to bear fruit sure, but Trump alone is not enough.

Hitler himself embodied Germany, he fought for it, bled for it and made it great for a time, until he finally died for it.

We need someone like him again to champion our cause, or someone who can embody Western Civilization as a whole. We are fighting an unprecedented Global war. This time however, instead of physically fighting, it's propaganda, lies, corruption, geopolitics, economic manipulation, culture and religious wars, which can all be summed up as being called Globalism.

How would the world give rise to such a man again? I'm terrified to try and contribute to our cause because of how many enemies we have and how powerful they are. We are by no means weak, but we don't have billions of dollars to shell out supporting our ideals forcing the narrative. We don't have immunity from the law and we don't have the connections to make our enemies disappear.

I'm terrified. Our children no longer have bright futures, Western society and culture is on the brink of collapse, Globalism and corruption are running rampant and half way across the globe proxy wars are being fought by mercenaries to keep the narrative going. I don't fear death, but I fear speaking up against this narrative.

Our movement is growing stronger yes, but it's slow, much too slow. All we're doing is watching on the sidelines as the world burns, but what's left in the end will only be us and the ashes. Is that what we want? I refuse to believe that. As much as I would like to see the powers at be tear themselves apart, at the same time I would gladly give my life to stop such an event. All of our progress made would be for naught. We are not a phoenix, we are humans, if the world burns so will our society, culture, history, all of it.

I'm terrified. Not for my life, but for the lives of our children, our countryman, our families and our culture. All will be caught in the crossfire should things continue. We must act and act soon, the only problem is finding a figure who is able to unite us again. Not just our country, but our kin. This isn't just a problem that some countries have, we're all going to be facing this threat soon, if we want to succeed, we have to prepare and fight together for our ideals or watch as our lives burn before our eyes.

Other urls found in this thread:

We need to fucking get rid of civic nationalism. These people are going to fucking ruin it for everyone.

Also what do we do about Americas army bases in Europe?

How can we possibly start mass deportation and establishing a good nationalist government without them interfering.

We are his spirit, we know he was right and we're going to smack this world so fucking hard they'll know it too.

I'm not putting my money on 'literally hitler', but more of a 'Rhodesia' type of scenario.

You said it, many of us are in our early 20's many don't have much resources, wealth, ect. Something's gonna happen in the next 50 years, we just have to be ready for it.

Thats what I'm worried about. At the rate we're gaining ground we'll all be too old to help rebuild.

Have you fucking been asleep for [current year]?


At the beginning of the movement they were a bunch of poorfag as well. They had barely enough to print a few pamphlet yet they managed to rise even with the jewish shilling against them.

They had to struggle and never tire until they reached their goal. Of course they had the chance to have one of those great man that appear only once per century.That great man left us a guide on how to do it,except that we also know his mistakes.So instead of having only one Hitler we have the knowledge to make an army of Hitler.

He said that his spirit would raise from his grave and that the world would see that he was right. We are his spirit and we are going to show to the world the truth.

Slowly yes, yes it has, do you not read?

But at the rate it's going are we going to be getting anywhere? We are no where near at the level we need to be in order to take our world back from (((Them))).

The fire at this point is still just an ember, occasionally the wind will make it glow, but an ember isn't enough to forge steel.

Wise words, all of them true.

But how long will it take, how long do we have to suffer, bleed and get stepped on before the tipping point?

It has to be soon or there will never be a tipping point, frog in boiling water.

Yes, we don't need ONE person to stand for our ideals, but we need organization, public support and political power.

Currently we only have Holla Forums and Trump supporters.

Trump may not be literally Hitler, but is he literally Hindenburg?

We need to create a climate where more White men are willing to go lone wolf out of anger. I don't mean retarded tactical bowl cut autists, either, but ex-Marines or ex-Army people who are pissed off because they found out they fought for Israel, and who have the skills to erase hundreds of lives while they elude capture for months or years.

I also think we need more "normie-friendly" news. Something bland in tone like the NBC or ABC Nightly News, but whose top story is always about niggers or Israeli subterfuge.

This. Civic "nationalism" is a scourge that needs to be stamped out

We keep suffering until it happens user.

Look at the beginning of the National Socialist movement they were poor as fuck but they reached out to people and pointed out the problems in Germany, people started listening and soon they rose to power.
if History repeats itself we will soon be back in power ofc Trump isn't full Holla Forums but atleast we have someone in power that thinks like us.

Hate to break it to you, but the nazis had it better off before they came into power than we do. Not even Hitler could rise to power in the modern climate


It's easy. You just keep talking about it as an INEVITABILITY, and as a great thing. Be sure to do it in multiple ways as well. Encourage traits and characteristics of your desired leader as core values, and get ohers to do the same.


OP I say this directly to you and to anyone else reading this. Like others have said in this thread, the NSDAP have given us the instructions to do what we need to do. I am going to try and explain my point of view to light the eternal flame of prosperity for our society and race…

Research & Practice
There are many places you can learn about the NSDAP and how they achieved their success, you can learn about their mistakes and their triumphs. This is probably one of the most important points as it enables you to apply successful tactics to ensure your movement can grow and prosper. Applying their tactics of propaganda, connecting with the public, organisation, ranking, moral code, creating a high energy environment. I have a link which I view as perfect:

Propaganda & General Public/Private Organisation -

If you wish to expand your knowledge further if you look through here I'm sure you will learn much more.

Not only this, but reading Mein Kampf, The Nazi-Sozi by Goebbels and numerous other popular books by National Socialists is healthy to your brain.

Grassroots Organisation
If you really do feel passionate about this cause you will go to earths ends to achieve your goals. And I believe that this is the most effective step. I am going to outline this step in a number of steps (funny isn't it):

- Draft, create and design concepts for your organisation. It is very important that you make it all look very "pretty". Ask questions like "Will you have uniforms?", "Will their be a distinct hierarchy?", "How will we behave (NSDAP's salute for example)?", "What will our banner/flag be (if we have one)?". Write down your ideas, compile them, get peers to review it and comment, make it all well-thought and then eventually decide what becomes final. I have my very rough flag concept for example (Australian) which is one of many of my concepts I have made for numerous things: and

- In your local town, gather likeminded (and intelligent, uncorruptable, honourable and most of all loyal) friends, (if you have none this can be done alone). Once this is done you can spend some time fabricating what your had planned/drafted. Be sure to stay reletively under the radar until you know you are ready to go out and begin your work.

- Begin to produce propaganda, put it everywhere and anywhere you can, organise meetups where a group (or even just you) go out and promote your group, do this without being detected to begin with (when a movement is young it is also frail and can easily be stomped out). Make the propaganda look good and repeat a simple and memorable message. It is important that you research the subject of propaganda before

- Ensure that those who join your ranks are respectable and are what you want. Watch out for government and/or marxist infiltrators that attempt to subvert the movement. Always have a hierarchy of power that your trust deeply that can remove any threat to the movement at any time.

- Speak in public for goodness sake! And have good speakers too, nobody wants to hear a whiny child or someone who stutters, they must electrify the audience and be captivating. Wording also plays a large role in keeping your audience interested, so if you can't write and you can't speak, then don't for the sake of your movement.

- Write publications to keep your followers informed. Start a daily or weekly bulletin about numerous subjects with writers you trust. This enables you to fine-tune what you want your movement to be about and remove and suspicions or fog around any views of your movement.

- And finally, perform. When the time is right, propel yourselves into the spotlight. Something that got the NSDAP national recognition was them trying to forcefully take the country. Do something (or numerous things) that get you known.

Trump need to be gassed, he's in the way.

thank you for correcting the record
0.005 shekels have been added to your account

For you

The time is almost ripe


So what, we make irl Holla Forums memes and and spread them to the normies?

I feel like that would be a decent start. We just need to agree on what to spread. We can't go full 14/88 but it would have to allude to it.

Who among us is willing to sacrifice everything for his nation. Not you OP and I'll admit, not myself either. Who would? Imagine losing your family, your friends, your livelihood, EVERYTHING.

Hitler was willing to make that sacrifice for his nation, because he had nothing else to lose. Whether due to circumstance or fate he was an orphan by his twenties, homeless and disillusioned. He was the bottom of the barrel of his society. When World War 1 came along, he enlisted, probably with the intention that he was going to die on the battlefield. He didn't however, but only came out stronger.

A man like Hilter, isn't memed into existence

Because only such a man could have the strength of will to deal with the nearly omnipotent power that the Globalist Zionist wield.

The next Hitler is coming

I believe he has to, the West won't die without a fight, Holla Forums is a small example of this.

We are already seeing riots breakout in places like Corsica, France, Germany. The movement is gaining steam.

I understand that is going slow, but there is nothing else that can be done to accelerate the process.

Unless one among us is willing to go out and make those sacrifices, the same that Hitler did, you will have to be happy with the current happenings as they are.

Until then, it is a waiting game am afraid. And you're just have to wait it out and prepare.

Also, this thread is getting slide

Heresy tbh
Trump hasn't done anything to warrant that

The Jews and their shabbos goyim get shoahed for real before the end of this year.

Like for real, you kikes got to be hiding something. Never seen a thread slide so fast down the catalog

Does Sholomo not want the goyim to discuss this?

Yeah, I'm worried we might be fucked. We'd have to get rid of all the spics and moslems and blacks.

Alternatively all these shitskins might radicalize whites much faster and to a greater degree.

Accelerationism. As long as people have to choose between prosperity and honour, they will choose prosperity and eventually lose both. Rob them of their prosperity and the decision is made for them.

try 10

If we don't win before they have Terminator robots, your best bet is Antarctica after that.

I like to think Im about as capable as Hitler was charismatically. I feel pretty able to speak boldly and with enough gusto to project and spread my emotion to sway a crowd. And I know enough about some of the world and our country to redpill normies pretty well.

In my line of work where I usually have time for idle chat with customers, Ill usually slip some in if I find it appropriate, and it usually works out well

Anyway, people like me (one better than me, with as many accomplishments as Hitler during his rise) cant speak as he did to peoples as he did Putsch.

Nowadays people have access to MSM bluepills and even just contact with tons of people where my voice would just be met with violence, moronic disputes, or both.

Not to mention people are constantly under the 'everythings ok racemix, watch cnn were at peace goys' mentality.

Ensuring a guaranteed outburst of the opposite side, no matter the issue.

Maybe even RWDS is just thin enough that nothing would ever take the spark, either.

Idk if Im making excuses or if its truly much less likely or impossible. But I do know what would happen if I tried.

I think Civil War is the only option in the West, when you sit down and think critically of the situation.

Europe is being flooded with Ultra-violent inbred Islamist's, who's goal is the destruction of Christianity.

The US is being flooded with browns from central America, niggers from Africa and "refugees" from Syria.

Communists who hate high culture and religion have control of the media and an ocean of useful idiot meat puppets at their disposable.

And you can believe it when I say it, the left in the West will pander tooth and nail to theses groups. Protecting them and guarding their advances until they finally come out of the closet, and say they want whiteys head on a stake.

I believe that around this time, probably 15 to 20 years in the future. We've see the next Hitler come up and take central stage.

If all of that is true, then why are you wasting time posting on this shithole board at the ass end of the internet?

Run for Congress, faggot. Go make a real difference.

First we need to establish a white identity, which is what's happening right now with Trump and people becoming redpilled from BLM, La Raza, and terrorists.

Second we need to establish white interests, and call out multiculturalism and diversity as hurting these interests.

Third we start to advocate for an ethnostate on the NA continent.

Dubs speaks truth.
Cut the power to wake them from their slumber.

Thats why I have this strange feeling…almost a security-kinda feel, that deus vult is truly going to be a real thing in my lifetime.

Im beyond convinced that there is no other solution. Just from my experience in my years, Ive seen the reality firsthand. A lot of what we kick around here is hardly a joke. Nutty liberals that will literally fight for browns, the brainwashing, and the cucking of the white race.

It seems the only slim chance is, well…us vs them. And as a collective, Im not sure most are up to the task. Were going to have to wait and see.

Moving cross country a few years ago seriously fucks that idea up. Plus, any politician needs to be rich and inherit the fame/credentials AND lick kike ass, or just really lick kike ass and get lucky.

I also dont believe change will ever happen that way as long as strings are being pulled.

People talk about us gaining ground, but in fact we're having our real democratic platform taken away from us. It's only going to get worse. Look at Germany, and realise this is what they're doing while they still have media dominance and a good degree of political stability.

There'll be no peaceful revolution. Lebanon or Brazil.

Yes, World War will be a reality in own life times. user, when I think about it, most of our grand parents saw not one, but TWO world wars.

I've already accepted it as a natural occurrence in modern life. It is not if, only when it will happen.

As someone who is actually Japanese, that means nuclear weapons………

Am more than a bit uneasy if you can imagine.

TRUMP is just a forerunner.
he serves - as many other upcoming conservatives worldwide - just as a preparer for what is to come after him.

the most important thing is that the ideas of conservativism & nationalism are spreading throughout society.
that theyre getting accepted and even idolized on a broad base before the REAL movement & its leader come into power.

many movements throughout history - even violent ones - failed tremendously because they werent backed by the majority of society.
so to be successful, a movement has to convince the masses of its advantages & superiority quite some time before it can take over.

we fortunately live in times where the current dominating ideologies are failing increasingly.
but its not enough to just lean back and wait for them to collapse or even make empty promisses and therefore the same mistakes as them.

we have to be real.
we have to BE what we are thinking and talking about.

the funny thing is: it isnt even hard.

generations did this before us.
just think of our grandfathers.
its a simple thing to do.
values like classical distribution of roles etc. are nothing we have to reinvent or something.
they are rather natural.
its just like going back to the source, coming home, returning to what is sane and healthy.

and everyone has that urge inside of himself. even the most misled members of society.
theyre just being sedated. heavily.

and we have to reawake them.

Grandparents, parents. Great grandparents, back another, and another

The fact is, this world is and was at war more than it was at peace. Holy wars, territory wars, wars against disease and famine- also (in)directly caused by others.

We are overdue. And things have advanced enough to seriously up the scale of war. The modern information era is going to make war explosive.

Were overdue. Change brings change, change brings war, and change brings peace. Peace brings change, and..well..

We may not need a literal Hitler anymore. His service can be done by 100 average people instead maybe. Scale to effect.

Would you guys believe our only inhibitor is free speech? Radical thinking is a tattoo nowadays as soon as it comes out. You are either silenced or marked forever. Public enemy of the opposition before anything even gets good.

The solution is numbers. Massive amlunt of people redpilled by proxy. And again that can either be a collective, slow effort, or a massive wave somehow.


Yes, yes it is.

We need people willing to do SOMETHING at least, make posters, flyers, tagging (artistically), pointing out redpilled ideals.

When the seeds are planted, not all will take root, but the ones that do will reproduce eventually, giving rise to many more allies.


My Grandparents help funded the war effort!

Kek has blessed this thread

Trump is definitely helping our cause, but he alone doesn't carry enough of the spirit, charisma, or devotion with him.
Hitler had with him a people with a strong sense of racial pride and soul. America is too much racially divided to bear such a spirit, unfortunately. So American nationalism, in my opinion, is inherently different from german national socialism. I'm not sure if any nation in the world could give birth to a Fürher. Hell, I don't even know if today's Germany could.

We have to work at our level to revive the community bonds in our respective neighborhoods. Like Hitler himself said, the nation is not a gift, it's something we will all have to create, to protect, and to fight for.

America needs to revert to isolationism again.

The success of our struggle is in the blood of our blood, the flesh of our flesh : our children. Redpill them as soon as possible. Tell them that the teacher will try to bend their will. Tell them that their friends will want them to become stupid like them. Tell them that the whole society expects them to become servile. And tell them that the confidence they need to have for each other only depends to surround themselves with their kind.

Weimar Germany was a mistake of the jews : they tried too hard and too quickly. And they learned. Today we are in a worse situation than Weimar Germany, but they patiently and slowly pushed it during 70 years. Pointing out the problems will not have much effect to the herd. I'm afraid they have to suffer many losses to wake up.

we are heading towards 2033

Well, the occultists among us could create an invocation of hitler. Literally, bring hitler's spirit into people…

You are the cancer that killed cuck/pol/ and now is killing 8/pol/

A real Holla Forumsack would know that voting will not change the system, if you really want to change the system you have to forcefully overthrow it

and by the way, although trump is a dozen times better (or more) than hillary, he won't or can't do shit so don't hope that electing him will do anything. It will, at most, slow
the subversion down for a few years

Better fight now than letting the next generation fight (implying they will ever fight)
We are the last hope for the white race user


Our children no longer have futures at all, because the race mixing is being forced and whites are being attacked. We will go extinct unless the wind changes and something is done.

This, and subsequently this:

Critical mass is approaching. Then it's all or nothing.

You're the type of shill that cucked the hippy movement. Go fuck yourself.

Did you know that hippies were originally redpilled!? Do you know that most deadheads ARE VOTING FOR TRUMP!?

Use ALL methods to achieve your goals. Work wih AND against the systems in place. Fucking kike.

HAHAHAHA you fucking Trumpags are so stupid. You can't even see how the jew is pulling you to the same fucking tar pit as they always do.

In the same way that cultural cleansing is the prelude to ethnic cleansing, a strong racial/national identity is a prelude to opposition to globalism.

It is sometimes unbearable how intangible our progress has been, (half of our problems could be solved overnight if border guards could shoot on sight), but we have to accept that creating a desire in people for a complete alternative to the modern zog world is required before anything else can happen.

Despite the horrible living conditions of early 20th century Russian empire, it took the great war to finally end their government and put the soviets in power. Now while we may not need that kind of event to help us out, we certainly do need a greater sense of crisis to be present amongst our people.

In short, we need to get people to WANT an alternative, not simply dislike the current world.

No, we need our own Hitler. We need our own movement. Wishing for the past won't progress the future, nothing will happen unless we go out there and make it.


He always talked about the power of the will , if we all focus on a unified vision … I think we are doing pretty well already.


He isn't.