Target boycott forcing them to add 3rd bathroom to all stores

Target adding single-stall bathrooms at all stores



Eww, I don't want to use a genderless bathroom! I deserve to be recognized!
Why can't I used the bathroom I want to use instead of the one of my assigned gender?
Also they better have other-kin bathrooms for the days where I identify as a dog! My headmate dog persona doesn't want to use any of those human bathrooms!

That's a lot faster than I remember and it's missing the beginning and end.

Soon China will buy out target and they will put a stop to tranny faggoty. And liberals will cry and blame China take over on white people:?

Will this stop the mexican cleaning lady from wandering in after I tell her it's occupied?

Next time I go into Target im just going to shit on the bathroom floor.

The bathroom thing is the least concerning. The new tranny laws effectively replace "sex"(biological reality) with "gender"(literally muh feels), so men will be able to enter female-only dressing rooms, board with girls on school trips, and female prisons- and they can do so all by simply claiming that they "feel" female. How many women and little girls will be raped because of this insanity?

Best way to end this shit is to look and act like the biggest most overwhelming bundle of testosterone you can manage and then just waltz into these "genderless bathrooms" and whip it out to piss with the doors open and loudly farting while womyn are inside. You'll see how quickly the stupid cunts regret their idiocy when they realize it means they lose all their privacy in the loo to BIG SCARY WHITE MEN

They can use handycap washrooms.

In Britain we have male, female toilets and a single large toilet for the disabled. This is about the same thing, since they're mentally impaired


Women overwhelmingly don't want this, though. Take a look at the liberal rags back in ~March when the issue was at its height. They were churning out article after article shaming women for not being more progressive, and calling mothers bigots for not worrying about their daughters' safety.

I can't imagine the shame and rage our forefathers would have at seeing this garbage become mainstream

This won't even stop the boycott for 90% of people who boycotted this. It was on principle, not because they ever expect to use the the bathroom at Target.

Praise Kek.


does it have a gloryhole?


They're just doing it to Target because it's the only company that will bend over to them. Seems like they weren't happy that they were successful in removing gender sections from toys.

That's why you don't give in to them the first try, because they are parasites who will demand constantly from you.

why do gangs have no problem killing over 10 dollars but us so called redpilled dont ever do anything to combat the destruction of everything decent? we could probably get away with murder.


Dont they already have disabled toilets?

Just put a new symbol on them for mentally handicapped too.

You seem to have misunderstood, the ones boycotting are the ones against the trannies. Target made a huge deal over being supportive of the faggots last year and how they were welcome to use the restroom of their choice in any of their stores and it pissed a bunch of people off.

So I guess all the money is going into $700 toilet seats.

Is target losing the shekels?

You all don't get it either. The new bathrooms aren't for the trannies in particular. The trannies can still use whichever bathroom they fucking want, the new ones are so that if someone wants privacy for themselves or their child they can use it and not have to worry about some guy in a dress barging in.

It's like these people don't realize there's an internet. Being able to sit at home in my underwear and shop for whatever the hell I want is one of the perks of the modern age.

So, who gives a shit how many bathrooms they have?

Apparently, I mean they say its not because of money but I can't see them doing something like this if it wasn't hurting them financially.

Family bathrooms have been a thing for a while. Ain't no big deal.


Boycott should still continue. Target needs to be made an example. Cater to fags and go out of business.

Sales dropped 10% in the second quarter this year; I'm looking forward to the third quarter report.

Me too. Fuck Target.

Time to redefine American values goyim!

I am pleased.

Make sure you use the ladies room though, the boys room is my safe space to smoke on my break.

The solution to trannies needing to void fluids has been right in their store the whole time.


Imagine all the money that's been spent in the name of political correctness, affirmative action, etc. over the decades. We could have been on Mars already.

This is what I wonder every year watching footage of black-friday stampedes.

Black Friday?

Checking your God trips of truth.

The day after Thanksgiving when Amerilards follow up their gluttony from the day before with shopping sprees and further consumption.

We were originally planning to make an orbit of venus by 1980. Nixon killed it in favor of more muh programs.
Von Braun spins in his grave.

there's no way a boycott would cost target more than 20 million dollars
i'm guessing this is an order from a higher-up in the company
someone who doesn't realize xir's breaking the law if you're purposefully hurting the investors' bottom line for political reasons.

Nice Trips.

My family and I have been boycotting them since day one. This doesn't change a thing. Hope it hastens their demise actually

Why are you even going?

It's better to compare yearly reports, not monthly or quarterly reports. There's usually some times of the year that generate more sales than others.

That is disgusting. They make the Elder's fictional enemy god/goddess proud.

This is unacceptable. I sexually identify as a doberman and I need access to a fire hydrant and patch of grass in all bathrooms.

Ever seen the line for the ladies at an event?
Huge lines.
Now special snowflakes want to make those lines longer.
These men are clearly oppressing women by denying them timely use to the proper facilities.

Also forgot to mention.
Isn't this whole thing an irrelevant distraction to the fact Target in the states has gone full retard with the products they stock?
I've heard you can buy cheap ship or expensive shit with no in-between. The middle priced item is usually what people want.

Wasn't there a South Park episode about this?

Don't do that. Go find the boardroom execs and shit by them. Those employees don't deserve to pick up your shit.

(((South Park)))