WWIII General Discussion

So, in another thread, some Anons, including myself, were discussing the possibilities of the Jews triggering a global economic collapse with World War III as the result of a Trump Presidency and a Russo-American Alliance, and the Jews using the EU, excluding rebellious Eastern European countries, China, and Arab Oil as a vehicle to push for their global currency and the bank's complete monopoly of power over all countries. The thread itself was not related to the issue of a World War, however, so I'm making this thread to continue the discussion as to not derail the thread any further.

Feel free to voice your own theories, hypotheses, and ideas of how you may see a 21st Century World War play out. I made this map based off the theories of two Anons in the other thread, feel free to question it and discuss it, or start your own discussion with your own map or hypothesis.

poms are going to start it and drag the yanks and aussies into it

The center of it all will be Iran vs. Israel. Iran is one of the last countries in the world without a Rothschild-controlled kike central banking system. All nations that ZOG went to war with recently (Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.) were all countries with no kike banking system. All those countries were also in the same area as the proposed plan for Greater Israel. Besides Iran, North Korea is the other country without a kike bank.

The war will be USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Israel vs. Iran, Russia, China, N. Korea, and the muslim world. All other countries are irrelevant.

It would be great if westerners would't get cucked into dying for zionist Israel yet again. There is zero honor there. Unfortunately most of them will because MUH GREATEST ALLY, MUH ONLY (((DEMOCRACY))) IN THE MIDDLE EAST, etc.

Since this is predicated on a Trump Presidency, USA would clearly be on the other side.

Most of the Muslim world (mainly excluding Iran and Syria) would be in allegiance to Saudi Arabia, which is going to be either it's own Islamic faction, or a NATO supporter. Most likely the latter.

Israel would never directly get involved unless they were attacked first, which would never happen. They would be "Neutral" but secretly support the Anti-Iran alliance fully with Mossad and their Kike-controlled banks, while also doing as much as possible to profit from both sides to get the most out of it. True Merchant.

How I see a 21st Century war play out;

Very. Badly.

One thing wars never begin with is any idea of the nightmare to come. It's always "We'll beat them quickly, hard, and be home for dinner" and ends up escalating out of anyone's imagination.

If there's anything we can learn from the last world wars it's that the participants won't back down until they starve, or are crushed, by which time probably billions will have died. More so because the powers would likely be evenly matched, roughly.

Desperation only leads to further escalation, we'll definitely see nukes used eventually (although probably almost immediately.)

I'll leave it to other anons to discuss the sides and causes, not my area so much.

However, my contribution to think about is this; the current situation in terms of the environment (as in the worlds climate and social climate) is extremely fragile.

Rising sea levels, droughts, floods, freak weather, movement/shutdown of jetstreams to name but a few things that could easily kill millions.

WW3 would almost certainly catalyse these.

We could see nukes set off Yellowstone, famines across the world due to crop failure (thanks globalisation/interdependence), and huge tracts of densely inhabited land sink under the waves.

Also, the nations are not homogenous like they were in the past. WW3 would probably trigger a global race war when people start starving. The natural in-group and out-group mentality of races can only be overcome when there is peace and comfort.

So I expect 3 phases;

At this point I wouldn't bet on us still having electricity or comms (as these are also big targets in phase 1), so the lights go out, stay out, and we never hear from the outside world again.

zombie apocalypse is coming
dead serious a rabies like virus that spreads like wildfire to purge the goyim

you were warned
< 3 months from now

Shit teams. Who am I supposed to root for?

I don't think there will be an actual war. There will be proxy wars over strategic resources, but he future economy is in Asia. More interesting will be the shadow wars over who controls this emerging power.

How does it spread?

I am confused wtf is going on with Turkey. We know Turkey is one of ISIS biggest backers, so Turkey's sudden improvement in relations with Russia is not making sense to me.

This. At the most you'd see a proxy war turn nuclear to where you could get away with it without having to destroy the entire world (dirty bomb, low yield, etc.)

The future is in Asia and if Europe was smart they'd shake off the U.S. and align with Russia to form Eurasia. The only chip the U.S. has left is the threat of nuclear warfare. Look how the world trembles before almighty North Korea.

I'm mostly just hoping to survive.

IF this is predacated on a Trump win in November and a global collapse this is what I theorize as happening enjoy my personal LARP:

- World economy is SAVAGED to a level never seen before (worse than great depression).

- US will become isolationist both economically and strategically (simply can't afford it and must cut the budget dramatically thereby bringing "home the troops"). Excise taxes on all imported goods could easily be passed at this point and whatever wealth is left will be transitioned back into industrial output. Service industry as a primary economy will probably end fucking finally. Riots, bit of starvation, probably some Communists coming to fore. I could see a form of Economic Fascism coming in. But nothing like FDR's socialist bullshit. I don't see a breakup with Trump at the helm, nor do I see a major war that he'd join in unless we were directly attacked.

- Middle East, esp. Saudi Arabia will suffer a popular uprising against the nobility which will spread across the region (think a counter ISIS) because of a complete crash in oil prices. Without the gibs, the Saudi's have no reason to support the royals. This could theoretically be backed by Iran, who is busy building nukes at this point in the timeline. Syria would be wrapped up overnight as ISIS would no longer be receiving funding, aid, from their (((handlers))). Iraq / Iran / Syria will become the new center of power in the region. Turkey will continue to attempt to buddy buddy to Russia but that's a devils bargain. If Russia has for one instant any question about Turkey undermining Russian interests- I'd expect a rather severe regime change and puppet state.

-Europe cannot afford to maintain the socialist programs that it depends on to placate the citizens, imported sand-niggers, etc. AND offset the power vacuum left by a US military withdrawal. However, I expect the Europeans to make mistakes (like they usually do) and antagonize Russia over the Baltics and Ukraine. Europe is cucked and I think a large part of the herd doesn't have a fighting spirit anymore. If push comes to shove they will try to work their paper tigers, but if they are against Russia- it ain't gonna work. Only thing they could possibly fall back on are the British and French nukes. But if Putin gets the S-500 system in place and working quickly (which they are). That pretty much neutralizes their deterrent capabilities. and they know it

-Russia, already sanctioned and nearly cut off from hard foreign investment, will capitalize on the situation to begin territorial expansion to reclaim Imperial Russian lands (as is Putin's stated aim) as their sphere of influence (if not directly behind their border). This will antagonize the Europeans but they won't be able to do shit about it. There may be a quick European theater of operations, but I would doubt it goes Nuclear. All Putin has to do is threaten to go Nuclear and the EU and Europe will be overwhelmed with anarchy and protests. No bread and no circuses make a grumpy bunch. I strongly doubt that after a major depression Trump would even continue to be a part of NATO since "they aren't paying their fair share."

-China, now economically desperate, begins threatening actions towards the US to instill cohesive patriotism in the people. This could theoretically escalate to a War. If China goes after the US (remember there aren't really any US allies after a complete breakdown), they would hit the Carriers and the Pacific Fleet, may even nuke a few cities especially those with a broad base export manufacturing. Their hope is to set American recovery back 50 years or so and force the US to buy their stuff again. This war would be waged solely for economic reasons (as most are). US does a bit of strategic bombing or lobs a few nukes back and that's that. Either way the balance of Power in the Pacific would probably tilt away from China and the US, probably to a upstart player (Philippines, possibly Japan) due to internal problems (i.e. either reopen Mao's revolution and start purging or they are going to have a Civil War).

But generally a WW3 after a full blown depression wouldn't be like a WW3 if it happened tomorrow, or if Clinton was elected. It would be a series of theater level incursions and border changes with a whole fuckload of people starving because their credit cards and EBT don't work any more. It wouldn't be a short "war" either, and if it pops as bad as I think it is, the winners will probably be the Tahitians.

Everyone loves Tahitians, and Tahiti is just kinda there with plentiful seafood and women.

The simplest answer is in most cases the correct one. Turkey dropped out of the US/Israel's ISIS project because they aren't gaining anything from it anymore.

Jews might get south america and, snad niggers and east europe but if USA and Russia get together it's not a war they are asking for it's a slaughter, Because China knows they can trade better with Trump fairly than they can trade with Kikes who want to own their country.

Kikes and chinks don't have aligning interests unless the kikes agree to make chink money the global currency. kikes would lose their 100 year investment in america, they will try to kill trump first.

All Hail ZOG eternally Jewing everyone

These were the old borders lol

It's indeed LARPing, the US won't go isolationist. The only way I see them revert to "not world police" is when they are unable to sustain the level of forward deployment. The country important and that can do that is China, if they build a more powerful economy than US the chinese will be able to lift other countries and these countries will be able to withstand any attempt at dissuasion by US because they will not be so weak anymore. The only way to beat the US back into humbleness is breaking their order because then they don't have anything to bankroll their military with. Otherwise the US will just keep kicking the can down the road till they have the whole world under grip with first-strike missile "defense".

I was watching Terminus on netflix last night, it was set in America and American forces were invading Iran, pretty realistic depiction of what it would feel like in the runup to the whole world getting btfo'd by nukes, felt kinda creepy tbh fam

Fucking autists. This shit wont happen. God you guys are so fucking autistic, jesus. omg world war inc!!! its the Jews and SJW's faults. hurrdurr i jerk to loli. MUM I NEED MORE FUCKING HOT POCKETS, AND DON'T GO UNDER MY BED. MY SECRET PILLOW IS THERE, MUM NO


What the fuck did I just read

obv shit post, but still based off the fact half the people in this thread who think it'll happen are aspie as fuck

The kikes would never trigger an economic collapse and WW3 if there was any chance of America and Russia being on the same team. The entire purpose for having another world war would be to make the goyim destroy each other and establish a one world government.

But I don't think a full scale world war is likely to ever happen again, because the genetic engineering war is going to divide humanity into at least two new species. The slave race and the elites


Why it won't happen? The US is cornering the rest of the world into submission, it can very well happen.

Not an argument.

I really hope so, because the way I see it Trump at the behest of Israel could strike at Iran who has many deals with Russia now. Israel also makes more deals with Russia than the US now

Of course Hillary would start WWIII but she'd do it differently going into Syria causing a Russian incident forcing us too put troops on the ground. And of course at home here she'll be importing illegals from around the world including those poor refuggees to learn and take our jobs, forcing you either into poverty or military.

Where we come in with Hillary is after she's put enough anons into the military they can form their militias because by the time they get back from Syria, assuming the Jews want us too win, most of our government is going too be Muslim or in some way progressive because a Clinton victory tells normies she's correct in their gut.

Whatever happens see you in September!

Turkey is against Russia on that map, Turkey is blue, Russia is red, I'm not sure what you're looking at. Turkey would be on the same side as the rest of the Arab world excluding Syria, Egypt, and Iraq.

Some discussion

The biggest thing to understand is that either way, Russia would take the side of China, or America, or even Europe against either one. China and America would never team against Europe AND Russia.

However, it's possible, under HRClinton, that things could spiral into a East vs West type of scenario.

Literally, the possibilities are endless at this point in history, but one fact remains… It will come down to China's or India's action in the early stages of a global conflict. Their labor force is far too effective. If they end up on the same side, somehow… then god help us all. As it will come down to nukes in order to effectively slow their production.