Anyone here read Blanchard's stuff on hebephilia, specifically his arguments why it would be maladaptive?

Anyone here read Blanchard's stuff on hebephilia, specifically his arguments why it would be maladaptive?

Hebephilia is the preference for pubescent girls about 11-14. He argues this is a disorder and would have been maladaptive in prehistoric times.

What he doesn't realise is that it's common practice in primitive foraging societies for men to acquire pubescent girls as wives. It must be adaptive otherwise it wouldn't have become common practice. In fact acquiring pubescent wives seems to be the optimal strategy since it's the most common age that girls are married off in these societies. That's how evolution works, the best strategies become the most common. So, far from being maladaptive or a disorder, hebephilic preferences seem to be an adaptation for acquiring pubescent wives.

Blanchard has none of this, he thinks it's maladaptive and he's tried to back this up with reproductive statistics and stuff but his arguments don't work.

One argument involves the reproductive statistics from the Pume tribe gathered by Kramer. They show that girls who start reproducing before the age of 17 have fewer surviving offspring that those who start at 17 and the younger the girl the fewer offspring.

He thinks this means that a man who chased after say 12yo girls would have lower reproductive success than a man who chased after 17yo girls but this doesn't follow for the simple reason that girls don't start reproducing at the age that men acquire them but rather a few years later. It's really stupid. Any half-decent mathematician or statistician would spot the error straight away.

He also ignores the fact that most girls in the Pume tribe are married off before the age of 14 so we know the strategy works fine. If the strategy of acquiring girls before 14 is maladaptive, then how comes it's common practice among these people? D'oh!

Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from this article…

1. It's common practice in primitive societies for men to marry girls pubescent girls so we know the strategy works.

2. To then try and argue that it doesn't work is retarded.

Do you follow?

Yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

That's nicely regurgitated. Your lecturer would be proud.

1. Observe X to work.

2. Deny that X works.

Thus hath PenisSpam spoken, so mote it be.

The point in question isn't from a sociopathic's perspective, it's that the women survive less frequently that makes it a problem.

You shouldn't be harboring after young tween ass if you aren't a tween yourself loser, it's selfish as an older person already to have a preference for a younger partner, they will have less to offer and are guaranteed to leave the earth first.

It's cowardly to enforce that on somebody for your own preference. There is nothing wrong with women from a reproductive perspective from 18+ onwards and if you can't find them attractive it's clear something is wrong with you.

Unless you're some kind of faggot.

This: If it was adaptive they wouldn't be small, primitive foraging societies.

Evolution doesn't pick the best. It doesn't pick shit. If the faggot with the worst breeding strategy kills everyone else, or everyone else leaves him in his wasteland, so long as he survives and no one else is there to kill or out-breed HIM, you darwinist pseudo-intellects would think "wow whatever he's doing must be smart!". Evolution only works with competition. Competition picks what happens, not the godly hand of "evolution"

Also, if you marry young, you have no idea what your wife will turn out like and therefore no idea of what your kids will turn out like. A gifted tween today is a midlly retarded adult who can't take care of themselves 10 years from now (as i'm sure many of you know). Marry older, and you have a better chance of making a good reproductive decision.

These genuine pedophiles in africa and whereever are actively fucking themselves over by ruining their fertility rates and their ability to guarantee smarter, healthier offspring. In fact, they could be making themselves more retarded by the generation. Were it not for the empathy of greater peoples, they would have been exterminated in war and conquest a long time ago.