How to become a neet

Holla Forums please do not do any of the following.

The neet and hikikomori lifestyles are the way to go fuck normalfags this is the best way of life DO NOT BECOME A NORMALFAG also FUCK THE SYSTEM!!.

what do i do when i get bored of video games?

im trying to lose weight tho

That can be an acceptation .

Do anything else listed above.

I go outside once a week to see my therapist

Sounds like a miserable existence.
Just think how often you come on here and complain about being a virgin.
Please, stop spreading this foolish doctrine.
Get out of your home and be normal.
You are not doing yourself any favours staying indoors all the time. I mean, maybe is you were rich I could give you a pass on this but leeching off your parents is pathetic.

this will stir the neet revolution
long live, brothrs


Get out off of Holla Forums faggot.


watch strangers play video games on youtube.

I haven't left the house in months

Think how much money you could be making
How much pussy you could be slaying
Go normie, user

Not everyone makes the big bucks faggot
IF you are born with good looks

Waste of effort

Also here are more tips.

You're not everyone, user. I believe in you.
No. If you get the money, the hoes come calling. Just don't plug 'em or you're on Child Support for a very long time.

Its not always about looks pic related was good looking and got no pussy.


Don't drag the prince into this

You are in denial.

t. retarded autist




Is it time for the 2017 Beta uprising??.

Prove it faggot.

As the limp wristed faggots emerged from their caves their skin reddened from the tough of the sun. That afternoon, right after they woke up, echoing "REEEEEEEEEE"s could be heard. The gunmen were reported to have been shouting "3DPD" in the ensuing firefight. After the battle was over all the pale, misformed bodies were piled up and taken by the CIA. The brains were harvested for unknown purposes.

The sun rose several years later on a changed world. People only used the internet for youtube, facebook, and wikipedia. There were no more minorities and hate speech no longer polluted normie minds. With that rebellious, evil, lonely black hole of shameless self indulgence removed the remaining humans lived in normie peace.


What about - user??.

God created normies to live simple, happy lives.

He created us to suffer, want and shitpost.

We cant be normies and normies cant be us.

There is no god get red pilled user.

am i?


The beta uprising anthem.


I'm a 90's kid, it's perfectly normal to move out when I'm 26. /s

Dont you ever wonder why? user?

A jew is a faggot who puts money and his in group above others. Yea, trump is a jew. Either that or he is a retard monkey puppet entertaining normies and the CIA kekistan fanclub while the one party government passes a bunch of shit that will fuck people like us.

Not really i just know there isn't a god.


Fuck you user the neet life is the hakuna matata life we have no worries for the rest of our days.

How about no now consider the following faggot see pic related. .


There is though.

Prove it faggot.

Don't be silly.

Fucking faggot there isn't a god now fuck off christfag.

Jesus loves you.

i dont care faggot




Nigga you gay

Stop working
Stop studying
Stop going outside
Stop being social
Stop dating anyone
Be a living parasite

ok this is why we need sharia law!

Allan Achbar seems to be responsible for a lot of shenanighans lately, doesn't he?


