
I guess this works.
Fuck being lumped in with the shitty millennials



This tbhbbq

If you seriously care what people think of you just by judging your age, you're an idiot

society doesn't have generations, families do

Calling yourself this is even gayer than being called a Millennial.


Wyatt Derp and Cock Holiday

is she the quintessential millenial?

No, but you are

how so?

Gen Z is among us

Sucks to be you, brah. But maybe you can repent by playing all these old school gamebooks. That's the only real way to prove you're not a crypto millenial fagget!

You are a Fag that's how

Nah, its cool I will just try to watch TV through my antenna

what does my being gay have to do with when I was born?

You're just a late Gen X'er (74-80) or an early Millennial (81-90). If you actually think "xennial" is a necessary term, it only confirms that early 80 births really are the start of the Millennial special snowflakes.

She might be the last Millennial. Everyone after her is something else.

Because you are Cancer


ok now you're starting to freak me out. how the fuck did you know my zodiac sign?

I don't know Michael, you tell me

This millennial/gen x/y-er/boomer bullshit is getting real fucking tiring.

Mahk is the man