Family stories. Liberal family stoiries

It has been long since that I have seen a thread about Holla Forums's encounter with their liberal families.

I'll start with one that just happened.

Then my mother and father makes the most infuriating comment I have ever heard. How they can even say anything like this is beyond me.
What the flying fuck.


Sounds awful. Gladly only my elder sister is a cuck and gets btfo every time she argues muh liberalism in family table.

I've had similar conversations with my father. He's a piece of shit commie who hasgunz but thinks "I know I can handle but others can't. I wish the government would take them all away". Needless to say I have nothing to do with him or his racemixing family anymore.
They will be the first to go on the day of the rope.

my family was so hippie libretard, I'm not to spell many words

Dude, put them in a home or something.

My brother married a woman with an insane family. She has a gay mother, sister AND brother. They all talk shit about Trump and I enjoy getting them butt peeved by chanting Trump, talking about how badass the wall is gonna be, and how it's actually unAmerican to be anti Trump. So basically, they are Shillary tards.
Hilariously, the gay brother is the most tolerable one, he looks and sounds exactly like Milo. He only laughs when I make racist jokes around them or talk about how retarded liberals are, but the girls will get really butt blasted about it.
They don't talk to my parents anymore because they are Christians and don't approve of faggotry or gay marriage.
Not so bad, but it's still a little sad to see their mental illnesses celebrated and unchecked.

you posted this exact same shit on krautchan. you got banned for making a 4chan tier thread, and now you come here and replicate it

fuck off

Fellow norwegian here:
My family started out as being pro muslim immigration and #notrealislam etc.

Managed to show them the light after a few month of facts over feelings and general insight in history.

Best part is that the older generation in my family literally wants to gas immigrants.

I have yet to reveal my true 14/88 power level.


My dad gets really pissed when I destroy him and my mom on politics.

I said "home," not "oven."

But I don't mind if you go with oven.

my brother's in laws are literal kikes who love Obama and think Trump is the devil. OY VEY

one time his mother in law flipped out because he and his wife went to the shooting range with their friends. she was like "you're such a republican"

Do your parents know that Oslo is only 60% white now?

Lucky both of my parents are pretty far-right boomers who grew up in the 1950s whitopia and have watched it all be destroyed over the course of their lifetime. They hate everything that's happened and want the world to be 1950s whitopia again.


Remember, this is the natural cycle. And this applies to everyone- get fit, read up, study hard and train yourself. If things get bad and we fail, it will all end with a wimper. Yet if we succeed we shall not only claim our homelands yet the stars. No offense but your parents are weak, but the tasks that are before us require strength both physically and mentally.

Not a hundred years ago the world belonged to our ancestors, and it's absurd to think these changes are permanent and our people will end without a fight.

It'll be hard, and it hurts to see how little people care, yet we must stay strong. Biel-Tan stronk

"The people of Biel-Tan constantly strive to return the ancient Eldar Empire to its former glory. Consumed with bitterness, they wage an endless campaign of xenocide against those foolish enough to cross their path. The world-rune used by Biel-Tan stands for the principle of reincarnation, a fate thought to have been reserved for every Eldar before the Fall. The name of the world-rune loosely translates as "Rebirth of Ancient Days." For the Biel-Tan, winter has fallen on the Eldar, but they are convinced that spring will soon return."

Ayyy OP, I used to have a Norwegian gf, used to trigger her all the time. Here's one example that always stuck with me.

I kinda resent finding Holla Forums when I was still a teen, it really made me unable to be happy with bluepill women.

I understand it might've been disappointing but you should never sell away gifts that were given to you by a loved one, no matter how shitty they are. It just seems like a really spoiled thing to do.

your father sounds like a nice dude, got any good stories about him?
I really like hearing about good father figures teaching their sons life lessons and all that, it's an opportunity to live vicariously through you because my pops left my family before I could've even memorized his face

This is unfortunately a common attitude among boomers, I explained to my father how social security would be insolvent by 2033, the global economy is running on fumes from QE and ZIRP and will inevitably implode, etc. and he simply responded "So? I will probably be dead then anyway and I don't need Social Security for retirement, don't care" and was dead serious about being 100 percent apathetic to the plight of future generations. It is fucking disgusting, and it would be stigmatized to the point of ostracism in a healthy society. I love my family but god fucking damn they can be stupid and it really breaks my heart that cultural marxism has metastasized in their minds. Vid related.


Is he 14/88 in private?

How do we fix women?

Tell them their last meaningful act was to sire you and they can now gas themselves.

Women who aren't mother material aren't worth fixing. Women who are mother material will adapt themselves to strong father figure.

Du er heldig bror.

You wade through the seas of worthless ones until you find the one that's good enough for you, user.
Then you fuck her brains out, have 6 kids, raise them as competent people and you've done your part.

At least that's my plan.

My mom is Latvian and we basically agreed the way to handle Islam is non-violent genocide.

I don't really think anyone in my immediate family (I only know my moms side, by the way, and I'm an only child) is liberal - they're mostly apolitical but lean more towards cuckservatism (which makes them the the SS mixed with the KKK where I live [Canada]). My grandfather would probably hate Trump, and frequently says stuff like "I don't care where you from, the colour of your skin, etc." but at the same time is annoyed with SJW shit and when blacks are constantly accusing clouds on a sunny day of not being diverse enough. My grandma is actually closet racist I think but hides her powerlevel. My aunt is probably liberal leaning actually come to think of it… I think if we were American she'd vote for Bernie due to his economic """plan""" but wouldn't really be on board with his social platform. My mom has really gotten more and more fed up with all the anti-white shit and the constant "DUDE. SYRIANS. LMAO." stuff that is constantly shilled up here; I also know that she thinks that Trudeau is retarded and that the NDP is even worse.

I made the mistake of thinking my dad was open to laughing at any idiocy in government and brought up the ridiculous hearings that occurred with Comey and Lynch.

He started trying to suggest that they had good records and seemed very honest which made me start laughing uncontrollably as I started bringing up their statements like how Lynch wouldn't even say speeding was breaking the law and how Comey went into detail of how the allegations against Hillary were true yet he wouldn't indict.

When he got annoyed saying that these things didn't happen I tried asking if he had even watched the hearing which is available to on youtube if he was curious, and he of course answered no. His logic was that if this had happened it would have been in the front page of the newspaper.

I started laughing harder until I finally left.

Well, my father is incredibly well versed in history. Pretty much everything I know about history, I've learned it from him. In school I always hated the subject because of the way it was taught (mindless memorizing of dates and names without any cognitive association between them) but listening to his stories sparkled my interest in history and geopolitics.

He has a huge collection of history books about pretty much any topic and he's read them all so he knows which ones are good and which not and could always recommend me something when I want to get informed on a particular subject.

Most importantly, he taught me how to learn about history. He told me to take everything with a grain of salt, to always ask myself "Cui bono?" and to be wary of who/what my sources are.

you are a massive faggot
but I blame your parents
start fixing yourself

dont make more blog post thread

Nice to know that your dad has your back if he wants his son to get killed by a woman soldier. Why is this even considered an argument?

pretty sure even the most braindead of dude weeds now think Trudeau is retarded. I mean, how can you not?

Shoot them in the face while they sleep tonight.

You aren't from Canada, I take it. I live in a rural area and even here there are lots of people who aren't being ironic when they say that they like Trudeau. In my sleepy little town of about 2500 people, I'd say that for every blue sign there were five reds; for every blue there were about two oranges.

Congratulations you made a shitty thread just like all your other shitty threads on your shitty halfchan board.

Please fuck off, grow up and move out your mothers house.

This is really hard to read, I can't tell who is saying what.
Did your dad say that trump was an evil person or what it you?
When greentexting you're not supposed to use determiners at the start of a sentence, you're allowed to use pronouns.
Lurk moar faggot.
Otherwise it's a good story.

By the sound of the story he's probably pretty young.

I was thinking more "english as a second language" but yeah that could explain it

Probably both.

Luckily, my mom has become so redpilled now that she continuously complains about kebab and shitskins being everywhere. The most liberal in my immediate family is probably my brother, but at least he acknowledges the problem, even though he still seems to think it's possible, and preferable, to solve this mess without violence.

I am from Canada mate. No doubt people unironically liked Trudeau during the election season, but now? All the people I knew who supported Trudeau are now much more wary of him or even regretful.

should've taken care of the issues right there and then fam. force them to pay you tribute. then pull another breivik later

No it wasn't.
Doesn't make it good. Democracy is hoping that every other idiot knows what's best for the country, instead of what's popular. Not a suitable way to run a nation.
Also, Norway is a monarchy, which is objectively better, and should have the shackles of (((parliament))) cast off.

Maybe you should avoid sperging out at dinner and crying here when you can't convince anyone of your ramblings?

Maybe you should gas yourself, Chaim.

Let me recount what OP did accurately
Reminder that everyone interjects their feelings into an issue, because we're fucking people and not robots.
At which point OP stormed out of the room and came here to whine that no one wanted to listen to his ramblings about a foreign countries election.

OP's inability to convince his parents doesn't bother me, that he thinks anyone here cares about his failure is annoying and that he is wasting everyone's time by hiding valuable threads is what you should be angry at.

I don't understand.