Tfw the ticket lady touches your hand when giving you your change






he looks like an ewok.



Good thing niggers don't see good movies. I saw Silence, Hacksaw Ridge, The Neon Demon, and several other good movies last year. Not a single darkie, just whites and chinamen.


Btw, is Neon Demon worth watching?

It depends what you're into, but if you like crime/noirish films with occult symbolism and dope soundtracks and slick stylized visuals, then you'll dig it.


No, unless you like neo80's faggotry of all style, no substance


To me it looked some Bret Easton Ellis shit. Like Glamorama. I'll give it a shot.






The viewing of the movie itself becomes kino



Go back to Reddit you unfunny cuck

t. ticket lady
