Millennial Woes vs Alexander Gordon Jahans

Millennial Woes is on suicide watch

Other urls found in this thread:ébir

both should kill themselves


What exactly is wrong with Jahans? Why does his face look like that?

He didnt survive a car crash as a child. Its his reanimated body.

That might be the most functional person with Down syndrome I've ever seen. Which isn't really a lot, tbh.

I can't be arsed to watch a vid by a slobbering idiot. If someone does, on the other hand, please give me the gist of it

Also, Millenial Woes has good stuff, you should check it out if you haven't.

Implying any of them are E-celebs

why should I care about any of this?

they are both shitty e-celeb scum and deserve to be hanged.

get the anchor and bumplock, it's time to shoah this thread goiz!!11!

Hi Wews.


Retarded butthurt tranny gets triggered by right-wing podcast and rejects invite because it would then have to defend it's batshit ideas

fucking this.

Started to watch, too much fucking rants over muh personal shits.

Somewhere around the 10 min mark this faggot actually says he will never change his mind about white nationalism which prompts the question:

WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DISCUSS SOMETHING YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR MIND ON? What difference is there between talking to this fatass and a wall when he is unwilling to change his viewpoint? Stopped watching right there, my bedroom walls are a more pleasant sight to look at and will provide the same quality of discussion.

Woes will be a true liberal when this is through. Gordo's gonna pull an intellectual checkmate on his ignorant racist mind.

Both of these faggots should be placed in burlap sacks, taken out to sea, and drowned unceremoniously.

kek he doesn't have downs, it's just "mild Aspergers".

Quit posting this fat inbred faggot.

His mother is his father's sister.

Woes is based on white nationalism so he gets to live.

do alot of people in england look like jahans? he looks to be of very poor stock tbh

Do a lot of people in America look like Christian Weston Chandler? he looks to be of very poor stock tbh

He has a condition that means he basically never went through puberty. He recently started taking testosterone injections.

He is both dysgenic and degenerate.

woes always sounds like he's about to cry.

scottish hobbit vs degenerate tranny

Butthurt bong detected

i like some of MW's videos, but this fat retarded faggot makes me sick

chandler is literally the direct descendant of the first aryan hes pure stock 100% he became a woman to spread aryan genes go chris go

Take his commandments to heart and repent!


Fkin Kek esoteric jahanism is the way forward

I hope wews invites him on. Id listen to that purely for keks.


Is Gin Gin's the prize?

I love her.



Not impressed tbh

british humour is horribly overrated

Are you rusing me, lad?


Mild assBERGers, and I DO mean MILD!

strayans banter, poms on the other hand whinge on and on and call it "banter"

Woes is a coffee shop intellectual who holds mostly liberal positions but considers himself right wing because he believes in racial differences.

Banter is code word for passive aggressive british faggot




Cry cunt






Holla Forums

I wouldn't say they're insufferable; they're more like the special ed class of Holla Forums



chris chan could knock the fuck out of that manlet jahans tbh, he'd suplex that imbred faggot and jam his face in that gnarly gash in-between his ass-hole and his front hole

The brit/pol/ board's userbase is not as bad as their reputation here suggests tbh. Although faggots like dont help and there is good evidence of outsiders with malicious intent using shit like this to exploit potential fracture points on the Holla Forums board and astroturf sections of the board against each other (brit/pol/ and deutsch/pol/ for example)

Be wise to the kike, Holla Forums and [email protected]/* */ shill tricks and strategies

That's CHRISTINE Chan to you!

this tbh, chris chan was an autistic faggot before it was hipster, jahans is just some eurotrash imitation. if you want real autism, if you want fucking real autism you look to the red white and blue mother fucker

There was a mini conflict between Ne/pol/ and Brit/pol/ the other day started by an obvious (1) shill

kinsey destroys the fuck out of that weird quarter dago/kike nigger fucker

Negro-Saxon genes in action

this tbh, australians are the only remaining race of whites outside of americans who are allowed to speak english without being considered a faggot due to the accent being associated with either le feminist PM or bin the knife tier cuckdom

No, this is waifu-tier

That's only because Jahans is a christ like figure who would only be interested in Chris chans salvation.

Second place maybe.


this tbh, you can see the degenerative sheep fucking firbolg genes in action, you can almost imagine her scampering over some musty stones in some bog, covered in sheep skins and hairy all over as she howls some gibberish at a superior continental aryan germanic warrior or a roman legionnaire

wow a brit with straight teeth!

By banter does he mean terrorism?

Underrated comment. This really is /thread right here.

Sage for e-celeb bullshit.

I don't know if it's trolling or faggotry but the Mummy posting is pure cancer. It's completely revolting to read and makes the thread unusbale because of it.

Jerrycuck detected

pls no slide threads for e-celeb youtube cucks pls, thx


48 percent more correctly and one american is worth 20 blithering english "men"

fuck off and never come back

Yeah its something you gotta watch out for. They are wise to potentially exploitable fracture points (brit/pol/ being the biggest thanks to the bad reputation it achieved which is admittly exaggerated but also not helped by certain anons there fucking alberto im thinking of you you mongrel little cunt)

Its good to be wary of such divisions and call out the shills if you think you see one and alert others to this strategy that outside parties use to break down the board cohesion that makes Holla Forums so great and unique.


brits are all normalfags who LARP as autists, its fucking cringy as fuck watching some bitchmade normie stumble through his attempt to appear NEET in order to fit in

Are you false-flagging me lad? Yanks don't even know what taig means


that's because we're where the best of the anglo genes, the faggiest ones went to Canada or stayed in pomland

Yeah its fucking awful. The mummyposter was purged along with the excessive NEET and ginnieposting a while back and th board picked up in quality but they have managed to slowly worm their way back. I wish the mods would just purge them again tbh. Brit/pol/ is best when its at purpose (2015 GE and BREXIT come to mind) but the old addage that "the devil makes work for idle hands" rings true in brit/pol/s case. When the faggots chased away the the only semi decent tripfag helmers I decided I needed a break from the board for a bit. Something needs to happen again and the britanons gain some sense of purpose (along with another purge of mummypost and ginnie cancer) for the threads to be decent again

do you even know who you are dealing with sheepfucker?

Nice tune, lad.

kill yourself pikey scum diaspora irish are the master-race, all other forms of irish are cancer

*anglo genes went, fucking hell

don't worry ausbro, I knew exactly what you meant, its fairly obvious anyway from a cursory glance at the average english sheepfucking firbolg and the average bogan who still appears to resemble the old aryan anglo-saxon yeomanry and doesn't seem to resemble some dickensian stephen blackpool caricature

Pikeys are mostly Catholic you bell.


Oh look, nu-right e-celebs astroturfing their new act in multiple threads.

Reminder, Woes is working with Renegade, two of a huge group cooperating behind the scenes. All of these different "celebs" are just different fronts for the same group, the central members being Red Ice Radio, Renegade Radio, Daily Stormer, TRS, Millennial Woes etc.
"Ben Garrison" and "Sam Hyde" are another two of their forced meme manifestations, same as the mixed race whore "Evalion" who has not been seen for a while because she is working on a new project with the aforementioned persons.

Identify their threads and posts by astroturfing of their people, excessive red text and compulsive overuse of "Alt-right" memes in an attempt to fit in.

You are so autistically dedicated too feeding off (You)s with this persistent digital excrement you constantly smear on the proverbials walls here, that im going to take pity on you and give you one.

So you're saying that Alexander Gordon Jahans is a Richard Spencer run front?

Well, I gotta give one thing. Alexander has the perfect face for punching, good on him.



shit meme tbh, only works inside of your containment threads. night bombing is for cowards, harris doesn't have shit on le may.

Based LeMay
at least we had the gall to bomb the germans in the open and have them come and fight us up at 45k ft above the earth, y'all cowards just flew at night

Antifa plz

t. 5% germanic


all brit/kike/ memes are the creation of non-white jewish COINTELPRO agents who are trying to undermine north american white nationalism through separating euro-americans with their heritages

Not to mention that we bombed stategic targets while the brits firebombed women and children.


try 87 percent you quarter paki civic nigger

Shock, horror. Did you spend months discovering this?

the other 13 is taig and swedish and the .001 percent is ojibwe from when my anglo ancestors muh dik'd anishnabe women



Krauts had it coming anyway

They sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind

this tbh, the bongs didn't even try to play fair, we at least let the germans shoot at us and fought them fair in the sky man to man, the brits literally just immediately resorted to firebombing aryan germanic women in the middle of the night because their jewish overlords in the "city of london" brainwashed them into making europe commit suicide by attacking a rearming germany (which was trying to stop stalin) so they could cement their power over the dying aristocracy by investing in burgerica for the lend lease capitalism fap fest.
t. proud germanic american "jerry cuck"

can't wait to watch the squat niggers annex the whole continent tbh, gonna make so many MLGedits to slavs executing british skeletal manlets

That's a pathetic lie

Germanic autism

thats fucking richébir


Take your banter back to 4chan faggot.

isn't the harrisposter some halfcast from shitpostingland?

oops meant for this

This proves me wrong how? I called you out on your shit lying about the events of the war and ignoring American helping in atrocities and committing ones far worse, and you link some ebin french meme lmao

You realise there were plenty of Americans involved in the firebombings of Cologne and Dresen, right?

I like Poles in Poland, not in Britain.

It shouldn't be a difficult concept for a nationalist to grasp

B-But they're aryan

pretty sure he is a chilean shitskins who is crypto-cromwelling to make everyone hate the brits more
may be an argie mad about the falklands (which honestly was a good bit of "banter")


yeah but they bombed in the day where the germans could see them and hate them instead of cowering in darkness like a jew


Those are Olympic gold medal tier mental gymnastics friend


Americans are cancer


They're basically white lad

Is transgender surgery covered by Obamacare in America? I need to know

Well done you confirmed you're Chilean

pretty sure americans are superior to brits, don't really know what you are getting at tbh. white nationalism will overcome simple 19th century nationalism. americans and russians are going to transform europe and honestly white americans are going to be a big part of that transformation.


How does that creature exist?

White Americans aren't even a big part of America anymore

I feel sorry for your life mate

thats fucking rich coming from the race that started ww2

le can't handle the banter

Butthurt Negro-Saxon detected.

Because the Germans would never bomb anyone at night time ;^

How can you tell he's German?

Reminder poles are BASED and if you hate them, you hate the WHITE RACE

You don't know what banter is you saddo

Tell me how fat and isolated are you to care this much about mundane bullshit?


brits were probably making STENguns in that ((protestant)) church so they could sell them to arabs and jews and then dump the middle east onto americas lap after they redrew the lines and created a ticking time-bomb


Negro-Saxon culture is completely foriegn to Poles, making assimilation difficult for them. This is also explains why Jamaicans and Nigerians have no issues whatsoever assimilating into Negro-Saxon culture.

Its fucking painful to watch sometimes how easily the userbase is divided against each other and how quickly a thread can be shitted up and diverted into a shitposting fest of cancerous sqabbling that damages board cohesion and encourages factionalism to develop with the community.

Cut it out you fucking faggots this is exactly what chaim. [email protected]/* */ and co want.

you have no idea how important threads like these are

Come on now, at least try to be vaguely honest




it must hurt, it must really hurt, so you come here and lash out against the more successful anglos

its just banter lad

they must be since englishmen aren't part of the white race

You know you're implying that we cuck Poland there lad?

Being a yank must be suffering tbh


Lad your banter is atrocious. I'll do you a favour and suggest you stop posting until you've watched a few banter tutorials on Youtube.

Nice freech image, Negro-Saxon.

top kek

I fucking hate this board


So Germanics are nonwhites now? Dresden and the rest of what the allies did in WW2 was just fine then? Capital.

well yeah you do, you tell them you are going to protect them from the krauts then totally don't and then you use them as a pretext to start another european war

despite my loathing of d&c and interboard factionalism, the brit in me fucking chuckled at that one
