When you consider that Trump first opened himself up to attack by the media, and is now hitting hard telling his supporters that this isn't just an election against the democrats, but against the MEDIA, too…And he's got some of the most powerful conservative media people working with him…
Well, the gloves are off, shit is going to get interesting. [archive the articles yourself, sluts](Learn to archive, nigger.)
I had to do a little research, from what I can find, Bannon is pure goy. Thank fuck. Everytime I read someone's bio and I see anything about Jewish parents, heritage, or religion, it's a red flag.
Chase Johnson
Aaron Ramirez
Holla Forums is a jewish board. get the fuck out of here(USER WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)
Leo Ortiz
Germany was Jewish until they removed merchant.
Landon Wilson
Filtered and reported
Jeremiah Walker
This, better start counting shekels already
Michael King
Let it happen
William James
Can Trump get Breitbart to launch a news network to compete with CNN and the conservative Fox?
Logan Clark
I've been secretly hoping this would happen since he started receiving biased coverage. It woud definitely cause a stir in the media news world, but good luck getting it on TV before the election
William Foster
What the fuck? Ban this asshole.
Ryan Reed
Ayden Allen
mods are fags, and so are you
Connor Edwards
It's easy to do yourself. Get out of the thread if you're too chicken to click/copy&paste a normie link on the internet.
Sure, let's all ironically admit that this is a jewish board. Soon enough, it will be the first reply on every jew-critical post, followed by he-shilled she-shilled all the way down.
Jonathan Taylor
i hope he got permagassed for being a kike faggot
Christopher Gonzalez
also good job mods for completely derailing a thread about something actually going on
really thank you for destroying Holla Forums, it used to be a good board, but this is much better for correcting the record
Jaxson Myers
Since when is this a thing?
Isaiah Russell
The fire rises!
Nathaniel Williams
get the fuck out newfag
Justin Allen
wasnt that disproven?
Joseph Murphy
Justin Richardson
mods are massive fags, have been for a while
dunno why anyone bothers making threads
Cooper Thomas
He looks like Anglin's dad. How deep does this go?!?
Caleb Long
I think I recall hearing somewhere this actually is on the radar of one of his sons. Not Breitbart specifically, but some kind of news network.
Carter Cook
I don't even give a fuck that OP can't archive for us. This is great news. Now he just needs to find a prominent spot for Drudge to give Hillary a massive heart attack.
Nicholas Wood
Thanks mods
Adam Hughes
Kill yourself. I hope OP was permabanned.
You're the one doing the derailing faggot kike.
Here are the archives since OP was a nigger. Leftists on suicide watch.
oh wow you managed to archive all on your own, good job.
you still didn't manage to post the story inbetween the six hours from when I posted it to when the story broke.
get fucked.
Brayden Cox
Top kek. Stay mad faggot. Look who is derailing the thread now. You should start a patreon if you going to be crying like an sjw.
Parker Martin
stop derailing fuckers. this is interesting
Landon Jones
Maybe the mods shouldn't ban the fucking OP when he brought something interesting to talk about.
But yeah, it is very interesting. Personally I think Trump is going to pull an Orban on the media if he gets in power.
Thomas Kelly
Burial in full effect. They don't want the goyim to talk about this.
Gabriel Allen
checked. the average goy wouldn't even know what to say about this because they don't see the larger implications or understand the players. we're seeing several different strands come together and form something very interesting. power is being removed and added and by the end of the year I wonder if we'll even recognize where we were.
Liam Rivera
Really the best part. Hillary is going to shit herself hard.
My only concern about siding with Brietbart in such a public fashion is that it really makes it hard to call them impartial. Then again, MSM. I think we should really make a push to show how each MSM network is financially linked to Hillary. CNN is the obvious one but we may have to whip up an infograph or use one of the older ones floating around since some people still aren't aware. It would also help to show what each network gets out of attacking Trump.
Archiving is important and when the OP is blatantly feeding the jew, knowing he should archive and then not doing it, then he deserves to get fucked. Maybe instead of bragging like a bitch, he should have used that time to actually archive. Let one person act like a nigger then the rest will do so thinking they are in good company.
Kikebook is stupid. People will still see this shit.
Jonathan Adams
Leave and never come back you fucking kike.
Joshua Sanders
m8 Breitbart never even pretended to be impartial.
There's nothing wrong with bias news media if the media fucking admits their biases.
Logan Thompson
poor Trump, I think he actually believes the polls the media puts out
Zachary Torres
Besides infographics, the MSM deserves the With Open Gates treatment. We need a video that could spread like Ebola in a nigger country showcasing the Lugenpresse being absolute shit.
Sebastian Green
He has internal polling but he probably is not happy with the narrative that is being spun. I'm sure he'd like to tear down the media but there isn't enough time for that and putting down Hillary.
This. We need to wage all out war with them at this point. It'd make some CTR shills cry too.
Nathan Ortiz
Why wouldn't he? Do you really think there is some red blooded, conservative American silent majority out there?
Your "silent majority" wants free shit from the government, dude weed lmao and to have their prostate milked by BBC.
Zachary Foster
If it's true, then this thread deserves to be stickied.
Cooper Foster
There is. It has been shown that there is a disparity between door to door polling and phone polling in comparison to online polling. Hillary's people have been freaking out about this since the group where there is the largest difference is white males for the obvious reasons.
Jayden Taylor
So it's official that the God Emperor sees memetic warfare as important.
Eli Martin
$hillary's voters are like sheep that says they will lose weight, so they are not as likely to actually go vote.
This is a good move and I approve of the strategy. The "mantle of anger" TRump is the one that sparked hope in the silent majority so it makes sense to not soften his approach. Manafor is too much a normie yet I have reason to believe Bannon is one of us.
Aiden Hill
And the shy Tory factor or Bradley effect is a thing here too. Not many moderates will openly admit to voting for Trump, seeing all the shit Trump supporters get but they will vote for Trump knowing Hillary will not fix the chaos out there. She doesn't even address it or praises the hooligans and chastises the worried populace. People hate being blamed for shit. It's the brexit all over again really.
Isaac Brooks
I think Manafort has his role to play, but he shouldn't be in charge of the face of the campaign. Let him lurk in the shadows and do the dirty work he's best known for.
Ayden Williams
thanks for correcting the record
Bentley Butler
Well lets see. White males are at best 30% of the country and a good portion of them are LARPing as communist furries. The one's that aren't are 80 years old.
And not a single fucking white vagina is going to vote for Trump and before you reference your "Trump girls" thread let me lol and remind you that they'll do anything for likes on instagram including putting on a Trump hat and slutting it up.
Gavin Lee
Manafort already played his role: strong-arming the rules committee to shut down NeverTrump during the convention. That was his only strength, his knowledge of RNC rules and procedures and insiders. Once that was done he had nothing to offer: Manafort worked on the Dole and other losing campaigns, he sucks.
Jonathan Rogers
We have a New Media now.
Jack Scott
We still have the electoral college to deal with, and I'm sure there's a lot of other power-brokering that Manafort is doing.
Which btw, he's not being paid to do.
Luis Young
What a waste of trips
But they're a greater part of the elctorate: the electorate and the population are two different things.
Yeah, we're all a bunch of 80 year olds, here.
You clearly don't know or understand women if you think they're going to automatically vote for Hillary because she has a vagina.
Kevin Scott
If the electors were to actually break tradition and go against the popular votes in states, all hell would break loose.
Jordan Brown
And apparently he's fucking off and letting Trump run his show, like Corey suggested to him. And it's working.
Manafort hates the Clintons, and wants to win. And Trump will win.
It's the only way he can stay alive at this point. He's thrice defied the Dark Lady.
Doesn't matter. No one cares. We either get Trump, or we get the End Times. You DO get that, right?
That we don't care if you correct the record. We don't REALLY care if Trump wins or not. We don't care if Hillary dies or not either.
The Jews have played their hand, we're playing ours and one way or another: Everyone dies.
Ayden Bennett
I think you underestimate their hubris.
Jayden Sanchez
So is billionaire Robert Mercer. Two weeks ago some moron from Renegayde Broadcasting or Ropeculture was saying he's a jew.
Pro-gold standard, anti-Agenda 21, anti-AGW, he's not part of the establishment at all. I'm glad to know he's fully behind Trump now.
Easton Wilson
Except there is a decent number of females that are republican and will vote for Trump. Even Hillary acknowledges that there are hidden voters that are skewing polls. History acknowledges the Shy Tory Factor. American History acknowledges the Bradley Effect. You have no argument other than pissing and moaning bullshit. When Hilary and her team are more of a realist than you are, then you should consider killing yourself.
And CTR, you had better hope Trump wins because if Hillary does, you will find yourself getting dragged out of your car by Jamal while a rapefugee rapes the shit out of the girl you have a thing for.
Blake Nguyen
Ropeculture is fucking terrible. And (((SINEAD))) needs to be put down so she doesn't burn down the rest of her sex with her. Fucking Jewess Coalburning Cunt.
Mason Parker
By ballots or by bullets. All hell would break loose. I'm sure people will push for them to pull shit but they know better. Either deal with some niggers rioting or deal with people who are looking for an excuse to go Timothy McVeigh on them.
Hunter Brown
The electors aren't typically elites sheltered enough from the common folk to be able to act so brazen.
Adam Lewis
That is, if they aren't all sacrificed when she makes her play to rebuild the Temple.
If she gets elected, every christer in the South is going to go full End Times mode, and the resulting government reaction will only reinforce that belief due to the current popular interpretation of Revelations.
Regardless of whether or not it's right or whether or not you believe it; THEY DO. And they will react accordingly to Government/UN troops trying to keep order when they've all fled to the hills to wait for Jesus. FEMA camp, all that shit.
So really, the question is: Who is better at playing Chicken with the Apocalypse?
Jack Powell
Electors are completely random. They could be anyone.
There's a book called the People's Choice, I'm not sure who it's by, but it's a political thriller where the President Elect and the President both get killed, throwing the nation into a Constitutional crisis, and the Electors have to literally cast the final votes.
Or something like that… It was many Zips ago, and I don't have the book anymore.
Jack Harris
look at this faggot
Owen Cruz
He should keep doing speeches like the ones he is doing now. Just hammer all these points over and over again.
Keep saying Clinton wanted war keep saying she destroyed the Middle East and was the deciding voice in fucking up Libya. Hammer the bitch. Keep saying she wants to spend billions on immigrants.
Wyatt Foster
unhinged as fuck. Whats up Huntsman?
Christopher Reed
People have been talking about using UN troops as target practice. That will make people more willing to jump in since it will come across as a hostile invasion force to a lot of people. Various countries will pour weapons into the US since a destabilized US is what they want. I'm usually the last person to say that civil war will commence but I truly think it will this time. That or you get a silent war where employers who voted for Trump start employing only people who are ideologically similar to them and workers subtly causing trouble for people who didn't, leaving leftists out in the cold. A lot of this occurred in Texas with Obama which fucked over a good number of leftists. The states will move to fuck over certain people as well if all out war does not occur.
Luke Miller
This. It boiled down to one thing:
He said it in as many ways as he could without saying, Kill all of them.
He even said we'd be open to letting Russia handle Syria to do it!
It's time.
True. But that won't mean it still wouldn't be the end fucking times. Nukes will go off, and Christers will be killing anyone who's not them.
Everyone dies.
Christian Lee
lol You're that fag Huntsman from the TRS forums who can't not type in bold with the mass death fantasies.
Logan Cook
Jesus, the amount of absolute shilling in this thread.
Levi Jones
Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it's true. You can call it fantasies all you want, but many, many people are going to die, and soon. Either from Hildawg getting in and the Christers chimping out, Trump winning and the Great Kebab Removal happening, or Samson and DEADHAND blowing it all the fuck up, because fuck it.
I'm right and you know it.
Eli Robinson
Don't act like we're friends, fucker.
I know you all hated me.
But, what else is new? Nothing much really going on here. Same as always, but you didn't really give a shit about that, did you?
Why aren't you over at your upboat Dingo run hugbox?
Isaiah Thompson
What else could ever happen, man? Do you not know how things work, or are you just in denial that we have any choice in the matter?
Brody Campbell
remove lox too tbh fam
Oliver Collins
: )
Jaxson Bennett
But statistically polls do say that most of Trump's strength with whites is among older ones. A poll from March at archive.is/deXIl looked at people under 35 and found "In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%." And an August poll at archive.is/COVhs found under-35s going for Clinton over Trump by 50% to 18%, pretty similar to the March figure, so the figure for whites under 35 would probably be similar too. And if you go to factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk (archive link doesn't work) and select 2015 for the "year", the total white population was 255 million and the number of whites under 35 was 115 million, so just under half of all whites were in that under-35 group.
Josiah James
Why is this defeatist cuck still allowed to post here?
Chase Price
John Cook
Trump has a shot with unvarnished balls-to-the-wall nationalism. Hope manafort is out.
Michael Taylor
Oh yes, oh yes this seems to be a fantastic sample size.
Nicholas Carter
For the most part, he's taking Corey's advice and just letting Trump do his thing. He cares about beating Hillary, that's it. Clintons cost him four elections. And now he's hitched to a winning train.
No worries.
Sebastian Morales
Polls based on irrelevant models and projections to determine likely voters based on the 2012 elections. I don't know that any polls are reliable this time around, even favorable ones. Also, the major shift in communication mediums away from landline phones to mobile founds and social media which has occurred just since 2012 isn't being taken into account in polling methodology.
Josiah Reyes
I dont like the word populism. It reminds me of the logical fallacy "Argumentum ad populum". It should be avoided and shunned. The leftists should be called the populists.
Caleb Gutierrez
Leftists are elitists though, a bunch of technocrats and social engineers following ideology not the will of the people; Trump is a populist, he is acting on the needs and wants of the actual populace.
Noah Campbell
Get the fuck out of here Shill!
You are completely wrong. You're retarded. MUH PR
This. (Checked)
Jaxson Clark
Checked, Kek bless.
David Johnson
I could tell from his lower energy at rallies that playing the good "Presidential" goy has been ating away at him. Of course, I couldn't prove it, but this all but confirms it. Even the stongest lion's soul dies once it has shackles and a pen imposed on him.
Adam Scott
I have no idea what you just said. Concerning your point of them them being technocrats and social engineers makes little sense, since social sciences are separate entities. I'm pretty sure most people in technology are quite rightwing as well. And finally you should stop using the word Populism with the reasons stated in the post you replied to.
What? Is this what Holla Forums has become? A center of nonsensical software generated stock insults that can be used on anyone?
Mason Evans
Alexander Turner
We aren't gamergoys, archiving isn't just a boycotting method. It's also a way to preserve articles and webpages before an editor, law encforcement, (((someone))) goes OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN and the whole thing is lost forever.
Brandon Reyes
Filtered for autism.
Ryan Williams
Wew you sound like that anti-white frustrated beaner who has a podcast. Common Filth? Is that the title? Something like that
Cameron Stewart
Might be. He's a cuck though, for damn sure.
Elijah Powell
bump to counter slide threads
Logan Robinson
bump for visibility
David Bennett
I really like this meme.
Jackson Flores
Bannon knows how to fight a dirty fight, and Trump now realizes this is not ever going to get close to a clean fight. In fact this election makes his time running the WWE look like high level olympic fencing in comparison to the slog fest that he's in.
Bannon knows EXACTLY what buttons to push with the MSM and knows EXACTLY how to call out TPTB in ways that stick. It will be interesting to see how Manafort is utilized in this change. This may be a feint and Bannon will work more closely with Trump surrogates to focus the message and keep nailing the cunt and her MSM minions- and get the message out.
Brayden Diaz
Nathan James
Crisis actors. Angloon is from a family of crisis actors.
Isaac Long
Gabriel Collins
You deserve to be sodomized by arabs.
Julian Cook
It would look too much like having an "official government paper"
Benjamin Cruz
I think he really is some sort of mixed-breed.
Grayson Peterson
Got a font elitist over here. You have to go back (to your literature degree in mid-tier liberal arts college).
Trump is a man of the people. Once he is president he will use the font of the people, comic sans, in all his official statements
Noah Miller
Why is there always one goy crying about TRS all the time.
Xavier Long
IDK why. I got over my beef with them a long time ago. But they seem to still want to try and be butthurt about me for some reason.
So obsessed. So sad. So salty. So mad.
Ryan Torres
You really like red text.
r/the_donald loves their red text too text too, or is it bold. Can't remember.
Nathaniel White
It's bold. You also don't have your sage on faggoty. Filtered until you do.
And yeah, they do. It works. Boldposting works. Just ask the TRS forums.
Andrew Wilson
He can be a nigger for all I care, doesn't invalidate half the shit he's said about the average normie.
Then again though, I don't see where this "Race traitor" shit comes from, I remember him ragging on niggers quite a bit in his first 50-60 episodes.
The one thing that resonance the most with me is the fact that people in my own race are willing to destroy what my ancestors have worked for and bled for, and hate me for what I want (which is simply a family, some land, and a means to protect such)
If you gave me two sets of buttons, one made 1000 niggers vanish, and the other made 100 white race traitor cucks (and we're talking the cuckiest, most degenerate fucks to crawl out of a university) I'd choose the 100.
There's nothing more dangerous then the enemies that lurk within.
It was the well meaning naive whites that ever let the jews peddle their poison to begin with.
Fuck, show me some niggers burning down their own ghetto, and threaten whitey, I get fucking mad.
But the white faggots in the crowd with them? I can't even begin to describe my anger.
Noah Jones
I don't want to sound like a font apologist, but comic sans is the language of cutting edge physics as well.
Known Shillary supporter moonbat beck was blasting Bannon this morning in his opening monologue of his shit show.
Guess he's still butthurt over them suspending him on Sirius. Fuck beck. He is a subhuman piece of shit. Fucking morman cocksucker.
Nathan Long
CF has said he'd rather his own (hypothetical) daughter marry a "godly nigger" than a white atheist.
Camden Russell
Go back to reddit
Sage is not a downvote.
Ayden Gray
Nobody cares. We're winning, we're going to keep winning. Even if we don't win, we're winning because our enemies are faggots, cucks, muslims and niggers.
What about that do you not get?
Commonfilth is wrong. Because he's forgetting that all those people can be fixed or purged with enough violence and bullets.
And that's why we don't listen to him. Isn't it.
Zachary Gray
It's about time Trump went back to what got him this far. Enough of this wishy-washy "moderate pivot" bullshit.
Evan Davis
CF doesn't give two shits about the white race. All he cares about is muh dead kike on a stick.
Dylan Rivera
And that's why his channel is tanking.
You can only ovenpost for so long until everyone gets tired of it.
Kevin Anderson
Aiden Rodriguez
Enough of the fucking sidetracking. President Trump needs to put the motherfucking hammer down on leftists and Shillary
Caleb Ward
You know Trump has entertained the idea of a Trump Business Channel for decades.
Parker Williams
I'm gobsmacked that so few people, even on Holla Forums, understand how the electoral college works.
It's just a system that balances the vote of high population areas (to avoid how politics work in Europe where candidates only visit the same 3 or 4 biggest cities and ignore the rest of the country) it's not a shadowy organization that "chooses the vote".
Oldfag here, I remember liberals in 2000 screeching that the electoral college "overturn" W winning the election because of wacky ballots in Florida and Nader dividing the vote.
They had to be repeated to over and over again that FEC, that makes the rules (of which are agreeded upon by both major parties right after the previous general election), doesn't allow that.
Isaac Morris
Well, thanks to the electoral college that happens anyway. The same four or five states determine the election. Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania.
Lincoln Gonzalez
About time. I've always said don't run as a conservative or even as a Republican. Run as an American. America is fighting for survival against evil globalists.
Daniel Scott
And you said you'd rather take it up the rectum from Jack Donovan than fuck a negress… so there's no winner here.
Nicholas Cooper
You're falling for the (((media))) narrative of "swing states" and therefore missing the forest looking at the tree.
A lot of states change back and forth from red to blue and vice versa… hell California used to be a red state stronghold.
Juan Reed
Everyone, stop redtext shouting.
Nathan James
The ironic thing is that the great Republican hero Ronald Reagan was the one responsible for turning it blue, by giving amnesty to illegals.
Ryan Ward
I was actually thinking of something similar, but for Holla Forums.
A Holla Forums YouTube channel. News and clips, without any narrative. Just truth. Though it would probably end up shoah'd because it's true.
Sebastian Martinez
(checked) Wouldn't it be easier to integrate with a channel like One America News? They already broadcast his rallies all the time.
Asher Morris
Why not Right Side, they are based out of a good little town in the South. Good people.
Asher Stewart
I actually really like Breitbart. They are moving further to the right and have been pro-Trump the entire election. Unfortunately they haven't confronted the JQ yet but they have talked about Soros planning to flood Europe with Somalis etc with subconsciously appeals to whites.
Leo Martin
Yeah, when it was WHITE.
When the Mexicans poured in it turned blue, because 90% of non-whites vote Democrat.
Ryan Foster
Henry Bennett
It'll be White by the next election.
Ethan Johnson
She also deserves to be stickied
Sebastian Foster
Because One America already has deals with cable providers. What we need is an integrated nationalist news network.
Ryan Price
Any goy working for kikebart is pure shabbos goy.
Grayson Rogers
Nice D+C, goon
Angel Walker
Liam White
First pic always gets me
Breitbart is about as good as PragerU
Elijah Walker
Funny, I've always felt the same way about that pic and that Jew. Andrew was so naive to the JQ, he even looks like a clueless kid in that pic. He let kikes like that influence him.
In spite of that he was a good person, so dangerous to the ZOG they killed him. And his coroner, original autopsy never found.
Alexander Diaz
He wasn't "naive to the JQ", he was a converted, raised by kikes and bar mitzvah'd.
Yes, ethnic jews are the worst, buy goyim who convert aren't that much better.
And no, he wasn't "killed by ZOG". If his death was indeed an assassination, it was solely on Obongo's hands, and one of the few good things he's done.
Cooper Russell
He also passed the first major gun control in California after the Black Panthers stormed the capital, and passed the machine gun ban in 86.
Thomas Torres
Josiah Rogers
James Mitchell
He also legalized no-fault divorce as gov of California, the first in the nation, and it spread quickly. Some paragon of conservatism!
He also stopped funding long-term care for the mentally ill and closed their treatment centers and California was flooded overnight with mentally ill homeless.
Jose Watson
I don't think Reagan was a bad man, I think that after the failed assassination attempt they made sure that he knew that the next one would succeed if he didn't do exactly as told.
Liam Brown
It is the OP's responsibility to archive links, you lazy faggot.
Matthew Bailey
That one is really blond though.
Jackson Martin
That's a pretty cool article. But is mike cernovich really a motivation expert?