If Mr. Enter was really asexual, then how come is Sally so sexually arousing? She's like the main selling point of his new book.
If Mr. Enter was really asexual, then how come is Sally so sexually arousing...
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Wait he wrote a book?
He didn't write a book, he had one of his friends ghostwrite the project and then take full credit.
What a dick.
What did he mean by this?
Sounds dull as hell.
Basically the jest of it is, the kids act like adults and do all the grown up jokes and the adults act like fucking spoiled little shits. But that has no baring on the actual plot of the book as the book is about some cunt becoming mayor.
Oh and he ripped off the idea from a Shorty Mc Short Shorts cartoon called Flipped Flopped.
Even though Enter will never admit that, he likes to pretend like he came up with the idea on his own.
Dubs confirmed. Yeah I thought the premise sounded like a short I saw as a kid.
Whats happening here?
wait CWC and Mr. Enter are in cahoots together?
Didn't CWC get a vagina due to an injury on his taint or something?
Because he isn't. But telling everyone he asexual makes the sting of being a 25 year old virgin hurts less.
MrEnter is a very sad individual with actual autism.
He's a handholdless kissless virgin with no friends, that spends all his time watching children's cartoons, and has a lot of questionable, short sighted, naive and inexperienced opinions on how shows "should be structured".
If you watch his vids you'll actually be able to pinpoint where his autism creeps in, the parts in certain episodes where his brain straight up can't process certain concepts so he gets frustrated and angry.
It might seem like i'm shitting on the guy or that i hate him or something, but i actually like him, i find his endless droning and rambling on his YT channel to be amazing background noise, and when he's not being clouded by his own autism and not being able to grasp certain basic elements in cartoons, he has legit criticism that i can get behind.
I mostly just pity him, he's clearly broken and will die a lonely, unloved death.
Mrenter has rule 34 art?
The fact that you still post "X has 34 art?" means you must be young as fuck.
Yes, X has 34 art.
X will always have 34 art no matter what it is.
Shockingly enough he's gotten worse over the years, he won't admit that he stole the idea for his book from that short he reviewed, he also won't admit that he had someone ghost write the book for him and his defense of the episode Twilight's Kingdom was bad!
Also it's clear from his Chicken Little video that has he some MAJOR daddy issues as he starts to randomly go off on the father character for no real reason whatsoever. Not to mention his Drawn Together Movie video in which towards the end he just starts screaming at the top of his fucking lugs to the point where he started to sound like that goddamn high pitched Sonic fag.
Plus let's not forget his Troll video in which he said trolling and cyber bullying were the same thing and then proceeded to block everyone who stated otherwise.
He also thinks Fluttershy's pet rabbit slapping her in the face is "domestic abuse"………yep……..
Are we sure he not a troll character?
You mean Fluttershy's pet rabbit? In the show he's more like a spoiled brat. But his good quality is that he has a spine unlike Fluttershy who's a complete pushover.
If I'm not mistaken the only exception to rule 34 used to be Rosie O'Donnel,…. used to be.
That's just low.
That's me.
Anyone who unironically uses this word to describe themselves is either mentally ill or an attention whore
t. former mentally ill attention whore
The main themes that seems to trigger him the most are indeed:
-romance (he gets confused and angry and frustrated)
-sexuality (BIG issue for him, major source of frustration
-father figure (his dad probably neglected him or worse)
I like his political opinions for the most part, tho.
He's a reasonable moderate that doesn't like extremism and is self aware enough to stay pretty objective on most social issues, mostly believes in compromise, middlegrounds, and confronting issues via mutual discourse.
After spending most of the day surrounded by the western equivalent of batshit insane allah screaming towelheads, only replace the towel with a fedora and allah with trump, it's refreshing to hear him say reasonable things.
Sure he's not a massive SJW, but that doesn't make his arguments any good, I mean for fuck's sake he bitched about the Valentine episode of FOP not having any gay characters and he thinks Drawn Together is a rip off the Jersey Shore! Even though it came out in 2004!
He also randomly goes off on Quagmire in the domestic abuse episode because he showed legit concern over his sister's well being, because apparently being a sex positive man means that you can't show concerns for the well being of your family. And this is coming from someone who cannot stand Family Guy and it's leftist bullshit.
Yes in his Homer Badman video he did defend males who get wrongfully accused of rape but feminists but really it doesn't take a smart person to realize that the "Teach Men Not To Rape" fallacy is complete and utter bullshit.
With all that being said, I do agree with you that it is nice to hear the view point from someone who's an actual moderate and not a goddamn Trump shilling Holla Forums tard.
I think the point he was trying to make is that Quagmire hasn't been pictured as "sex positive" in the series up to that point but straight up a rabid sex offender, making his concerns for his sister pretty hypocritical.
Like it's one thing to be very sexually active, it's another thing to pull off the shit Quagmire pulls off on a regular basis, or rather, it's ok in the context of the character himself and the series, but not when he's put in the "caring brother" role after doing plenty of slimy shit to unwilling girls himself.
It's more about his role in the episode clashing with what his character has been up to that point.
I'll give him this, he's got some serious persistence and loyalty to his bland idea. .
That's my kind of girl, she adverts her kink in a subtle way.
He requests way too many boring ass nigger cartoons, he should stop that. Of course they are shit.
Is it weird that I want to be a sort of anti-mister enter? as in I'm sex positive and any show ideas I have aren't boring as fuck?
End yourself.
Don't forget hating on MLP and not comparing anything of more quality with it, also disagreeing with things he simply doesn't understand.
So aside from how Holla Forums shits on everything, he's a flawed human being that gives decent criticism of cartoons.
Honestly, why would he make a point of citing it as an inspiration? First of all, I'm pretty sure that short is far from being the first thing with that idea. Didn't Mork and Mindy have it where the kids on Mork's planet taught adults for example?
Moreover he did a piece on that cartoon and argued that the role-reversal served no purpose and ended up a wasted idea there. So basically it served as inspiration by being a negative example. Why prop it up for that?
Also, OP is a pedo who's into girls that are like dry bread. Not shaming you for it, just note it's not intentional, you just have tastes that are easy to accidentally cater to.
Mlp is sacred, honey.
Thwy are fuggin each other, most likely.
90% of the time asexuality is an excuse for not knowing how to talk to women.
Just like autism is an excuse to be a shitty person. Theoretically you can diagnose anymore with autism or aspergers.
And it keeps appearing as the main topic for Youtubers as an excuse and attention grabber.
I HATE women, as a manlet with mini penis, we are natural enemies so it just comes down natural.
I don't think there is any rule 34 on Cat Goddess
Meaning a faggot?
Jeez his voice sounds annoying dubs.
Lewds of Sally when?
He's kind of right in that Drawn Together is a parody of reality TV of the same vein, but that's then missing the point in another massive way.
It's a decent argument very poorly articulated. Also, in a show like Family Guy pretty much everyone's empathy and morals are selective at best- see also American Dad, where everyone is at least MEANT to be seriously screwed up.
yeah, when he says that Shit park is better than drawn together, anyone with this opinion is automatically autistic.
Growing Around is a fucking nasty name, sounds like some kind of weight gain fetish title
She's fairly cute I guess, I'd masturbate to that Where's the porn already?
I feel like, with Enter, there's a genuine critic hidden in there somewhere, buried beneath all the spaghetti, but his genuine autism gets in the way and winds up fucking him over in the long run.
Like anons were saying with the Quagmire thing, he's got a point, he just articulates it so poorly due to his flaming auts that it comes across as incoherent nonsense.
It's also an issue when he runs into social things he can't understand. He always goes off on shit involving romance, probably because he genuinely has never experienced it.
He needs some meds, or to work on those auts, and then maybe he can start producing actual reviews of worth. For now though, you really ought to take whatever he says with a grain of salt.
I gotta say I gotta respect the guy at least politically.
Hes got so much stupid personal choice spaghetti (Indeed) but at least hes a "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" kinda guy.
Where does it say that?
And I think that's part of the reason why I and others can't laugh at him like other supposed lolcows. And besides, he just isn't that funny.
Except for his troll thing, holy shit
I get that we've all had weird experiences when we were kids watching television, but why is it so hard for you to grow out of it?
That's now how autism works. There's a strict medical criteria for diagnosis and specific behaviours and patterns that they have to meet. Once you know the signs you can spot genuine autists a mile off.
The thing is a shitload of people self-diagnose autism for the same reason as transtrenders; as a shield to hide their failures behind and gain sympathy points, and who needs doctors when you have the internet telling you how noble and brave you are for existing?
*not how, I can't spell tonight.
I've seen genuine autistics. I've seen genuine autistics attempt to turn their life around.
But they could only do it when they dropped that excuse.
It becomes an easy crutch for their behavior and makes them weak. I helped a friend out of ADHD because of this. Of course, they'll usually not completely lose it, but they can at least try to act like a normal human being. You fucking Holla Forums-tier faggot.
I try to ignore it and do my best, but everytime I fail at doing something, I always get reminded by myself of my ADHD. It makes me lose quite a lot of motivation.
Is this some kind of joke? His name is clearly written on the book.
Why does Enter like little girls so much?
Don't we have those lewd Loudhouse threads though?
Everyone knows that Holla Forums is a pedo den, but Mr Enter the """""""""""asexual"""""""""""?
What? You realize (((Rozanski))) is his IRL surname, right? He revealed that quite some time ago.
Maybe it only looks weird outside of here because most people are pedophobic, while as an asexual he doesn't end up overcompensating for jailbait boners by acting out an adversion.
Asexual is used as a way for folks to deny their attractions, but in his case…I dunno.
What were you talking about?
First, he's a faggot for the troll thing.
Second, you really do sound like >>>/tumblr/ in that you're sort of grasping for straws. Real pedophiles are fucking OBSESSED with kids; watch Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys, and you'll see what I mean (or just ignore the tards and take a trip to 8/pol/ and see all the pedoshit they're looking for and how pedos act about "pizza"). Your accusation sounds on-par with those of people like Carroll or Twain being kiddy-fiddlers, or even of Hitler having one testicle/micro-penis/a drug problem/being into scat/etc..
*excuse errors, I'm a bit drunk
I am also curious.
Dubs don't lie.
Why are you so triggered? I was just asking why Enter likes little girls, not accusing him of being a CP stashing pedo.
You're despicable.
Just because he doesn't stash CP doesn't mean that he has no pedophile fetish. Maybe just a little, and he probably has self control or small libido. Not all pedophiles are willing to touch kids you know.
The better question is, who doesn't?
so he's an autist who's so sexually frustrated he's given up on women entirely and masturbates solely to gfur diaper fetish art?
Show me someone who doesn't masturbate or have sex at all and I'll show you a eunuch or a liar.
I'm straight, but I don't masturbate at all because I think touching my dick and cum are gross. I'm perfectly honest.
Doesn't Holla Forums?
Because her main inspiration is Mabel?
He wants to be a little girl.
What did he mean by that?
Enter's novel about little girl abuse. TLDR much but I think there's some hint of subtle romance between Enter's self insert and the little girl.
He is trying to be progressive, but in reality he is a narcissistic faggot.
Projecting much, kike?
So… Enter didn't plagiarize?
I didn't make any excuses for that, calm your fucking tits.
Where the fuck does it say that?
Seriously, were are the Sally nudes? Only good thing from this pile of shit is that it brings us a new cute cartoon girl.