Holla Forums tonight a spic tried to hold my father up at knife point for a pack of cigarettes right outside my...

Holla Forums tonight a spic tried to hold my father up at knife point for a pack of cigarettes right outside my apartment, not even at 9 PM. He'll be back, and he'll be back with more. I know this because my father made the mistake of trying to keep him in the area and call the cops. I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck with the cars or something either.

The police of course are incompetent. Even though they arrived seconds after he took off they could find no trace of him, they can't ever find anyone who makes an effort to run. Literally 7 cruisers couldn't find a guy they were chasing on a moped last night, after he crashed he just took off on foot.

They know what he looks like and they know what I look like. There is absolutely no way I can walk around at night anymore, not for awhile anyway. Since the police can't do anything, there's only 2 solutions isn't there? One is moving and I'm sure we all know what the other one is. I feel like sooner or later I'll be forced to act. It isn't easy to get a gun in Massachusetts unfortunately, and it's not very legal to use it either.

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Got any friends that live in other states? Any Mass anons wanna help a brother out?

Moral of the story don't smoke

Moral of the story is remove fucking taco you fucking cum slurping Paco

fucking shit user.


Did you ancestors tuck their tails and run form danger you cuck? A pistol can be a great equalizer in this situation. It doesn't matter how many spics they have.

The spic had a knife get a fucking axe and defend yourself if need be. I carrying an Estwing in my car in case it breaks down and I need to wait for AAA or I have to chop up a tree that's blocking the road.

Seriously, axes are fierce if you know how to use them. Plus, they're perfectly legal and great for more than just self defense.
Need firewood? Cool, you're ready. I always carry around a tent and blankets too. Always prepared.

Don’t smoke, you fucking degenerate.

Wait for them, user.
Just wait.
You'll know what to do when the time comes.

yea cuz people just have axes laying around. Hand to hand combat almost always involves both sides getting fucked up. OP needs a gun or to get out of the shithole.

sage for blogpost
you know what to do faggot

But seriously, nice blogpost

No the moral of the story is stop being a faggot poorfag and move out of the neighborhood

you could also form a secret organization with friends that meets at night and…

Be a pussy and get robbed by subhumans because you aren't armed.

You've already got that covered? Shit. Try killing yourself.

yeah, most people do. both of my neighbors have visible axes in their yards.
what kinda shithole you live in, OP?

Yes, if you're a stupid bitch who doesn't know how to fight.
Learn to defend yourself. If you have white blood in your veins, you can defend the ones you love if the need arises with whatever is available.

axes are good tools, but shit self defense

a sword is not only an interesting conversation piece/decoration, but reminds you every time you witness it of your ancestors, If need be it is a proven and effective weapon in the hands of even the untrained, and will certainly fair better against an axe, which requires more strength and precision for use.

remember, an axe has a strike zone that is at most 1/3rd of its length, meaning accuracy is required, a blade is deadly at all lengths and angles (assuming youre not using weebshit)

Youre gonna be catapulted over the wall Paco, you, your madre, padre, abuela and your 1000 cousins.

Taco removal squad assemble.

He wont be back. Your dad just pissed him off but cops still scare them.
Mexicans aren't as intense as niggers.

Shock them hard with a bat full of nails and let them bleed. They'll go away.
Or not.
I don't know. You're living in WW3. If you don't fight back and the keep coming back they will never respect the lion. They're jackels at heart.
But don't talk, just attack. And when you attack, do it for real, don't bounce around thinking about it yelling shit.

Just remember the magic phrase:
Also "I was so scared, I lost control"

Never confess shit. Ever. Fuck the lawyer. Never say a word. Ever.
Let the lawyer call you guilty.


He'll be back. He always walks around this neighborhood. There's been constant muggings around here too, so it might be him. Maybe he won't bring friends, but at the very least he'll be on the look out for us, guaranteed.

Also I have plenty of knives, and a katana, but you know maybe it doesn't seem sensible that you can't walk down the street at fucking 9 AM.

And fuck the cunts criticizing me for being a pussy if they've never had to deal with something like this.

OP it is obvious what you must do.

You must regain your fathers honor and remove the Taco. Get a plan in motion, either you get him on your territory or you get him out in the open.

His knife is useless if he has no thumbs. He can't run if he can't move his legs. Get a baseball bat, make sure you have a catcher glove in your car as well. Don't have one?

Tire iron.
Golf club.
Get a long chain.
Get a fucking tomahawk.
Samurai sword (We all know you play that Anime/manga shit)

Just get fucking creative, make this fucking beanbag NEVER EVER want to fuck with you or anyone else again. In fact, if you do it right, he never will be able too.

He's stealing cigarettes because he is poor and trying to appear tough. Chances are he has minimal hand to hand experience, which means little pain tolerance. Make that taco regret pulling a knife on your old man.

OP you may be skinny and have little muscle, quite possibly out of shape. Let this be a lesson to you. Get /fit/, tacos generally lift but lack cardio.

Now. He may bring a friend or two, tacos generally hang out in trios. A good swing with a bat in the right place will break (or at the very least crack) an arm or a leg. If you are fighting three, they'll instigate you into fighting with them, make the first move swiftly. An axe will detour them as much as a gun if not more, some guy pulls an axe on me, my ass is running.

Be fierce, relentless, have no mercy, for your enemy will have none for you. Be a man. Deport his soul to the gates of hell.

And while you can't get a gun OP. Beating the shit out of an enemy will quickly become one of your favorite past times. Once you hit someone with a shovel or a golf club, you're going to want to do it to others. Beating the life out of subhuman's is a white privilege.

Take advantage of it.

Get a baton.
They are small and will fuck people up

Dubs confirm.
Aug um Aug, Zahn um Zahn.
tfw being white is a mixture of jew and psychopath

Are you fucking kidding me, if we're going to start going all old school you might as well just carry a fucking polearm around. They're much easier to use than a sword and you have tons of reach so you don't get stabbed by paco.

but you live in the land of burgers and freedom. why can't you get a gun?

because I don't feel comfortable if the population is armed

Around spics never relax.

it has to rhyme, try 'around spics, watch your six'

falls into the same category as axe, has a limited strike point, an inexperienced person will blunder with a pole arm, if youre going to be ridiculous about it just go for a two handed sword, its basically a pole arm that threats from end to end.