Worst Girl Thread

We already have a thread for best girls; we need another to balance it out.

Also, I can't make up my mind which of these two I hate more.

At least Max was useful. Dana was just the boring love interest.

At least Dana was cute


You know..Terry could just go with that girl from the Royal Flush Gang.

He fucked her, actually

I see where you're coming from, but if you think about it Angela herself is worst girl.
From worst show, no less.

As for OP's thing, it's easy. And the sad part it, she used to be my favourite character.
They changed a relatable misunderstood intellectual to the embodiment of everything wrong with the left.

In Kurt Angle's words: "oh it's true, it's damn true"



I think it was her second appearance. Anyway, they were kissing on Terry's bed and then they slowly cut away. The implication was obvious

Lisa was always a cunt. Except when she was female Bart. That Lisa the Vegetarian episode was the worst


Yeah, but so am I. She may not be relatable to you, but as a kid I was basically male Lisa.
Look at her now. She used to be a liberal, now she's an extreme leftist cunt.

I'd sooner dick the ghouls or the lizard queen than this fucking jew.

All Female Characters are shit. If they're not written like idealized waifufaggot bait which is unrealistic of female nature? Then they're given flaws but….never suffer because of their flaws. This leads to them being unaccountable bitches who never have to answer for anything, case in point Mabel (Gravity Falls).

PS - Sometimes Female Characters do get their comeuppance, but it's nowhere near as brutal as what would be done to male characters.

Hell, having female villains is a damn difficult thing to do, especially if the main character is male. You can have the hero beat her because folks would complain so sometimes, they would have the hero go the comedy route…which then diminishes the threat and make it look like said villain is weak.

Women aren't "strong" but they're manipulative as hell. They got the power (their pussy) to manipulate stronger men to fight and injure an innocent man on her behalf. That is a woman's "strength." To get other men to do her bidding usually by pretending to be a victim which is of course all lies.

Dana does a better job fighting rats than Batman does when kidnapped and eventually figures out Bruce is basically Terry's new dad

I mean goddamn she puts up with a lot of shit from a guy she doesn't know is being Batman

Felicity Smoak. This cunt ruined Arrow Season 4.

And folks want her in comics…

Really? That can't be true. Who the hell would want her in the comics?

Here's a hint..shippers.

Max just decided she was entitled to help Terry and Bruce, regardless of their wishes.
Dana on the other hand, decided to let Terry slide on so much of the shit he pulled, and she knew something was up, but she really cared for Terry and understood, at least by the end of S2.

Of course it is. Hopefully, they learn from the mistakes of season 4 and not pander to them.

This is why I was never that big of a fan of Batman Beyond, Max did help Terry and Bruce even after all the bullshit they put her through, plus they spent so much time together I'm shocked Terry never once thought about fucking her.

Instead he dates the most shallow girl imaginable and we're meant to side with her in the Ratboy episode, granted Ratboy did kidnap her and what not but he was lonely and he just wanted someone to talk to and instead of having Dana learn something from that episode, she just goes back to being a shallow bitch.

She even throw a hissy fit at Oliver Queen for throwing a Christmas party instead of a holiday party.

Yeah and she's Jewish so I'm surprised she didn't want a Hanukkah party.

Oh..so she's a cunt, Jewish and shipping fodder. The trifecta of terrible.

This, to be honest.

My heart went out to Dana for being understanding and trying to be there for the guy she liked. She didn't know what he did that was always so urgent and got him beat up all the time, but she had enough confidence in Terry's character that she believed it wasn't something bad.

Maybe the pink buzzcut had something to do with it.

Plus the man-jaw, plus the giant lips, plus the fact that she is black

And her voice, my god her voice. Who decided that Cree Summer should play every black woman in cartoons ever?

The fact THIS waste of ink and pencils has yet to be brought up in this discussion makes me wonder about you people.

Not enough her episodes were the worst of Tiny Toons, but then she drug down Pinky and the Brain because tasteless executives adored her.

Funnily enough yet another character voiced by Cree Summer

Exactly. This is why I only suck dicks.

To be fair that was realistic of women. The ratboy was tragic all on his own, but take away his mutation? He's a geek/dweeb. As you saw in Batman Beyond the geeks/dweebs aren't treated any better in the future. In fact let me quote a line towards another geek in regards to pussy:

"She's too hot for you!"

Implying geeks don't deserve good looking girls. Dana just went with Terry because he's good looking. It's nature dude, women are shallow. If they were written realistically most of the time? Most male protagonists would end up virgins forever.

Orrr maybe people don't like being kidnapped by mutants, tragedy aside.

Most writers prefer to settle the protagonist with the Betty, as infuriating as that can sometimes be.

Why did they adore her? What was there to adore?

Dana's not shallow. She's not particularly developed, which is the writers' fault more than anything, but the one characteristic she has shown is that she's loyal and understanding. Sticks by Terry even though he's a criminal and even though he keeps standing her up to go and be Batman. Even when she dumps him she's never shown to date anybody else (that I can remember) and their break-ups are usually short-lived. In the JLU episode Epilogue, when Terry imagines dumping her, she still wants to stick with him even though she could be putting herself in danger by doing so. That's not a shallow woman.

I was thinking Rubble for a sec

How the fuck was Barney hitting that?

pick one

one of the writers tried to make that happen, he was shot down

Max was a stronk womyn diversity hire in the first place so it's impressive her character wasn't even worse

The producers didn't like her.

do you ever think about getting into a time machine and beating the shit out of your younger self?


bump to counter cuckchan spam

Not trying to defend Timm but it's possible he makes this attribution because that's sort of how he thinks.

This is what he had to say about a Kamandi series he wanted to make

God damn it all.

Well, I don't hate Timm. He's okay in my book.

Meh, never liked Max at all. Always thought she was an "intrusive" sort of there character. Once you grow up you realize how shitty most female characters.

A genius hacker woman? Fuck that unrealistic shit. Women Max's age would be fucking and sucking bad boy cock and just being whores using social media and such (hey it was the future in Gotham so they had to have such junk).

At the end of the day, Max is just Feminism bullshit the character for Batman Beyond. Just because its subtle doesn't mean it isn't lame forced intrusive Gynocentric propaganda shit.

I like her character, but only when completely removed from the bullshit that is relationship drama.

Wouldn't that give bruises and trauma to my current self?

So like season 1 and 2? She was fine back then.

Yes but maybe you could talk your younger self out of being an obnoxious twit like Lisa.


Me and my sister recently watched Beyond from beginning to end. My sister is a young teenager, and she hated Max. Part way through season 3, she turned to me with actual concern in her voice and said, "Ugh, I hope they don't make her Robin, that would suck." We both think Dana is okay, but agree that Melanie/Ten is the superior choice.

I preferred Ten actually, thinking about it. She was definitely sexier

Feminism? What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing say it again yall!

Was that the blue skinned assasin chick?

It's all a joke, but I like being how I am.
And I like old Lisa.

Ok then. Old Lisa is ok but she never mellowed out or matured and that bugged me.

No, no..she's the one with the Royal Flush Gang.

Nah, that was Inque, who was super cool and actually pretty sympathetic. Melanie was the Ten of the Royal Flush Gang. She was basically the Catwoman to Terry's Batman.

Oh so that's Ten. For the blue skinned assasin I wasn't talking about ink but the blue skinned assasin who works for the League of Assasins and is a Cassandra Cain stand in.

Oh, derp, you meant Curare, I should have realized. Man, why did Beyond need Max, just have more stories about all the awesome female villains. Idk about young girls, but I thought they were some of the coolest.

Why couldn't they have just promoted Dana or Chelsea to that position then? They were already established characters so I'd think that would've gone over a lot better over just inventing a character on the spot and shoving them in.

Say what you want about Bendis, Ultimate Spider-Man did it right when Peter told Mary Jane he was Spider-Man.

All the pulps, The Spider, The Shadow, had the girlfriend be in on the secret and be part of their adventures. I don't see why Batman Beyond couldn't have had that.

Amethyst is worst girl but pearl was catching up last time I checked but she has her moments. Garnet hovers between tolerable to gassable frequently.

where is best girl thread?

also the kankers from eene

they were just trailer trash bullies and rapists.

Back then, during the oldest Simpsons seasons, Lisa was a pedantic fuck who spoke in purple prose. If you think that's remotely "relatable", you may as well kill yourself right now.

Best Lisa could be found in the mid seasons, where some people called her "female Bart", but she basically just started doing dumb shit like everyone else. She no longer stuck like a sore thumb in the show, because she was a bit crazier, like the other characters, even though she was still supposed to be a fairly clever girl. In my opinion, those were the best Simpson seasons as well, but that's kind of an unpopular opinion around here since anything past season 4 is haram.

You sicken me, user.


His primary girlfriend is Asian (InB4 muh honorary whites)

they're all the same color (pink) inside

if you refuse pussy just because of some semi-ironic pol maymays, then you are the ultimate beta.

her mom threw the fit. she just followed suit

I always found Amethyst annoying, but I could see why other people might be her friend or something. But Pearl always seemed like a colossal bitch in every regard.


Enjoy your herpes monkey fucker.


Do you have working eyes, m8? She's stacked.


Read the CDC reports and weep.


>Entirely ignores the obvious fact of life that virtually ANYONE can have STDs, diabetes or mental conditions, no matter how perfectly white the genes are. Still a lazy faggot that slacks on his research and needs pastebin papers written by amateurs to think for him.

What does the space around your anal columns smell like? Lilacs? Does your neck have an itch? Maybe you should stop getting it stuck around the sphincter all the time. By the way, your mouth is beginning to be full of literal shit. You faggots are pretty good at emulating down syndrome.

Max was shown during season 1 as background, wasn't she? Or at least early season 2. They didn't just create her in season 3 surely I'm not crazy, I rewatched all 3 seasons last month.

Quick, say something about gynocentricism!

Three words:

Stone. Hard. Dick.

Lisa only worked well with either Homer or she was acting like a kid with Bart.


Its true everyone can have an STD, but niggers have a higher chance of it since they;re loose. especially africans who think getting rid of AIDS can be done by fucking a newborn

It was Season 2

It doesn't help much that Dana's idea of a fulfilling date is dancing at the club every night.

She was the blandest fucking girl character I've ever seen on a show. I really wish she never existed or Terry ended up marrying someone else entirely.

check out this>>> paste.ubuntu.com/23410331/


So, they create a character to appeal to girls (because clearly a Batman show should be aimed at girls first am I right?) it backfires horribly and instead of saying "Okay, next season we're gonna write Max better" or "We need to write Max off because the fans don't like her." they just blame it on sexism!

This is why I never liked Batman Beyond all that much, the network was making stupid demands left and right and the writers didn't know how to deal with these changes. Not to mention building up Blight as the main antagonist of the series and then kill him off in the most stupidest way possible!

I remember when I was a kid and I saw Blight advertised as the main bad guy in the toyline and all the promotional stuff, then I watched the show and was let down by the stupid way he was killed off.

And the whole storyline of his son betraying him? Complete and utter shit, seriously they had a cool villain in Blight and they killed him off and replaced him with shitty one off villains.

Dana always seemed bland because the writers never got to actually develop her relationship with Terry.

Most cape writers want to at least entertain the premise of a conflicting double life. Bringing the girl in on it just deflates all that tension and contributes very little if said GF has no skills to bring to the table.

I imagine Blight would have come back inevitably if Beyond got another season.

Nor did they really develop his relationship with anybody, other than Bruce. See, this is why I sort of have a love-hate relationship with Batman Beyond. On the one hand, it's fun to watch, it's got great visuals, it's a clear mash-up of Batman and Spider-Man. But on the other hand, with regards to it being a mash-up, it never fits either particularly well. Terry's not tough like Bruce Wayne Batman and his supporting cast isn't well developed like Spider-Man's
His mother and brother didn't know he was Batman. They could have easily played off that.
They could have easily invented something. She's Asian. I'd buy her as a computer genius.


I think another big problem of Batman Beyond is its "Kids Bop" Nature of it. I Guess it worked like a charm for me when I was that age, but as I get older more and more of Batman Beyond just seems shallow and kinda weak in comparison to BTAS.


Which is why I want somebody to subvert the "damsel in distress" trope by making the princess or equivalent female figure into the villain, instead of going affirmative action and then laughing at the would-be hero who is made useless because god (the writer) gave his role to the person he was going to save.

Max was so fucking annoying
She always tried to get into shit that didn't involve her, it was like having a stupid wannabe child sidekick but instead of a child its an incompetent teenage girl who's only skill is hacking.


Does that even count? She's the worst girl on purpose.

Her first and only appearance was as a background/minor character in one episode only two or three episode before she was made into Terry's sidekick which likely means that appearance was done to say "oh, she's part of the school" or something.

Seriously should've just used Chelsea because bitchy-but-not-really popular girls is always a nice character type

Well yeah. A stronk female protagonist… who is actually usefull and contributes? Bad message.

Sounds like what they do on South Park, where they eventually turned every random no-name kid they used to fill in the classroom into an actual character.

The only good part is that the show was aware of it and treated her like an annoying screw up at least half the time.

Remember that time Batman went to The Isle of Doctor Moreau and Selina got turned into a furry and was caught in a love triangle with a cat man?


Hey hear are 10 m&ms but 7 of them will give you herpes, have one.

For the autistic, the m&ms are niggers.

Holla Forumsmblr is here

My contract says all the brown M&Ms have to be REMOVED, I don't perform with brown fucking M&Ms in my bowl

I'm going back on the tour bus to get blown by groupies cya

Play The Bard videogame from 2004.

I really like the betrayal by the son. It showed him as possibly an even more underhanded scumbag, and his involvement in the later Royal Flush episode was cool.

I'm not the same guy but I do.

Hey, here are 100 M&Ms but 5 of them will give you herpes. Have one.
This means you should stop fucking people at all, you subhuman normalfag ape

Every female character was worst, because they were all out of their place.

i bet you didn't vote for hillary you sexist pig



wasn’t "lord dominator" "woy" what you describe ?

Nah, that's just a mary-sue in the vilain role.

I implied too loosely the bait-and-switch, but that's what I meant by subversion. Basically have a character look like she's the damsel in distress, but it turns out she's actually playing chessmaster for her own gain.

You know, you could maybe just modify this worst girl's story to do that.

Your typical "classic" Disney princess gets to enjoy the happy ending and be important without actually having to do much. This one however did one important thing, which was to make a mess everyone else had to clean up.

Saves a guy from a shipwreck, and decides to give up/risk everything to make it into an actual relationship. In the original story this impulsive move ended badly for her and mostly just her. In Disney's retelling however, she's royalty, so she basically makes herself a hostage and enables a tyrant to become queen of the ocean.

tl;dr: Worst Disney Princess

I swear I've seen a few examples of this. Latest Sonic Universe arc is basically about it.

1v1 me irl m8

Over the Garden Wall kind've had a situation where the damsel turned out to be the villain, but she wasn't the chessmaster, just cursed or something. But it sets it up where you think the old crone is the evil, then switches it.

Actually, I do recall reading this one story in a comic where this damsel in distress baits travelling heroes to rescue her from the tower…only for the heroes to take her place as a giant ass frog is sucking down said hero's head.

Well if he was much of a hero he would have saved her and himself, and then accepted a brisk thank you before seeing her on her independent way.

Though the story did end with said "hero" now baiting people with puppet shows and one unsuspecting lady is going to be next.

She's a joke that they took too far

I've seen that premise done in a tg comic before.


She was truly the worst.

What did she mean by this?

There is something very unsettling about those shoulders…
I mean that hip-shoulder ratio… it's just… i don't know…

Look out we got a badass.

If you want to actually defend your waifu's honor, tell us which Disney Princess is worse and explain why.

Has Sally finally stopped being a mary sue then? Have her writers become self-aware of just how mary-sueish Sally is?

His designs have always been basic garbage.

He's got a terrible case of the sameface.

bland, generic personality
I actually dont dislike her that much; I think she’s a close second
entire motivation is going to a party
entire motivation is romance
stronk independent womyn
entire motivation is going to a party
stronk independent womyn

tbh i wouldnt mind doing some jungle jumping on Tiana. But that's only because she looks white in every way except her nose, and even then she doesn't have a terrible case of the nigger nose. She's white washed as fuck.

Don't shit on my pure Aryan waifus you asshole.


Jesus Christ that list!
Just for defending an entitled fish bitch!

Congratulation user, you just played yourself!

To this day, I still try to figure out how they could have come up with such a shoddy protagonist. What, did Bryke have a breakdown before doing LoK?

You know, I get what they were aiming for when they made Korra. They want her to be this brash and confident character…but problem is they failed completely, especially when she's not the one who deals with the main protagonists of the series…in other words, they were aiming for Cagalli (SEED Cagalli, not SEED Destiny) and wound up getting Asuka Soryuu (all talk, no shock, made to be the NGE equivalent of Tetsuya Tsurugi to Shinji's Kouji….only to fail miserably)

Her initial outline as a character was probably pieced together by focus groups and corporate executives, then handed down to the showrunners to "put it all together". You know, stacks of garbage market research on "what kids like" and "how to appeal to X demographic".

Either that or Bryke genuinely thought they were being virtuous by making the show about a strong independent brown woman who don't need no ancient wisdom for her bending. Girl power, minorities etc.

Regardless, the art department managed to salvage her into a fap-worthy condition but as soon as they started putting words in her mouth it all went to shit. Not that substituting Korra with another character would have fixed the underlying problems with rushed writing and animating schedules.

Strong independent woman who is brash and unyielding. Has problems airbending but not waterbending, why?

Let me guess, you're a twink, right?

Firstly, you just had to pick one.

But more importantly, you needed to make a case that one of them is bad enough to be worse than a sea-weeaboo whose deal with the devil would have left the ocean in the control of a wicked bitch if her friends and prince hadn't cleaned up the mess for her.

Sorry, but being ethnic or dry toast doesn't trump destabilizing the government of Atlantis.


Are you serious?