Food, good quality, nourishing food, should be a right for all; but it can not be because of the mud races.
Freedom from monotonous work, from standing at the cash register, from filling in bullshit positions that don't need to exist, from redundant bureaucracy, from work machines can do, etc. so that we do not have to do any work but can follow our higher passions and engage in a higher work should be the normal condition; but again the muds fuck it all up.
Free basic housing again should be a right, but gypsies and abbos and other mud races would quickly destroy such housing by shitting in it, setting it on fire, etc.
We should have a nation of quality over quantity, but the ceaseless consumption, expansionism, and overpopulation of shitskins necessitates we must raise our reproductive rates to counteract them even though the environment can not really sustain this.
We should have eugenics and nobody should feel ashamed for wanting people to be healthier, free of inferiority and mediocrity, free of disease and disability… but the muds are very uncomfortable with this because they know that, ultimately, they are dysgenic and should not be breeding. They have no future in a society that intends to populate its future ranks with a higher form of humanity.
We should have a justice system that focuses on rehabilitation over punishment, like in Norway.
There are so many things we are denied, so many things that could be so much fucking better, that could make our lives so much greater… but as long as these masses of shitskins continue to burden us we won't have any of it.
Muds ruin fucking everything. These ideal, utopian societies are not impossibilities; they can ACTUALLY WORK – but only if that society is WHITE.