Serbian PM calls top advocate of Yugoslavia NATO bombing Biden a ‘friend of country’

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has hailed Joe Biden, who is visiting Belgrade, as friend of his country. The US vice-president was one of the most vocal supporters of the NATO bombing of Belgrade back in 1999.

“I consider Biden a friend of Serbia and my personal friend,” Vucic said during a joint press conference with the outgoing US vice president, who arrived in Belgrade as part of his farewell Balkan tour.

“We’re confident that the US wants a stable and peaceful Western Balkans. We thank our American colleagues for their support on our European journey,” Vucic added.

Biden, on his part, expressed his condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the bombings of Yugoslavia. Serbian sources cite around 2,000 civilians killed in the 78-day campaign, while the pro-Western Human Rights Watch put the number of civilian deaths at “about 500.”

Biden refrained from apologizing for the actual war, waged largely from the air by the US and its NATO allies.

The vice-president also termed Vucic his friend, and said that they “accomplished a great deal” during the Tuesday talks.

He went to compliment the head of the Serbian government, but in an accidental slip of the tongue called his country Croatia, which is another former Yugoslav republic.

“I along with President Obama respect the leadership you've shown in some very tough challenging moments, Mr Prime Minister, and your positive vision for the future of Croatia," Biden said.

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‘Vote for Trump’ chants greet Biden in Serbia

Protesters on Tuesday welcomed Vice President Biden to Serbia by calling for Donald Trump’s election.

“Vote for Trump, vote for Trump,” hundreds of demonstrators chanted in Belgrade, according to Reuters.

Reuters said the demonstrators were Serbian ultranationalists protesting Biden’s one-day stop in Belgrade before his visit to Kosovo.

Demonstrators wore shirts displaying an image of Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, the news outlet added.

“Trump is the alternative to globalization,” Vojislav Seselj, head of Serbia’s ultra-nationalist Radical Party, told Reuters when asked about supporting Trump. "He will destroy old centers of power in the United States and he is a supporter of Russia.”



What a cuck I can't even get mad anymore.

Wheres the Serbia i fell in love with?

They got the German treatment. We bomb our friends, we bomb our enemies, and hell we bomb those who can't make up their minds.

The US murders everyone not on the cuck train

They bomb them into submission. jews are anti natural psychotic.

It was a necessary war for diversity.

At this rate, there's going to be a reinstitution of Yugoslavia. And it will be terrifying.


Because of how the politics of the Republic of Serbia work, the institution set up by NATO and the UN after the War, only certified Kosher candidates get to go into politics, which is why it's difficult to get a true red pilled official in Serbia. That said, make no mistake, your average Serb is still very much in favor of removing kebab with extreme prejudice. Most Serbs support Trump because they hope he'll help against the Muslims in the Balkans due to his comments. Biden was even greeted by hordes of Serbs wearing Trump shirts jeering him and chanting "Trump! Trump!". The Presidents and Prime Ministers of Serbia do not represent the beliefs of the average Serb. If they're given the chance, free from international influence and interference, they will establish Greater Serbia and annex Bosnia, Albania and Macedonia for lebensraum. Well, northern Albania at least, they may leave the southern half for Greece if they're feeling nice.

It's also worth mentioning that the Serbian Radical Party is one of the most influential Far-Right parties in European politics, they have a massive amount of support among the people of Serbia, and the only region they have failed to win a majority is because of the anti-Extremism laws in Serbia. Most Serbian politicians have had ties to the SRS, including President Tomislav Nikolić and only decided to leave in order to win the majority. If the NATO Government collapses, they'll seize control of the country, no doubts about it. They strongly support plans for Greater Serbia, Serbian lebensraum, and irredentism, so if war breaks out, they'll begin pogroms almost immediately and support Nationalist efforts across the rest of Europe.

Easy on the Rakia. An accordion does not a reasonably position makes.

Greece and Macedonia are bros. We need to remove with them. Lay down on the Rakia.

I'd personally like to make a proper peace with the croats but too much bad blood for that these days.

Serbians consider Macedonians brothers, but also believe that Macedonian land is a part of greater Serbia. Macedonian Slavs will ally with Serbia if war breaks out, problem is Macedonia is infested with Albanians and Turks, close to 20% of the population.


You are all the turds of wolves, back to the forest with you!

Just leave them as the scar will take long time to heal and attempting to mend the scar will probably make it worse. Serbians should focus cleansing the traitors within their circle. Our traitors are deadliest after the second deadlier (((enemy))).

t. Aussie

Just leave them be. The scar will take long time to heal and attempting to mend the scar will probably make it worse. Serbians should focus cleansing the traitors within their circle. Our traitors are deadliest after the second deadlier (((enemy))).

t. Aussie


It's still there.

The issue is that the guys in charge have to be kosher if they want to stay rich. They've got NATO support, they're pushing hard for the EU, all that nonsense. Vucic and co control almost all media, which is why you didn't see the million-strong anti-NATO protests last year. So if you want any exposure, you have to hijack their broadcasts, like that guy who jumped in front of the cameraman at some international football event just to scream "VUCICU PEDERU" (Vucic you're a faggot, translated).

The thing with these cunts, however, is that they don't believe a word they're preaching. If you think any of them care about the EU, you're dead wrong. All of them are criminals from the 90s. ALL of them. Hell, Nikolic used to be a gravedigger in Seselj's squad, for fuck's sake.

The only reason they're preaching about EU and NATO is because it's easy money for them. They're corrupt to the core, and unlike your western politicians, they aren't afraid to show it.


Are back to:

Don't forget that he ordered reparations to be payed to Belgrade jews because muh holohoax even tho we didn't shoah anyone back then..

Now this is the Serbia that lives.

Make Serbia Great Again?

Here's the transcript: SOT, Vojislav Seselj, Serbian Radical Party leader (Serbian):

Well, thanks to Biden and his superiors, he can destroy the country and steal everything with his gang of functionally retarded partners in crime, otherwise they would all hang from the lamp posts and wouldn't survive a week in power because of how idiotic and incompetent they are, nor would their crimes against Serbian people be unpunished.

So yes, he is a friend of his. And a good one at that.

But in general, we are under the "Trilateral" umbrella so most of western cuck-politics also applies to us. From rigged elections, lugenpresse convicting people that black is white, shitty debt based economy, everything that goes in the package. We even got a lesbian minister and they are forcing some gay shit in children's books so there is that as well.

I don't think you foreigners can fully understand that ever since our last democratically elected president was kidnapped by unknown people in the middle of the night and given over to a foreign country to be tried for his "crimes", that this country has been a colony under a foreign rule.
The people and the state here are two complete polar opposites and despise each other, and to equate us to a pussyfaced faggot turncoat is an insult and a mistake.


I hate them to the point that I can enjoy watching them hang publicly by the masked soldier. They cannot reproduce so they brainwash the children to increase the degenerate population.

God bless NATO.

t. Bulgarian.

t. Bulgar proudly displaying his Tatar genetics.

They were shown the way.

What was the Klans position on National Socialism before and during WWII?

t. Russophile Communist cuck

t. NATO supporting, ZOG cock-sucking, EU welfare leaching shitskin cuck

t. lost-my-family-to-NATO-bombs muh greater smrdija PUTIN is the savior of the white race bosnians and croats don't exist it's okay when we kill civilians but not when we get bombed chetnicuck

Nice to see you Bulgarians care more about passive-aggressive shitposting on a Bangladeshi Kite Testing Forum, rather than removing 10% of your kebab population. You must really feel attached to your Turkic brethren.

Thank you for correcting the record Bill. Or is that Hillary?

Yeah, we should follow your example since it worked out so well for you. The simplest way to remove muslims is to give them a chunk of your country, right?

Also are you saying you didn't kill any civilians in Bosnia, Croatia, and Albania? 'Cause you did, and it's justified that you got bombed for it.

Well it didn't work out so well because of NATO intervention.

No, I never said that. It's just a matter of consistency. When KLA, Kebabs and Croats killed Serb civilians no one cared from the international community. When Serbs did it, we became the "Nazis of the 90s", and it was annudah shoah in Europe. You have to be a dumb cunt to think it was over muh human rights.


At the end of the day you choose to take the side of the kikes pawns. You'd think that us both our people who share Slavic culture, Cyrillic usage and Orthodox Christianity (not a Christcuck myself, but you get the point) would put this shit behind us, because it's obvious D&C bullshit.

Serbs are utter cucks 2bh, the only worthwhile country in the balkans is Bulgaria

I chose the side that's against Serbs.

Doesn't mean jack shit since 1885. Go suck on Putin's midget chode and hopefully you'll get nuked by JerUSAlem soon.

Exactly proving my point Turk loving Tatar scum.

Gas yourself fam. Should've sucked that Austrian cock a bit harder.

That's your job Tatar cuck


Yeah, destroyed your shit state 4 times, I think.
I guess you consider having your state and royal family ended more than once a victory?
Yeah, that's why you weren't under Turk occupation. Oh wait. Well, at least you didn't completely surrender after the first battle. OH WAIT.
And you fought shoulder to shoulder with the Turks in the Second Balkan War. Maximum kek.
You started it fam, don't see why you're complaining.
Serbia won so hard that your royal family got kicked out and a Croat ruled your country. A glorious victory by Serb standards.

You have, and always will remain traitorous double-faced subhumans. I sincerely hope more of you get horrifically murdered by whatever group decides to target you next.

Pathetic desu, Bulgaria is quiet literally the only white country in the Balkans, good on them for teaming up on the good side both world wars. Them and Croatia.

Everything else needs to be gassed.


Don't worry, friend. You'll see it soon.
t. remove kebab, remove cuck

You're not fooling anyone roach

Christ, you're retarded. Besides, shouldn't you like Turkey now, since Putin the midget is sucking Erdogan's cock?

TIDF plz go

Get bombed fam

You're not fooling anyone you know.

Ай, идете да мрете от НАТО/Ислямистски бомби. И децата ви да умрат, еничари долни. Чао.

Are you even trying?

Nice try, but read the website next time retard


Are you even trying?

ITT: Butthurt Serbs getting BTFO

2nd from right is very pretty

ITT: D&C shill (((you)))

They are representing YOUR country faggot



You already tried to annex all these places and lost them

Serbian delusions of grandeur are fucking hilarious

Fuck off Americans, not everything is about you.

ITT: shill so buttmad he doesn't know what he's writing.
No shekels for this post!


Maybe you guys could ask the hungarians to invade you.


I wonder who's to blame

Where's the D&C fam?

"Vučiću pederu!" exists for a reason, y'know.

It's literally burglar retards being bum angry.

Jebem vam mater svima, tatari.

serboniggers bowing down to their new massa

We'll take the western parts of B&H, and you get eastern. Stay off our clay, and everything will be peachy.

are you fucking retarded. Our armies were busy fighting serbs and the greeks in the south-west (and were winning) when the faggot romanians decided to back stab us. All of the north was left unprotected. The ottomans then decided it was a good time to join and get what they can.

Democrat Internet Defence Force
Are you Amerifats this retarded?

Admit it, gypsy: You got btfo

hurr durr durr


Isn't he called fish lip by Serbians?

Here's an entire stadium calling him a faggot and a traitor.

Serbs helped the t*rks in their conquest.

Why don't Serbs make peace with Croats if they both want to remove kebab?

That is a good idea.

kebab > croats

ITT: Bulgar Tatar's are passive-aggressive shitposters who are still butthurt about FYROM

Lmao are you kidding? What a joke


Good on you for showing your true colors, Serv

Actually it's pussymouth

As much as i like reverting Catholic Serbs to Pravoslavlje, this is D&C.

Btw, i have learned recently that the head of our Football Association (a notorious criminal and a thief who's been in that position forever) is married to a kikess, a pure coincidence i'm sure.